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Aspekti z ascendentom


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Zanima me, kako se razlaga horoskop, ki ima aspekte z ascendentom z vesmi planeti razen lune, plutona in neptuna? S tem, da je sonce v raku (vladar luna), ascendent škorpijon (vladar pluton), in neptun v prvi hisi. Ali bi to pomenilo, da ima ta oseba (vsaj delno) značilnosti vseh znakov zodiaka?


Za vaše odgovore se vam že v naprej zahvaljujem in jih nestrpno pričakujem! :)


pa lep dan še naprej!!



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Najbolj aktivni v tej temi

No da imjo planeti značilnost mi je novo planet ima določeno funkcijo. Tako si bom npr ogledali luno, če bom hoteli kaj zvedeti o emocijah. Marsa pa če bomo hoteli vedeti kaj o energiji.

Vsako znamenje pove kako planeti delujejo. Vsak planet, ki bo naprimer stal v Ovnu, bo posebno aktiven. Če pa stoji planet v znamenju ribah, bo deloval bolj na podlagi imaginacije oz. predstav.

Vsaka hiša bo pokazala kje v vašem življenju najbolj deluje planet. Povezano z ascendetom pomeni da vpliva na tvoj način kako se poprimeš ali začneš stvari in na tvoj zunanji značaj.

Ker nisi napisal kakšne aspekte imaš, ti zanekrat več kot to nemorem povedati



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Najprej vedati kaj je spjoh ascendent.




Hydra Constellation Currently Rising in Venice. © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


= Nu 24h = Astrology Reloaded:


Sep 12th 2003 Venice, Italy (E) CET DST = UT + 2


Constellations ascending at due east. Some of the ascending

constellations don't figure in this scan, see table below.

The Moon is in Cetus, Pluto in Ophiucus, i.e. `extrazodiacal'.





























= Clear Skies! = news://

Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven|||

© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.



ASTROLOGY RELOADED © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Simply the East! True Eastern Ascendant


= True Rising Constellations = Reload here:


What is your true eastern constellation? Here are your possible true

ascendants with short commentaries and delineations by





Orion is all over our site, since it marks the Northern Stargate and

is tied to all major stellar achievments of the old civilisations.

This constellation is particullary well studied and it's every star

is a special portent. /dalai.lama /stargate

It is important to note that the `Chi stars' of Orion are especially

indicative (the Moon was there at WTC Sep 11th 2001), marking periods

of danger (Saturn in Orion 1914 1945 1973 2003), while milder stars

(Dalai Lama) might be favorable. It is not the same which portion of

Orion rises in particular periods of history, CINGVLA ORIONIS or Xi2.




The Unicorn is a portentous constellation for the british. /prince.charles /monoceros /prince.william

If you happen to have this constellation (the equivalent in the old

system is roughly around the 15th tropical degree of `tropical Leo')

you will always tend to have initiative, since you were born with an

undomable pioneering nature, very YANG in terms of taoist philosophy.

Suggested book by Roger Zelazny `The Sign of the Unicorn' (newsgroup

news:alt.books.roger-zelazny) from the excellent (O5!) Amber series.




Funny as it seems, I have been experimenting with Davison relationship

charts and the new system pointed to Canis Major as Northern constellation

where the couple in question had a strange english bulldog. Canis Minor

means little dog. I hope bulldog lovers will pardon this one. This is a

somewhat rare position, bearing some indecision in the emotional life.




Hydra was Tiamat in old Shumerian tradition, bearing it's sattelites &

monsters on it's back. Corvus and Crater are two of those allies `riding'

Hydra to this day. Venus and 2002 AW197 (giant transneptunian) will meet

in Hydra, as this constellation is generally well studied on account of

it's lenght and ascension time. When notorious Aleister Crowly sat to

channel the Book of Law, it was Hydra's Head rising at Cairo's eastern

horizon. Get ready your kundalini manual, because this constellation

will keep busy the astrotantric community in the years to come!




Keanu Reeves with Mercury in Sextans is one of the `slanted' examples

of this fine position. The Moon, Mercury and Venus visit this constellation

rather often in their retrogradation.


I'm skipping a little part of LEO, insignificant for the purposes of

this article. CRATER can barely figure as an ascendant, but I suggest

one takes mystical favors into account, because we're talking about a

sort of Holy Grail here. The beautiful centauress-nymph Chariklo is in

this constellation at this time, always bestowing unearthly beauty to

the lucky owner of this presently very rare ascendant. In a couple of

years Venus will rise with Chariklo in Hydra; dangerous beauty, indeed!




Virgo is a very large, positive and all-present constellation, containing

the special lucky star Spica Virginis (tropical astrologers think this

star is around the 23rd degree of `their Libra'). Virgo seems to be present

in every aeon and must be very studied and known to man since his first

inspections of the eastern horizon. Virgo is perhaps the most familiar

constellation, arranging for a homely atmosphere and cosy starry nights.




The part of Libra that can appear as due eastern ascendant contains a

critical star, but it is rather unlikely or rare to have this ascendant.




This is the legendary devil's part of the sky. See our extrazodiacal

section for delineations such as `Pluto in Serpens Caput' and it's

main star Unuk-al-Hay / The Head

(or Heart) of the Snake rising meant destroying the geomantic question

(or even the tool) and postponing the divinatory process. This talented

people are dangeros for their surroundings.




This is a wide constellation and it is most likely that you or your

dear ones have many planets in Ophiucus. The delieneations for the

planets, as well as examples of positions are available online from




Pluto will enter this constellation after it's sojourn in Ophiucus.

This cluster of stars is less dangerous than Serpens Caput.




Americans will love this constellation since it is akin to their

spread eagle and it's most intriguing symbolism. An all-american

ascendant, we could say!




This rare and gentle ascendant bestows a friendly nature as this

rare people follow their friends in the pursuit of pleasure.


AQUARIUS and PISCES are well known to siderealists but our own

delineations may vary slightly due to the difference between the

new system we're proposing and the 12 sign system that was in use.




The Leviathan is a serious water monster that rules evolution and

subconsciousness. Deep analysis requires this ascendant, possibly

with the Moon in Cetus. You can have many planets in Cetus, too!


I'll skip here the small part of TAURUS that comes after CETUS.




This constellation marks the area from which the new system comes,

since this river (Po) is just south of Venice. Phaethon (also an

interesting type of asteroid) fell into this river. The Comet moves

from Lepus to Eridanus towards 2012.

Eridanus is a large constellation making for extendend `hospitality'

afforded to asteroids and comets. There's `water flowing underground'.


Besides this constellations, still wider worlds open in the future

and the past when e.g. Crater or Aries would normaly rise in the East.

The new system uses the E W + N S & SW NE horizons, thus expanding into

a whole new world as concerns natal, relationship and horary astrology.


Klaudio Zic


= Clear Skies! = news://

Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven|||

© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. delienations for your extrazodiacals


Western Constellation: Sextans Sat Aug 09 21:08:56 GMT 2003



Tue Aug 19 07:05:48 GMT 2003

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  • 3 weeks later...
Kot pravi bobnar... xrolleyesx xrolleyesx , v;asih sem mislil da sploh vem kaj je to ascendent :8): , zdej pa zgleda da je moje znanje pomanjlkljivo xrolleyesx ..... pa mi povejte folk kaj si mislite o tem medosebnem aspektu, ASC na MC, MC na DSC... v nulo... .(stopinja razlike) ajd držte se in uživejte... pa kaj odpište če veste, prosim, se mi zdi trenutno blazno pomembno da to vem :) xsrcx
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Aja, to je pa že druga. Prva oseba je drugi učitelj v osebnostni rasti na poti skozi življenje, je mentor uspeha druge osebe, tudi lahko menager - zelo uspešen, npr. skrbi za njegove stike z javnostjo in ga uči občevati v odnosu z drugimi. Je tudi superca, če je prva oseba starš, druga pa otrok, ali pa prva žena, kot senca in izvor uspeha moža. Vsekakor je prva drugi pasivni vzgojitelj, medtem ko druga aktivni učenec. Si tudi sam interpretiral tako? LP


»Vprašanje božanskega znanja je tako globoko, da ga poznajo samo tisti, ki ga imajo.«
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Ne nisem interpretiral, ker sem prva oseba jaz, druga oseba pa eno prijetno dekle :), hehe, in je nekaj takega, ja, vsekakor povsem realna interpretacija:)..
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Joj, pravzaprav če pomislim, pri astrologiji sploh nisem resen več, saj ene par stvari že znam, razumem, če mi kdo kaj razloži..... vse ostalo je pa šlo, "I'm Loosing my touch", bi zapeu Keith Richards.... škoda včasih mi je kar šlo, ampak dandanes, pa so taki aspekti preveč zame...
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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El Nino

Ja, valjda je obojestransko, saj ima tudi ona Mc na tvojem ASC, ne pa le ti svoj ASC na njenem MC. Pa saj ti veš, da se malo šalim na tak način. Glede astrologije pa ti dam kar prav, se tudi meni to dogaja. Ko nehaš prakticirati, se začne kar porazgubljati, kakor da ispareva počasi, ane?



Ko ASC kvadratira MC (kar je pogosto za ljudi v tem današnjem času), pomeni, da je EGO izzvan. Ne počuti se več tako sigurno v svoji vlogi vladarja osebnosti in ima večkrat občutek, da mu vajeti drsijo iz rok, ali celo, da mu jih hoče kdo vzeti. Če je sedma hiša močna ali neugodno aspektirana (ali pa enajsta in tretja) meni, da so to drugi, ki ga hočejo kar naprej nekaj komandirati in ga ne upoštevajo, kot bi ga naj. Če pa je sonce dobro aspektirano in zastopano, pa je inkarnacija prebujanja , vsopanja v življenje duše, ter posledično nove razširitve zavesti (nov krog). No, tako nekako bi poskušala povedati na hitro. Lepo bodita.


»Vprašanje božanskega znanja je tako globoko, da ga poznajo samo tisti, ki ga imajo.«
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Prazne hiše ne pomeni da se tam nič dogaja, to mnenje imajo veliko ljudji.

Pomeni le da je bolj malo aktivnosti tam, la pa da nisi nevem koliko osredotočeno na področju

partnerstva (7) in prijateljev(11), tu nimaš nič proti če si bolj sama zato pa imaš rada bratrance, sestrične, raznorazne tetke in strice, bratje in sestre kaj ne:)

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Prazne hiše ne pomeni da se tam nič dogaja.........Pomeni le da je bolj malo aktivnosti tam


hEHEHE Z drugimi besedami bolj mal se tam dogaja.... mal al skoraj nič torej če človek pretirano reče, nič.... hehe

:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Aspekte z ASC jemljem kot najpomembnejse - seveda se posebej konjunkcije, nadalje pa opozicije, trigone in kvadrate. Se posebej mocni so, ce so cimbolj natancni oz. z majhnim orbisom.


Ja, res je, Jupi - 'prazna' hisa ne pomeni, da se tam pa nic ne dogaja...(*ceprav je res, da praviloma ta polja pac dejansko niso tako aktivna) - tako ali pa tako pa upostevamo navadno predvem 10 polozajev - his pa je 12, tako je logicno in ne more biti drugace, da je kaksna hisa tudi prazna.


Moja je prva, recimo (razen 'Duha' in parih drugih tock) - kar se ne pomeni, da sem neopazna... x;)x

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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  • 9 months later...

Ker smo govorili o ascendentu, osvezujem se tole temo... kjer imamo postavljeno bolj specificno...

Kaksni so torej pomembni aspekti z ASC v vasi karti in kako to dozivljate, kako to razlagate (pri sebi in prav tako tudi pri drugih, katerih charte obravnavate)? Kaksne aspekte pa tvori vladar ASC oz. prve hise?


Kje se to odraza v vasem zivljenju, na kaksen nacin se manifestira?

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Z ASC imam kar precej mocnih aspektov; trigone z Marsom, Luno, Soncem in Merkurjem (slednji eksakten.), konjunkcija z Neptunom, kvadrat s Saturnom, inkonjunkcija z Jupitrom, quintil s plutonom, ...

V konjunkciji z asc pa sta sicer se tocka fortune v 12. in tocka duha v 1., ki sta tudi med sabo v konjunkciji (vsaka sta torej na svoji strani asc).

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Z ASC imam kar precej mocnih aspektov; trigone z Marsom, Luno, Soncem in Merkurjem (slednji eksakten.), konjunkcija z Neptunom, kvadrat s Saturnom, inkonjunkcija z Jupitrom, quintil s plutonom, ...

V konjunkciji z asc pa sta sicer se tocka fortune v 12. in tocka duha v 1., ki sta tudi med sabo v konjunkciji (vsaka sta torej na svoji strani asc).

Marsa, zato pa imaš voljo, moč in pogum, da vodiš tale forum.


ASC sekstil Merkur: ljudje pridejo sami do tebe, brez da jih moraš poklicat, Mars ti vliva moč. voljo in pogum. Tudi če si na tleh, se nekako izvlečeš (fizična moč...).


Prijetne sanje!


beli Vran

Ne glej v tla, v žalost, v obup. Poglej v jutro, poglej v dan, tam je pot. Zastavi znova pogumno svoj korak.
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Oj, Vran, s tabo je prijetno komunicirati, ker imas lahkotno in fajn energijo. ;) :palec:

Merkur trigon pa imam sicer z asc - in ne sextila (saj nocem bit tecna, samo sem kar natancna, ce se rece, naj se rece tocno :8): x:Ix x;)x)..

Drugace pa je res, glede na stelij v ribama imam precejsnjo voljo in tudi dosti fizicne moci, hvalabogu.

Ko pa sem na tleh, pa se lahko odrinem! x^x :palec:

najboljsi moment ribe/sco. :palec: :palec: x8Dx

Torej - najbolje se je odriniti od tal, torej do konca moras, da se lahko sploh odrines, ce ne samo nekaj plavckas, se matras... x:o)x xDDx

Sanje? Heh, tega ziher nisi nakljucno omenil... x;)x

Tudi tebi. xcivx :palec:

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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xDDx --- samo da nisi krokar ali crni ali kavka...

... pa celo se to prenesem... x:)x :vio: :palec:

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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