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E, tud js se lahko tu prijavim x:)x

Po soncu in srcu riba xDDx Ostalo pa en dobr mix ...



Mam pa tud Merkur v ribah, a bi kdo znal na kratko povedat kakšna bi naj bila moja komunikacija?


Oj fiška, jaz mislim, da bi ti kaj o tvojem Merkurju v ribicah znal povedat, a dosti bolj, če mi napišeš še v keri bajti je in v katermu znamenju, pa kake aspekte ma in kdo in kje je vladar bajte, v kateri je tvoj fiškast Merkurček. x;)x


Lih k si sestrca. x:Dx

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Guest VilaSonca

Venera v Ribi - umetniška žilica, nežnost, senzitivnost, intuicija, eterična lepota.

Mars - fizis, akcija, spolnost, šport ...

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Mars v znamenju Ribi




Ljudje z Marsom v znamenju Ribi so zelo občutljivi na vse dražljaje iz okolice. Pogosto se zdijo pretirano popustljivi, saj se le redko borijo za svoje ideale ali pravice. Do drugih delujejo sočutno in so pripravljeni pomagati tistim, ki so manj srečni od njih. Pogosto so nepraktični in nimajo jasno zastavljenih ciljev, kaj natančno želijo doseči. Materialni svet jih ne zanima, veliko več energije vlagajo v to, da lahko ostanejo v svetu domišljije, umetnosti, glasbe in duhovnosti.

There is

One Mind,

One Truth,

One Source in the Universe,

and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

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  • 2 weeks later... evo eno ribico vsem

Preteklost obstaja le v mislih in na način, za katerega se v mislih odločimo.

Živimo v sedanjem trenutku. Čutimo v sedanjem trenutku.

Doživljamo sedanji trenutek.

Kar počnemo v sedanjem trenutku, ustvarja temelje za jutrišnji dan.

Torej se odločimo v sedanjem trenutku. Jutri ne moremo storiti ničesar in tudi včeraj ne.

Samo danes lahko delujemo.

Pomembno je, kaj se odločimo misliti, verjeti in reči sedaj.

Luis L. Hay - Moč je v tebi

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  • 1 year later...



* Symbol: the Fish

* Ruling Planet: Jupiter / Neptune

* Ruling House: Twelfth House

* Element: Water

* Quality: Mutable

* Body Parts: feet


* Date with destiny: Cancer, Scorpio

* Run for the hills: Gemini, Sagittarius

* Where you glow: helping others

* What makes you tick: writing poetry

* Fitness forecast: meditation

* Play date: going to the theatre

* Perfect jobs: TV producer, bartender

* Best accessory: a toe ring

* A sure thing: taking in stray animals

* Destination: Morocco

* Pleasure: romance, helping others, compassion

* Pain: reality, mean people, insensitivity

* What's my line? Make love not war.

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  • 1 month later...

Pisces Fun Facts


Gentle, intuitive Fish are the psychics of the Zodiac.

"Understanding" is a most appropriate keyword for this gentle, affectionate sign. Easygoing and generally accepting of others around them, Pisceans are often found in the company of a variety of different personalities. Their willingness to give of themselves emotionally lends to an aura of quiet empathy. A Pisces is comforting to be around. Although not likely to be the leader, this sign's presence is strong and vibrant for any cause into which they put their hearts.


Friends and Family

Gentle Pisceans make some of the best friends there are. In fact, they often put the needs of their friends ahead of their own. Loyal, dedicated, supportive, and compassionate, Pisceans will take on any problem. Big or small, when a challenge arises for family or friends, they will be there in every capacity possible to make things better. Deeply intuitive, Pisceans can often sense when something is askew long before anything is said.


Pisceans are expressive by nature and don't hesitate to let those around them know how they feel. It's not surprising for a Pisces to write a song for someone or to buy a gift that is heartfelt and meaningful. They prefer others to be as open with them as they are. Communication with loved ones is considered most important.


Career and Money

Intuitive and often dreamy, Pisces natives are most comfortable in positions that bring their creative natures into humanitarian causes. Some good careers for this sign are lawyer, architect, veterinarian, musician, social worker, and game designer. The key phrase for this sign is "I believe." It's important for the Pisces to feel strongly about personal endeavors.


Inspired by the need to make a difference in the lives of those they touch, Pisceans are most charitable and will often go way above and beyond the call of duty. Sensitive, deeply compassionate, hardworking, dedicated, and reliable, this is one sign that really knows how to get to the heart of the matter. They can be excellent problem-solvers.


For the most part, Pisceans don't give money too much thought. They are more concerned with their dreams and goals than with money. Yet because this is oftentimes a component to reaching their aspirations, Pisces natives will ensure they have the money they need. They can be of two minds in this area. On one hand, the Pisces will spend, spend, spend with little thought, and on the other hand, they can become quite miserly. Yet in the end, there will always seem to be enough to do what they want in life.


Love and Sex

Deep within the Piscean beats the heart of the die-hard romantic. Loving, tender, and exceptionally giving, this sign cherishes intimacy deeply. They are passionate lovers that need to feel a real connection with their mates. Quick flings and superficial interludes do not do well with the Piscean whatsoever. In relationships, they are fiercely loyal and doting. They love to give gifts and to make the other person feel like a million bucks. Nothing is too good for the Piscean's love interest!





Each sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body that is most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical area for Pisces is the feet.

Ruling Planet

The ruling planet for Pisces is Neptune. Considered the planet of intuition, Neptune rules dreams, illusion, music, spirituality, mystery, second sight, intangibles, and the love of poetry.


Pisces is the natural sign of the Twelfth House. This house focuses on limitations, hidden strength, frustrations, and the subconscious mind.

Opposite Sign

The opposite sign for Pisces is Virgo.


Pisces is most compatible with Cancer and Scorpio.


The color of choice for Pisces is sea-green.


Pisces's star stone is the Moonstone.

Lucky Numbers

Pisces's lucky numbers are 1, 3, 4, and 9.

The Perfect Gift

Beautiful inspiring colors that make a home more beautiful, a day spent sailing, a romantic starlit dinner, a song or poem from a loved one


Spiritual themes, time alone, visual media, time to sleep, romance, music, swimming


Absorbing toxic people and situations, cruelty of any kind

Famous Pisceans

Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria Parker, Queen Latifah, Benicio Del Toro, Bruce Willis, Ron Howard, Elizabeth Taylor

Best travel destination

Scandinavia, Portugal, Jerusalem, Warsaw, Seville


Intuitive, compassionate, artistic, gentle, wise, musical


Can be a victim or martyr, fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality

Charismatic marks

Soft, sometimes frail to medium build, face easily shows emotion.

Best environment

On or near water, especially the sea. The movie theater.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Ribice so tkuuu fajn x;)x


Najboljši prijatelj je ribak xsrcx ne zamenjam ga za nič na svetu! x^x Res zlato bitje x:Xx ogromno mi pomeni...


Zadnje čase pa imam okrog sebe še ženske ribice - prej nisem poznala nobene predstavnice tega znamenja, zdaj se pa očitno kar množijo okrog mene x8Dx Zanimive, odštekane, malo čudne :inocent: ... zato se pa fajn razumemo x:px

"In spe nascendi." (Živim v upanju)


Latinski izrek

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Jaz mam tud velik rib okol sebe pa tud maram ribe, se štekam, logično.

Sama se ne vidim tolk ribje, čeprav sem v bistvu ful...

Hočem rečt, ko gledam ribe, je neka rdeča nit, jaz sem pa vesoljc. x:)x


Lili Mai ("kakšnih oceanih"?) - deep oceans. :vio:

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Same delovne mravljice, um, ribice x;)x



Hm sicer sm tipična riba - v privi bajti v ribah trije mejđr planeti- sonce + venera + merkur ---ampak zarad lune v tehtnici sm taka ljenčina da....


...nč ni pridnih mravljic haha

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Meni je zanimivo, da edina prijateljica, ki je res ostala iz srednješolski časov je riba (sicer ne preveč tipična) roj. 18.3. in potem sem na faksu spoznala še eno ribo, ki mi je sedaj tudi zelo dobra frenda in je guess what(?) roj. 18.3. (eno leto prej) xDDx


Nasplošno dobro furam z vsemi znamenji itak, ker ne poznam vseh asc. Namanj sončevih je pa ovnov, tehtnic, vodnarjev.

Jaz mam tud take fore datumske, pa tud moji frendi, ki imajo poleg mene opraviti recimo še s fulimi trinajsticami (tud tamal ima okol sebe ful trinajstic).

18. marca je pa rojena tud ena moja včas zlo dobra frenda pa še en znanec je tud 18.3. (drugač je to kao dober datum za ribe). xDDx


Same delovne mravljice, um, ribice x;)x

Itak, arbajtamo ko šus. x:px


Hm sicer sm tipična riba - v privi bajti v ribah trije mejđr planeti- sonce + venera + merkur ---ampak zarad lune v tehtnici sm taka ljenčina da....


...nč ni pridnih mravljic haha

ja ja sevede, Tehtnica je kriva, to bo. xDDx jaz sem pa zarad asc sco al kaj! x:Dx x:o)x



Ampak si pa pol res uživač in nč čudnega da si rad na morju, a tko da te zrak žene. :palec: xDDx

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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jst sem tud dost prebluzila pa prehengala že z ribami, ženskimi in moškimi, no ponavad je bil totalen bluz, sam fajn... xDDx


(me znajo pa mal živčno delat, k komplicirajo, haha! x:Dx x:o)x)

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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ja ja sevede, Tehtnica je kriva, to bo. xDDx jaz sem pa zarad asc sco al kaj! x:Dx x:o)x



Ampak si pa pol res uživač in nč čudnega da si rad na morju, a tko da te zrak žene. :palec: xDDx


Ja pa tale venera v prvi bajti tut + tehtnica v luni ljenčina mejhn že na narcidonst seka (kaj češ :) ) drgač pa zraka velik--še asc vodnar.Zemlje mi mal manjka---pa tut ognja je dovolj---prva bajta položena z močnimi planeti---akcija, reakcija---ego itd x:Dx x:Dx x:Dx ---tko da v moji karti ni da ni x:Dx x:Dx x:Dx



drač se pa vid tale prva bajta ker me boli k...c kva drugi mislijo---važn je kaj jest---seveda na način da ne ogrožam nobenga---torej boli me :8): po ribje pa komplikator nism ker se mi ne da komplicirat in sm zlooo praktičn pr problemih x:Dx x:Dx x:Dx

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