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Oj shanyah hvala .





Kolk me pa ta slika spominja ne eno k sem jo jaz posnela..



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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Kolk me pa ta slika spominja ne eno k sem jo jaz posnela..


Lepo izgleda .

Circumstance has no value. It is how one relates to a situation that has value. All true meaning resides in the personal relationship to a phenomenon....what it means to "

Christopher McCandless

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Guest Hekate





Mystica, zdej pa res že mal pretiravaš... Kvas al kaj je že?

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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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Morana in Vesna



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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zanimiva tehnika :vio:

všeč mi je kako je pustil belino vzadaj, kot nekakšno reko ki je spodaj pod drevesi


Ne meči svinjam biserov!

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zanimiva tehnika

všeč mi je kako je pustil belino vzadaj, kot nekakšno reko ki je spodaj pod drevesi




sem istih misli ... in ravno ta svetla belina v podlagi da neko posebno "živost" tej sliki...

rdeča prav kriči iz slike, ko jo tistia modrina v vogalih ravno prav pomirja...


... zdaj pa že mal filozofiram......



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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........jesenski deževen dan ........



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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fajn, sence. :palec:

malo je edino zabluzil z nebom vzadaj na vrhu; čeprav je zanimiv :vio: doda nekaj fajnega sliki (če si jo predstavljaš brez tiste mavrice vzadaj).


........jesenski deževen dan ........


Itaq. Sej pa je to jasno ane. Sej mogoče so tut widnowsi tko narejeni, da pošiljajo določene podatke o uporabniku/ih.


Ne meči svinjam biserov!

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A turtle in the Galapagos Island


Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed around the equator in the Pacific Ocean, 972 km (525 nmi) west of continental Ecuador, of which they are a part. The Galápagos Islands and its surrounding waters form an Ecuadorian province, a national park, and a biological marine reserve. The principal language on the islands is Spanish. The islands have a population of slightly over 25,000. The islands are geologically young and famed for their vast number of endemic species, which were studied by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. His observations and collections contributed to the inception of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.


Ne meči svinjam biserov!

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Lavender Fields in Provence, France



si predstavljaš dišave v zraku ... po moje nepopisno



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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fajn, sence.

malo je edino zabluzil z nebom vzadaj na vrhu; čeprav je zanimiv doda nekaj fajnega sliki (če si jo predstavljaš brez tiste mavrice vzadaj).



ja tisto ozadje je mal preveč mavrično , drugače pa mi je zanimivo kako je celotna slika sestavljena iz "manjših packic" različnih barv.... zanimiv deževen - moker odsev ...


Je pa večina slik tega slikarja takih, deževnih, z veliko sencami in močnih barv...


MORNING FOG (Leonid Afremov)



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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jaaa :vio: ni za tiste z nizkim pritiskom x:Dx


si predstavljaš dišave v zraku ... po moje nepopisno


ta je fajna :palec: zanimiva tehnika in dobra razmerja

mogoče so tla, asfalt neki drugega kot zgoraj, kt da bi bile 2 sliki nekak


ja tisto ozadje je mal preveč mavrično , drugače pa mi je zanimivo kako je celotna slika sestavljena iz "manjših packic" različnih barv.... zanimiv deževen - moker odsev ...


Je pa večina slik tega slikarja takih, deževnih, z veliko sencami in močnih barv...


MORNING FOG (Leonid Afremov)
Ne meči svinjam biserov!

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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language -even the phrase "each other"- doesn't make any sense.

(mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century )

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