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Do we have only 13 zodiacal constellations, or up to 24?


= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =


© 2003 Klaudio Zic


It is widely ignored that the true zodiacal band does not

contain 13 constellations only (Ophiucus including), but

also a motley variety of constellations usually unknown to

the average astrologer. If Pluto was a planet, we would

have 28 zodiacal constellations. If we discard Pluto as a

mere transneptunian it is, we have a neat set of 24 (on the

double!) constellations. Expanding with Pluto, that for most

astrologers is nothing but a planet, we have the following 28

constellations the planets travel through at this time and age:


= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =


The 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac







Canis Minor



Coma Berenices







Leo Minor














= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =


We have stated the Sun dwells "only 5 days" in Scorpius, while

it can apparently extend it's Scorpius sojourn to a week! The

largest constellation occupying the zodiac band is Virgo, where

the Sun lodges for 46 days.


We have the Moon moving through Libra, Scorpius and Ophiucus

for this Valentine. Let there be noted that the Sun is in Ophiucus

for an average of 18 days, roughly from Nov 30th to Dec 17th every

year. Transneptunians like Quaoar, Pluto or 2002 MS4, as well as

giant plutino Ixion are likely to dwell there for extended periods.


The Sun spends an average of 23 days in Libra, 7 in Scorpius and

18 in Ophiucus. This may vary from year to year, of course. It is

therefore a challenge for the incipient astrologer to calculate

his natal Sun's position.


= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =


The progressions of the planets have been called "extrazodiacal",

while there's in fact nothing "extrazodiacal" in Orion or Ophiucus

and the rest, since the planets dwell quite normally there. We had

Saturn in Orion last year (and during the world wars), Usama had

the Moon near Xi Orionis and so did the WTC tragedy. Scutum or

Auriga may look arcane, but there is a score of positions that

are common place (e.g. Keanu Reeves' Mercury in Sextans), like

this year's Venus in Orion or recent Venus in Ophiucus. /cetus /sambora


© 2003 Klaudio Zic


Valentine marks the end of Sun's journey through Capricornus and

it's entry into Aquarius. But does the Sun determine the Zodiac?


O5 Initiations, Astrological Services, I Ching Consultation

SMS +385 91 108 108 4


Homework for my Students:


Which objects visit Serpens Cauda, Serpens Caput, Canis Minor or

Auriga? When (if ever) does it happen that Pluto travels through

Pisces or Aries? Can Crater be ascending? Which major centaur

dwells in Crater? Progress 2002 AW197 in Tiamat's surrounding.

How many days _after_ Valentine the Sun enters into Aquarius?


= 28 Constellations of the True Zodiac =













SMS + 385 91 108 108 4 O5 booking, info. EXTRAzodiacal Astrology

© 2004 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved.

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Canis Minor



Coma Berenices







Leo Minor














A obstajajo tudi stopinje od kje do kje je to? ala začetek vsakega, v "našem" zodiaku? jst bi ful meu asc v pegasu ;) če to gre, al pa ga staknem se v Scutumu ;) hehe sam kako so zdaj ribice pred vodnarjem? huhuh, hnic jasno

:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Sedna je v Cetus. Tudi Pluto gre v cetus, nikoli v aries ali pa Pisces. Gre se za ozvezdja, seveda, astronomija;)


Nekaj programiramo. she kakshen lublanski horoskopchek naredim pa o5 delavnice in sem v costa rica kjer bomo kar naprej programirali. En kolega je v Shvici, torej dva programsheka bojo, upam.


Zaenkrat se znajdem kakor zhe. Pa se:)


Gre se za oficijelni astonomski zodijak, Dr. Lee Shaphiro, itd, North Carolina observatory.


1977 pa nekaj update. Tudi astronomi tega ne vejo;)


Vechinoma sem kar sam naredil raziskavo! Potem sem chist sluchajno najdel da sta dva astronoma delala na tem 1977. Se pravi mogoche 5 astronoma na planeti ve za ta pravi zodijak!


Danes imamo novi planet ali karkoli je Oortov Objekt preden nam ga bo NASA postregla.



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= SEDNA in the 12 ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES = Featuring 2004 DW Plutino

Contains a short majikal initiation, as well as Sedna talisman hints


Get rich with horary $edna in the second house and savour the deep

sea taste of Sednastrology while Sedna is still in Cetus constellation!


= New Planet Sedna in Finantial Astrology =


Sedna has already a fair finantial record. Why does it influence

the finantial $econd house of the horo$cope with such impetu$?


Hypoteticals such as the Avestans, Rathke Planets (see

under "darkplanets" on the site), and the Hamburg planets

precede the recent discoveries. Admetos is favorable to

stock exchange, much as 2002 AW197 is favorable to real estate.


Is Sedna Admetos? It could well be! It is not Phoebus of the

Rathke Planets, but it perhaps qualifies as Admetos of the

hamburgers. The last word is on Hamburg, of course. /Adm/:)


= SEDNA in the 12 ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES = Featuring 2004 DW Plutino


The recent large astronomical discoveries are being delineated in

astrological terms. After Varuna, Ixion, 2002 AW197, 2002 TX300

and that legendary Quaoar, we have 2004 DW and Sedna. Enjoy this

time of new classes of objects. The adventure started with 1992

QB1 a decan ago. 800 Kuiper Belt objects await delineation and

as it seems we have out first Oort Cloud Object 2003 VB12 "Sedna".


= Sedna = Astrological Delineation Update =


It was the summer of '69.


Periodical summer conjunctions of our 2nd & 3rd moons (Cruithne &

2002 AA29) involve Sedna and this is a superb omen as it brings

relief to the omniverse. The nearest and the most distant blend

in cOMmunion! The most happy nativities are those enjoying close

conjunctions of 2002 AA29 and Sedna, such as in summer 1969. /*/


This effect is particullary felt in the sixties! The closest and

the most unimaginably distant and undiscovered blend in the sixties.

Let us not forget the astral vedic and Rathke Planets, as well as a

host of hypoteticals from Cassini Lilith to Nibiru. The sixties

downloaded this influences and we're just unzipping the files.


Centaur Thereus joins the configuration in the early seventies.

Centaur Pholus underlines the conjunctions around 1984. Chiron

passes by, towering. (This is the product of a brief scan; other

objects of interest are surely involved!).


Sedna 531.657634 0.857434 11.9304 144.4929 311.8271 53200.5 357.8815 1.7

2003VB12 531.657634 0.857434 11.9304 144.4929 311.8271 53200.5 357.8815 1.7

Cruithne 0.99764 .514819 19.8114 126.4230 43.6000 48200.5 285.4393 15.0

2004CJ39 12.952050 0.477604 3.5772 334.9720 133.6604 53040.5 5.4183 14.0

2004DW 39.473609 0.217911 20.5553 268.5371 73.3331 53200.5 157.5394 2.4


Since Sedna is fairly removed from most interplanetary disputes,

it must be consulted as a fair judge over the petty gravitational

matters closer to us. Astrologers either consult the centaurs,

which are perturbed by various planets, or the aloof world of

the transneptunians. But how can 2004 DW judge? Is Quaoar fair?

Nessus is too disturbed to do any judgement, and Asbolus, albeit

magus, has not as yet seen it all. The centaurs lack perspective

as they're thrown here and there by influences and planetary

gravitation. The centaurs are our close dark archangels, but

they are unable to encompass and judge creation. Only Sedna

is capable of impartial empathy towards the centaurs and

transneptunian cubewano, plutino (and SDO) objects.


Get rich with horary $edna in the second house and savour the deep

sea taste of Sednastrology while Sedna is still in Cetus constellation!


/Adm/ Admetos is a hypotetical and as such lacks perspective.

Sedna is a real object in Cetus, while hypotheticals

seldom claim latitude, declination or constellation.


This leaves Admetos = Sedna as an interesting (or mere?)

speculation. The second house effect is, nevertheless,

remarkable. Perhaps the two (?) work together?



As promised, a little majikal initiation + SEDNA IN MAJIK +


= Sedna in Majik = Featuring Dolphin Talismans by


Not only the centaurs like Asbolus or 1992 TA ("Pylenor") have

their majikal attributes. Sedna is aloof but filters majik as

well by the very virtue of it's placement against us. Sedna is

largely unconcerned with the inner turnmoil of the known solar

system. Her gifts are thus disinteressed with no strings attached.


This article precedes Sedna in the 12 astological houses much is the

same fashion evocational majik is the well of astrological initiation.


We don't suppose the house Franz Bardon has his own Sedna in,

as we introduce it here for the sake of record. Sedna is overaspected

in the magus incarnation horoscope but it is most remarkably the

Saturn Mars midpoint as it seems responsable for the magician's

captivity. Namely the nazi and a black lodge succeeded in torturing

the magus. This is a complex subject and horoscope I must leave

to more expert times. frabato


Frabato's supposed troubles with the undines and watery element

had a happy ending after dire danger. The depths are there to teach.


It seems yet another type of masonry enjoys plumpy water sprites

(more plumpy than sprites) here. Our obscure masonic hero Giacomo

Casanova midpoints Sedna within his winning Mars Jupiter in 5th

with womboid Cruithne brushing by. Sedna is long large and eternal

erection and a peculiar disinterest in all the things one posessed.


I love all, desire all, and after having it I don't crave for it

any longer. I have left that girl by the river, while it's still

in your mind. Castazeniac vibes, indeed. Casanova reminds us that

Sedna is not Admetos is not Nemesis. /reports /reports1 Casanova features Venus

Devil Rose, HPMHC descending, Pholus Pluto, Sun Amor (darkplanet),

bedsides Cruithne Sedna Mars Jupiter cluster. Admetos and Nemesis

(darkplanet) seem involved with the magician's Moon.



Aleister Crowley's Sedna initiates him into love majik. This issues

93 Agape - Thelema = the famous formula of Love under Will. Bardon

adds "strong will" for the occasion, but this can be misleading.

Will is best conveyed by Carlos Castaneda, in my oppinion.


Changing hostility into friendship has been Crowley's forte, but

in cases like Mussolini, he also failed to obtain _too_much_

friendship and sanctuary. perhaps this is a Sedna lesson: don't

ask too much, or (for my O5 Masters:) "What does God (the Eagle)

owe to me that he must jump like a dog at my every whim?". Modesty.


Perhaps Sedna helps the aloof and disposes of the wordly man. One

can drink lemonade before and perhaps after the Holy Guardian Angel

appears. It is of course not any of my business to spill lemonade.


Sedna progresses very slowly in the magician's life. Year 1904.

(See Sedna brings the magician to his

purpO5e. PurpO5e is also the theme of Matrix-the-movie. Akasha is

loaded with PurpO5e. Rituals are carried on in the physical, astral

and mental domain. The secrets of the water element are hidden in

Sedna's progress. The spirits of the water elements led by Sedna's

progress in Cetus and the appropriate degree = head (spirit star or

ascended master = friendly inorganic being = immortal) are at the

service of the moral magus. The most beautiful undines are actually

a threat for the magus as many married one to regret it when they

were unable to remain faithful. Undines punish unfaithfulness with

death, justified by the very marriage contract. Sedna is an undine

for all practical purposes. In the seventh house it plays like a

dolphin with the magician's heart fountaining with love.


Sedna's dolphins entwined are quite the opposite to the triurne

Lamia of 2004 DW. Aloof Sedna has much love, but 2004 DW is a

dangerous siren. Luckily for the thick skinned magus, 2004 DW

will bite only to die from the poisonous magician's blood.


The innocent magus is not supposed to hide an undine. He should

marry her. Human heart knows vary few faiths and faithfulness

can become a problem. The undine won't tollerate breaching and

will demand the death of the magus, who will degrade into an

astral underwater servant in Sedna worlds unimaginable to the

neophyte. Sedna is thus the punishing deity in service of the

undine bride. various stories of sirens are in fact all true.


Sedna dips into the waters of our local omniverse like a siren

launching a deep cry into her waters. Science and vedic lore

agree about the composition of the minor planets in that they

are composed of ice (water) and alcol.


Sedna currently initiates (via the appropriate degree spirit star

head and ritual) into loveamulets. The amulets must be charged by

a trained and moral magus. ( Meaning 30 to 50 years of secret and

very hard training. )


= SEDNA in the 12 ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES = Featuring 2004 DW Plutino


The recent large astronomical discoveries are being delineated in

astrological terms. After Varuna, Ixion, 2002 AW197, 2002 TX300

and that legendary Quaoar, we have 2004 DW and Sedna. Enjoy this

time of new classes of objects. The adventure started with 1992

QB1 a decan ago. 800 Kuiper Belt objects await delineation and

as it seems we have out first Oort Cloud Object 2003 VB12 "Sedna". /sedna /2004 DW /quaoar /varuna /ixion /comet


>> The article contains Sedna and 2004 DW delineations, as well

> as their meanings in the 12 horizon based astrological houses


Since both Sedna and 2004 DW contain a watery flavor, they are

coupled in this analysis. Morever the Sedna communication comes

in synch with 2004 DW discovery, even if it's own discovery is

marked Nov 11th 2003. The Minor Planet Center still classifies

Sedna as centaur object and we will probably see new classes of

objects popping out soon as we already did lately.


The zodiac loses 4 constellations, assuming Pluto is _not_ a planet.

In that case Eridanus (NEAT comet, river

Po in Italy), Bootes (pastoral religions), Coma Berenices (Tiepolo's

Veronica's Hair at San Alvise) and Leo Minor (EVANGELVS SECUNDVS)

become EXTRA-zodiacal constellations, while they were of course

zodiacal in times when Pluto was officially a planet. Sitchinian

proposals taken into consideration, we have GAGA as Saturn's ex

satellite. Our zodiac reduces thus to 24 constellations, 25 in

extension, conveniently splitting Serpens in two. Is your natal Moon in Cetus, too?


Why Cetus? Because it is a _zodiacal_ constellation. Misconceptions

have the zodiac a 12 constellation ring, when it is a 13 (Ophiucus!)

constellation ring as concerns the Sun. The Sun journeys through

13 constellations. But the Moon, Pluto and the planets journey

through 28 constellations! This is largely out of reach for the

practical (?) 12zodiacal (often "tropical") astrologer. This

astrologer is _not_ concerned with the way things are (or were),

he deals with unexisting positions, impossible conjunctions,

immersed in a virtual simplified equinoctial model of the

constellations, good enough for some old egyptian primary

school perhaps, but not good at all for serious research.

No wonder astronomers keep laughing at tropical astrologers:

they deserve it in many ways. So do the siderealists and the

vedic. All of them refuse to take a simple glance at the sky. in 12 houses


Sedna is the protector of tritons, undines and evocational

magick dealing with the watery element, especially while it

still dives through Cetus. Watermonsters, krakens, lamias

and sirens speak through dolphins and whales to the uninitiated.


As concerns travel, it

is obvious Sedna will bring the acolyte across to Avalon,

as not just long journeys, but actually journeys out of this

world pertain to Sedna. Sedna's orbit alone dictates long

distance communication as Sedna features in horoscopes of

meditators, shamans and people who reside for a long time from

home. Sedna will determine space mission captains in the

future. Sedna liberates the meditator! Sedna

is not perturbed (much) by the planets, and is almost untouched

by sunrays, the better for the meditator to escape the ego-fires

of the heart-Sun. The Sun is malefic in vedic tought, as the

Moon is truemind. The centripetal pull of the Sun and it's ego

wishes symbolize (if not incorporate!) ego will (me, me!), but

Sedna is (almost = savikalpa samadhi) liberated from the major

gravitational basin, it is part of our system but fairly

with an "independent" (?) orbit. It is thus symbolized by the

meditator in savikalpa samadhi. :::||| heart


= Sedna = /sedna in the 12 astrological houses


Sedna in Cetus in the 12 Astrological Horizon based Houses


© 2003 Klaudio Zic


1. Insight. Balance. The Temple promotes longevity. Ancestral

spirits help averting heart disease.


Be extra careful with 6th and 7th house planets, as well as

1st and 7th house placements as most astrological programs

mistake the real positions, assuming the Sun rises in Due East.

E.g. many of you have Neptune in 6th and not in 7th as the program

shows. This is due to southern latutude and due western horizon.


2. Astrologers will look for Sedna in the second house even in

popular solar return charts! This is the best year one can

have, finantially speaking. There's a hint at real eastate,

too. Talisman: the dollar, the Eye in the Triangle, Shiva.


Windfall. The guru afloat on the sea. Sincerity. Good winds.

Chopping wood for the winter. Cached wood carried to the stove.

Storage. Resourceful? The maiden chops wood.


Is Sedna Admetos? It could well be! It is not Phoebus of the

Rathke Planets, but it perhaps qualifies as Admetos of the

hamburgers. The last word is on Hamburg, of course.


Get rich with horary $edna in the second house and savour the deep

sea taste of Sednastrology while Sedna is still in Cetus constellation!


= New Planet Sedna in Finantial Astrology =


Sedna has already a fair finantial record. Why does it influence

the finantial $econd house of the horo$cope with such impetu$?


Hypoteticals such as the Avestans, Rathke Planets (see

under "darkplanets" on the site), and the Hamburg planets

precede the recent discoveries. Admetos is favorable to

stock exchange, much as 2002 AW197 is favorable to real estate.


Is Sedna Admetos? It could well be! It is not Phoebus of the

Rathke Planets, but it perhaps qualifies as Admetos of the

hamburgers. The last word is on Hamburg, of course.


/Adm/ Admetos is a hypotetical and as such lacks perspective.

Sedna is a real object in Cetus, while hypotheticals

seldom propose a declination and constellation.


This leaves Admetos = Sedna as an interesting (or mere?)

speculation. The second house effect is, nevertheless,

remarkable. Perhaps the two (?) work together?


3. Inorganic being, but not as yet or necessary already or ever

a helper. Non-human, but perhaps rather evil. Black packt. Easter.

Do not travel to California, o.k. for New York (horary brief).


4. Painful events in the family.


The cusp of the 4th house is Nadir (not I.C.). This position is

most important as it strikes Sedna's own family affairs. Her

family then expands to all astral fauna. The shepardess of the

astral dolphins is surely wounded hearted after the slaughter done

to whales and dolphins. AVE MARIA STELLA MARIS. Sedna can be

coupled with Santa Lucia in her inorganic aspect. This will be

done in Venice as summer gift to students ,readers and O5 classes.


5. Good issue to steeling a wife. Stolen wife was not hidden (well)?

Magus and Astrologer. Sexual pest. Burglary after enrichment?

The unexpected Aiwass-like ward. FIAT LVX.


The innocent magus is not supposed to hide an undine. He should

marry her. Human heart knows vary few faiths and faithfulness

can become a problem. The undine won't tollerate breaching and

will demand the death of the magus, who will degrade into an

astral underwater servant in Sedna worlds unimaginable to the

neophyte. Sedna is thus the punishing deity in service of the

undine bride. various stories of sirens are in fact all true.


It seems yet another type of masonry enjoys plumpy water sprites

(more plumpy than sprites) here. Our obscure masonic hero Giacomo

Casanova midpoints Sedna within his winning Mars Jupiter in 5th

with womboid Cruithne brushing by. Sedna is long large and eternal

erection and a peculiar disinterest in all the things one posessed.


I love all, desire all, and after having it I don't crave for it

any longer. I have left that girl by the river, while it's still

in your mind. Castazeniac vibes, indeed. Casanova reminds us that

Sedna is not Admetos is not Nemesis. /reports /reports1 Casanova features Venus

Devil Rose, HPMHC descending, Pholus Pluto, Sun Amor (darkplanet),

bedsides Cruithne Sedna Mars Jupiter cluster. Admetos and Nemesis

(darkplanet) seem involved with the magician's Moon. for birthplace and myth.


6. Yato yato yami tato nrsimhah. Saint Marc's inorganic guide is

Nrsimhah deva of the vedic lore, the protector of astral travel

ers such as Prahlada Maharaj). Inner fires burning ego remanants.

Reguls as MIKAL. /a/ A fishing cat. Guru search out of the Temple.

Out of the sea life crawls into the forest. Ancestral spirits lead

to the wood-of-no-guru. Ancestral spirits spread the MariX before

the initiate. The warp-and-woof of other life. Childbirth in the

Temple. Capitalism. Sea ecology. Marine expeditions.


Menkar can add up to fire hazard. Protect your stables. Take

special care of your cats. Altars built to deal with fires.

Vesta is especially interesting when dealing with 6th house

fire service and hazard. This position can "blow fire". The

fiery element can be greatly stressed with Regulus acting

on the planets in connection with Sedna here.


Note that we take the 6th house as being below the western

horizon. That is never done in tropical/popular astrology.


Be extra careful with 6th and 7th house planets, as well as

1st and 7th house placements as most astrological programs

mistake the real positions, assuming the Sun rises in Due East.

E.g. many of you have Neptune in 6th and not in 7th as the program

shows. This is due to southern latutude and due western horizon.


7. Sincere relationship and entwined souls. Super marriage!

Mountain sisters? Twin souls?


Sedna's dolphins entwined are quite the opposite to the triurne

Lamia of 2004 DW. Aloof Sedna has much love, but 2004 DW is a

dangerous siren. Luckily for the thick skinned magus, 2004 DW

will bite only to die from the poisonous magician's blood.


The innocent magus is not supposed to hide an undine. He should

marry her. Human heart knows vary few faiths and faithfulness

can become a problem. The undine won't tollerate breaching and

will demand the death of the magus, who will degrade into an

astral underwater servant in Sedna worlds unimaginable to the

neophyte. Sedna is thus the punishing deity in service of the

undine bride. various stories of sirens are in fact all true.


One should be careful checking for latitude and horizon.

When all is measured and checked out properly, there is

no mistake and Sedna is _really_ in the 7th house! /b/



service of the moral magus. The most beautiful undines are actually

a threat for the magus as many married one to regret it when they

were unable to remain faithful. Undines punish unfaithfulness with

death, justified by the very marriage contract. Sedna is an undine

for all practical purposes. In the seventh house it plays like a

dolphin with the magician's heart fountaining with love.

</snip> <!-- See majikal initiation below -->


When is a planet in the 7th house? When above the horizon.

Checking Sedna in teh 7th house is especially tricky. Try

and get some hints learning from othe people's errors here: /extra /nu /dane.rudhyar /alan.leo

The article is "7th House Switch"


Sedna is otherwise in the 6th house. Your astological

program does not know it. This is an old standard error

of popular astrology for the masses. Many authors have

their planets e.g. in the 12th when they're clearly in

1st, having the appropriate latitude and position under

the eastern horizon. The ascendant is Due East, of course.


8. Time pyramind. Errection. Sinking. Sea bottom. The flood.

The overflooding well.


9. Excellent for art and travel! Roundabout. Spring equinox.

Compare with Pegasus constellation. As concerns travel, it

is obvious Sedna will bring the acolyte across to Avalon,

as not just long journeys, but actually journeys out of this

world pertain to Sedna. Sedna's orbit alone dictates long

distance communication as Sedna features in horoscopes of

meditators, shamans and people who reside a long time from

home. Sedna will determine space mission captains in the



Travel expands to second attention or waking up in one's dreams.

Still better, Sedna at in 9th liberates the meditator! Sedna

is not perturbed (much) by the planets, and is almost untouched

by sunrays, the better for the meditator to escape the ego-fires

of the heart-Sun. The Sun is malefic in vedic tought, as the

Moon is truemind. The centripetal pull of the Sun and it's ego

wishes symbolize (if not incorporate!) ego will (me, me!), but

Sedna is (almost = savikalpa samadhi) liberated from the major

gravitational basin, it is part of our system but fairly

with an "independent" (?) orbit. It is thus symbolized by the

meditator in savikalpa samadhi.


Since Sedna is fairly removed from most interplanetary disputes,

it must be consulted as a fair judge over the petty gravitational

matters closer to us. Astrologers either consult the centaurs,

which are perturbed by various planets, or the aloof world of

the transneptunians. But how can 2004 DW judge? Is Quaoar fair?

Nessus is too disturbed to do any judgement, and Asbolus, albeit

magus, has not as yet seen it all. The centaurs lack perspective

as they're thrown here and there by influences and planetary

gravitation. The centaurs are our close dark archangels, but

they are unable to encompass and judge creation. Only Sedna

is capable of impartial empathy towards the centaurs and

transneptunian cubewano, plutino (and SDO) objects.


Sedna in 11th 10th and 9th house and especially at the meridian

is a fair judge judging nothing, an aloof observer, the witness.

Om sakshi aham. I am the Witness separate of all.


10. Grail. ( Crater ? ). Flying? One year of good business?

Friends forever? Spirit helpers. Aiming at immortality after

meeting a spiritual ancestor and guide. Persist in poverty.


Space mission captain.


Menkar is not traditionally goood at all at the meridian and

Sedna has been coupled with Alpha Ceti for a while. Speaking

of coupling, Venus rises with Sedna at his time.


11. Wartime. Ra-Hoor-Khuit? The evil fixation of second attention.

Visiting the feudal lord. Bribing the nagual?


12. Bad issue? Hidden victory? Quickly out of the Temple? The Temple

of the Fast Redemption. O5. Chief druid. The Pope in Sicily.

The kayak. Niagara Falls. Transilvania Waterfalls.


The 1st, 6th and 12th houses are most certainly connected to

marine ecology, the sea and a sort of initiation. See also

Varuna delineation. The first house is like the song of the

old sea, the 6th enmeshes sea's secrets and is dangerous.

Fire at the sea bottom? The 12th house is like the release

from the sea, shooting up and forth, killing the raven of time.


Sedna strangely wards off large animals, albeit near by Menkar

attracts them. No large or wild animal will harm, but hazard

seems imminent and rather obvious. Risky circuswork pays off.


Animals are often demons. adam gave the names to all of the demons.


Be extra careful with 6th and 7th house planets, as well as

1st and 7th house placements as most astrological programs

mistake the real positions, assuming the Sun rises in Due East.

E.g. many of you have Neptune in 6th and not in 7th as the program

shows. This is due to southern latutude and due western horizon.


We don't suppose the house Franz Bardon has his own Sedna in,

as we introduce it here for the sake of record. Sedna is overaspected

in the magus incarnation horoscope but it is most remarkably the

Saturn Mars midpoint as it seems responsable for the magician's

captivity. Namely the nazi and a black lodge succeeded in torturing

the magus. This is a complex subject and horoscope I must leave

to more expert times. frabato


Frabato's supposed troubles with the undines and watery element

had a happy ending after dire danger. The depths are there to teach.


© 2003 Klaudio Zic


O5 Initiations, Astrological Services, I Ching Consultation

SMS +385 91 108 108 4


One should not be misled by non-astrologers who "think" Sedna is in

Taurus. It will slip in Taurus from Cetus in a couple of years (up

coming article, coupling Venus' approach to Hydra and 2004 DW).


Sedna 531.657634 0.857434 11.9304 144.4929 311.8271 53200.5 357.8815 1.7

2003VB12 531.657634 0.857434 11.9304 144.4929 311.8271 53200.5 357.8815 1.7


Sedna is of course delineated in Cetus. It happens that 2004 DW

is in Hydra, Quaoar in Ophiucus and so on. All this constellations

are not only ascendantal, they're also zodiacal.


Sedna is _not_ in Taurus yet. In a couple of years, 2004 DW becomes

actual, with Venus approaching Hydra (Venus is heading towards Orion

this summer; see "Venus in Orion" article

while Sedna changes constelation. Sedna's constellation change seems

remarkable, since it does not happen too often. Pluto most often than

not skips Pisces and Aries, heading through Cetus towards Taurus;

Sedna dives in much the same fashion, generally speaking. This will

puzzle the tropical astrologer, but then the days of tropicana were

counted at least ten years ago. "Jungian" 5-asteroid astrologers are

lO5t in some newagish hell. We stand at a new frontier called Oort's

cloud and those who are purpO5ely unaware of 1992 QB1 are hopelessly

10 years late. Meaning Interenet will swarm with "delineations" made

by people who have decent ideas about Chiron and deal with Vesta and

a couple of main-belt asteroids (major asteroid Eunomia excluded).


People not familiar with centaurs, SDO, cubewano and plutino objects

will puzzle at Sedna. Ready ideas won't help much. They should

delineate 2004 DW, since it "has no name". Yahooing for deep

mythological cut'n'paste delineations won't make an astrologer.


Sedna can be delineated by people who delineated 1992 QB1. They will

know it's nature and will apply a long tested _method_, testing the

orbit, perihelion, applying mythology with taste where required. This

kind of folk has no problem delineating an "unnamed" object.


Varuna, Ixion and Quaoar were all un-named when delineated.


Sedna is not named yet. It is still 2003 VB12.




28 Constellation Zodiac 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac


Our Newsgroup: news://


Extrazodiacal Astrology



( Cetus bis )


Why Cetus? Because it is a _zodiacal_ constellation. Misconceptions

have the zodiac a 12 constellation ring, when it is a 13 (Ophiucus!)

constellation ring as concerns the Sun. The Sun journeys through

13 constellations. But the Moon, Pluto and the planets journey

through 28 constellations! This is largely out of reach for the

practical (?) 12zodiacal (often "tropical") astrologer. This

astrologer is _not_ concerned with the way things are (or were),

he deals with inexisting positions, impossible conjunctions,

immersed in a virtual simplified equinoctial model of the

constellations, good enough for some old egyptian primary

school perhaps, but not good at all for serious research.

No wonder astronomers keep laughing at tropical astrologers:

they deserve it in many ways. So do the siderealists and the

vedic. All of them refuse to take a simple glance at the sky.


More Abouts:


Enuma Elish, Tiamat, Nibiru

Valentine Centaur /2004CJ39

Quaoar /quaoar.html

Transneptunians /tno

All Objects on


Ixion & the Centaurs intro


= Sedna =


Sedna is our first Oort cloud object. It is a cold distant world.

Where is Sedna? It is coupled with Venus and Menkar at this time.

This objects can be observed e.g. in the evening in Europe. The

"planet" or Oort cloud object is in Cetus constellaton.


© 2003 Klaudio Zic


= Sedna delineation =


This particullary happy delineation is completely free of any

apocalyptic omen that was glooming our astrology in the case

of 2004 DW and Quaoar /c/


Since the article was written before any NASA communication,

the only way I can call 2003 VB12 is an Oort Cloud Object

(OCO). Thus the object is not a "supercentaur" and the

classes of objects have increased by one. We have the

first real Oort Cloud Object. 2004 DW is a KBO, a plutino.


Briefly checking with MPC on Mar 18th I see they still have

2003 VB12 under "centaurs". There's much hype and politic$

in all this Sedna mess. 2003 VB12 has been known to us since

November 2003, whatever it's designation, object class or

purpose. There was no need to hide it on purpO5e before some

"official" presentation. I noticed the NASA JPL HORIZONS Sun

Sparc slowed down since the D-day for Sedna:)


We are familiar with the object as it's designation changed

from 2003 VB16 to 2003 VB12. It was discovered last year and

variousely scheduled as "centaur". The somewhat obscure

designation was made still more obscure by quoting 2003 VB16

on the official discovery page (more or less a "hidden" one).


While this article is the product of a "hack" before any NASA

communication, it nevertheless confirms to several points in

the nature of the object, known or unknown. The delineation

is not mythology-based at this time.


Sedna is in Cetus in most horoscopes. This means you can have

Sedna rising along with your Cetus ascendant. Cetus rising in

the East is a daily matter. The Moon is in Cetus once or twice

a month and the maps show other objects of interest in this

zodiacal constelation


Astronomers have determined Cetus is a zodiacal constellation

around 1977. The true astronomical zodiac thus consists of 28

constellations some of them ascendental

meaning they can rise in due east at this time and age.


When the Moon or Venus are in Cetus, they are delineated in that

constellation. Pluto can be in Cetus but it cannot be in Aries or

Pisces. The simscans show Pluto and the lanets in Cetus. /cetus


Cetus /extra /cetus is a zodiacal constellation

since the planets, Pluto and the Moon, as well as a variety of minor

planets swarm this large and legendary constellation.


The Moon is in Cetus once or twice a month and will visit this part

of the sky in the summer months, too, e.g. around Aug 4th 2004.


The seventh house is the region above the western horizon.

Horizons can play tricks in Inuit regions, where the Sun

is said to rise in the West at times. /d/


We use astronomy to determine the horizon. Sedna above the

western horizon warrants a sincere relationship.


The object is full of dolphin energy. Several spiritual groups

use to initiate their members into astral dolphin realms, as

one can meet his dolphin guide. This guides are very faithful.


The houses full of dolphin energy are the 7th and 2nd houses.

The 2nd house is below the horizon (which is seldom true in

so-called popular tropical calculus).


A particulary painful situation is marked with Sedna in Nadir

position (due North). AVE MARIA STELLA MARIS. The bitter sea

of discreation treats our ships like nutshells. Qlippoth are

disposed of as the salt doll becomes One with the Ocean through

pain and grief. Pierced is the Heart of our Queen. This is Sedna

in grief. The position is not very good for lovers and marriage

as one of the two might resort to black voodoo, possibly...

(Note this is a provisory delineation only!).


The 4th house is one of grief, suggesting repentance. Perhaps

family affairs smeck of bitter Binah energy as Sedna sinks our

hopes as if aided by her shaman raven husband. This is clearly

a classical Saturn in Libra vibration.


The stars are spirits, rather than mere gas. The transneptunian

KBO (cubewano, plutino) are more than mere icy rocks. Inorganic

beings initiate the magus, as they are often classified as stars.


The errors of tropical astrology are many. See Alan Leo under for an initiation into horizons proper.




Students study 2004 DW in Crater. /2004DW


Fish-nets extend to Internet. Caught in the midst of the Net.

Sacrificed. Short lived? Tranquil, blessed, good salary. Immune

to any attack. Those are some of the + and - keys to be classified.


2003 VB12 "Sedna" ( this is an "early" note, the ephemeris should

be fairly reliable by the time one reads this )


If we don't want to be _too_ precise, Crowley's Sedna is

"tropically" at 2 Aries of longitude. We can "integrate"

precisely, for Lord Krsna and Buddha, too; but at this

stage we are happy with an "estimation".


1875-Jun-06 00:00 2.6384036 -7.6638753

1875-Sep-25 00:00 2.3307673 -7.7446282




The ephemeris were produced online by Jon Giorgini's HORIZONS

integrator, NASA JPL, Pasadena, CA.


/a/ /5gram MIKAL as Regulus.


/b/ Scores of modern astrologers and myriads of clients enjoy the

wrong position here. Many have e.g. Neptune in 6th when it should

be in the 7th house. Check Alan and Dane

for clues. It might well be your case. The same applies for the

12th and 1st house switch and (work in progress) seemingly even

for the 5th/8th house switch in some odd cases (?).


/c/ Varuna wasn't a happy delineation either. Ixion bore some joy,

majik, perhaps even fair sex, achemy and variety. Varuna smecked

evil gods and Quaoar pushed us into war. Darkplanet Lamia conjunct

Pluto prepared the jihad stage. Now the jihad scenary is strangely

quiet and no atomic bombs were set in metropolic undergrounds. This

puts us off guard, which is always good for someone.


/d/ Quoting Curly Mae from Alkavik. Ne pivo:(


Looking for an OMEN is like looking for NEMO. NEMO is the Magister

Templi, the One who has no other, one that has lost his self. Mind

less and sharkproof, one expands in infinite oceans without shores.


The object can be directed. Here an example of a transit. Sedna

squaring natal Uranus in transit and the owner of the position

gets involved in an airplane (Uranus) war. Let it be noted that

the airplanes flew one meter above the surface of the sea, thus

invisible to radars. The conflict ended almost without casualities.




Enuma Elish, Tiamat, Nibiru 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac

Constellation Zodiac

Valentine Centaur /2004CJ39

Quaoar /quaoar.html

Transneptunians /tno

All Objects on


Ixion & the Centaurs intro

Our Newsgroup: news://



Extrazodiacal Astrology


/* Sedna, astrology, delineation, horoscope, 2004 DW, Quaoar,, Oort Cloud, 2003 VB12, new planet?, Oort cloud

object, Pluto+not+planet, astrological, 12 houses, ephemeris,

NASA JPL, alt.astrology.moderated */



= 2004 DW Delienation =


Since babies born at this time often have Hydra ascending,

many of them are already "marked" with a 2004 DW ascendant!


= 2004 DW = Updates 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac


It seems we have a new object in astrology. While Quaoar

was delineated in Ophiucus, 2004 is in Hydra, both snaky

zodiacal constellations. Many of you have Sun in Ophiucus

but nobody in Hydra. Planets, minor planets, as well as

the ascendant are nevertheless often in Hydra, an interesting

long constellation as concerns size, depth and mythology.


Hydra ascending with 2004 DW for newborn babies shown for

various locations, 5 pm Glasgow, 17:11 Rio, 16:30 Charlotte, NC.

Various appendixes incorporated in this text, as well

as the newsgroup and our Archives explain the mysterious

facets of 28zodiac astrology while introducing new ones. 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac

© 2003 Klaudio Zic


2004 DW in Canis Minor: Death, lost battle, ressurectiOM.

Slain god cults.


2004 DW in Orion: 1957 was a peculiar year, indeed.

Family values, new colors and sounds,

leisure, fun, atomic bomb. Sicherheit

zu Erste. Protection is the main

pO5sessiOM. Orators can be sincere.


2004 DW in Hydra: Dangerous waters! (present position).

One sleeps on sexualaurels. Lolita.

Lady Scarlet is teen!


Since babies born at this time often have Hydra ascending,

many of them are already "marked" with a 2004 DW ascendant!


2004 DW in Sextans: The Messiah. 2007 Venus in Hydra?


2004 DW in Crater: The time of the false prophets. LegislatiOM.


2004 DW in Corvus: Oberon and Puck revived in druidic England

and Syria. Dolphin cults. Inspection and

spiritual protection. The Holy Raven.


© 2003 Klaudio Zic /ng.html


Time to discover your own position and those of your future

children and favorite tiranitoes. We will use genuine ancient

ways (stargazing) whernever it's possible to capture 2004 DW

's message, more or less messianic.


Updates on:


666 is no longer alone


2004 DW in the 6th house is the Whore of the Apocalypse.


Babalon's Progress

2004 DW off Tiamat's Back and into the Apocalypse

Will your daughter be born with Venus in Hydra?


Largest discovery after Pluto! /2004DW

Astromajikal Delineation and Update, Mar 5th 2004.

See = Adenda = for astrological novices, curious and the expert!

© 2003 Klaudio Zic /ng.html


Note that we dismiss it's "position in Leo" as unsensical.

Your local astronomer will, of course, agree. Your shaman

will agree. Nature agrees. Star gazing confirms. So there's

no need to pay attention to "2004 DW in Leo" gibberish.

When and if it's in Leo sometimes, we'll let you know.

It may as well be it never reaches Leo proper. Pluto never

reaches Aries or Pisces, so that would be no surprise!


Introduction for the general reader:


True Zodiac = Albeit generally assumed (?) the zodiac has

13 constellations, it has in fact 28 constellations (or 29 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac

if we split Serpens Cauda from Serpens Caput). Hydra is

not only zodiacal, but also ascendental, meaning many of

you were born with Hydra ascending (since occult is at

stake). One cannot e.g. have Aries ascending in due east. 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac


The 28zodiac has an astronomical rationale. After my own

modest research triumphing in indian summer 2003, I have

found by sheer chance a research has been conducted in

the late seventies as a couple of astronomers (NC U.S.A.

and Belgium) with the results published in popular format. 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac


The zodiac has 28 constellations, and if we exclude Pluto

as planet (something already largely proposed), it has a

convenient number of 24 (but astrlogers will use 25)

constellations. This has nothing to do with outdated

vedic calc and has everything to do with IAU.


Giant Transneptunians = objects larger than the main belt

asteroids (e.g. Eunomia or Vesta). They are usually fall

into cubewano (Varuna) or plutino (Ixion) class. The SDO

or Scattered Disk Objects are also taken into account.

Since 1992 we have discovered 800 transneptunians.


Centaurs = popular lively objects "closer" to us. Chariklo

and Hylonome are female centaurs. Among the others Cyllarus,

Thereus, Nessus, Pelion, Chiron, Elatus, Pholus, 2004 CJ39.


Extrazodiacal = A convenient term that may drop out soon

as it served it's purpose. It may even create some confusion

when Pluto is degraded as plutino. Use "28 Constellations

Zodiac" to upgrade from


Disposing of Pluto, we are left with a convenient (?) 24

constellations zodiac. In that cases constellations such

as Bootes would be called "extrazodiacal", along with Pluto's

(a.k.a. "out of bounds") "extreme" = extrazodiacal positions.


Ascendant = Eastern constellation and inorganic being (especially

head or ascended master-star). Aries cannot ascend in due east at

this time and age, but it used to at the time when Crater was an

ascendental constellation, too. 4examples. for "extrazodiacal" (!:) constellations.


One note:


The "13th" constellation is Ophiucus, a large strip of the zodiac.

As the Sun spends an average of (roughly!) six days in Scorpius, it

slips by Ixion into Ophiucus to meet Quaoar, Pluto, 2002 MS4 there,

along with the Moon, Mercury, Venus and (all) other planets, as well.


For Pluto and Jupiter in Ophiucus see = Adenda = at the bottom of

this article. At the time you read this, Pluto may be moving into

Scutum (the resent position of Juno!: see Juno-minded appendix).


Have a planet in Ophiucus? Search for

"Sun in Ophiucus" or "Venus in Ophiucus" delineations. That

applies for Saturn or Venus in Orion and other 28zodiacal

poO5itions, "Venus in Hydra" including. 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac




Whatever difficult position you may have in your nativity,

hard work benefits. Monastery discipline is needed to overcome

this object's influence. Abramelin would particulary elaborate

on it, but we have Elipinon!


Statements like "2004 DW in Leo" have no sense. By the way,

Pluto is never in Aries or Pisces.

Hydra is a long thing, so 2004 DW's journey through Hydra

roughly lasts 12 years. You can have Hydra ascending, of

course, in your own natal chart (but you can't have e.g.

Aries ascending). 2004 DW in Hydra roughly 1984 - 2006.


Parenting in 2007? You are not alone, either.


See also "Venus in Hydra". The site abounds with data

pointing to possible special incarnations, especially in 2007!

Parents should exercise extra timing and ritual!


It seems like the devils blow their 13th trombone

After giant Quaoar

we have 2004 DW. Lady Scarlet of the Apocalypse

bathes in her poisonous pool as female monsters

rise. Whoever saith antiChrist's a male?????????????

The site includes the calculations and birthright of the

antichrists. Will your daughter be born with Venus in Hydra?


Lady antiChrist born yet? It may well be that cynical half

jests and obscure astronomical hints nevertheless hide the

truth. Masonry knows the starry Snake crowned with the Moon.

Now when Venus approaches Hydra and the Moon brushes by...

Venus is the maiden, Hydra (the Snake) and the Moon are part

to the apocalyptical scenary. Prayers addressed to Holy Mary

will be successful, as She counters the dramatic scenary with

central return, peace and concentratiOM.


Our blood is poison to the lips of the Beast!


An object larger than Quaoar has been recently discovered.

This article will require some familiarity with the True

Zodiac made of 28 constellations. Those include Hydra, 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac

(Tiamat, with it's demons-ministers-sattelites, riding on

it's back) Sextans, Crater, Corvus. Since Chariklo is a

centaur, and so is 2004 CJ39, some knowledge about the

centaur objects seems welcome. For an early Quaoar delineation

use: Important

objects like 2002 AW197 must be studied, too. One can

use or our own search engines

to obtain early delineations of any centaur or transneptunian.


The greatest discovery after Pluto, 2004 DW receives it's

first delineation. As we had Quaoar in houses, so we have


2004 DW in Houses


The largest discovery after Pluto may be the Devil Himself

for some and Loving Guardian Angel for the rest. Such is

it's dual nature. Man has two minds and it is 2004 DW that

makes them clash asunder towards the apocalyptic End of Time.

2004 DW in Houses


© 2003 Klaudio Zic /ng.html


Among the predictable and average errors will be this object's

assignation to "tropical Leo", an unexisting and absolutely foul

preassumption of the poor mind. 2004 is not nearly in Leo, it is

in Hydra. Worse: it is not heading towards any "astrological"

constellation, as the illustrations clearly show and purporting

text discusses in some (even mythological) detail.


The other gross errors will spring from the aspects of 2004 DW.

People assume the zodiac is some kind of ring. It is a belt

made of 28 constellations (not 13). While 2004 DW may hold 28zodiac = True Astronomical Zodiac

extrazodiacal positions (kind of tricky to check out), it

nevertheless perfectly occupies _zodiacal_ constellations,

such as Hydra, Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Orion, Aquila, to

mention some. Venus is in Orion this summer so Orion is a

zodiacal constellation. This truism will puzzle alanleist

astrologers, more than his own inabillity to calc his chart. /alan.leo /dane.rudhyar (corrections)


Some will assume a distant Sun has this or that aspect, even

conjunction with 2004 DW, while the objects will be constellations

apart. This is largely an error with stars, such as Beta Persei

or Scheat (or 2002 TX300 giant transneptunian) and a variety

(actually majority!) of objects (including some planets!) with

"out-of-bound" (bound?) positions, e.g. "extreme" (???)

declinations. First he assumes the zodiac has 12 (???) "signs"

(?????), then he assumes all planet(oid)s "glide" along the

same (fairly circular) track. Then errors spring. People



= Juno in Scutum =

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  • 9 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Dear Sir!


In order to continue my zodiacal research,

I'd be grateful to learn the following data:


1) When is it that Pluto enters Leo Minor?


2) When did the Moon enter Canis Minor?


I am of course aware of most of the cases

when the 28 IAU constellations become zodiacal,

from Moon in Auriga to Venus in Pegasus,


but I was unable to determine with absolute

precision when do Leo Minor or Canis Minor

become zodiacal, suposedly due to Moon or Pluto.


The program I used was SKYGLOBE. I needed a month

to determine the 26 zodiacal constellations. Then

I checked with Skychart.


In earnest,


Klaudio Zic

True Zodiac True Ascendant
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  • 3 weeks later...

Knjiga kmalu izide.


Apart from some minor considerations, the incipient astrologer can now inspect the astronomic zodiac and

true ascendants.


A section covering the times of Plato and the pharaohs with their own ascendants, e.g. ascndant Lepus, Sun in Orion, has been covered.


I'm looking forward to your visit. Wait till I cut the prices, the 108 $ was for the basic issue.


I might be co-writing with a known British author and bestseller, when it comes to old Egyptian astrology.


Klaudio Zic


iau28 /at/

True Zodiac True Ascendant
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