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Human odnos do Živali - brezplačno gradivo


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Izumiranje številnih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst v zadnjih letih, uničevanje okolja in narave, to je čas v katerem živimo. :O: A ni še prepozno. Izboljšamo lahko svoj odnos do narave in vsega živega kar nas obdaja. x:px


:palec: Prosim, oglejte si te strani, kjer si lahko naročite brezplačno gradivo, kako poucevati xsrcx otroke in mladino o humanem odnosu do živali.



:palec: O humanem odnosu do živali govori knjižica Bratje živali je brezplačno on-line dosegljiva na: Bratje zivali


Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz :8): je svojo fenomenalno knjižico »Bratje živali« napisal med drugo svetovno vojno kot interniranec koncentracijskega taborišča Dachau x!x


Iz knjige:


Srečen sem, če me nihče ne preganja. Čemu bi preganjal živa bitja ali dovoljeval, da jih preganjajo drugi?


Srečen sem, če nisem ujet. Čemu bi zapiral druga bitja ali dovoljeval ljudem, da jih zapirajo?


Srečen sem, če me nihče ne trpinči. Čemu bi trpinčil živa bitja ali dovoljeval njihovo trpinčenje?


Srečen sem, če nisem ranjen in če me nihče ne poskuša ubiti. Čemu bi ubil živo bitje ali dovolil, da ga ranijo ali ubijejo drugi zaradi svojih koristi?


Lepo vas pozdravlja,



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:C: Ali ste vedeli, da v Islandiji lovije kite pod pretvezo raziskovanja v znanstvene namene x?x


:C: Ali ste vedeli da na Japonskem množično masakrirajo kite in delfine, tudi ogrožene vrste x?x


:C: Ali ste vedeli, da vse bolj razširjena ribiška industrija ogroža naše oceane x?x


:C: Ali ste vedeli, da vsako leto brutalno s koli pobijejo na stotisoče tjulnih mladičev zaradi njihovih belih kožuščkov, iz katerih izdelujejo krznene plašče?


Preberite si prosim te prispevke o OGROŽENIH VRSTAH :V: prispevkom so priložene povezave in če želite lahko pošljete tudi kakšno peticijo ali protestno pismo :O: :inocent: xrolleyesx


Lep pozdrav,



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Ful dobro, da si odprl tole temo, dobrodosel, Geronimo! x:)x :palec:

Ja, opozarjat je treba, povedat, govort...


Saj imamo ze kaksno temo o zivalih oz. o tej problematiki, samo ne prav taksne oz. tako postavljene.

Cimvec - kar imas takega 'materiala' - vse objavi sem.

Tudi ce vcasih ni odziva (v komentarjih), pa se to bere in je kul o tem govorit.

Ce se v svojem krogu sami s sabo pritozujemo nad tem, teme ne grejo ven iz teh krogov..

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Pokowc, živali nam veliko povedo. Samo prisluhniti je treba s srcem, ne z ušesi!

sej vem, Bigm.

sam se mi pa zdi, se se kr mau preveč nekak sočustvuje z njimi, hmm

sorry, ampak je cas da se gres zdravt!!

pa brez zamere!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Saj tule v bistvu po mojem ni potrebna kakšna huda filozofija. Jaz kaj dosti ne spremljam teh zadev, se pa držim v življenju načela, da je treba paziti na soljudi in na živali. x:)x
Ni porazenec kdor je porazen, porazenec je kdor se po porazu ne pobere.
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  • 2 years later...

From October to April, Japanese fishermen will kill more than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises as part of their annual hunt. Officials claim the slaughter is a form of “pest control” to offset the amount of fish the dolphins eat. But, the reality is, the butchered dolphins are sold off to supermarkets and grocery stores.


Japanese fishermen have admitted that they are worried the government will soon shut them down in light of international outrage over the hunt. Contact the Japanese Embassy today and tell Japan to stop the slaughter.


Sign petition:

Take Action: Stop the Japanese Dolphin Hunt

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  • 1 month later...

Downed Cow:



The truck carrying this cow was unloaded at Walton Stockyards in Kentucky on a September morning. After the other animals were removed from the truck, she was left behind, unable to move. The stockyard workers beat and kicked her in the face, ribs and back. They used the customary electric prods in her ear to try to get her out of the truck, but still she did not move. The workers then tied a rope around her neck, tied the other end to a post in the ground, and drove the truck away. The cow was dragged along the floor of the truck and fell to the ground, landing with both hind legs and her pelvis broken. She remained in this state until 7:30 that evening.


The cow lay in the hot sun crying out for the first three hours. Periodically, when she urinated or defecated, she used her front legs to drag herself along the gravel roadway to a clean spot. She also tried to crawl to a shaded area but could not move far enough. Altogether she managed to crawl a painful 13-14 yards. The stockyard employees would not allow her any drinking water; the only drinking water she received was given to her by Jessie Pierce, a local animal rights activist, who had been contacted by a woman who witnessed the incident. Jessie arrived at noon. After receiving no cooperation from stockyard workers, she called the Kenton County police. A police officer arrived but was instructed by his superiors to do nothing; he left at 1 p.m.


The stockyard operator informed Jessie at 1 p.m. that he had obtained permission from the insurance company to kill the cow but would not do so until Jessie left. Although doubtful that he would keep his word, Jessie left at 3 p.m. She returned at 4:30 p.m. and found the stockyard deserted. Three dogs were attacking the cow, who was still alive. She had suffered a number of bite wounds, and her drinking water had been removed. Jessie contacted the Kentucky State Police. Four officers arrived at about 5:30 p.m. State trooper Jan Wuchner wanted to shoot the cow but was told that a veterinarian should kill her. The two veterinarians at the facility would not euthanize the cow, claiming that, in order to preserve the value of the meat, she could not be destroyed. The butcher eventually arrived at 7:30 p.m. and did shoot the cow. Her body was purchased for $307.50. (Usually animals who are bruised or crippled or who are found dead are considered unfit for human consumption and are used for pet food.)


When the stockyard operator was questioned earlier in the day by a reporter from The Kentucky Post, he stated, "We didn't do a damned thing to it," and referred to the attention given the cow by humane workers and police as "bullcrap." He laughed throughout the questioning, saying he found nothing wrong with the way the incident was handled.


This is not an isolated case. It is so common that animals in this condition are known in the meat industry as "downers." After PETA brought much-needed attention to this issue, the Kenton County Police Department adopted a policy requiring that all downed animals be immediately euthanized, whether they are on the farm, in transit, or at the slaughterhouse. Sadly, other law-enforcement agencies don't have such policies and downed animals continue to suffer everywhere. It is up to the public to demand change, and it is up to consumers to refuse to purchase the products of this miserable industry.


Take a stand against cruelty to animals by going vegetarian today.

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