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Apokalipsa 2005 - 2008


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Gigantski transneptun dviguje Glavo Hidre. Pa to ni vse. Kmalu bo Venera v Hidri. Earth Wobble, planet ni stabilen. IHVH pravi da pogledamo v nebesa. In že imamo Apolakipso. Z Januarjem 9tim je konc. Kdo je na tej strani naj prebere.


Mars je včeraj bil v konjunkciji z Ixion v Ophiucus. Torej začelo se. Kdo se odločil za dobro je v redu za vedno. Ne morem več pomagati demonom. /apocalypse


/slovenia vsebuje veliko napisov na slovenskem jeziku, tudi dolge 777 Kb inicijacije in horoskop Slovenija (Mars natančno v 00:00 zahaja v Ljubljani).


To pomeni da je Marsa pOmembnekša kot bi to le-sama mislila. Pa še nekateri smo

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Apocalypse progress - 2005 Orcus Alpha Hydrae - 2009 Pegasus


The Scarlet Lady (New York) has Orcus+Venus in Hydra

ascending. This breed of Hydra Kids (see article below)

is but an amusing part of the Apocalypse. The time is due.


© Copyright 2005 IHShVH, upright astrologers welcome.


Apocalypse - An Astrological Introduction


With giant transneptunian Orcus conjunct Alpha Hydrae, it is time for

the Old Snake to rise it's Head. Astrologers trained by the devels are

not supposed to notice anything peculiar. Since we're using the true

and complete astronomical zodiac, the Apocalypse makes sense.


Leo is a known zodiacal constellation, but Apocalypse's Leo Minor

might be less known even among astronomers novices. Pluto in Leo Minor

has been delineated. One will stomp on such a Leo Minor position and

(the Snake) Hydra. The Lion and the Snake are zodiacal constellations,

but this does not mean astronomers know what constellations really

are. IHVH gave us the constellations and insists upon using them for

our benefit. Those others don't use them and that marks the difference

and Apocalypse. Planetary heraldry is also based on the

constellations, thus royal family members can have both Leo (Lion) and

Monoceros (Unicorn) on their descendants.


The Pegasus constellation is mentioned in the text. We already had

Venus in Pegasus and know Pegasus is a zodiacal constellation. All the

28 zodiacal constellations are given below for the novice. The

incipient astrologer will also profit from the study of the 16

ascendants. Centaurean and transneptunian astrologers will enrich

their analysis immensely, as before, so after the Apocalypse.



Apocalypse 2005 - 2008


Long before the white centaur 2004 PY52 initiates the "four hooves"

of the Apocalypse (2007-2009), it is Orcus that triggers the Lion and

the Snake. January 22nd Orcus is conjunct Alphard (angular 4.6 deg)

in Hydra. Hydra is backed up by her three demons (Orcus is in Sextans

when the first seal is opened). Orcus is conjunct Archangel Mikal

(Regulus) later on this year, September 16th 2005 at 18.0 degrees

angular. MIKAL is the eternal winner over the Snake in the Abyss (333

Choronzon, Tiamut, HydRA, Apaep). In the world of matter, space and

time; the devil's domain and exile; Regulus needs just a trigger to

act. PAX TIBI MARCE EVANGELISTA MEVS. The Sphynx gains more power when

Regulus rises in due East.


"Orcus in Hydra" and Orcus in Sextans delineations (in the 12 houses)

are published on USENET news:// Hundreds of megabytes of Orcus in

Hydra are online for the progressive novice in centaurean and

transneptunian astronoMIKAL astrology according to the Word of God.

The devil(s) use another type of astrology, since this type does not

contain the keys, such as Lion and Snake. This type of astrology knows

no zodiac, ascendant, due east and makes a large amount of error,

misleading the accursed to their doom towards 6/6/2005 (end of may).

The clearing (4>5 dimension) started December 2003. Corvus, Sextans

and Crater mark the separation between the Old Snake and the Lion.

Thus the Holy Bible's legacy to Enuma Elish. More about it in

"ChineseNibiru" advanced series.


2004 PY42 triggers Pegasus and it is here that the real Apocalypse

starts. Those who speak true astronomical positions are separated from

those who mislead the masses. True hearts (a minority) gain powers and

shields. End of May 2005 marks this final separation.


As Hydra stands for stirring in the watery abyss, so Pegasus stands

for vimana effects. For those who don't (under)stand inner worlds,

outer effects mark this transition. The depths are already stirred.

This year's ratial initiation is marked with Mars conjunct Ixion in

Ophiucus (Ophiucus is the natal ascendant of the U.S.A. or BABALON;

the Scarlet Lady has Venus+Hydra in Orcus ascendnig), Jan 9th 2005.

This date marks the "Y" shaped bifurcation of souls. Those who did not

repent are lost. The first half of the year 2005 is thus passive. All

took their sides. The Apocalypse can have start.


Astrologers who embraced true skies as they really are can now profit

from revelations. Suddenly Sedna in Cetus assumes biblical sense. Leo

becomes the sphynx-shaped inorganic superbeing MIKAL (Regulus), and

there's a host of omens published under the above Net locations, 2004

PY42 in Pegasus included. Alice thanks all of the readers for their

patience in wishing them a merry Apocalypse and Salvation of their

True Souls.



Far from being just daring different, you are invited to be upright.


Next time it's your baby's astro-pram. Will you know her horoscope?


Or do you just copy what cheap astrological programs tell you?


The pc program output never shows the real sky, as astrological

programs and models don't even attempt to interperet your real

natal skies at all. They simply don't copy God's creation!


Alice - Her True Astronomical Horoscope - Astrology for the 2600


The happy parents of a wonderdaughter born Aug 4th 2004 have the luck

to be informed about their child's special karma as scanned using the

True Astronomical Zodiac. For the next door astrologer she's just a

common child. An ordinary astrological program can't possibly show a

child's natal skies as they really are. To know her truly peculiar

character one has to know some astronomical basics. Like the zodiac.


Astrology=Astronomy * Services 2005 * Mission Statement


© 2005 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved.

Your scientifical astronomical horoscope Mail:

By SMS +385911528964 news://


Alice has Monoceros rising (Unicorn ascendant) meaning she's a leading

spiritual medium and probably great soul. Her Moon in Cetus drives her

towards unexplored psychic ground and is ESP by birth. She'll also

love sea food, especially with a Moon in Cetus transit. This position

happens quite often, as at this time, once or twice a month. Monoceros

rising or setting of course features in the Lion and Unicorn dynasty.


Astrological Services 2005


The astrological services include the state of art True Astronomical

IAU Zodiac, as well as due eastern, precession corrected ascendants.


Astronomical Zodiac included in all astrological services


Aquarius Aries Auriga Bootes Cancer

Canis_Minor Capricornus Cetus Coma_Berenices Corvus

Crater Eridanus Gemini Hydra Leo_Minor

Leo Libra Ophiucus Orion Pegasus Pisces

Sagittarius Scorpius Scutum Serpens Sextans Taurus




Alice has Moon in Cetus in the first part of the constellation.

namely, much as it currently (2004) happens to Mercury in Ophiucus,

the Moon can be twice in Cetus by (of course) direct motion.


Alice's Mercury is in Sextans, a special position as owned by Keanu

Reeves, Neo in Matrix the movie. She has ideas of her own and likes to

sail through life where no man has set it's foot. Such people easily

bump into sirens. Mercury in Sextans is of course a most powerful

position. The child has a strong independent mind. Sextans people are

loners dedicated to special studies, especially Moon in Sextans and

ascendant Sextans, They are fond of kabbalistic systems and masonry.


Venus in Orion is a harsh position for love affairs, especially with

Saturn in Orion like a couple of years ago. Alice parents in fact

planned the child when Saturn was in Orion and the WTC was actual.

The reader will recall Usama's natal Moon in Orion and the WTC

tragedy's Moon in Orion. This happens close to the Orion Stargate. The

Stargate and the Xi 1 & 2 stars of Orion are a difficult area when it

comes to practical love affairs. Venus in Orion is ANKh or eternal

life. Venus resembles ANKh by shape. The glyph is like a loop with a

croos, a sandal or eternal spyral, orbiting Nibiru or walking

(therefore sandal) i.e. orbiting forever. The spiritual warrior enters

glory through the Orion Stargate bearing an ANKh in her right

hand. See also O5IRIS ritual, part of advanced O5 initiation.


Juno in Scutum is the position of the chaste woman. This position is

not good for marriage. Aice will not have a marriage like "other women

do". She'll either have a highly spiritual partner or no physical

sexual partner at all. We can of course determine the date of her

marriage using primitive but fast "one second tools" like the primary

direction, or go into sophisticated extrazodiacal ascendental

progressions. The analysis starts with a definite impression of a

steady character dedicated to things out of ordinary interest. Her

partner may even be God in person. In fact she's made for a

god-seeking (and finding!) career. The partner has to and will surely

be immensely fatal, karmic, already known to her from past lifetimes

and straightforwardly spiritual. One partner. Soul mate. From a quick

scan it does not appear she'll live a normal sexual life. The

horoscope is just too refined and independent in pursuit to be just a

horoscope of a simple housewife. She'll perhaps be one, but her

mission will extend to curing and helping people in regaining true

self awareness.



True Astronomical Zodiac of 28 IAU Constellations

The present set of 16 Precession Corrected Ascendants

Hydra kids: Children born with Hydra ascendant Venus+Orcus in Hydra

Sextans kids: Children planned with Venus+Orcus in Sextans rising

Moon in Auriga, Cetus, Orion, Corvus, Ophiucus, Sextans, Stargate

Venus in Pegasus, Scutum, Sextans, Corvus, Hydra, Orion, Ophiucus

Secondary Astronomical (extra)zodiacal progressions

Calculation of important years, such as the year of the marriage

All the loves in one life with timing and commentary

Favorable days for love, dating, children, business, lottery

Favorable constellation, day, hour & minute for starting a project

Reenchantment and sanctification of your life + project and karma

Mantra, O5, PCS incantations and futurechanging procedures

Astronomical Precision Angular Conjunctions

Calculation of any specific event in the future, primary directons

Reprogramatrix techniques enable remaking the matrix of events

Divination and majik influence (the formation of) precise issues

Astrology aids planning and determining an event in the future

Ritual, mantra, O5 and the PCS help channeling creative energies

The treasure chart is a sacred vessel in which our future molds

The astrological chart is a dynamic scan of the event matrix

We are thus absolutely able to make every wish come true now

Astrology sets the auspicious time for personal futurechanging

Influencing future issues using kahuuna time track, O5 and mantra

Determining and creating an event in minutes using SnowCrash

Programming, automanaging and optimizing future at will using PCS

Personal Cosmical Secretary Initiation - Personal Event Matrix

Personal astromajikal tuition - event matrix hacking services

Topocentric Moon Calculation

Moon in Auriga, Stargate, Cetus, Orion, Corvus, Ophiucus, Sextans

Venus in Pegasus, Scutum, Sextans, Corvus, Hydra, Orion, Ophiucus

Pluto in Coma Berenices, Bootes, Leo Minor, Eridanus, Cetus, Orion

Planets in their true astronomical positions

Minor planets = centaurs, cubewano, plutino, scattered disk objects

The transneptunian objects exert enduring and fatal influence

Transneptunians, KBO, cubewano, plutino, SDO, Oort cloud objects

Varuna, 2002 MS4, Ixion, 2002 AW197, Quaoar, Orcus, Sedna

Orcus in Hydra, Sedna in Cetus, Ixion and Quaoar in Ophiucus

Original delineation of major recent discoveries

2002 TX300 in Andromeda, Asbolus in Corona Australis

The centaurs are favorite determining objects in natal astrology

All centaurs including the recent discoveries with delineations

Comets; Comet Wild, the major source of effulgence next to our Sun

Earth trojan moons from Cruithne to the latest discoveries

The latest centaurs include the White Centaur 2004 PY42

Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Chariklo, Asbolus, Cyllarus, Thereus

Centaurs in (extra)zodiacal positions; Thereus in Orion & Monoceros

Hydra kids: Children born with Hydra ascendant Venus+Orcus in Hydra

Sextans kids: Children planned with Venus+Orcus in Sextans rising

Where are your centaurs? A new rich astronomical perspective!

Chariklo in Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Hydra, Centaurus and Lupus

Aten, Amor, Apollo, Damocloid, Cubewano, Plutino, Oortoid objects

Extrazodiacal positions of centaurs, cubewano, plutino objects

Extrazodiacal astronomical secondary directions

Secondary direction of e.g. Venus in Cetus

Kaxandra is one of the 17 Dark Planets darker than any Lilith

Dark Planets: Kypris, Lamia, Dagon, Thanateros, Hadit, Hastur

Cassini and Piccioli observed a mysterious object called Lilith

Lilith has mysterious, occult, atavistic sexual delineations

Cassini Lilith or LILIT VERA, Black Sun, darkplanets, avestans

Stargates, stars, deep sky objects, black holes, Devil's Rose

Astrology for the 2600 filosophy, know how, web resources, tuition

Peripatetic Venice informal meeting with peripatetic tuition

Personal Tuition in futurechanging, astrology, divination and majik

O5 Futurechanger, SnowCrash, Personal Cosmical Secretary initiation

Dedicated extended and life long services for special customers



Astrology=Astronomy * Mission Statement


© 2005 Klaudio Zic, All Rights Reserved.

Your scientifical astronomical horoscope Mail:

By SMS +385911528964 news://


Our mission is to inspire dramatic change in what astrologers

expect from astronomy, allowing the creative astrologer to create,

capture and communicate his ideas as never before.

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Ali ni to sele 19.4 (aprila) 2005 !?

= prehod iz marsa v venero!


<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Gigantski transneptun dviguje Glavo Hidre. Pa to ni vse. Kmalu bo Venera v Hidri. Earth Wobble, planet ni stabilen. IHVH pravi da pogledamo v nebesa. In že imamo Apolakipso. Z Januarjem 9tim je konc. Kdo je na tej strani naj prebere.


Mars je včeraj bil v konjunkciji z Ixion v Ophiucus. Torej začelo se. Kdo se odločil za dobro je v redu za vedno. Ne morem več pomagati demonom. /apocalypse


/slovenia vsebuje veliko napisov na slovenskem jeziku, tudi dolge 777 Kb inicijacije in horoskop Slovenija (Mars natančno v 00:00 zahaja v Ljubljani).


To pomeni da je Marsa pOmembnekša kot bi to le-sama mislila. Pa še nekateri smo

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<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ne hecam se. Upam da si z nami. Gre se za zelo resne napake v rotaciji Zemlje in velik drugega. lahko bi samo od jučeraj naštel tega 1008. Škofa SMSam. Organiziral bom nekaj pa vglevnem je že konc. Verjetno si z nami, seveda.  :palec:



Verjemi mi,da sem še kako. :palec:



lep pozdrav



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Nekako celo zadevo gledam iz stališča katastrof in ne stališča apokalipse. Pač preveč imamo še za podelati nekih važnih stvari, da bi nam nekdo sedaj kar odsekal vse znane in neznane načrte, pomembne za nas in njih.



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<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nekako celo zadevo gledam iz stališča katastrof in ne stališča apokalipse. Pač preveč imamo še za podelati nekih važnih stvari, da bi nam nekdo sedaj kar odsekal vse znane in neznane načrte,  pomembne za nas in njih.





Andres ojla,


saj ne,da vse tole čisto dobro razumem ampak vseeno...tudi smrt ne povpraša kaj imamo še za podelati in kaj je važno oz.kaj ni..Kar pride in nas odpelje xrolleyesx

Pa ne se ustrašit ker to ni moj namen...samo razmišljam :C:



Lep pozdrav



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V 02:12 danes se odprl prvi pečat (1st Seal).


Ne gre se za enO5tavno zadevo pa je že konec, OZiroma upam da ste vsi dobri kristijani ali podobno. ne gre se samo za Earth Wobble, Nibiru, pa to. nekaj sem update naredil updejtal, torej 11/1 prvi SIGIL se odpre, ne kakor sem prej (ERRATA, MEA CVLPA) prerokoval (saj mi On diktira, jaz samo šaram, domevam). Kakor bilo nekaj se dogaja, saj nismo norci. Potop jepotop, tsunami pa samo tsunami.


Podatke sem dobil brez astrologije. Kometa Wild je bila v angularnoj konjunkciji z Luno (v capricornus). Kakor bilo, ni samo tsunami!!!!

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Ne no strašit... Ne spoznam se na te zadeve, šele gledam in se učim, sam sem pa vedno optimist... Nisem krščena, to ne pomeni, da v nekaj ne verujem (če ne bi, pol nebi prišla na ta forum), pa tud za to nisem sama kriva, je pa res, da dam prednost dobremu, kar pa tud nekaj pomeni. Pa itak niso vsi na svetu kristjani...
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kwa pol, a se je zacel potop al ne?

The day after?


<{POST_SNAPBACK}>V 02:12 danes se odprl prvi pečat (1st Seal).


Ne gre se za enO5tavno zadevo pa je že konec, OZiroma upam da ste vsi dobri kristijani ali podobno. ne gre se samo za Earth Wobble, Nibiru, pa to. nekaj sem update naredil updejtal, torej 11/1 prvi SIGIL se odpre, ne kakor sem prej (ERRATA, MEA CVLPA) prerokoval (saj mi On diktira, jaz samo šaram, domevam). Kakor bilo nekaj se dogaja, saj nismo norci. Potop jepotop, tsunami pa samo tsunami.


Podatke sem dobil brez astrologije. Kometa Wild je bila v angularnoj konjunkciji z Luno (v capricornus). Kakor bilo, ni samo tsunami!!!!

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Jaz tle ne štekam čist. A lahko kdo po kmečko napiše kaj dogaja?

Jas te mam tak rada

I am feeling very olympic today

Is time the only thing you are waiting for?

Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa!


Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Dalai Lama

Majhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe)

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<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Za blondinke... x:px





x^x Ja za naju dvi x:Dx

Jas te mam tak rada

I am feeling very olympic today

Is time the only thing you are waiting for?

Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa!


Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Dalai Lama

Majhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe)

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Če greste na na Extended chart selection -najdete Orcus pod številko 90482 in se sedaj tranzitno nahaja na 26st.35min.Leva.

Ozvezdje Hidre - hidra je vodna kača - ananta govori o tem, da je Orcus sedaj v konjunkciji z alfa Hidre (glavno zvezdo v tem ozvezdju!) in da to sproža novo obdobje...


(če sem prav razumela, nevarno je mene povsem poslušat, ker imam tud sama malo blond pramenčke) x:Ix

Življenje je PLES do nebes...

Imejte se radi med seboj, vedno!

live well, laugh often, love much (as you've never been hurt!)

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kuul xDDx zelena kometa je pa kakshnih 5 stopinj levo od Plejad v Biku. napamet, preverim in skeniram ko bo kmalu pri Stargate-ju.

Upam da bo blizo Xi1 Orionis. Prvi pechat - sigil je odpechaten *apokalipsa*

Machholz je zelena in 3krat > Jupiter, torej z neat i wild v seriji giganata na ta zadnje... bo tega...she Nibiru-ja chakamo, v Leo Minor...

3x trikrat večja od Jupiterja. pO5tam kmalu predikcij.e..

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<{POST_SNAPBACK}>ananta kakšno apokalipso napoveduješ? potop?




če sem ga dobro razumela,mam rdeče lase pa en blond pramenček, je omenil potop ali pa jetole napisano v prispodobi.


Ampak če govori o vodni kači potem je to, definitivno, povezano z vodo.



Lep pozdrav in držte se :palec:



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