ananta 8. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. marec 2004 (popravljeno) + Tjah sem zrachunal rojstvo ANTIKRISTICE. Pa kaj. She vednoje Sveti Juda Tadej zraven (na TroMostovju, Trgu). + + + Since babies born at this time often have Hydra ascending, many of them are already "marked" with a 2004 DW ascendant! = 2004 DW = Updates It seems we have a new object in astrology. While Quaoar was delineated in Ophiucus, 2004 is in Hydra, both snaky zodiacal constellations. Many of you have Sun in Ophiucus but nobody in Hydra. Planets, minor planets, as well as the ascendant are nevertheless often in Hydra, an interesting long constellation as concerns size, depth and mythology. Hydra ascending with 2004 DW for newborn babies shown for various locations, 5 pm Glasgow, 17:11 Rio, 16:30 Charlotte, NC. Various appendixes incorporated in this text, as well as the newsgroup and our Archives explain the mysterious facets of 28zodiac astrology while introducing new ones. © 2003 Klaudio Zic 2004 DW in Canis Minor: Death, lost battle, ressurectiOM. Slain god cults. 2004 DW in Orion: 1957 was a peculiar year, indeed. Family values, new colors and sounds, leisure, fun, atomic bomb. Sicherheit zu Erste. Protection is the main pO5sessiOM. Orators can be sincere. 2004 DW in Hydra: Dangerous waters! (present position). One sleeps on sexualaurels. Lolita. Lady Scarlet is teen! Since babies born at this time often have Hydra ascending, many of them are already "marked" with a 2004 DW ascendant! 2004 DW in Sextans: The Messiah. 2007 Venus in Hydra? 2004 DW in Crater: The time of the false prophets. LegislatiOM. 2004 DW in Corvus: Oberon and Puck revived in druidic England and Syria. Dolphin cults. Inspection and spiritual protection. The Holy Raven. © 2003 Klaudio Zic /ng.html Time to discover your own position and those of your future children and favorite tiranitoes. We will use genuine ancient ways (stargazing) whernever it's possible to capture 2004 DW 's message, more or less messianic. Updates on: 666 is no longer alone 2004 DW in the 6th house is the Whore of the Apocalypse. Babalon's Progress 2004 DW off Tiamat's Back and into the Apocalypse Will your daughter be born with Venus in Hydra? Largest discovery after Pluto! /2004DW Astromajikal Delineation and Update, Mar 5th 2004. See = Adenda = for astrological novices, curious and the expert! © 2003 Klaudio Zic /ng.html Note that we dismiss it's "position in Leo" as unsensical. Your local astronomer will, of course, agree. Your shaman will agree. Nature agrees. Star gazing confirms. So there's no need to pay attention to "2004 DW in Leo" gibberish. When and if it's in Leo sometimes, we'll let you know. It may as well be it never reaches Leo proper. Pluto never reaches Aries or Pisces, so that would be no surprise! Introduction for the general reader: True Zodiac = Albeit generally assumed (?) the zodiac has 13 constellations, it has in fact 28 constellations (or 29 if we split Serpens Cauda from Serpens Caput). Hydra is not only zodiacal, but also ascendental, meaning many of you were born with Hydra ascending (since occult is at stake). One cannot e.g. have Aries ascending in due east. The 28zodiac has an astronomical rationale. After my own modest research triumphing in indian summer 2003, I have found by sheer chance a research has been conducted in the late seventies as a couple of astronomers (NC U.S.A. and Belgium) with the results published in popular format. The zodiac has 28 constellations, and if we exclude Pluto as planet (something already largely proposed), it has a convenient number of 24 (but astrlogers will use 25) constellations. This has nothing to do with outdated vedic calc and has everything to do with IAU. Giant Transneptunians = objects larger than the main belt asteroids (e.g. Eunomia or Vesta). They are usually fall into cubewano (Varuna) or plutino (Ixion) class. The SDO or Scattered Disk Objects are also taken into account. Since 1992 we have discovered 800 transneptunians. Centaurs = popular lively objects "closer" to us. Chariklo and Hylonome are female centaurs. Among the others Cyllarus, Thereus, Nessus, Pelion, Chiron, Elatus, Pholus, 2004 CJ39. Extrazodiacal = A convenient term that may drop out soon as it served it's purpose. It may even create some confusion when Pluto is degraded as plutino. Use "28 Constellations Zodiac" to upgrade from Disposing of Pluto, we are left with a convenient (?) 24 constellations zodiac. In that cases constellations such as Bootes would be called "extrazodiacal", along with Pluto's (a.k.a. "out of bounds") "extreme" = extrazodiacal positions. Ascendant = Eastern constellation and inorganic being (especially head or ascended master-star). Aries cannot ascend in due east at this time and age, but it used to at the time when Crater was an ascendental constellation, too. 4examples. for "extrazodiacal" (! constellations. One note: The "13th" constellation is Ophiucus, a large strip of the zodiac. As the Sun spends an average of (roughly!) six days in Scorpius, it slips by Ixion into Ophiucus to meet Quaoar, Pluto, 2002 MS4 there, along with the Moon, Mercury, Venus and (all) other planets, as well. For Pluto and Jupiter in Ophiucus see = Adenda = at the bottom of this article. At the time you read this, Pluto may be moving into Scutum (the resent position of Juno!: see Juno-minded appendix). Have a planet in Ophiucus? Search for "Sun in Ophiucus" or "Venus in Ophiucus" delineations. That applies for Saturn or Venus in Orion and other 28zodiacal poO5itions, "Venus in Hydra" including. (continued) Whatever difficult position you may have in your nativity, hard work benefits. Monastery discipline is needed to overcome this object's influence. Abramelin would particulary elaborate on it, but we have Elipinon! Statements like "2004 DW in Leo" have no sense. By the way, Pluto is never in Aries or Pisces. Hydra is a long thing, so 2004 DW's journey through Hydra roughly lasts 12 years. You can have Hydra ascending, of course, in your own natal chart (but you can't have e.g. Aries ascending). 2004 DW in Hydra roughly 1984 - 2006. Parenting in 2007? You are not alone, either. See also "Venus in Hydra". The site abounds with data pointing to possible special incarnations, especially in 2007! Parents should exercise extra timing and ritual! It seems like the devils blow their 13th trombone After giant Quaoar we have 2004 DW. Lady Scarlet of the Apocalypse bathes in her poisonous pool as female monsters rise. Whoever saith antiChrist's a male????????????? The site includes the calculations and birthright of the antichrists. Will your daughter be born with Venus in Hydra? Our blood is poison to the lips of the Beast! An object larger than Quaoar has been recently discovered. This article will require some familiarity with the True Zodiac made of 28 constellations. Those include Hydra, (Tiamat, with it's demons-ministers-sattelites, riding on it's back) Sextans, Crater, Corvus. Since Chariklo is a centaur, and so is 2004 CJ39, some knowledge about the centaur objects seems welcome. For an early Quaoar delineation use: Important objects like 2002 AW197 must be studied, too. One can use or our own search engines to obtain early delineations of any centaur or transneptunian. The greatest discovery after Pluto, 2004 DW receives it's first delineation. As we had Quaoar in houses, so we have 2004 DW in Houses The largest discovery after Pluto may be the Devil Himself for some and Loving Guardian Angel for the rest. Such is it's dual nature. Man has two minds and it is 2004 DW that makes them clash asunder towards the apocalyptic End of Time. 2004 DW in Houses © 2003 Klaudio Zic /ng.html Among the predictable and average errors will be this object's assignation to "tropical Leo", an unexisting and absolutely foul preassumption of the poor mind. 2004 is not nearly in Leo, it is in Hydra. Worse: it is not heading towards any "astrological" constellation, as the illustrations clearly show and purporting text discusses in some (even mythological) detail. The other gross errors will spring from the aspects of 2004 DW. People assume the zodiac is some kind of ring. It is a belt made of 28 constellations (not 13). While 2004 DW may hold extrazodiacal positions (kind of tricky to check out), it nevertheless perfectly occupies _zodiacal_ constellations, such as Hydra, Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Orion, Aquila, to mention some. Venus is in Orion this summer so Orion is a zodiacal constellation. This truism will puzzle alanleist astrologers, more than his own inabillity to calc his chart. /alan.leo /dane.rudhyar (corrections) Some will assume a distant Sun has this or that aspect, even conjunction with 2004 DW, while the objects will be constellations apart. This is largely an error with stars, such as Beta Persei or Scheat (or 2002 TX300 giant transneptunian) and a variety (actually majority!) of objects (including some planets!) with "out-of-bound" (bound?) positions, e.g. "extreme" (???) declinations. First he assumes the zodiac has 12 (???) "signs" (?????), then he assumes all planet(oid)s "glide" along the same (fairly circular) track. Then errors spring. People already fancy conjunctions and even squares, since no one told them (you tell what you know) the basics. People thinking the zodiac has 13 (or even 12) "signs" are genuinely and raving equinoctially mad. For all practical (?) purposes we assume Pluto is a planet, and so most of you do assume there is something like a 12 sign zodiac. One took some school drafts too seriousely. Updates on: © 2003 Klaudio Zic /ng.html In North Carolina there's an observatory that knows the 28 zodiacal constellations. And there's an astronomer in Belgium that agrees. The truth must be told to the ahstrological communtity (even if they won't listen), since there are rare "incarnations" among them that have "astrological" (or even astronomical) aspects in their charts. A few of them could study astrology. This would rise the number of astrologers on this planet from perhaps half a dozen to dozenful. (This is the first annotation, rough keywords used.) The houses are usually numerated and "understood" in a crooked way, e.g. the house of the rising Sun is labeled 12th, and has a particullary bad reputation. Let us be certain that the devil installs minds. Astrologers have minds. The suggestion is to use 12th=1st, 11th=2nd and so on. It is still better to use a 28 house system (allowing 29 for Caput and cauda Serpentis) in our fully operative and astronomically precise 28 constellation zodiac. 1. Lamia. Three watersnakes with female faces seduce the youth like Ida Pingala and Shushumna. Study Aquila and Leo. Alchemy. 666 is allone, even after a ritual with a compatible Beast. NEM0's whiteness is not like silvery apparition. Brahma's womb is not sunnya sunnyata. Voidless Void. O5 NETI NETI. Final annihilation. Loneliness. There's N0 0NE BUT ME! Agent Smith's "Me, me, me!". Projection. Futile riches. Gay cataclysm. Satan. The Fall. Ecliptic times. The primal wound. Left body stirring. The Dark Side. The triumph of Naga Sadow. All fall! Hell is white. The three-in-one vampirelike monster of the pool is however devoured by their victim after having sex with him. Lamia is not a bad alternative (to Aiwass) for this object, at least while it venoms our perception pool with triurne kundalini. Wav files as opposed to mp3 files. Waves as opposed to life compression. cOMpress time, rather than life. Don't waste a second. Gulp it up. Devour the day. Scarlet Lady masquerading as watermonster? Don't we have submarines? /1/ 2. You give too much of your energy. This is bad for money matters. Jesus Christ was ultimately sold. The formula of the dying God. Do not lend on interest. Save yourself first. Keep some for yourself. Your vital energy is beng sucked through as the vampire gets away with it. The sacrifice was accepted by the greedy inorganic, yet there is no receipt note or thanksgiving or anything in left in exchange. Hell's entrance. PORTA INFERNA. Set in the Desert. Lucifer. Particularly demoniac with Venus Lucifer position (in Hydra). Lost aircrafts. Highjacking. Deliberately shot airplane. 3. Good will prevail. True Mind triumphs in Silence and Intent. This is bad for merchandize, ego, transactions and the devil. Roughly meaning there is sympathy between the devil and the merchant. Satan's source code. The MatriX. The well of the snakes. Hell protecting the water of life. Black shiatsu. 4. Excellent for homely matters. Cosy home. Warm familiar atmosphere. A Note: but that may take quitesome time! A promise of a warm hearth, even if family life has been less than ideal up to now. Note that we use the nadir or due North instead of mere I.C. Note that with Hydra North this is the Pool of the Lamia. A sort of Scarlet Lady's basin (of the blood of the saints). Love all serve bloody all. A very good position! Angel guardian. Homework for my students: when Hydra is due North, what do we face South? Love, lover, love affairs, friendly dispO5ition, basic sincere friendship, true communism, spirit of alliance, the ally, inorganic help. An ally-angel carries the acolyte beyond this world. "We will rock you little snake", devil rocked and warm in the cradle of fillit, and one gets away without it! Liberation with the help of the ascended Masters. Heads. Nadiric angel. Time to study your own chart's Nadir to determine your Angel of the Nadir. Rather tricky if you are familiar with I.C. only! Evocation of the nadiric inorganic entity. Sure success in all. This is also a disk Cretely fair material situation, all goes well. In horary astrology: SHE LOVES YOU! We can predict the rise of Nadiric astrology at this point! Too early since our horaries can't calc the Moon:) 5. Unsure of one's own jealousy. Too reserved or outspoken to be provoked into jealousy. One may even wish well one's own rival. The ultimate vendetta is Love. The futile triumph of the jealousy agent provocateur. Jealousy countered from the very start. Expert jealousy v/s juvenile training. Love is particullary stressed with Venus (and 2004 DW) in Cancer (the conjunctions in Hydra are interesting, and Sextans is yet another remarkable zodiacal constellation, rather inclined towards loneliness). Love will devour everything, it's own vampire including. Turn around from lovesex. Get rid of that partner. Sex as escape. Release of sperm and kundalini overweight. This is surely not a kundalinic obesity pO5sition. Touch'n'go! One night stand. 6. Indulgence. Love all serve all. Devour all? The whore (serve all). Scarlet Lady. Our Lady Babalon. A harlot will learn. To banish (discreate), use sibiline verse addressed to Holy Queen Mother as given below. 7. Excellent for marriage. Note that we use the western horizon instead of tropical astrology descendant. See our correction of Rudhyar and Leo /alan.leo /dane.rudhyar The wife as best enemy of the devil inside. Shy hermit is not christ in hiding? Magdalen the Savior. Ciesa dea Madalena Piglet saving the Tiger. Invisible wife's allies, familiaries, the fallen, meek shall florish. Non-persons. An inorganic wife (dwarfish or orkish rather than undine). 8. Fertile impregnation. The watersnake. Tiamat raging in War. The vampire fertilized. Meditate on the 47. Vagina with teeth (various northamerican legends, tibetan mandalas). Samsara as devouring entity. Merchandizing. Quarrel. Third party intruding. Cutting off heads, punishing, cutting off legs. Legal constraint. Bribery? Jack of axe. Extreme severity in legislation. The law, the model. Making love through the barricades (Spandau Ballet). The wars are for the intelligent to learn. In war 2004 DW is madness and religious paranoia. Holy wars were announced by darkplanet Nemesis-Lamia conjunct Puto, Varuna and of course Quaoar. Schizodarknesseeks religious centre. O5 gives spheremajikal geometrical barycentre. Aikido. Keep one point. Concentration. Sex is, after all, one point! Phallic Sun, ejaculaion. The birth of a good and religious child. He shall travel. World religions apartunited by Lady Babalamia. 9. Passion. Dissipation. This is not good for the Spirit. As they nibble the fruit of my flesh, I feel no pain. Evil mantras will not have their way. Angelic operation in the deep hells. Devahans under attack. Lord Shiva firing his Trisula. Major discreation. Learning the secret of the House of Hell. Intelligence and commando. dr. John Dee (agent 007 of H.R.H.) inspecting enochian domains. This position is fertile ground for the student. Forget Vitriol 726 and concentrate on the Sound of Victory. Left body stirring (but how!). Secret operation. Global manipulation. The Dark Lodges. Our Lady Babalon. 10. Go for that partner. Climb social steeps. Or let thy weight roll downhill, instead of pushing it up. Thelema. Khaled Khan. Hydra at the meridian. The zenith of the 28 constellation zodiac. 11. Legal interference. A disturbance in the Force. The waters of the pool stirred? This does not seem a bad position at all. There is lot to work and learn and students and masters gat along fine. There's willingness to learn. Bad karma is dispelled. 12. Love divine. Moksha. True Love. Especially favorable with Venus in Cancer. Less favorable with Venus in Hydra, Sextans. Chariklo in Crater should be taken into account. The Graal. We all have loved you, acolyte (says Lamia-Kundalini-Maya). Original illumination. One shuns followers and is himSelf begging no advantageous gods. This is what Herman Hesse wrote of. © 2003 Klaudio Zic Updates on: Prayers shall be addressed to Holy Mary > The Queen of Omniverse. 4>57 Yilin transl. Robert Matushan boyler(at) " Troubles are dissolved and worries are removed, with the help of the Queen Mother, participating in happiness all arrive and I can live in peace. " Let this Han dynasty verse discreate apprehension ("verso" means "I sip" (pour) in italian" and establish the rulership of the good Queen of Omniverse om mahalaxmyai namah (Holy Mary for christians). The siren voice of senses is thus hushed. Hydra launches kundalini up (and down!) the spine, hardly purified, indeed. When kundalini is not pure ( > alt.clearing.O5 ), then When the siren cries, we launch p+sitive mantras, rather than just tap our ears! ( And whle inner and outer blend, we can "discreate" that voice as inner. Let it be noted that that's a long way from evocation and intercourse with the inorganic. The Lamia event is what we call sex with the vampire (to the ultimate detriment of the vampire). Our blood is poison for the lips of the Beast! © 2003 Klaudio Zic Updates on: Love will devour everything, it's own vampire including. Bad keys: 47 the vampire, one's life force gulped up by one's personal devil or "voladero", the three Lamia or kundalinic watersnakes sucking up the young acolyte's sexual energy, oral sex as path to paradisisiac planets (not to moksha), swallowing sperm (as in the vedas), kundalini as vampyre, Kali trumphant as killer, jealousy, unwillingness to sumbit to good and (perhaps) obvious authority, flaming with pride, unable to respect local/native customs, lawless, troubled karma, intruding third person, third man, go-beat-win, the devil itself, los volad-eros, Kairo in flames, Set and his temporary victory over O5iris, the staff of Set, Nibiru in triumph, warring Marduk, the anrgy 4 archangelstars, lingam flying away on Maha Shivarathri. Good keys: Waking up with the house on fire, Lucifer as enlightment bringer, the good salamander, Jupiter's Great Year and good influence, Great Guardian Angel, love triumphs over jealousy, TrueMind triumphs over False Ego, the 4 archangels, the essence of heavenly love, illumination through love divine, the Sphynx victorious, Saint Marc's winged lion with a sword (his second gospel), PAX TIBI MARCE EVANGELISTA MEVS, Thelema, Sai Baba, swallows in spring, Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual, overcoming the distrust of the mob perhaps even obtaining fealty. The rightous have no need to fear the Whip of God, since it is a friendly Ripple of Change for them! TrueMind triumphs over False Ego. This means the object is Moon-friendly, but most likely to be Sun-unfriendly. The Sun does not venture into Sextans or Hydra, but the Moon does and Venus will "shortly" be there, too (after Orion). The Moon (Isis) stands for True or Initiated Mind. The Sun of course stands for the devil's install or false ego. This is a truism in India as well where Shiva is said to be higher than Krishna, a lunar deity overriding the solar one, True Mind emerging. It is worthless that the Moon is taken for the soul's true significator! The Moon can be far from the Sun, as it stomps from Sextans to Orion. Venus and 2004 DW in Cancer make a loving pair! This combination seems to be one of the luckiest in astrology at large! Cancer stands for the constellation. © 2003 Klaudio Zic A large object has been spotted in a disturbing constellation. Hydra is Tiamat and has been rising it's head when important occult operations were conducted, such as the writing of the Book of Law. This puts us on guard against this object, which will, amazingly disclose it's loving side like no Valentine Centaur ever did! Updates on: Since the young reader might not be acquainted with Thelema or whatever shumerian monsters, we owe him an explanation. Better, here's another example! Lovecraft often threathened with gods and forces from old, the ancients, finding their way from sealed past tombs into this world. The Necronomicon is said to be one such dubious unlocking key for more devils to come in and play. The Star Wars fans will know the Sith and Krath, Naga Sadow, Freedon Nadd, Ulic Qel-Droma and of course Extar Kun. The Force has no dark or bright side as Dao knows neither yin nor yang. It is the use of the Force to determine it's color. 2007 with Venus approaching Hydra's Head through Hydra's demon minister Sextans, with so much Satrun and Regulus has already been marked as special. This time we have a devilish object influenced by Saturn (Venus translates Saturn's energy bumping into 2002 AW197). All luciferian implications of Venus are activated as Saturn stands for the king (Regulus) of Hell itself, in person, so to say. = Visiting the Monsters = 2004 DW and Hydra - Tiamut © 2003 Klaudio Zic Updates on: An object larger than Quaoar has been discovered recently. This article will require some familiarity with the True Zodiac made of 28 constellations. Those include Hydra, (Tiamat, with it's demons-ministers-sattelites, riding on it's back) Sextans, Crater, Corvus. Since Chariklo is a centaur, and so is 2004 CJ39, some knowledge about the centaur objects seems welcome. For an early Quaoar delineation use: Important objects like 2002 AW197 must be studied, too. One can use or our own search engines to obtain early delineations of any centaur or transneptunian. Note that 2004 DW scratches Hydra's back visiting her monsters. This is more like towards a homework for the students, since we sometime work on the delineations twogether. 2004 DW in Sextans, Crater and Corvus is like three plagues if we observe the dark side of 2004 DW, and this object most certainly has it! "Visiting the Monsters" can be said to happen roughly every 100 years or so. We are risking quite some accuracy at this point, the orbital elements being still updating, but you've got the idea. When sitchinian Tiamut is taken for ex planet and her "monsters" = ministers are sattelites (e.g. evil Wind), we launch our experimental nibiric binary system on the basis of old chinese codes, see also Nibiru under ( Enuma Elish ). Abouts: 28 Constellation Zodiac Updates: Our Newsgroup: news:// Updates: Extrazodiacal Astrology Updates: Enuma Elish, Tiamat, Nibiru Valentine Centaur /2004CJ39 Quaoar /quaoar.html Transneptunians /tno All Objects on Archives Ixion & the Centaurs intro Scourge/Whip of God or the Tail of the Devil ? 2004 DW Largest KBO Updates on: = 2004 DW a Bat out of Hell = © 2003 Klaudio Zic The devil, personal or otherwise, has been dubbed "voladero", using Carlos Castaneda's firsthand hellish experiences and some of our own. This object, more than Quaoar, will resist delineation, worse than in the remote case of Varuna, the unfathomable object. For Varuna see When we say man has two minds, we allude to the foreign install averagely at the tender age of three being not our mind at all. Compare with "Dark City" and "Matrix" the movies. The position of this major transneptunian object in Hydra is close to the Ascendant of the Book of Law, Kairo 1904. © 2003 Klaudio Zic O5 Initiations, Astrological Services, I Ching Consultation SMS +385 91 108 108 4 Let not the word "love" be associated with popular sexual allusion only. 2004 DW has much thelemitic about it as Love is the Law, but Love under a Strong Will (or, rather, True Will). Love is terrifying to everyone. It terrified people who met "angels", like the One who wrestled with the "ally" "at Peniel" (Face of God). (A form of the word "Peniel", in fact determines the angel, as well as the wrestlinground). This object's totems are the four archangels. Meaning the four royal stars of Persia. The main problem with simple interpretation of this "object"-spirit is that it bears both Love Divine and the most terrifying wrath of Satan in it's own lap! With Chariklo and 2004 DW at the lap-bottom, Venus going into a mad loop with Saturn Regulus and kissing 2002 AW197, August 2007 seems to be the birthplace of Satan. I was tempted to determine the birth time for the "ideal" antiChrist, using this new object and perhaps I did the work too well. Namely, Venus in it's lowest position and retrograde, heading towards Hydra with a strong ifluence from Saturn and Regulus alone "make me wonder". We have copious material about "extrazodiacal" Venus on the site and "Venus+extrazodiacal". Some will justly conclude that the Devil himself paid us a visit (as if he wasn't in our every cradle?). In 2004 DW the absurd but deadly victory of the inorganic pest we call the personal devil (voladero) clashes with the triumphing True Mind. Love is particullary stressed with Venus (and 2004 DW) in Cancer (the conjunctions in Hydra are interesting, and Sextans is yet another remarkable zodiacal constellation, rather inclined towards loneliness). Updates on: Abouts: Enuma Elish, Tiamat, Nibiru 28 Constellation Zodiac Valentine Centaur /2004CJ39 Quaoar /quaoar.html Transneptunians /tno All Objects on Archives Ixion & the Centaurs intro Our Newsgroup: news:// Updates: Updates: Extrazodiacal Astrology The label "Aiwass" for the planetoid is provisory, and as are this fairly accurate ephemeris by Jon Giorgini of NASA JPL, to whom go all our thanks and esteem. Please assume the object is still a puzzle as it's orbital elements are being determined with progressive precision. In the first days of the discovery, it was thought a cubewano, then a plutino, and it's relative magnitude is still estimated. As son as the object's orbital elements are esteemed reliable, numerical integration is possible for distant dates. Aldo Vitagliano and his Solex software use the NASA model to calculate dates otherwise not supplied by NASA HORIZONS. Aleister Crowley 2004 DW 1875-Sep-20 00:00 288.9969990 8.7303227 1875-Oct-01 00:00 288.9629561 8.7020916 1875-Oct-12 00:00 288.9919660 8.6722306 1875-Oct-23 00:00 289.0843245 8.6425650 1875-Nov-03 00:00 289.2384987 8.6147722 The 1600 - 2100 ephemeris are on the site. The files are comparatively large (over 1 Mb). Mail for compressiOM! Largest discovery after Pluto! © 2003 Klaudio Zic Updates on: Adenda ====== Pallas and Juno have been included. Juno is too small to have any meaning in modern astrology, being dwarfed by too many minor planets, but it retains a historical ... charm. Albeit small, Pallas is considerably up the perimeter range. The giant transneptunians have been dwarfing the main belters for quite some time now. Pallas meets 2004 DW in Hydra. Pallas wherabouts in short. = NEAT Pallas = © 2003 Klaudio Zic April 1st 2004 Pallas and giant comet NEAT meet in Eridanus constellation. Hopefully the river Po in Italy will not flood, as Eridanus is that precise river. Pallas leaves Cetus (where it was able to conjunct Moon in Cetus) for Eridanus and NEAT, heading towards it's doom in Al Nitak or CINGVLA ORIONUS. Orion O5IRIS Both Eridanus and Orion are operative constellations used in astrology. We don't use just the 28 zodiacal, but all the 88 constellations, completing embracing enfolding inspiring and overhelming our belowed coocoon astral energy body like an egg projecting or being Omniverse itself, as the Eagle presses His Intent unto us. Those with Aquila ascending (roughly Chiron around the ascendant) may have Juno in Scutum (see article) around the ascendant at this time. Pallas in CINGVLA ORIONIS will be delineated for the inner circle of O5IRIS students. © 2003 Klaudio Zic O5 Initiations, Astrological Services, I Ching Consultation SMS +385 91 108 108 4 = Ascendental Warning = It is often tricky to determine when an object is on the ascendant, as we have clearly pointed at in the cases of some astrologer's charts /alan.leo While 2004 DW in Hydra is a normal ascendental position, the neighboring example of Chariklo in Crater serves for an example in cases when 2004 DW will visit that constellation. When due East ( = the ascendant proper ) is in Virgo ( a fairly large constellation ), Crater with Chariklo are ascending, too. One may say his due eastern ascendant is Virgo, with Chariklo rising in Crater. It seems the only way to put it. Thus we treat several ascending constellations in some cases, namely the true due eastern constelllation ad the neighboring one. In different times different constellations are due eastern. Crater was and will be such a constellation and it is interesting to note Aries can rise in due east roughly in times when Crater does so. The two cannot ascend in due east when it comes to our present time. for details! * The following verses have to do with 28zodiacal astrology. In the case of Pallas meeting 2004 DW in Hydra, our object is directly involved. In other cases it is either in some sort of aspect like (large) opposition or it is not involved at all. The following are just examples from a broader survey on the 28zodiac Do astrologers use constelaltions like Ophiucus or Auriga? They do! The stars are there! Also: the discoveries are there, e.g. Quaoar in Ophiucus. As Quaoar is far from Sagittarius, so is 2004 DW far from Leo. Is there any difference? There is! If your Moon is in Sextans, you are prone to discrete aloofness, lonely pursuit, and may even be too shy to form a relation (or too ambitious to keep it). Moon in sextans people simply work too much, think too much and the yellow brick road to hell is paved with golden benevolence. Too much of a good thing? Perhaps losing an edge is not that bad for concentration. Monasteries may abound with Moon in Sextans people. New Year 2004 nativities are bent towards any occult pursuit and wil enjoy memorable fish dinners, as their Moon is in Cetus. Popular programs like by Walter Pullen can perform fairly well in the area of 28zodiacal and extrazodiacal astrology. The function is $ astrolog -XF -Xi -Xr -Xm You should obtain something like Juno in Scutum and that's 28zodiacal astrology proper (albeit the zodiac pertains to the planets, only partially /so-to-say/ to the minor planets. Et voila! March hares 2004 have Juno in Scutum? Are they mad? = Juno in Scutum = © 2003 Klaudio Zic 28zodiacal astrology includes Scutum constellation. Being born with Aquila ascending this days means having Juno in Scutum in the 12th or 1st house. Never use tropical calculus to know which, one, it'll fail. What is this position about? The evil majikian uses his majik mirror and fogs timespace. Especially time. Time lapses get less reliable here. Marriage gets dull. There's agression ahead of an average sullen day. Triangle relationships break up and one finds oneself temporarely alone. Allone eternal but constancy does not mean escaping the tooth of time. The practice of time discreation. Intent enables teleportation. Marriage was determined from the start as if parameters won't change. The very institution of marriage is not only in crisis: it is unbearable: nothing there for the neophyte. © 2003 Klaudio Zic O5 Initiations, Astrological Services, I Ching Consultation SMS +385 91 108 108 4 So if I have Chiron ascending, Juno is in the 12th house in Scutum? Is that getting too exciting? What about some more? Beware the serpent's tail, since it is about to hit! = Pluto in Serpens Cauda = © 2003 Klaudio Zic Let it be noted that, while Pluto is still in Ophiucus at the time of the article, it'll move into Serpens Cauda towards 2006 and it'll be Jupiter rejoicing with Ixion, Quaoar and 2002 MS4 in Ophiucus at that time. Thus Serpens Cauda is not a fictious invention of some 28zodiacal astronomy, it is a real planetary position (while Pluto is still a planet). While a bunch of astronomers (rare fellows) will agree on a 28 constellation zodiac, we have found convenient to split Serpens into it's two halves, thus we have Pluto in Serpens Caput (Alpha Serpentis!) and Pluto in Serpens Cauda, the mild version of the evil star conjunction. Search for delineations. See also data base People will be born with several planets in Ophiucus, which in fact is not rare at all, Ophiucus being a large zodiacal constellation. What _is_ rare is to have a planet in Scorpius. The narrow stripe of zodiacal Scorpius with it's Antares star (and archangel) allows for an extremely brief sojourn of any planet. The Sun may spend from 6 to 7 days in that constellation, making Scorpius nativities extremely rare. People are of course made to believe they're born in this or that "sign" by people who'll never know their own Sun's position. That is only the dawning of the age of error, as we have people running around with positions erroneous by two houses or two "signs", believing one is a "Scorpio". Myself born Nov 28 have Sun conjunct Antares and am qualified as true Scorpius. But how many of you can claim that position? © 2003 Klaudio Zic O5 Initiations, Astrological Services, I Ching Consultation SMS +385 91 108 108 4 Popravljeno 10. marec 2004 -> ananta Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 9. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 9. marec 2004 Ne najdem efemerid oz. podatkov, ne morem si sploh ustvarit mnenja. Ne stekam, v bistvu, kaj zdaj s tem. Malo vec v morda pogovornem jeziku tudi? Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
lunca 9. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 9. marec 2004 Ananta prosim, če mal razložiš to, vsaj v par stavkih. Mogoče mi bo potem bolj jasno. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
El Nino 9. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 9. marec 2004 že spet ta konec sveta, ne me jebat... me bo še konec od tega (torej konec sveta afterall) Citiraj Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 9. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 9. marec 2004 Intruder ima veckrat prav v svojih napovedih, samo jih moras znati brati vcasih... :o|o: Ce si predstavljas karte (tarot) - je on nekaksen Magus (*z recimo kanckom Fool-a). Njemu je dolgcas tole - mars v 4. hisi..., tranzit saturna na mars..., ... :o|o: Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
č.v.e.k.a 9. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 9. marec 2004 že spet ta konec sveta, ne me jebat... me bo še konec od tega (torej konec sveta afterall) itaq osvajamo..upsss osvajajo Mars Citiraj HOROSKOP JE PREREZ,NEKEGA ČASA. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Amis 10. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 10. marec 2004 mogoče pa samo konec znanega (sveta) Citiraj you see things; and you say WHY?but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 10. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 10. marec 2004 Zhivjo Marsa. Fool kot (tibetanski horoskop) = gibon:) Drugach (tibetanski) brown goose (klepetalec?). Pridem, se oglasim;) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 10. marec 2004 Prijavi Deli 10. marec 2004 OK, Claudio - 'izgubila' mobi, dobila prejle sms. Zvrcni ali sms-aj, ko bos v LJ.Pridi na LN party - Rakitna, 29. marec. Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 15. marec 2004 Avtor Prijavi Deli 15. marec 2004 Ti voxmail = ??? moj je + 385 91 70 108 108 4 torej 70 vmes. Vedno Rakitna:) Tropikalno (hmmm) je sedna nekjer na 17 tau. 2004 DW je nekjer na 25 leo. To sta dva nova pomembna objekta. Kar zgodovinska. Too much ekskluzive tlele, she observatoriji nimaju teh podatkov;) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Buddha 12. oktober 2004 Prijavi Deli 12. oktober 2004 je kj napredka že bolj ? Citiraj .vedno iščem Vzrok problemov in njihove Zdrave rešitve Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 20. januar 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 20. januar 2005 Ko Orcus preide v Sextans je mnda reforma ali konc Vatikana, namreč je Sextans ascendent vatikana. Orcus je 2004 DW Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
principesa 20. januar 2005 Prijavi Deli 20. januar 2005 VES sončni sistem z njegovimi vidnimi in nevidnimi planetije velik oder razvoja, kjer se razvija raznovrstno življenje v različnih stopnjahin neskončno mnogo oblikah k vse večji popolnosti....gmotno sonce x!x in zvezde premičnice, ki so z njim povezane so najzunajnejši in najpogostejši del sončnega sistema, ki ga tvori več nevidnih svetov sestavljenih iz vse finejše snovi, ti nevidni sistemi prežemajo fizični dobr, to še neki kapiram, ampak zdej ti men razloži..kako si prišel do sklepa da bo 22.01. apokalipsa? in dej mi razloži kako deluje ČRNA LUKNJA? RES ME ZANIMA ? LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 20. januar 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 20. januar 2005 Črne luknje delamo (malo je zamudno) z SIMBAD NASA postrežnikom (v Franciji). JAN 22nd = Orcus dela konjunkcijo (angularna, torej natančna) z Aplhard v Hydra. Bush ga pa s.j.e = vse se strinja mars je v Ophiucus in dela konjunkcijo z (Quaoar) U.S.A. ascendentom. U.S.A. ascendent je namreč Ophiucus. Katastrofalni idijot Bush ga bo spet za.... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
principesa 20. januar 2005 Prijavi Deli 20. januar 2005 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 21. januar 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 21. januar 2005 Ljubezev vključuje in transcendira črne luknje:) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
stankaa 21. januar 2005 Prijavi Deli 21. januar 2005 <{POST_SNAPBACK}>mars je v Ophiucus in dela konjunkcijo z (Quaoar) U.S.A. ascendentom. U.S.A. ascendent je namreč Ophiucus. Za Busha je jasno, da po starem -> slabo naprej.Mars in Quaoar konjunkcija, spet preko nasilja do neke nove situacije ampak Quaoar bi naj pomenil nato nekaj boljšega kot pred konjunkcijo...? Citiraj Življenje je PLES do nebes...Imejte se radi med seboj, vedno!live well, laugh often, love much (as you've never been hurt!) Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
principesa 21. januar 2005 Prijavi Deli 21. januar 2005 ma ni mi jasn kaj ima BUSH pr tem kaosu vesolja? a nanj vpliva drugace ? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
stankaa 21. januar 2005 Prijavi Deli 21. januar 2005 A meniš, da ima Bush pozitiven vpliv in da dela redin ne kaos? Citiraj Življenje je PLES do nebes...Imejte se radi med seboj, vedno!live well, laugh often, love much (as you've never been hurt!) Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
principesa 21. januar 2005 Prijavi Deli 21. januar 2005 menim da je BUSH velik komedijant , ki je naredil več zla kot vsi predsedniki pred ga bo še sejal ,zlo, namreč, ampak saj je on tudi lutka v rokah"ozadja" .....da nam rekla res nevem kaj ima vpliv astrologije pri tem? vse je v GLAVI. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 21. januar 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 21. januar 2005 s3njam se! a je to tvoja muca? nor sem na muce (*:B Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 21. januar 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 21. januar 2005 <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Za Busha je jasno, da po starem -> slabo naprej.Mars in Quaoar konjunkcija, spet preko nasilja do neke nove situacije ampak Quaoar bi naj pomenil nato nekaj boljšega kot pred konjunkcijo...? Zelo kreativno!Bravo!!! Jaz pa videm podmornice... tipično moški...;( Lepo pitezo si naredila, stANKaa... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
principesa 22. januar 2005 Prijavi Deli 22. januar 2005 jes,jes je moja muca,plavooki zmaj nora sem nanj... njega mi je sam BOG poslal...verjamem v čudeže... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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