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Mobilni telefoni


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No, sej, v bistvu te razumem.

Sam kolikor vidim na displeju na tvojih niti malo podoben iphoneu (k tam na bolhi piše, da je kopija).... okej, zunanja oblika je enaka, s tem da ma ta več gumbov, iphone ma samo zraven iphonea ne dobiš palčke...Ampak okej, o njem je debata že v drugi temi...


Upam, da ti bo všeč in da se ti res ne bo pokvaril!

Pa poročaj, kakšen je!


Ja toj ena kitajska scena x:Dx .Drgač sm hotu kupt Nokio 6111, ker mi je všeč, pa sm se premuslu.Upam sam da mi nav crknu :8): .Mo vidl .Zarad tega vložka € nam umru.

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Najbolj aktivni v tej temi

Aja, to si ti, Indy..

Sploh nisem vedla... x:Ix



Pr nas smo mel skos Nokie....vsi ...fotr si je kupu e65 in mi je :xx!: Pa tud njemu ni... Je kupu na hitr, ker mu je prejšni ckrnil..

Sicer je mela pa Nokia kar dost izgube...

No, jaz ne bi šla nazaj x:o)x

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
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Aja, to si ti, Indy..

Sploh nisem vedla... x:Ix

Pr nas smo mel skos Nokie....vsi ...fotr si je kupu e65 in mi je :xx!: Pa tud njemu ni... Je kupu na hitr, ker mu je prejšni ckrnil..

Sicer je mela pa Nokia kar dost izgube...

No, jaz ne bi šla nazaj x:o)x


Kva pa vem.Jest Nokie furam čist iz praktičnega razloga-miljonkrat mi pade na tla pa dela pa še baterija mi zele po 1 letu drži en teden.To sm zele na dopustu vidu k sm ga nafilov v petek pa je držala do sobote nalednjega tedna bla sta pa 2 pog. po 5 min pa ene 5 msm.

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  • 2 months later...

dobu po mailu: xrolleyesx


Are Cell Phones More Dangerous Than Smoking?


Award-winning cancer expert Dr. Vini Khurana has concluded that mobile

phones may kill far more people than smoking or asbestos. The latest study,

which is being called the most devastating indictment yet for the safety

of mobile phones, draws on growing evidence that using handsets for 10 years

or more can double your risk of brain cancer.


Professor Khurana reviewed more than 100 studies on the effects of mobile

phones, and concluded that "there is a significant and increasing body of

evidence for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumors."


"We are currently experiencing a reactively unchecked and dangerous

situation," he added.


Earlier this year, the French government warned against the use of mobile

phones, particularly for children. Germany also advises people to minimize

handset use.


Khurana urges people to avoid using mobile phones whenever possible, and

believes that governments and the mobile phone industry must take immediate

steps to reduce exposure to this radiation.


If nothing is done, Khurana believes the rate of malignant brain tumors and

the associated death rate will rise around the world within a decade, and by

then it may be too late to intervene medically.


AlterNet March 30, 2008

Mobile Phones and Brain Tumors A Public Health Concern (PDF)


Dare to Check Your Skin Lotion Ingredient Label?

Your skin is your largest organ -- and the most visible! Heres what you

should know about supporting radiantly healthy and beautiful skin all year

long no matter what your skin type.

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Dr. Mercola's Comments:

You may think this headline sounds like a bit of a stretch, or perhaps even

a major stretch. Well, I urge you to think again, as this headline, and the

research behind it, is spot on.


Professor Khurana based the notion that cell phones are more dangerous than

smoking on the following logic: 3 billion people use cell phones worldwide,

which is three times more than the amount of people who smoke.


Of course, smoking doesnt immediately show any deadly signs either. But

wait a decade or so, and the evidence is there right before your eyes.

According to Khurana, the "incubation time" or "latency" (the time from the

start of regular mobile phone usage to the diagnosis of a malignant solid

brain tumor) is around 10-20 years. In the years 2008-2012, he says, we

will have reached the appropriate length of follow-up time to begin to

definitively observe the impact of this global technology on brain tumor

incidence rates.


There is VERY solid evidence that the number of brain tumors will increase

to 500,000 per YEAR in 2010 -- and this will double to 1 million every year

by 2015 if the causes are not addressed.


Folks, this is the real deal and represents an impending health care crisis.


Cell Phones Appear to be a MAJOR Health Risk


I am absolutely convinced that the explosion of cell phone usage around the

world is a major contributor to a host of diseases ranging from autism to

cancer to insomnia.


I am in the final editing phases of my next book, which is dedicated to this

very topic and will be released in the spring or summer of 2009, or possibly



You are fortunate, though, as you are receiving this information today,

while there is still time to circumvent some of the damage. Please do not

wait another 10 years for the definitive link to be found and publicized

in the mainstream circles before you take action to protect yourself, and

your children, from the electromagnetic radiation and information-carrying

radio waves emitted by cell phones and many other wireless devices.


If youre looking for some type of indication that cell phones are causing

you harm, consider that all of the following ailments have been

scientifically linked to information-carrying radio waves:



Sleep disruptions

Altered memory function, poor concentration and spatial awareness

Alzheimers, senility and dementia




Meanwhile, here is a sample of what Professor Khurana found after reviewing

over 100 studies:

Electromagnetic radiation such as that emitted by mobile and cordless phones

can heat the side of your head or pulse it non-thermally, and potentially

thermoelectrically interact with the organic electrical currents of your


Bluetooth devices and unshielded headsets can convert your head into an

effective, potentially self-harming antenna.

Exposure is long-term and its effects on your body, particularly its

electrical organ, your brain, are compounded by numerous other simultaneous

long-term exposures including continuous waves from radio and TV transmitter

towers, cordless phone base stations, power lines, and wireless/WiFi

computing devices.

Do You STILL Believe That Cell Phones are Safe?


Well, if youre finding it hard to believe that a widely used technology

such as cell phones and wireless technologies could be causing you harm, it

may help to compare it to other technologies that were once widely


The shoe-fitting fluoroscope, an X-ray machine used to look at the bones of

your foot in order to judge your shoe size.

Radioactive drinking water, toothpaste, hair tonic and candy.

Soothing syrup for children that contained morphine, chloroform, codeine,

heroin, opium and cannabis.

Mercury, the highly toxic metal, used to treat everything from cuts to


Heroin, which was originally developed and sold as a cough suppressant.

Even cigarette smoking was once described as healthy!


Cell Phones are Just One Part of the Problem


Information-carrying radio waves are all around us -- especially from cell

phones, but also from WiFi, WiMax, BlueTooth, and other wireless devices.

And you are likely receiving exposure to them 24/7.


Its important to understand that the danger from most land-based portable

phones, cell phones and WiFi routers is NOT from the microwave carrier wave,

for which typical SAR ratings are given on phones.


This SAR rating indicates the thermal effect emitted by your phone, which is

totally insignificant, unless you have massive exposures like you might

expect in a microwave oven. This is why the discussion about lowering the

allowable SAR is pointless, as it will NOT make cell phones safer.


Instead, nearly all your biological damage comes from the modulated signals

that are carried ON the carrier microwave.


These modulated information-carrying radio waves resonate (vibrate) in the

same frequencies as many of your cellular receptors; frequencies of a few to

a few hundred cycles per second. These are biological frequencies and,

unlike ionizing radiation (X-rays), which you can tolerate in small doses,

there is NO dose of these radio waves that are safe. They cause damage at

ANY dose, no matter how low.


This concept is called zero threshold, and that is precisely what you have

with cell phones, most portable phones, and WiFi routers.


These information-carrying radio waves can stimulate or confuse your

cellular receptors, causing a whole cascade of pathological consequences

that can culminate in fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, neurological decline,

and ultimately cancers.


The reason why children should NOT use cell phones is because they have

developing nervous systems and thinner skulls than adults, making them

especially vulnerable to this type of damage.


Can Cell Phones be Used Safely?


In the best-case scenario, you would turn off your cell phone, put it in the

glove compartment of your car or in a briefcase, and only use it in

emergencies. Obviously, many of you have come to rely on your cell phone for

much more than this, but remember it wasnt long ago that we all got along

fine without them -- and its not too late to go back to that point.


Remember, kids should NOT be using cell phones. As a parent, its up to you

to protect them from this avoidable risk.


Assuming you do choose to use a cell phone for more than just emergences,

here are the tips to increase your safety level (for cell phones and other

radio-wave exposures):

Limit the amount of time you spend on a cell phone or cordless phone.

Use a wired headset to limit your exposure to the cell phone -- ideally, an

air tube headset that conducts sound but prevents any radiation from

traveling up the wire to your brain. Also, make sure the wire is SHIELDED,

which prevents it from acting as an antenna that could attract more

information-carrying radio waves directly to your brain. Wireless BlueTooth

headsets should be avoided.

Limit your exposure to WiFi routers. Find out where they are located in your

work environment and stay away from them.

If you have any land-based (non-cellular) portable phones, do NOT use

anything other than the 900 MHz phones, as the Gigahertz phones stay on

continuously, blasting you with information-carrying radio waves 24/7.

Use the speakerphone instead of putting the phone to your ear; this is

probably one of the single most important steps you can take other than not

using your cell phone.

Limit calls inside buildings.

Use your cell phone only where the reception is good. When the reception is

poor, your phone has to work harder, and therefore emits a much stronger

radiation signal.


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V Gradcu prepovedali uporabo mobilnih telefonov na javnem prevozu

DUNAJ - Avstrijsko mesto Gradec je v sredo izdalo prepoved uporabe mobitelov na javnem prevozu. Tovrstne odločitve, ki je v Avstriji zelo sporna, niso doslej sprejeli še nikjer na svetu.

Na Dunaju prepovedana uporaba telefona na javnem prevozu. (Foto: Tomaže Skale)

Uredbo, ki zahteva, da se mobilne telefone na sredstvih javnega prevoza utiša, je izdal župan mesta Siegfried Nagel (ÖVP). Moteči naj bi namreč bili nenehno mrmranje ter potniki, ki na avtobusih ter tramvajih v tem južno avstrijskem mestu delijo svoje življenjske skrivnosti. Uredba prav tako prepoveduje glasno glasbo.

Kljub temu ne bo nikakršnih kazni za kršitelje, ki ob vstopu na avtobus ne bodo hoteli utišati svojih najljubših mobilnih melodij.

Prepoved so pozdravili pri avstrijski stranki Zelenih ter pri nekaterih ostalih mestnih upravah. Strokovnjaki pa so opozorili na možnost nasprotnega učinka, saj bi uredba lahko odvrnila mlade in poslovneže od uporabe javnega prevoza. Avstrijski socialni demokrati so medtem izrazili ostro kritiko uredbe ter jo označili kot nesodobno.

Namesto uporabe prepovedi bi bilo potnike bolje spominjati na oliko, je povedal strokovnjak za javni prevoz na Dunaju.

Številna druga avstrijska mesta razmišljajo o podobnih ukrepih. Glede na javnomnenjsko raziskavo, ki jo je izvedel časopis Kleine Zeitung, je 68 odstotkov prebivalcev Gradca pozdravilo idejo.





kaksno je vase mnenje - so nam lahko vzgled ali pa se vam zdi, da je ideja preostra?

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kakšna je razlika a se pogovarjaš s sosedom na busu al se pogovarjaš po telefonu :inocent:

meni se zdi malo trapasto.. pol naj še nalepijo napise: tišina, prosim, pa prepovejo pogovarjanje.. xnckrivx

mogoče jih najbolj moti zvonenje, to bi še štekala..


prej sem za vzgojo v stilu, da ljudem nekak dopoveš, da so pač kraji, kjer mobitela ni vljudno uporabljat, vsaj ne na z zvonenjem na glas.. bolnišnice, gostilne,.. ma lahk tud busi, no..


ne vem, jaz ga vedno na tiho dajem, še če je čist privat sestanek in da nas je mal več skupaj.. saj vidim, da je klical, se bom že pol oglasila..







Spet nazaj -

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good point! :palec:

sam kolk je izvedljivo... xrolleyesx


prej sem za vzgojo v stilu, da ljudem nekak dopoveš, da so pač kraji, kjer mobitela ni vljudno uporabljat, vsaj ne na z zvonenjem na glas.. bolnišnice, gostilne,.. ma lahk tud busi, no..

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  • 2 months later...

V vedenje, da mobitel lahko ekolosko odstranite.


Ekološko prijazna odstranitev mobilnikov

Mobitel kot družbeno odgovorno podjetje pozornost posveča tudi ekološki plati uporabe mobilnih telekomunikacij.

Kljub temu, da na trgu nastopamo kot mobilni operater in ne kot proizvajalec mobilnih aparatov, svojim uporabnikom
okolju prijazno odstranitev
starih mobilnikov in akumulatorjev. Uporabniki jih lahko
v katerem koli Mobitelovem svetovalno-prodajnem centru v Sloveniji, pri Mobitelu pa poskrbimo za njihovo zbiranje in okolju prijazno odstranitev, saj jih predamo podjetju, ki se ukvarja z ekološko odstranitvijo tovrstnih odpadkov.


Okolju prijazne Mobikartice

Tehnologija izdelave papirnatih kartic za predplačniške sisteme je v zadnjih letih zelo napredovala in po kriteriju varnosti ter kvalitete dosegla nivo plastičnih kartic.

V družbi Mobitel smo se odločili, da bomo sledili ekološkim smernicam ter prešli na okolju prijazne papirnate kartice, izdelane iz papirja, ki ga je mogoče v celoti reciklirati.

S prodajo papirnatih Mobikartic pričenjamo v drugi polovici leta 2007, vzporedno pa bodo do prodaje zalog naprodaj tudi plastične kartice. Papirnate kartice se po videzu ne razlikujejo od sedanjih, na karticah bodo upodobljeni že znani motivi ptic, ki jih bomo postopoma dopolnjevali.


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  • 5 months later...

Kam odvreči odslužen star mobilni telefon?


Verjetno veste, kam s papirjem? Pa tudi kam s plastiko, steklom in biološkimi odpadki? Kam pa vržete star mobilni telefon, ki ste ga ravno zamenjali z najnovejšim, najlepšim in funkcijsko prepolnim mobilnikom?


Razcvet mobilne telefonije je neverjeten. Tako hitro kakor se je razširila ta panoga, se jih je le malo, rezultat tega pa je, da je danes na svetu več mobilnih telefonov kot ljudi.


V vsakem aparatu je poleg plastike, kovine in keramike kup okolju nevarnih snovi, med drugim kadmij, berilij, litij, cink in arzen, in če te končajo na odlagališču za smeti, nas lahko kar pošteno skrbi za prihodnost. Te strupene snovi pomenijo veliko in dolgoletno nevarnost za okolje, saj je skrb zbujajoč že podatek, da strupi ene same odslužene baterije mobilnega telefona zastrupijo kar 600.000 litrov pitne vode.


Naštete snovi lahko resno poškodujejo živčni sistem, povzročijo težave pri razmnoževanju in razvoju, povzročajo raka in vplivajo na genetiko. Kadmij, na primer, velja za sedmo najbolj nevarno snov človeškemu organizmu. Je toksična in rakotvorna težka kovina.


Toksična sta tudi nikelj in živo srebro. In čeprav smo se od nikelj-kadmijskih baterij počasi že poslovili, tudi litij-ionske niso povsem nedolžne. Resda v njih ni težkih kovin, litijska visoka kemijska aktivnost pa lahko povzroči težave v okolju. V stiku z vodo se kovina lahko vname in povzroči podtalne požare, ki jih je težko pogasiti.


Naša skrb za okolje se pač ne sme končati pri ločevanju papirja, embalaže in stekla. V trgovinah z elektroniko boste namreč našli smetnjake za baterije, čedalje bolj aktualni pa so tudi takšni za zbiranje mobilnih telefonov. Reciklaža mobilnika resda stane, a s tem obvarujemo okolje pred nevarnimi snovmi, poleg tega se da ponovno uporabiti kar do 80 odstotkov sestavnih delov mobilnega aparata.


Kam potem z odsluženim mobilnikom, polnilnikom in baterijo? Sprejemati jih morajo vsi prodajalci, torej tudi vsi mobilni operaterji. Mobitel in Si.mobil zbirata odslužene mobilnike že več let, Si.mobil pa je pred kratkim začel novo akcijo z globljo filozofijo: ''Premisli, preden mobilnik vržeš v smeti. Premisli o okolju, v katerem živiš.'' Poleg smetnjakov za zbiranje takšnih telefonov so ponudili še okolju prijaznejše polnilnike, saj tudi varčevanje z električno energijo šteje.



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  • 9 months later...

Tole bo čist mal off-topic, ampak nisem hotela odpirat nove teme.


Namreč, kupujem brezžične bluetooth slušalke za telefoniranje v avtu, pa nimam pojma, katere kupit. x:Ix Please help.


Ne rabim za poslušanje glasbe, želim dober zvok, pa da so udobne za ušeska. Any ideas?

Gonna rise up

Burning back holes in dark memories

Gonna rise up

Turning mistakes into gold


Per aspera ad astra

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Upam, da ti bo kdo znal pametno svetovat. :palec:

Jaz bluetootha ne uporabljam.


Moj telefončić počasi umira. Ne odpira se več hitro (v posamezne mape), iPod včasih kar malce zabluzi (kot pokvarjena plošča), pa zvonenje se ne sliši več dobro. Ampak bom vztrajala do konca. x:)x Zaslon je še vedno super, čeprav nisem najbolj pedantna z njim...

Za 3GS zdaj ne moram dajati denarja, razen tega mi je všeč edino še HTC touch pro... ampak raj imam mojega umirajočega in trip to London kot pa nova jajca..

Sicer bodo šle pa cene gor.

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
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Thx, Michelle. :palec: Zgleda, da bom kupila po občutku. Se grem malce prebijat po mimovrste za najugodnejšo superduper varianto. :vio:


ampak raj imam mojega umirajočega in trip to London kot pa nova jajca..


Hehe, za London se tud vsakdanjemu kruhu odpovem. x:Dx

Gonna rise up

Burning back holes in dark memories

Gonna rise up

Turning mistakes into gold


Per aspera ad astra

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  • 5 months later...
Mobiteli ne povzročajo raka direktno. Mobiteli samo naredijo luknjo v auro, posledica tega pa je na fizičnem nivoju oslabelost šele potem kakšen rakec. Zato pa je priporočljivo pri daljših pogovorih uporabljat stacionarni telefon. Mobitel najbolj seva takrat ko zvoni. x:Dx

Life is like a it...

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Danes se mobitelu noben človeček pač ne more izognit. Fora je samo v tem da ga nimaš preveč časa v bližini glave. To velja zlasti med spanjem in pogovorom. Če imaš pa daljše pogovore si je pa bolje nabavit slušalke al kako se že reče tisti stvarci...Potem pa lepo pričaš, telefon ti je pa za pasom, v žepu.... x:Dx

Life is like a it...

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Tut to lahko slabi auro. x;)x

Nekaj o tem smo ze pisali tudi v tej temi >

Danes se mobitelu noben človeček pač ne more izognit. Fora je samo v tem da ga nimaš preveč časa v bližini glave. To velja zlasti med spanjem in pogovorom. Če imaš pa daljše pogovore si je pa bolje nabavit slušalke al kako se že reče tisti stvarci...Potem pa lepo pričaš, telefon ti je pa za pasom, v žepu.... x:Dx
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