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Marsa :palec:

tole sem jaz mislila izrazit v eni temi, oz. tole mi je ležalo na duši,sam se nisem znala izrazit, kot da bi blo to prvič a?

Ja iskrenost -

mogoče tisti, ki ne govorimo toliko o izlivih čustev, tudi zaznavamo ljubezen, ...

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Najbolj aktivni v tej temi

Mislim, da je misel začetek vsega.


Morda bi bilo dovolj, če se kako nedeljo po kosilo dobimo v Tivoliju, brez besed, sklenemo roke v en obroč, sedemo in kličemo zavest.


To. Malo nesramnosti, malo sprememb, to je to. x;)x

Let the sunshine in
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Morda bi bilo dovolj, če se kako nedeljo po kosilo dobimo v Tivoliju, brez besed, sklenemo roke v en obroč, sedemo in kličemo zavest.

Hej Sizif, tole bi se pa dalo uresničit :palec: Brez nekega velikega pompa, gremo se dobit nek vikend - lahko že tale naslednji - pride, kdor hoče in da tisto, kar ima v sebi. xsrcbumx


Pa kaka nesramnost neki, mam filing, da ti kar mal ironično pišeš tole, da mal zbockaš, v bistvu imaš pa čisto nekaj drugega v mislih x:Dx x:Dx Ljubezen, ne pa nesramnost ane x;)x






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Ta vikend morda res ne, ker je praznik, pač pa bi se lahko potem naslednji. To je 5. , 6. november.


No, recimo takole.

V Ljubljani; V Tivoliju, ob 12-ih ali 18-ih ali 0.00 ali 6.00.

In sicer na tisti jasi za kopališčem, oziroma pred njim na levi strani, če prihajaš s strani centra.


V Mariboru; V Mestnem parku, in sicer prva večja jasa na levi strani, ob glavni aleji. Čas - isti.


Za ostale kraje naj napišejo ostali.


Aja to še. V Velenju recimo, je zadeva lahko morda pod skakalnico.


Seansa bi trajala približno 15 minut.

Morda bi bilo fajn prit kakšno minuto prej, da začnemo na polno uro. Meditacija naj potem traja ali 6 ali 12 minut, in potem se lahko mirno razidemo.

Če pa želi kdo še kakšno reči, pa kar.

Let the sunshine in
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po mojem občutku, sprememba to na bolje jasno...komaj pa čakam, da bodo prišli uradni rezultati poskusa... x:)x

you see things; and you say WHY?

but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT?

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Natancno tako, kot pravimo za vse tole... ali Boga isces doma ali v cerkvi, duhovnost na delavnicah ali pri sebi v samoti...

Oboje je pac pot, dejstvo pa je, da dejansko gre za to, da je pac energija v teh primerih mocnejsa. :palec:

Saj tega bo (in nekaj casa pravzaprav je ze, saj smo se celo tu parkrat sli nekaj podobnega) vedno vec...

Saj tako gremo zdaj... xupx


Vendar pa je tako kot z boleznimi; ko prihaja ozdravitev oz. ko zacnemo sploh zdraviti, se vsi pojavi se mal morjo nastepat.... reakcije....

Ko se 'bolezen' nazaj bori... no, tu pa se 'staro' nazaj bori, a novo, visje, je vse mocnejse. x^x

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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From: James Twyman

Reply To


Subject: Holy Land Peace Vigil

Date: 11/12/2004 2:24:48 AM


Beloved Friends,


On Saturday November 13 thousands of people around the world will focus their hearts and mind on the Holy Land of Israel and Palestine, helping to ease the tensions and promote peace in this troubled land. I am writing this letter from Jerusalem, the City of Peace, where 65 spiritual peacemakers from around the world are with me holding the space for everyone who will send their prayers on Saturday. We have been talking to many of the Palestinian we have met, and they have asked for our prayers to bring about a smooth, non-violent transition to new leadership, caused by the death of Yasser Arafat. Thus far the energy has been calm, but our visualizations are very needed. Please join us by "Praying Peace" for all the people in the Middle East.


Here is a simple format you can follow, or feel free to design your own, either alone or with a group:


The key is to FEEL that peace has already prevailed in the Holy Land. This is the strongest form of prayer in the world for we align our minds with the Mind of God which sees all things as whole. Begin by visualizing the Old City of Jerusalem with its ancient walls separating one group from another. Now FEEL in your heart the sensation of all these groups coming together in the center of this ancient city, the city of Prophets. Then say a prayer similar to this:


"We know that peace prevails in the Middle East and through all the world. My mind is calm, and that sense of peace flows to every being in Israel in Palestine. My heart is open, and it helps open the hearts of every person that is afraid and alone. Peace Prevails in the Middle East NOW."


You can also join us live, watching the entire gathering of hundreds of spiritual peacemakers taking place just outside Jerusalem. We are broadcasting the video of the peace vigil (the cost of $8 simply covers the cost of the video stream) so people all around the world can feel that they are here. Please go to to sign up today.


Thank you for responding to the call, and for spreading the word about this vigil.




On December 10, 1994, James Twyman performed the Peace Concert for the first time at the Peace Abbey outside Boston. Since then he has shared these prayers and music in countries around the world, often during wars or international conflicts in some of the most dangerous areas on the planet. Millions of people have taken part in the peace prayer vigils that have accompanied many of these journeys, beginning in 1998 when James was first invited to Baghdad by the government of Iraq.

Please join us for a 10th Anniversary concert on December 10, 2004 being held in Ashland, Oregon. Two different concerts will be performed at 2:00 PM and 7:00PM, both of which will be taped for an upcoming video. If you are interested in attending, please follow this link:

We hope all of you from our extended spiritual family will join us for this very special event.


See you there.



James Twyman



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. :palec: x;)x

Tole sem danes dobila od avtorja knjige, ki je tudi v LUNCI : POSLANCI LUČI

Vredno prebrat, mnenja me ne zanimajo


peace and love


peace and love


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Se mi zdi precej bolano, al pa sem kako generacijo zaostal, da še tak mavrični oldskul vlečem za sabo.

Mislim, dajmo se malo prijet za rokce pa bomo meditirali, pa pol bo kdo še kaj zaigral na flavto, pol bo pa nekdo od nekod prinesel domači refošk, in to je to.

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Malce sem preletela, tole grafe si moram malce časa vzet in prečekirat. Je kje strnjeno v 2 stavkih, Mateja?

Jas te mam tak rada

I am feeling very olympic today

Is time the only thing you are waiting for?

Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa!


Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Dalai Lama

Majhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe)

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