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Ti bom dal jaz tovariša :o|o: .......v času tovarištva je bil še najbolj aktiven.......mickeni :vragec: x:o)x x:Dx


Ah ne, vedno slabš bo, ne pa bl pospeševat kot je treba...... :vragec: x;)x x:Dx

Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim.

K. Čapek

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Najbolj aktivni v tej temi

Vedno slabs bo... :o|o: Tolk o optimisticnih strelcih x;)x x:Dx x:Dx

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Uuu x:Dx x:Dx x:)x :fiju:

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Devica brezkompromisna.... :vragec:

Si ena izmed tistih, ki rečejo...starci itak ne rabijo nič, MI smo zdaj na vrsti... x:o)


In kako je bilo izpred petdesetih let se meni še sanja ne. Me ni bilo še zraven... :vragec:


Ampak, ko te takole berem, lahko še bolj trdim: Prav je, da je študentsko delo obdavčeno. AMEN :vragec:


In kot zadnja informacija: Tudi jaz študiram ZDAJ. Na svoje stroške. Ob svojem delu. Obe se učiva iz sodobnih učbenikov.... xrolleyesx


In ker si tako zelo prepričana v svoj prav, mi povej, zakaj naj študentsko delo ne bi bilo obdavčeno? En sam razlog potrebujem.... xrolleyesx

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Dogaja se natanko to, kar sem trdila... :o|o:


preprosto, urna postavka študentskega dela se je 10 %..pri nas velik potrebujemo študente, tako, da sem na tekočem...


pa še...natanko 3,8 % študentov na leto preseže limit 1,6 milj sit...vsi ostali bodo na boljšem...saj bodo pri obračunu dohodnine dobili VRNJEN znesek akonatacij...


In temu jaz rečem manipulacija... :xx!: ...peticija se naveliko podpisuje, zanima pa me, koliko tistih, ki tako vneto podpisujejo, v resnici ve, za kaj se proti čemu so...


joj, devica, jaz pa sem se še iz starih bukel učila, med drugim imela predmet Politična ekonomija, kaj pa zdaj.. x?x



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<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Devica brezkompromisna.... :vragec:

Si ena izmed tistih, ki rečejo...starci itak ne rabijo nič, MI smo zdaj na vrsti...


Ne, ni cist tk...In nisem brezkompromisna, ceprav ne vem, kake kompromise se da tu sklepat. Ne recem, da starcev ni za poslusat, ampak samo namesto pravljice za lahko noc. Sicer mi pa vase strorije ne morejo pridet prav, ker mi marsikdo soli pamet, pa sploh ni nikol bil na studentskem servisu, ker jih takrat se ni bilo. Stvari se cez cas spreminjajo, zato se mi zdi najbolj relevantno poslusat izkusnje nekoga, ki je ravno tako student v slo leta 2005, al pa ki je se zelo malo casa nazaj bil. :vio:


Eno so politicne in gospodarske teme in izkusnje, ki se spreminjajo, drugo pa je, ce mi poves recept za potico al pa kk si kerga tipa uhaklala x;)x

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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x:Dx Pol pa res se sam bajke pa pravljice ostanejo... :inocent: x:)x



x:Dx :vragec:

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Starcev ?????:eek: :vragec:

Pa ti glih zaradi nas "starcev" lahko študiraš!!!

Odkod pa misliš, da pride denar, da se lahko financira študij vas mladih?


Ne posplošuj. Saj niste obdavčeni kar povprek. Obdavčeni ste nad nekim limitom.

Kaj je tu spornega? Oz. kaj bi sploh radi imeli? Uro z zlato kukavico???? x:o)x


Ena izmed redkih stvari, ki se je ne lotim, je peka potice. Tako, da ti ne morem pomagat. x:Dx x;)x



Pa si vendarle brezkompromisna.

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Ura mi pa res manjka... :inocent:


Sicer pa ne vem o kakem kompromisu govoris... To da ponizno recem, da imas prav, ceprav si mislim svoje, ni kompromis... Al da mi das ti uro, jz pa recem, da mas bi ze bil kompromis, sam sva vendarle v virtualnem stiku.


No, konec koncev, bos pa ti zarad nas mladcev penzijo dobivala... x;)x

x:o)x x:)x


Sam potico bi pa lohk kdaj kako spekla... :o|o: x:Dx x:Dx

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Astra...sej napisala sm tako v splosnem... :vio:


Sicer pa Sati, ja, previdnost ni odvec x;)x

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Saj, Devica...mi je zdajle kapnila ena ideja...ker gre pač za medgeneracijski sporazum na nek način...jaz danes zate, da boš jutri ti zame...


In, če jutri ti zame ne boš...naj tisti, ki je tukaj študiral...vrne šolnino, če se zaposli v tujini...





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<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Pri takšnih kot si ti, neznansko želim, da bi jih lahko brala še čez 20 let recimo...




To bom razumela kot kompliment... x:)x


<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Saj, Devica...mi je zdajle kapnila ena ideja...ker gre pač za medgeneracijski sporazum na nek način...jaz danes zate, da boš jutri ti zame...


In, če jutri ti zame ne boš...naj tisti, ki je tukaj študiral...vrne šolnino, če se zaposli v tujini...




Mogoce se bo pa res to uvedlo :8): Blo bi cist smiselno. Sej kadrovske stipendije se tud talajo zato, da si zazihrajo usluzbence...

Mogoc pa se bodo kdaj v prihodnosti davki placevali v sirsem smislu, glede na to, da smo v EU, pa ne bo noben prikrajsan.

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Ko placas, ne placas samo za Slo, ampak za EU...


Ampak potem naj, obratno, v Sloveniji mal mirkajo s problemi okol nostrifikacije domacih studentov, ki so studirali v tujini.

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Normalno, da se bom o studentskih zadevah bunila jaz. A se bos ti?

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Ja, bomo vidl. Za EU tak ne bo problemov... Je pa svet sisrsi kot EU...


Znotraj EU se bojo meje zbrisale navzen pa utrdile.

No, saj bomo vidl.

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Hahahaha x:Dx x:o)x Sem se nasmejal ob tej temi :palec: x:Dx x:Dx In debata je prav fajna.... :palec: Sam rešitve neke vsesplošno zadovoljive ni, razen one k jo Bobnar predlaga devici.... x;)x :vragec: x:Dx

Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim.

K. Čapek

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Sm ze najdla- steno. Pa se grem mal z glavo zaletavat x:Dx x:Dx x:Dx


Not funny :o|o:

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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