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Aha, roževec imam. xyesx Super kamen, sem pa brala, da si ti skregana z njim. Jaz pa zadnje čase ne čutim nič, ne od roževca ne od ametista. xnckrivx

enostavno ga ne vem zakaj :inocent:

There is

One Mind,

One Truth,

One Source in the Universe,

and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

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Najbolj aktivni v tej temi


ja preber...pred 25 rojstnim dnem se jih odsvetuje


pa praksa kaže , da ne koristijo prej ampak škodujejo


vplivajo na žleze in hormonsko sliko....


tak so mi povedali strici pa tete, ki to že dolgo časa spremljajo...pospešujejo, kar mladostnikom ni potrebno, prej jim škodo nardi, pri že tako ali tako podivjani sceni...


če so meni lagali, lažem tudi jaz


tak x^x

Behi, tole je Lia napisala v temi Tibetanske vaje in jaz se strinjam z njo... ti pa že veš. Te vaje niso hec....

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sem nehal z to duhovnostjo ;)

Kurc po čakrah, kurc po bioenergiji, sem ugotovil, da zamujam svoja najlepša leta.

Zato: It's time to party xsuperx



If you have great passion, then you can do high fashion!

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sem nehal z to duhovnostjo ;)

Kurc po čakrah, kurc po bioenergiji, sem ugotovil, da zamujam svoja najlepša leta.

Zato: It's time to party xsuperx


jebeš to :D rajš se duhovno razvij :P to ti bo ostal :)

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Kar oboje zmixaj, če ti rata!! xokx x:)x

to je mišn impisibl...rad gre v ekstreme x:o)x šele pol bo znal najdit eno srednjo pot

ah sweet 16 :2src:

There is

One Mind,

One Truth,

One Source in the Universe,

and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

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  • 3 weeks later...
sem nehal z to duhovnostjo ;)

Kurc po čakrah, kurc po bioenergiji, sem ugotovil, da zamujam svoja najlepša leta.

Zato: It's time to party xsuperx

A ni najbolj duhoven tisti, ki preprosto je tisto, kar je? Če si mlad in te vleče k zabavi ... zabavaj se!!

Sploh pa, če si kdaj imel priložnost spoznati kakega človeka, ki se je našel, si lahko videl, da se ta v življenju neizmerno zabava.


Dobra tema je tole ... našla še več, kot odgovor, ki sem ga iskala. x;)x

Pri duhovnosti ne gre za težnjo po biti duhoven, temveč pomeni biti resnićen.

Spirituality is not about being spiritual. It's about beeing real.

by Tony Samara




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:palec: Duhovnost je avtentičnost mišljenja in pogum, da to mišljenje živiš.



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x8Dx sedaj sem pa ukapirala x:Dx


Vprašanjce izven konteksta - zakwa s pa ti kr naenkrat Jeti? Jeti so v mladih letih klical' mene, k sm bil primerno bradat in čupav x:o)x x:o)x x:o)x . Dj pol u fotke gor kakšno svojo slikco, da vidmo, če zgledaš zadost votlinarsko, da maš pravico do tega imena.


alalal (beri rikverc)


Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob!

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  • 2 months later...

Za tiste, kateri se "poigravate" s čakrami; ajna čakra stimulacija; "tuning":


Tibetan singing bowls za čakra "tuning" (ajna čakra):



Predvajalnik se nastavi na "repeat" funkcijo (samodejno ponavljanje).


Glasnost zvoka prilagodite sebi.


Dodatne informacije:





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Vpliv glasbe na čakre:




Brainwave Frequency Listing



Boxed Nirvana čakra stimulator


Posluša se s slušalkam. Brezplačno:


More info:





"There are 3 sections to the track:



1. 14 minute progression from a relaxed Beta state (~16Hz) down to the Alpha-Theta border (7.83Hz)

There is also a higher pitched tone which fades in at about the 10 minute mark, to keep you from falling asleep.


I recommend doing some energy bounces, raising, and general stimulation of the secondary circuit during this first 14 minutes (see Robert Bruce's NEW energy ways)



2. 13 minute chakra stimulation

Sources disagree on frequencies used to stimulate the chakras - and indeed, the number and placement of them is even disputed. Some suggest that if there are frequencies which affect the chakras, they are different for each individual anyway.


Either way, visualising your chakras energising is the most important factor - imagine, and literally feel energy flowing up from your base chakra and charging each one in turn.


So just use the 7 tones played as a cue to move your awareness to the next chakra, going through them in your preferred order and positioning. My preference is to follow Robert Bruce's convention: Base, Navel, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown


Until I identify particular frequencies that have an effect without additional visualisation (on me at least),


I've decided to go with the ancient "Nis Gabri":


Mesopotamian tuning (for the musos, even more "natural" than Just Intonation), using a reference note of C at 256Hz.


The binaural beatings match those listed at


in the 8-15Hz range - just in case it helps!



3. 33 minutes deepening Theta to Delta trance, adding astral projection frequencies.



The track finishes up leaving you in Delta, so you can continue on in that state, and "wake up" at your leisure.


More detailed information on the frequencies used is in the attached readme file.


Hope you like it!





Do I need headphones for this?


Yes, headphones are best - but stereo speakers positioned either side so that they point directly into each ear should work reasonably well also. Mostly I'll use headphones, but I've also got speakers strapped to my bedposts if I want to use a track drifting off to sleep - I know the effects are reduced if I roll on my side, but at least I don't get strangled by the headphone cord!


Basically, it works by sending a slightly different tone to each ear. As these 2 tones are blended together in the brain the wavering sound you hear (a binaural beat) pulses at the frequency that you're trying to get our brainwaves to. Left and right hemispheric activity is also supposed to synchronise better, as both sides of your brain have to work together to interpret the difference in the two tones. Synchronised activity is associated with a trance-like state.


It doesn't really matter if you don't have the headphones on the correct ear, but don't play it through speakers positioned randomly. You may still hear the pulsing, but the sound is then mixing before it reaches your ears (a monaural beat) - so it's less effective in getting the 2 hemispheres to operate together at the intended frequencies.


Note that the promo stuff for Brain Sound Studio ( claims that it can produce effects that are as good using just monaural beats, so it doesn't matter where your speakers are. But I haven't tried it out yet - does anyone else have experience with this software?





Question 1 - Frequencies used?

No Solfeggio frequencies were looked into (unless the DNA stimulation of 3.5Hz is one?), but here's the listing:




Segment A


1) A constant pitch of 136.1Hz is used

This is the OM sound corresponding to the 32nd octave tone of the Earth year. Also the "frequency of the soul" - relaxing, soothing, balancing, harmony with the cosmos.


In conjunction, the binaural beating of this tone goes through the following:

16.4 - Spirit, liberation, transcendence

14.0 - Schumann resonance

12.0 - Centering, mental stability

10.5 - Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity

9.00 - Correction of body imbalances

7.83 - Schumann resonance, grounding, rejuvenation



2) The tone which starts up at the 11minute mark is a higher octave of OM at half volume. Binaurals used:

33.0 - Christ consciousness and pyramid frequency. Coincides with voice 1 at 9Hz for some of the "weird effects" Michael Triggs talks about.

35.0 - Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras


3) Another pitch at 70Hz - associated with mental & astral projection

Binaural beating of this is at 4.5Hz - Shamanic state of consciousness and Tibetan Buddhist chants





Segment B - 13 minutes


1) Constant pitch of 136.1Hz beating at 7.83Hz (Schumann resonance)


2) Continuation of 35Hz (chakra balancing)


3) Sequence of 7 notes for each chakra using Mesopotamian tuning




Segment C - 33 minutes


1) Om 136.1 Hz, binaurals from:


5.50 - Inner Guidance, intuition, heat generation (2.2 mins)

4.50 - Shamanic state of consciousness and Tibetan Buddhist chants (6.6 mins)

4.00 - ESP, astral projection, psychic abilities, "mystical truths" (11 mins)

3.50 - Feeling of unity with everything, whole being regeneration, DNA stimulation (7.7 mins)


2) Tones stepping from:

38.0 - Endorphin release

39.0 - Schumann resonance

40.0 - Astral projection in conjunction with 22Hz


3) 70Hz beating at 1.6Hz - Astral Projection

4) 63Hz beating at 0.7Hz - AP

5) 40Hz beating at 0.35Hz - AP

6) Beating at 22HZ - AP




Question 2


I've tried out Deep Mind Ultra II, and in fact a lot of the astral projection frequencies used in Boxed Nirvana were based on this. The only thing is that Deep Mind steps down from waking to delta trance frequencies very quickly - I think Ultra II is only 20 minutes from memory? - and unless you're an experienced meditator your brain may not be able to "keep up", and you might not get the full effect.


Question 3 - Other Stimulation Methods


Haven't tried the ones you mention there sorry..


Question 4 - Chakra Frequencies


Use the tones as a supplement to visualization for stimulating the chakras.


Sources disagree on frequencies for each chakra, and the number and placement of the various chakras is even disputed. Some suggest that if there are any frequencies which affect the chakras, then they are probably different for every individual.


Hence to my mind, visualising the stimulation of your chakras is the most important factor - imagine, and literally feel energy flowing up from your base chakra and charging each one in turn.


So just use the 7 tones played as a cue to move your awareness to the next chakra, going through them in your preferred order and positioning. And yes, my preference is to follow Robert Bruce's convention: Base, Navel, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown


Until I identify particular frequencies that have an effect (on me anyway!) without additional visualisation, I've decided to go with the ancient "Nis Gabri" Mesopotamian tuning (for the musos, even more "natural" than Just Intonation), using a reference note of C at 256Hz. The binaural beatings match those listed at lunarsight in the 8-15Hz range (just in case it helps).



Hope this helps!"







Solo "tuning" ajna čakre (hipofize) je v predhodnem sporočilu ( Objava #245).



V info:


Bija mantre za ajno (agni) čakro v "kundalini" praksah:


Mantra ajna čakre je OM, AUM (izvorna mantra vseh drugih manter).


Prijetna v praksi je "ŠAM" (SHAM). Udarna pa: "THAM".

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Chakra Dhyana Meditacija (informativno)


Namenjena je bolj poglobljenim "chakra" meditantom yoge, tantre (individualistom)...


Kateri poznajo osnovne prakse (soham meditacije, yogo nidra, subtilno anatomijo čaker in nadijev...).



Chakra Dhyana Meditacija je "kundalini" praksa s koreninami v Vedanta tradiciji izpred 5000 let .



Chakra Dhyana CD by Sri Krishnaraj Bhagavaddasa


The Chakra Dhyana CD is a formulation of ancient Tibetan and India techniques of meditation. It helps to enliven kundalini, a latent spiritual energy which when awakened flows through the Chakras (or energy centers of the psychic body), opening up higher dimensions in human consciousness. The CD expands consciousness in a way which relaxes the mind, balances the emotions and rejuvenates the body.


The CD includes the chanting of powerful mantras, including the "bija mantras" (or seed sounds) for the chakras, and guides the listener in a visualization of kundalini energy as a golden fluid flowing into the chakras.


The voice on the CD has been called a "divine gift". It belongs to Sri Krishnaraj Bhagavaddasa who lives in a monastery in Southern India. He is said to have attained the state of enlightenment at a young age. Even the sound of his voice helps raise the consciousness of the listener.



New ReleasesHollywood (California), USA - World music label Kosmic Music has released a musical path to meditation with Chakra Dhyana. Chanted by Sri Krishnaraj Bhagavaddasa, one of the male Guides (dasas) at the Oneness University, with music scored and programmed by G Sathyaprasad, this 50-minute guided meditation features traditional Mantras for activating the seven Chakras (energy centers). Kosmic Music will release Chakra Dhyana on July 10.


The Chakra Dhyana is a very powerful sadhana (spiritual practice) used to awaken the Kundalini and aid in coping with daily stress. Beginning with the root Chakra and ending with the coronary, Chakra Dhyana includes Indian chants that create a unique guide to the deepest form of meditation that can also be used for deep relaxation if the guided meditation is not being done. The mystical tones motivate and provide insight on each Chakra, allowing for an incredible transformation of the body, mind and soul. One can achieve absolute rejuvenation by simply listening and visualizing each Chakra while listening to the soothing mantras of "Chakra Dhyana."


Chakras are energy centers in the body, which responds to Mantra (Chanting), Gandha (fragrance), Asana (posture) and Yantra (Visualization). The latent Spiritual energy in man, described as the Kundallini Sarpa, awakens and flows through these Chakras by opening up higher dimensions in the human Consciousness. The practice of Chakra Dhyana is entirely based on this ancient wisdom about the Kundallini and Chakras.



Chakra Dhyana


Chakras are energy centers in the body which respond to Mantra (Chanting), Gandha (Fragrance), Asana (Posture) and Yantra (Form or Visualization). The latent Spiritual energy in man, described as the Kundalini Sarpa, awakens and flows through these Chakras thereby opening up higher dimensions in the human Consciousness. The ancient practice of Chakra Dhyana is entirely based on this ancient wisdom about the Kundalini and Chakras.


This Chakra Dhyana is a formulation of ancient Tibetian & Indian techniques of meditation. This CD is specially designed to bring alive the ancient wisdom and mystical experience of our great ancestors in your busy day to day life.


All that you have to do is, sit in a comfortable posture with your spine erect. The preferable posture for this Dhyana would be Siddhasan or Vajrasan. With your index fingers gently touching the base line of your thumb, keep your palms facing upwards on the thighs. Close your eyes. Relax yourself completely by deeply inhaling and exhaling for 7 cycles and wait for the Mantra to start. As the name of the Chakra is chanted Om Mooladhara... concentrate on the region of the Mooladhara Chakra (the perineum). Then the Bija Mantra (lang) would be chanted 7 times. Continue to concentrate on the same Chakra. As you hear Kundalini Arohanam for 7 times visualize a bright golden fluid filling up that region and the whole region turning golden. Then proceed to the next Chakra as the name of the next Chakra is chanted. Repeat the same for every Chakra. Once again when Kundalini Arohanam is chanted (for 7 times) keep visualizing the golden fluid (Kundalini) overflowing from the previous chakra and rising to the next Chakra, and filling it completely.


Finally at the Sahasrara, visualize and feel the Kundalini filling up the head completely and gushing out through the center of the head like a fountain. Continue to meditate upon the Sahasrara till the music ends. To end with, slowly move into Shavasan i.e. lie down with eyes closed for just 10 minutes and feel the Kundalini Energy enlivening every part of the body. (Use headphones for a greater effect).


This Chakra Dhyana is a very powerful sadhana to awaken the Kundalini Energy in you and to help you cope with your daily stress. Just 35 minutes of this Dhyana done as instructed above is enough to completely rejuvenate your body and relax your mind. This Dhyana will also open up the Mystical dimension in you thereby connecting you with the higher Consciousness.



Insert the Chakra Dhyana CD and accomplish this Meditation: Seats in a position with straight lines spinal column, pleasant for you. Put your hands on your thighs, thumbs and index fingers touch themselves, the palms show upward. Closes your eyes. Ease you, by in and breathing out for seven breath cycles deeply and waiting for it that the Mantra on that starts CD. If the name of the Chakras is sung „to COM Mooladhara “concentrates you on the region of this Chakras. Then the Bija Mantra („long “) is sung seven times. You can along-sing. Concentrate you far on the region of the Chakras. If you hear „Kundalini Arohanam “, visualize a bright golden liquid, which fills the region of the Chakras and everything become golden leaves. If the name of the next Chakras is sung, direct your attention toward the region of this next Chakras. Continue exactly the same with all Chakras. Every time „Kundalini Arohanam is sung “, you introduce yourself, how the golden liquid floods the previous Chakra and it continues to ascend fills out completely to the current Chakra and. At the conclusion you reach the Sahasrara Chakra, the crown of your head. Visualize and feel like the golden liquid your whole head fills out and beyond the highest place of your head flows like a Fontäne of golden light. Lodging with your attention with the Sahasrara Chakra to the music stops and goes then in Savasana: put you for approximately 10 minutes with closed eyes on the back and feel, how the golden energy animates your body.



[Meditation] Kundalini Yoga - Chakra Dhyana (ENG) [MP3-VBR]




Kundalini yoga is a physical and meditative discipline, comprising a set of simple techniques that uses the mind, senses and body to create a communication between "mind" and "body". Kundalini yoga focuses on psycho-spiritual growth and the body's potential for maturation, giving special consideration to the role of the spine and the endocrine system in the understanding of yogic awakening.


Kundalini Yoga concentrates on psychic energy centers (called "chakras") in the body in order to generate a spiritual power, which is known as kundalini energy.


Kundalini is the potential form of life force, lying dormant in our bodies. It is conceptualized as a coiled up serpent (literally, 'kundalini' in Sanskrit is 'That what is coiled'.) lying at the base of our spine, which can spring awake when activated by spiritual disciplines.


Included here is an introduction and step-by-step meditation exercise for initiation and accession of each chakra. Starting from Chakra 1 to 7, the student is required to meditate by following the simple instructions (preferably, use a head-phone) as described for each chakra.



Chakra Dhyana Meditacija na blogu:



Namig: "...sampel"; prvi link.



Na netu trenutno naj ponudba med dobrimi (selekcioniranimi).


Glas Bhagavaddasa 150% "resonanten" s chakrami.


Sam jo izvajam leže. V položaju za yogo nidro. Kadar jo izvajam.



V kolikor bodo vprašanja, vprašajte.


Odgovarjam na vprašanja povezana s prakso. Intelektualizirat, razglabljat izven okvirjev lastne prakse se mi žal ne da.


Chakra Dhyana Meditacija je za praktike, kateri to sami hočejo. Ponuja se jo NIKOMUR NE.


Oseba, katera vadi "kundalini" prakse mora biti mentalno zdrava. V ravnovesju.



Chakra Dhyana Meditacija NI vodena h kultu osebnosti; gurujevstvu.


V neko organizacijo. Je glede tega "clean" praksa.


Z vidika "kundalini" praks je relativno enostavna. Avtentična s koreninami izpred 5000 let.


Učinkovita praksa. Za popotnika, kateri jo hoče sam.


Kdor jo ne dela. Nič ne zgubi.


Kdor jo izvaja. Skozi čas sam ugotovi kaj z njo pridobi.


In ali bo vztrajal. Ali jo bo opustil. Svoboden izbor posameznika. LP

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Prijetno za spanje, katero postane meditacija:


One Hand Clapping:


OM MANI PADME HUM; instrumental (Singing Bowls, gong).


One Hand Clapping ("brainmassage"; for relax, sleeping, meditation)


Instrumentalna glasba, katera zvočno uravnoteži sleherni atom telesa, uma in Duha.



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Zadnjič, ko nisem mogla spat, sem si prebrala vseh 10 strani v tej (zanimivi) temi. Veliko predlogov za knjige o čakrah je bilo, jaz pa bi dodala še en naslov knjige, to je Skrite moči v človeku - Čakre in kundalini od Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda.















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Osho o meditaciji


Uravnovesi telo, um in Duha;




Journey To The Temple (instrumental; chakra music)


Music For Lovers (instrumental music)




Pod "25.08.2007 ob 23.20";



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Guest mačona

joj ... sem zaspala z malahitom na srčni čakri nocoj ...

z ametistom pod blazino ...

kljub razburjenosti sem zaspala ko bebica, da se niti ne spomnim ...

nekje vmes sem pa prijela citrin v roko in meje nekaj zdrmalo, da sem ga kar vrgla iz roke.

3. in 4. čakro zrihtat.

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s kaksnim kamnom naj pa jaz spim, da se srcna cakra prečisti?




Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care. Blaise Pascal

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Guest mačona

sama najdi odgovor.

zeleni in roza kamni. z astrologijo se pri kamnih nimaš kaj obremenjevati. ampak res pomagajo.

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sama najdi odgovor.

zeleni in roza kamni. z astrologijo se pri kamnih nimaš kaj obremenjevati. ampak res pomagajo.



zeleni in roza kamni, kateri?




Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care. Blaise Pascal

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"s kaksnim kamnom naj pa jaz spim, da se srcna cakra prečisti?"



Ena od več možnosti:




Menda se ga NE daje na Sonce pri ćiščenju, ker menda zbledi.



"3. in 4. čakro zrihtat."



Solarni plexus (sodi v manipura čakro: za popkom v hrbtenici).


Manipuro se lahko uravnovesi preko solarnega plexusa (sončnega pleteža).


Ali preko sprožilne; t.i. kšetram točke v področju popka.



Ena od več možnosti (manipura...):



Anahata (spravit jo v ravnovesje):


Eden od načinov:


V mislih odpret anahato za srcem v hrbtenici. "Odpret" srce, prsni koš, timus. Jih čutit kot prijetno tople. In "odprte".



NE se vezat na vsebine v umu (destruktivne misli, čustva, nerealna pričakovanja, hrepenenja...).


Kakor pridejo naj tudi odidejo.


Za začet "delat" na čakrah je skozi moj pogled najlažje skozi glasbo (instrumentalno). Nam všečno. Skomponirano v te namene.


Prvo pa čakro; čakre treba začutit. Njihove "senzacije". Pri osredotočenju na njih lokacije (v hrbtenici oz. njih sprožilne točke na sprednji strani; t.i. kšetram točke).




Oz. se ukvarja z osebnim razvojem. Brez dela na čakrah. Delo na čakrah NI nujno potrebno. Pri samorazvoju.



Verujoči odpre Srce in ponotranji v njem nauk, objekt svojega verovanja (kateri ima v različnih naukih, religijah različna poimenovanja...). LP

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"s kaksnim kamnom naj pa jaz spim, da se srcna cakra prečisti?"

Ena od več možnosti:





"3. in 4. čakro zrihtat."

Solarni plexus (sodi v manipura čakro: za popkom v hrbtenici).


Manipuro se lahko uravnovesi preko solarnega plexusa (sončnega pleteža).


Ali preko sprožilne; t.i. kšetram točke v področju popka.

Ena od več možnosti (manipura...):



Anahata (spravit jo v ravnovesje):


Eden od načinov:


V mislih odpret anahato za srcem v hrbtenici. "Odpret" srce, prsni koš, timus. Jih čutit kot prijetno tople. In "odprte".



NE se vezat na vsebine v umu (destruktivne misli, čustva, nerealna pričakovanja, hrepenenja...). :palec:


Kakor pridejo naj tudi odidejo. :palec: :palec:


hvala tantra,

bom bla pridna!




Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care. Blaise Pascal

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