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Najbolj aktivni v tej temi

Existentialism 80%

Hedonism 60%

Justice (Fairness) 45%

Utilitarianism 45%

Strong Egoism 40%

Nihilism 30%

Apathy 25%

Kantianism 25%

Divine Command 0%



aha... zdaj naj mi pa še kdo pove, kaj to existentialism je? x:o)x


eksistencializem je filozofska smer, ki se ukvarja s človekovo temeljno nelagodnostjo bivanja na njej svojski način. osrednji pojem je eksistenca oz. vakuum. človek je s svojo mentalno zmožnostjo sposoben rzmišljati o preteklosti in prihodnosti in ne živi samo iz dneva v dan tako, kot živali oz. tako, kot nam priporoča npr. budistična tradicija. biti TU in ZDAJ. od tu pride projekcija v prihodnost in s tem zaksrbljenost, vendar nas zmožnost predstave tudi spodbuja k razmišljanju o SMISLU početja. to je v bistvu skupna osnova vsakekga fil. nauka. pripadniki kakšne religije ti rečejo, da je smisel božja troedinost, de civitate dei ali karkoli, no, eksistencialisti pa zanikajo kakršnokoli teleologijo (tudi teologijo), bog je mrtev in opij za ljudstvo, je samo tu in zdaj in prav to je temačno, mračno in brezizhodno. življenje nima smisla. začne se nekje s kierkegaardom v 19. st., nadaljuje preko nietzscheja in heiddegra v 20 st. in doseže svoj vrhunec v prozi treh velikih pisateljev 20. st.: Sartre, Camus in Malraux. pekel so ljudje okoli tebe, sizifovo delo itd. bla bla. zanimiva in vabljiva smer predvsem za malo mlajše, ki še niso pogledali izza vogala lastne hiše, pa za tiste večne izgubljence, ki so v vakuuma bivanja tudi za navidezni privez pripravljeni sprejeti hude kompromise. x;)x


če bereš kastanjelo ali kako se imenuje oni pisatelj, potem nisi eksistencialist. x:Dx



Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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Guest VilaSonca
eksistencializem je filozofska smer, ki se ukvarja s človekovo temeljno nelagodnostjo bivanja na njej svojski način. osrednji pojem je eksistenca oz. vakuum. človek je s svojo mentalno zmožnostjo sposoben rzmišljati o preteklosti in prihodnosti in ne živi samo iz dneva v dan tako, kot živali oz. tako, kot nam priporoča npr. budistična tradicija. biti TU in ZDAJ. od tu pride projekcija v prihodnost in s tem zaksrbljenost, vendar nas zmožnost predstave tudi spodbuja k razmišljanju o SMISLU početja. to je v bistvu skupna osnova vsakekga fil. nauka. pripadniki kakšne religije ti rečejo, da je smisel božja troedinost, de civitate dei ali karkoli, no, eksistencialisti pa zanikajo kakršnokoli teleologijo (tudi teologijo), bog je mrtev in opij za ljudstvo, je samo tu in zdaj in prav to je temačno, mračno in brezizhodno. življenje nima smisla. začne se nekje s kierkegaardom v 19. st., nadaljuje preko nietzscheja in heiddegra v 20 st. in doseže svoj vrhunec v prozi treh velikih pisateljev 20. st.: Sartre, Camus in Malraux. pekel so ljudje okoli tebe, sizifovo delo itd. bla bla. zanimiva in vabljiva smer predvsem za malo mlajše, ki še niso pogledali izza vogala lastne hiše, pa za tiste večne izgubljence, ki so v vakuuma bivanja tudi za navidezni privez pripravljeni sprejeti hude kompromise. x;)x


če bereš kastanjelo ali kako se imenuje oni pisatelj, potem nisi eksistencialist. x:Dx



Castanedo? jaz ga berem in sem dobila rezultat 100 % eksistencializem. :inocent:


sem zatežena oseba, ki preveč razmišlja in išče smisel. vsako početje mora imeti smisel. :vragec: drugače obupam, jebiga. torej v nistvu res nisem eksistencialist. x:Dx

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Guest VilaSonca

dobila zdaj nove rezultate:








Strong Egoism






Justice (Fairness)




Divine Command



Kant torej odpade. x:Dx kaj je pa utilitarianism ?

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The following is a description of people of the VZ personality:


You have a need for other people to like and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself. While you have some personality weaknesses you are generally able to compensate for them.


You have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage. Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing.


You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You also pride yourself as an independent thinker; and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. But you have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others.


x:Dx x:Dx x:px x:o)x


kaj je pa utilitarianism ?

ja mal pomisl, ne...


besede?? a si jezikoslovka al nsii?? :o|o: (:vragec: x;)x)

pa brihta?!

kaj pa je recimo utility (ce ze latinsko ne znamo oz. ne rabmo znat x;)x)? xDDx


po kmeck: da je vse dbest za vse - cimbolj, optimalno v korist vseh.

(men je tega po mojem ful posto prislo xDDx - v tem testu, ki sem ga, mislim, dvakrat resevala, pa je obakrat mal drugac prislo)

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Guest VilaSonca

veš kaj, res študiram slo., ampak nočem, da folk od mene pričakuje svašta zgolj zaradi tega dejstva, ker tako zaljubljena v jezik pa spet nisem. xrolleyesx in tudi ne dopustim, da se od mene pričakuje, da bom v nulo obvladala nemščino (čim spizdim s faksa). študiram, ja, kar ne pomeni, da znam vse ali da sploh hočem znati vse ... :vragec:


mah, mogoče utility pomeni orodje, ne vem, se nisem in se ne učim angleško, se tudi ne bom, ker sem sita filanja s pravili in mi bolj sedejo romanski jeziki kot germanski. :vragec: (se zdaj učimo španščino čisto tako "na uč", to je meni kul). sori, vsakemu, ki študira slo., nem., ang., ..... se jezik, jezikoslovje, slovnica, književnost, pisanje in branje priskutijo, ali je pa pač frik. tako. :vragec: mi lahko verjameš, da ko moraš to in ono in se ti zdi, da iz sebe pustiš delati budalo, profesorji so skregani med sabo, še glede pravil znanstvenega pisanja (kot citiranje in opombe) se ne morejo zediniti, bruhaš. ma nalašč ne bom pisala velike začetnice. :vragec:

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veš kaj, res študiram slo., ampak nočem, da folk od mene pričakuje svašta zgolj zaradi tega dejstva:



:V: oprosti!!

povsem razumem. socustvujem. :vragec: x:o)x x;)x

neprimerno od mene, da ti naprej mecem moje vEdenje o tebi (sicersnje).


koristnost, v bistvu (saj sem v postu razlozila).... da je nekako obce, druzbeno koristno..

(saj jaz tud sicer nisem glih magister x:o)x x:px x:Dx x;)x)

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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dobila zdaj nove rezultate:








Strong Egoism






Justice (Fairness)




Divine Command



Kant torej odpade. x:Dx kaj je pa utilitarianism ?


utility=korist, koristnost


glavni predstavnik utilitianizma je J.S.Mill, gre se pa za maksimiranje skupne koristi. to sem bil vprašan letos na izpitu in sem mu razložu s protiprimerom. pridemo do situacije, ko imamo deset talcev in dajo agresorji predlog, da enega ubijejo in devet spustijo, samo eden se mora sam javit. če ne koknejo vse. seveda, pri max. občega blagovolja bi vsi radi, da se nekdo javi a po možnosti ne sami. tako teorija utilitiarizma pade. pri teh osebnostnih testih pa pač pomeni, da se obnašaš svojim koristim primerno. pa sej device ste tako bolj prepračunljive, down-to-earth in tko. vam ne more kar en neki nabluzit. x:Dx

sam kantianism, da maš 30%... to si me pa čist razočarala. x:Dx sami eksistencialci in uživači. x:o)x ga grem za foro rešt, da vidfim kje bo kant x:px



Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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You Scored as Kantianism


Your life is guided by the ethical model of <b>Kantianism</b>: You seek to have consistent laws rule your actions, and your will is directed by reason. <br><br>"I do not, therefore, need any penetrating acuteness to see what I have to do in order that my volition be morally good. Inexperienced in the course of the world, incapable of being prepared for whatever might come to pass in it, I ask myself only: can you also will that your maxim become a universal law?" <br>--Immanuel Kant <br><br>More info at <a href="">Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...</a>






Justice (Fairness)




Strong Egoism








Divine Command



x:Dx x:Dx x:Dx



Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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Justice (Fairness)








Strong Egoism




Divine Command







...and justice for all x8Dx

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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ta test mi je pa všeč :)


Moj rezultat:


Your Totem is the Dolphin. Your spirit has very good attributes in these areas: kindness and play energy

Other Info: The beautiful, graceful, sleek dolphin carries many messages for the two-legged. Even though it is a mammal, its home is the sea and has mastered the art of breath control. Since water is the symbol of all life - of creation, passion and even sexuality - dolphin brings us teachings from the waters of life. Playful creatures, dolphins have long entertained man with their joyful antics. Studying dolphin communication has proved to be an awesome task for man. As in all animals, dolphins have developed sophisticated auditory signals that warn others of impending danger. Some believe that these animals are now warning man of impending danger as he ignores the balance of the natural world. Swimming with the dolphins has become a powerful experience for many people, and as they interact with these playful creatures, they cannot help but feel their communication.

Dolphin reminds us that time to play is a crucial element to walk in balance. It moves through the water quickly and with great grace. Dolphin tells us to move with the ebb and flow of life, and not to search for brick walls to smash into, for to spend our energy fighting the current gets us nowhere. Dolphin medicine includes change, wisdom, balance, harmony, communication skills, freedom, trust, understanding the power of rhythm in your life, use of breath to release intense emotions, water power.
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Guest Mineja

Zanimivo. Meni to sicer skoraj nič novega ne pove. Vprašanja mi niso všeč...

Sem dobila pri tem testu dodatno vprašanje, ker se ni mogel odločiti ali sem existencialist ali fatalist, tko je zdaj izpadlo:



You Scored as Existentialism

Divine Command95%Existentialism95%Utilitarianism90%Hedonism90%Strong Egoism70%Kantianism70%Justice (Fairness)65%Apathy40%Nihilism0%

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Guest Mineja
...razsvetljenje, bemo boga, če ga v tem življejni ne bomo, ga noumo n'kol. x:Dx






To tudi jaz pravim!

Sam razsvetljenja se ne moreš zavedat tko kot bi mi radi ane ....

(ommmm ...zraven pa prisluškuješ če se bo kaj posebnega zgodilo)... = mogoče si pa že bolj razsvetljen kot se pa zavedaš?

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animal totem (a to ti pride tist, ki si ga izbereš za najljubšo žival? x:o)x )

Your Result


Your Totem is the Hummingbird. Your spirit has attributes in these areas: messenger, timelessness

Other Info: Hummingbird - the tiniest of all birds - brings special messages for us. It is the only creature that can stop dead while traveling at full speed. It can hover, or can go forward, backward, up or down. It lives on nectar and searches for the sweetness of life. Its long tongue lets it bypass the often tough and bitter outer layer to find the hidden treasures underneath. Hummingbird is loved by the flowers and plants, for as it sucks the nectar from the flower, the plant reproduces and more of its kind are created. In many traditions, Hummingbird feathers have been prized for their almost magical qualities. It is said that Hummingbird brings love as no other medicine can, and its presence brings joy to the observer.

If you have Hummingbird medicine, you adapt easily to whatever situation you may find yourself in, and make the most of your new circumstances. You don't waste time looking back and wishing for "what was" for you are concerned with making the most of "what is". Also, you could never become addicted to any artificial stimulants, for you find joy in your own heart. You take great pleasure in spreading joy and love and beauty to all around you, and have the gift of taking that inner joy into new and different surroundings. You have a talent for finding the good in people, and are not put off by a gruff or abrupt exterior, for you know that, if you can only get beyond that tough outside layer, you'll find goodness and beauty inside. You may have a gift for working with flowers, maybe growing them to share with others, or using flower essences for healing. Aroma therapy may be your calling. You have high energy and a spirit that must be free. To restrict that wonderful, free, loving energy is to suffer great depressions and feelings of uselessness. Hummingbird must fly free in search of beauty, spreading joy and love to all it touches.



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to mi delaj, kaj sem našla!!!


katere filozofije se držiš?






Justice (Fairness)






Strong Egoism


Divine Command








Zanimivo... xrolleyesx x:Dx



ta test mi je pa všeč :)


Moj rezultat:


Your Totem is the Dolphin. Your spirit has very good attributes in these areas: kindness and play energy

Other Info: The beautiful, graceful, sleek dolphin carries many messages for the two-legged. Even though it is a mammal, its home is the sea and has mastered the art of breath control. Since water is the symbol of all life - of creation, passion and even sexuality - dolphin brings us teachings from the waters of life. Playful creatures, dolphins have long entertained man with their joyful antics. Studying dolphin communication has proved to be an awesome task for man. As in all animals, dolphins have developed sophisticated auditory signals that warn others of impending danger. Some believe that these animals are now warning man of impending danger as he ignores the balance of the natural world. Swimming with the dolphins has become a powerful experience for many people, and as they interact with these playful creatures, they cannot help but feel their communication.

Dolphin reminds us that time to play is a crucial element to walk in balance. It moves through the water quickly and with great grace. Dolphin tells us to move with the ebb and flow of life, and not to search for brick walls to smash into, for to spend our energy fighting the current gets us nowhere. Dolphin medicine includes change, wisdom, balance, harmony, communication skills, freedom, trust, understanding the power of rhythm in your life, use of breath to release intense emotions, water power.


Your Totem is the Eagle. Your spirit has attributes in these areas: divine Spirit and connection to creator

Other Info: Eagle feathers are used all over the world as ceremonial instruments and are considered to be the most sacred healing tools. They are a symbol of power, healing and wisdom. Eagle represents a state of grace that is reached through inner work, understanding and passing the initiation tests that result from reclaiming our personal power. Eagle Medicine is the Power of the Great Spirit. It is the spirit of tenacity. It is the gift of clear vision with which one can truly see the things one sees. It is the patience to wait for the appropriate moment. It is to live in balance with heaven and Earth. Eagle reminds you of your connection with the Great Spirit. It tells you that the universe is giving you the opportunity to fly above your life's worldly levels, or above the shadow of past realities. Eagle teaches you to look above in order to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the Shadow as much as the Light. Eagle asks you to grant yourself permission to be free in order to reach the joy that your heart desires.

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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Kaj pa tole je poznano?




Se mi zdi realistično.



men ne dela link :sori:

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hecen kviz. Pink angel.



jaz sem pa rumeni. x:o)x (hecn, k nisem nc *rumena*, mi ne pase rumena barva, po drugi strani pa mi je vsec, ne na sebi, na drugih, v okolju, itd.... ko risem, jo npr. precej uporabljam)


You're a "Yellow Angel" which means you're probably really motherly. You're not like a soccermom or anything but you're protective of those you care for and you'd do anything for them. You're usually the wiser one in your group of friends and you're a good psychiatrist because you've been through a lot of stuff and know the best thing to do in every situation. But you don't take any crud from other people and they respect you for your ability to stick up for yourself and others.

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Hecen kviz. Pink angel.


hecen res,...fighterski angel x:)x


You're a "Purple Angel". You're a fighter and you know it. If you were an angel, you'd be part of the celestial army. You're tough as nails and definately a go big or go home person. You do everything to the best of your ability. You're not like the gaudian angel where you just protect your friends but you protect everybody. You can't stand to see people suffering and you'd do anything to change that. You're a very fun person as long as people are on your good side and you're very laid back.

Samo šibki se ne upajo biti pravični.


Svoboda je odgovornost, zato se je večina v bistvu boji.


Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.

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You're a "White Angel".

You're a natural leader in every aspect of life because you always try to do the right thing. It may not always work out the right way but atleast you tried. You're pretty near to your family and you love being around them. You're not afraid of what people think if you except you relative because you have to deal with them everyday. Everyone else, you don't. You are only afraid that you won't live up to what they want you to be though. You want to be the best at everything and you'll push anyone out of your way if you have to. You're a person with big dreams and ambitions and you're a clear thinking. You never do things on impulse but always think things out first which helps you a lot in life.
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