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dovolj...da vem da so tu


poznam tiste dve iz mlajših let..levanka in desanka

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iz lastnih izkušenj....človk največ pametnega pove...hehe...matr sta me nasmejala....ko dumb in dumber dream team

in ti boš sedaj rekel da nis nikol drkal al kaj ???

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in ti boš rekel da še nobene s foruma nisi kaj

no...u bistvu sem mislil vidva....dream team...dumb and dumbera

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Kot pravi Aeval, sem se iz zveri prelevila v kozo. Ampak saj veš, volk dlako menja...

o mrnjav daj da te poslinim, dete nič več zblojeno, tak čist drugače pišeš, urejeno, modro ne morm verjet


če bi js po forumu žical bejbe, najbrž ne bi nikol fukal


mi je bolj všečen real lajf

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Haha.... hvala za.... kompliment

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ej, kje pa je Bojante?

a je že odfrčal na svoj planet ali samo stran od LNF??


Bojante je pred časom naznanil, da je tukaj končal s svojim poslanstvom in da ga bo nadaljeval drugje, ni pa povedal, kje. Toliko v vednost

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  • 2 weeks later...

A ona je šla? Sem opazila, da spet manjkajo posti....

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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Astro pogrešam fejst, s tisto njeno zdravo kmečko pametjo, z izkušnjami in sočnimi rešitvami za vse životne položajeve





drgač pa kak jim rata- men še enega posta ne rata zbrisat, bemu- tehniko narodu ili domačici

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Prosiš šefico Marso, pa ti vse izbriše ;)

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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hvala srce


bhm in khm, a nismo v starih cajtih, pisali pa brisali glih kar smo hoteli pa kdaj smo hoteli tebi še verjamem, sebi nič več

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Smo, pa še lahko, samo tebi ne gre - ker si še frišna tu za to, da lahko brišeš, moraš imeti 300+ postov.

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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  • 2 months later...

Glih taprave volje sem, da te malo pogrešam čisto malo

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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Nimbosho (ok, vsaj izbrisal se ni).

pa še pa še pa še.


Silver, da se pri priči spraviš nazaj!



... Say what you mean

And mean what you say ...

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pa jaz sem ziher, da je Omar ni kar pobrisal, kaj :)

Ziher še pride.

Ko bomo pridni

... Say what you mean

And mean what you say ...

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Deli na socialnih omrežjih Pomoje bo hitreje oživel, če boste poredne

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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... Say what you mean

And mean what you say ...

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škoda k se tle ne da taggat kokr na fb, da on to pol zihr vidi,


ima silica prav, a čmo ga s čim mal privlečt ?


omaaar , akcija tle !

vec svetlobe spustis vase,
svetlejsi postane svet v katerem zivis

shakti gawain

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Evo mene.


Akcija al kaj?




Ful všeč, da me same take the best bejbike pogrešajo.

Sm malčk na dopustu, a mislim na vas in vas pogrešam.

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Evo sej sm vedla, prec zavoha uživaj, ko prideš nazaj se pa kej oglas

Penny: Oh big deal. Not knowing is part of the fun.

Sheldon: "Not knowing is part of the fun". Was that the motto of your community college?



This is where the old mountain goat lives. He hangs out here and has a good time. B. R.

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