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Policist ustrelil meniha v Tibetu


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The below text is from Students for a Free Tibet homepage.


On September 14th, the abbot of Golok Topden Monastery in Machen County, Tibet was shot and killed by a police officer. Several other monks were reportedly wounded. The precise circumstances surrounding the incident are still unclear; however, it appears that the monk was shot in the police station after he and several other monks who had been arrested and apparently severely beaten by police a few days prior, visited the station. They were attempting to convince officers that the police were responsible for medical bills incurred by the monks who had been beaten. The arrests had happened after a dispute with the owner of a guest house.


Local people in the area are reportedly very upset because of the shooting, and according to some sources, police reinforcements have been called into the area to prevent protests from occurring.


Please click on the above link send emails to the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, requesting a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding the shooting, and the suspension of the officer in question for the course of the investigation.



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Thanx Klemen! :palec:

Sem ravno imela v iskalniku tibet - in preseneceno ugotovila, da ni nikjer te teme... x?x

Morda je naslovljeno drugace.

No in fajn si ze ti dal gor! :palec:

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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