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Irak zhe, Aug 22nd. To smo vedali. Vemo tudi da kometa nekaj dela narobe z eurjem. Sicer je odkrita 2003, nismo je poznali 2001.


Kar se tiche blackout, smo zhe imeli "Amerika napadena",

sicer amater zhe vidi americhanske direkcije.


ASTROLOGY RELOADED © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Simply the East! True Eastern Ascendant


= Nu Iraq = Reload here:


Baghdad was attacked this year ( ) at

the time when Ara was the south constellation. Ara means altar.

The North constelation was Auriga (wagons, tanks) on the border

with Camelopardis. The eastern constellation was Pisces and the

western Leo. Pluto was due South at 06:19 local time, which has

Sep 29th 2003 as the progressed date of the real war. August

is critical; we already signalled Aug 22nd as one of the most

explosive days. The critical dates in August are also Aug 5th

where the nation is stirred and 29th where a turn of luck

happens. Sep 1st bears the seed of surptises along with Sep

3rd, 12th, 25th and possibly very important 27th. Let us hope

for the best, but such dangerous drilling at the navel of the

planet already does not make for much hope, no matter astrology.


= Clear Skies! = news://

Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven|||

© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Rising Constellation: Aquila





Sat Aug 09 18:48:06 GMT 2003

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Iraq (in leto 2003)

Skozi očala Devetzvezdnega KI-ja!


Mesec avgust je sicer nevaren za situacijo v Iraku, vendar je to predvsem "rožljanje z orožjem". Hujše zadeve se utegnejo zgoditi po 6. septembru in veliko možnosti je, da bo slaba situacija vse do konca januarja 2003. Na žalost obstaja veliko nevarnosti tudi za okolske dežele in države, saj je v nevarnosti cel bližnji vzhod. Na žalost obstaja velika nevarnost delovanja s kemičnim, biološkim in celo atomskim orožjem ali nesrečo s katerokoli od teh snovi.


Napadalcu iz zahoda se bo situacija spreobrnila v mesecu oktobru, ko bo: ali zares prevzel oblast, ali pa začel izgubljati v takšni meri, da bo to tistim, ki zadevo spremljajo jasno na prvi pogled.


Po 5. februarju naslednjega leta bodo na dan prišli vsi razlogi zakaj je nastala vojna na tem področju. Zavojevalec lahko doseže velike uspehe, dobil bo nove zaveznike in pa hkrati izgubil veliko tistih, ki so mu zavezniki danes. V letu 2005 bo imel zavojevalec Iraka zelo hude težave na vseh področjih - tako v tujini kot doma.



Osebno napoved,

napoved za leto 2003

Pogled na svet za leto 2003

Pogled na Slovenijo za leto 2003

si lahko ogledate na spodaj omenjeni spletni strani!

Si želiš več od življenja?
Privošči si življenjski coaching!

Vojko J Kalan


t: @vojko_9ki

t: @vojko629

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= Baghdad Aug 19th =


Astrology Reloaded: /iraq.august


As promised `an explosive August in Baghdad' happens. The apex

of explosiveness was set for Aug 22nd half a year ago. Therefore

the explosion does not surprise. Aquila is ascending with 2000 PH5

while comet NEAT is towards the (Monoceros) descendant (in Lepus).


The Moon near Spica Virginis nicely balances the Saturn Pluto

oppositin in the Baghdad Bombing map, while current Full Moon

triggers Venus by conjunction. Aug 22nd has been determined

using Saturn and Mars, as well as other directions and transits. /war


The M.C. is Thanatos (a darkplanet). This does not surprise. The

darkplanet has already killed JFK and Hendrix and is thus often

the victim of attentates and death. Thanatos means death and in

it's lighter (tantric) aspect I dared nick it Thanateros.


The map is extermely interesting to `uranian' astrologers, since

Kronos is at the descendant with Ceres and Admetos joins a strong

Moon cluster (Schwartzmond, Node, Admetos, Phoebus (as darkplanet).


The northern constellation is Cassiopeia and the southern is Centaurus.

2000 PH5 is one of our three most popular companion, roughly Earth

trojans Cruithne and 2002 AA29 are the other two (just past conjunction).


NU ASTROLOGY is the only true horoscope of your ASTRAL BODY.

= Clear Skies! = news://

Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven|||

© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.



Wed Aug 20 15:43:47 GMT 2003

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