tantra 17. junij 2007 Prijavi Deli 17. junij 2007 Deva Premal & Miten: Gayatri; direkt povezava: Youtube: Google: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...h&plindex=0 Ostalo: Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...mal&search= Google: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=Deva+Premal+ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Download flv datoteke: http://keepvid.com/ Download in converter flv datotek: http://vixy.net/flv_converter Po dolpotegu se datoteko poimenuje; in ji doda končnico flv. Po vsakem dolpotegu. Pred naslednjim dolpotegom. Se pobriše piškote. In osveži stran na novo. V firefoxu, operi... V kolikor se "vleče dol mnoštvo" datotek. Ko je povezava preobremenjena ne gre nič dol od dolpotegov. Takrat treba "vleč dol", ko ni: zgodaj zjutraj, ponoči.__________________________________________________________________________________________ Predvajalnik VLC: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/VideoLAN.htm Predvajalnik se nastavi na samodejno ponavljanje; repeat. V kolikor se želi datoteko poslušat neprekinjeno._________________________________________________________________________________________ Za dol potege je Linux Live CD; npr. Slax, Knoppix... 100% varen operacijski sistem. Brez antivirusnika, požarnega zidu (nastavljenega kot se gre)... pa v Windowsih ne gre....__________________________________________________________________________________________ Vzorčne datoteke Deve Premal & Miten: http://www.sonicx.com/Deva_Premal/ Torrent:http://snarf-it.org/pages/search.html?quer...-1&Submit2= Lepo zapeta je tudi: Ishq Allah. Dobil vzorčni mp3. Žal linka ne morem dati. Sem jo uspel dobit na za Windows operacijski sistem "zelo zlobni hack" kitajski strani. Jo potegnil dol z Live Linux CD operacijskim sistemom. Kateri teče v RAMu (spominu). Ali iz CDja samega. Oz. ISO slike na trdem disku brez inštalacije operacijskega sistema samega. Vendar z nastavljenim požarnim zidom za preprečevanje vdorov (firestarter grafični vmesnik za iptables pravila...) !!!!!!!!!NAKUP: Deva & Miten glasbe priporočam: http://www.mitendevapremal.com/ Kot tudi ostalih avtorjev umetnikov...: Od nečesa morajo umetniki, razsvetljene osebe tudi živeti (Sri Chin Moi, Hare Krishna gibanje, Deuter...in ostali). Konec koncev njihova glasba. Njena sporočilnost polepšuje, razsvetljuje življenje tistih. Katerim je všečna. In melodična. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Alan_New 17. junij 2007 Prijavi Deli 17. junij 2007 tantra pravi: !!!!!!!!!NAKUP: Deva & Miten glasbe priporočam: http://www.mitendevapremal.com/ Kot tudi ostalih avtorjev umetnikov...: Od nečesa morajo umetniki, razsvetljene osebe tudi živeti (Sri Chin Moi, Hare Krishna gibanje, Deuter...in ostali). Konec koncev njihova glasba. Njena sporočilnost polepšuje, razsvetljuje življenje tistih. Katerim je všečna. In melodična. Pa še dve trgovini, kjer se lahko kupi taka glasba: http://www.discord.co.uk/images/misc/disc.gif http://www.silenzio.de/portals/_default/Skins/silenzio/image/logo.jpg Citiraj Possible—but highly unlikely. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 13. april 2008 Prijavi Deli 13. april 2008 Heheh, Tantra,ti si gotovo novinar, a ? ; ) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 17. januar 2010 Avtor Prijavi Deli 17. januar 2010 mantra diksha Citiraj http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Brezo 17. januar 2010 Prijavi Deli 17. januar 2010 Porny pravi: Kaj dela tema o mantri v astrologiji mi pa tudi ni jasno Meni tudi ne. Citiraj Life is like a game...play it...http://smileys.smilchat.net/smiley/spiritual/myst1c.gif Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 18. januar 2010 Avtor Prijavi Deli 18. januar 2010 Gre se za iniciajcijo. Jaz sem denimo Anantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca iz Ramakrishna lineage. Citiraj http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Brezo 18. januar 2010 Prijavi Deli 18. januar 2010 Tudi če dobiš iniciacijo, še zmeraj lahko obdržiš svoje ime. Treba je upoštevat tudi kraj in čas. Za ljudi v tvoji okolici je ta ime sigurno preveč težko izgovorljiv. Pa ne mi rečt da zato ker gurudži pravi......Tukaj si se pač rodil z namenom. Če bi pa namen bil da imaš tak ime bi se pa rodil recimo v Indiji. V svoji skupinci lahko mirne volje uporabljaš tak ime, ne spodobi se pa to v javnosti in to v državi ki tega ni vajena.Samo na glas razmišljam, pa no hard feeling. Pravi gurudži pravi spoštuj svojo državo, ljudi, kulturo..... Citiraj Life is like a game...play it...http://smileys.smilchat.net/smiley/spiritual/myst1c.gif Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
moytsa 4. januar 2011 Prijavi Deli 4. januar 2011 mantre, hm...mislim, da je treba nadaljevati tole temico, ker je zelO zaniMiva.... Citiraj MI SMO DEL UNIVERZUMA, UNIVERZUM JE DEL NAS, VSI SKUPAJ SMO ZDRUŢENI V CELOTO IN SMO DEL DRUG DRUGEGA, KAJTI SKUPAJ TVORIMO PERFEKCIJO, KI JE NEPONOVLJIVA, TOREJ SMO VSI IN VSE ENO!!!!NI RAZLIK MED LJUDMI, NIZKIH IN VISOKIH LJUDI, NI RAZLIKOVANJA IN JE SAMO ČISTA BIT. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 11. marec 2011 Prijavi Deli 11. marec 2011 11. 3. 2011 at 16:13, tantra pravi: Osebne mantre [za verujoče] so ponavadi kratke [1 - 2 zloga v nekaterih tradicijah],ceremonijalne, namenske mantre so daljše ... Vse pa imajo religiozno osnovo.TM-jevci, ki trdijo - so trdili, da so TM bija mantre brezpomenske, lažejo - so lagali. TM bija mantras [sistem ...]http://tinyurl.com/47c57avBrezplačni aspirin za verujoče[za nekatere, ki v mantre ne verjamejo]. Nekdaj so bile "veeeliiikaaa skrivnost",ki se je razkrivala za $$$$$$$$$.Osnova TM bija manter je Sri Vidya. Prihajajo od Brahmanande iz reda Shankaracharya.http://www.mail-archive.com/fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com/msg92977.htmlMaharishi jih je hotel patentirat. In trgovati z njimi [slednje tudi počne,samo brez patenta -)]. Origin Of TM Mantrashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/244435 Resnična narava naravnega uma za trenutek *zasveti* v *Vrzeli* med izdihom in ponovnim vdihom, ... Oz. v trenutkih Tišine po zadnjem zlogu mantre. Kroga manter. Pred novim krogom ponavljanja ... Ta trenutek Tišine je meditativna *Bit* mantra, ... meditacije. ... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 15. maj 2011 Prijavi Deli 15. maj 2011 Kubera Money Mantra [God of Wealth] Bija mantra za Kubera Money Mantro je mantra Dhham. youtube.com Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namaha [Dhham (or Sam)][Om Šrim Om (H)rim Šrim (H)rim Klim Šrim Klim Vitešvaraja Namaha] [or Dhham* (or Sam)] Kuber Beej Mantra is Dhham. Om [Aum] - Brahma,Shreem - MahaLakshmi [for love, beauty, health, prosperity], Hreem - Shiva* [for Great Goddess/ Sun (illumination/ dispel illusion)] *"This is the Mantra of Mahamaya or Bhuvanesvari. Ha means Siva [shiva]. Ra is Prakriti. Ee means Mahamaya. Nada is the mother of the universe. Bindu means the dispeller of sorrow." [http://www.rudraksha-ratna.com/bija_mantra.php] Kleem - Krishna [for Kama, love and fulfiller of desires from material to moksha, where your intention is) and Vitteswaraay (Kubera)]. Vitteshwara is lord Kubera. Vitteswaraay Namah [izg.: Viit - e - shwa - raa - ya Na - ma - ha][vitteshwaraay means "Angle" of wealth, giver of wealth] "Dedicated to Kakolee for requesting it. It is composed of bija mantras, rough meanings: Shreem for Lakshmi [love, beauty, health, prosperity], Hreem for Great Goddess/ Sun [illumination/ dispel illusion], Kleem for Kama/ Krishna [love and fulfiller of desires from material to moksha, where your intention is) and Vitteswaraay (Kubera)]. Lord Kuber [or Kubera or Kuvera] is believed to be the lord of riches and wealth in Hinduism. Kuber Sadhana is considered a great way of pleasing the lord to bestow one with wealth and fortune. Kuber is many a times called the treasurer of gods. If pleased with you the lord opens avenues of wealth and riches for believers. Lord Kuber is also believes to be the head of the Yakshas [savage beings]. The Yakshas are both human and demon and are responsible for the security of the treasures hidden beneath the earth of the great mountain Himalayas. Kubera Yantra is used as a tool to attract the cosmic wealth energy, accumulation of riches, increase cash flow at home, etc. It opens up street for new sources of income. Worship of Kuber Yantra is also suggested for excellent growth in business, career and profession and increase in personal income and abundance. The specially of this Yantra is their No. 72 should come by winning the Number from any side the joint on of 72 Total 9. For realization of Lord Kubera, massive monetary gain, wealth, fortune and all round success. I recommend at least one mala [108 reps] of this mantra each day. You can also chant his beej mantra [seed/ root]: Dhham [some use: Sam]. Recite it as much as you can till the problem is solved [like ajapa -ceaseless mental repetition throughout the day]. thereligiousproducts.comhttp://www.thereligiousproducts.com/mantras.html For worshiping him you have to sit facing North Director. You can use a Rudraksha mala as he is a follower of Shiva or a White Crystal Mala to chant his name. Chanted by Kshitiji Tarey." _________Comments "Why the seed Dhham is not in the mantra? *Dhham is Kuber Beej Mantra. ... -)* "Are you sugesting to workship both the seed - Beej Mantra Dhham and the mantra with the yantra." *Use the mantra with the yantra: Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namaha[Om Šrim Om (H)rim Šrim (H)rim Klim Šrim Klim Vitešvaraja Namaha] Or Kuber Beej Mantra: Dhham [or Sam].* LilaSakura [uploader]"I recommend at least 1 mala [108 reps] a day of this mantra. [Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namaha]. And I recommend the seed mantra Dhham [some use mantra Sam] as ajapa [ceaseless mental chanting the rest of the day]. 72 and permutations of it have been shown to be mysteriously present in ancient myths and sacred architecture all around the world. The sum of the numbers across the rows and columns end up 72, which boils down to 9 which is considered a divine number. The Kubera Kolam [Yantra] is used in Kubera [-Lakshmi*] Puja [worship]. Kubera is often depicted as a yellow like gold [and Buddhist Jambala version black]." *One of the users have said:"Maha Laxmi ashottram is also good along with this mantra [Kubera Money Mantra (God Of Wealth)]. I listened to both and I got some excellent news soon after." "... I checked with a calculator and they all add up to 72 Horizontally: 27+20+25=72, 22+24+26=72, 23+28+21=72 Vertically: 27+22+23=72, 20+24+28=72, 25+26+21=72 Diagnally: 27+24+21=72 & 25+24+23=72" "You should buy a Kuber/ Lakshmi Yantra." "Om Kuber Devaya Namaha. May we all have prosperity, abundunce, happiness and good health which is the biggest wealth. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti" "Om Kuberay namah worshing of Lord Shiva helps to achieve Kubers bliss. Thanks LilaSakura and team." "I never had a guru, but I can testify the power of the mantra. I have wealth, health, reputation enclosed after 10 years of practising mantra. The people who does not see benefits are because it [he, she] does not have discipline and faith. I think that LilaSakura [uploader Kubera Money Mantra (God of Wealth), ...] is a great guru." LilaSakura [uploader]"Oh I'm not guru, just student learning as I make videos for mantras." LilaSakura youtube.com uploads:http://www.youtube.com/user/LilaSakura _________MahaLakshmi [Laxmi] Mantra & Shri Yantra for Wealth Giving[For Wealth, Prosperity, And Good Fortune] Om Shreem Hreem ShreemKamale Kamalaleyi Praseed Praseed Om Shreem Hreem ShreemMahalaxmiyei Namaha _________Om Brzee Namaha [Om Brezi Namaha] on Kubera Yantra [108x] [by Mathina Maideen (SK)] "Lakshmi* Mantra to improve & fix the finances." *"Shreem Brzee’ is the ultimate sound for manifesting your goals with the energy of the Archetype of Wealth Lakshmi. Morning [before sunrise] is documented as the most promising time when powerful divine energies are available in abundance. For 10 consecutive weekdays, an Instructor will lead you through a Call of Shreem Brzee chants from 5 AM to 6 AM [in 4 time zones]. Note: The Calls begin May 16th and will run until the end of 10 weekdays. ..." [http://www.pillaicenter.com/Shopping/Shopevents/Specials_Shreem_-Brzee_-Manifestation/] "Dattatreya Siva Babaji's Brzee Mantra [108 Chants].[Dattatreya Siva Babaji (Dattatreya Sivababa) is the fake Guru.] "The Brzee Mantra on Kubera Yantra.Lord Kubera is the banker in the heavens." + __________________ Om Brzee Namaha on Kubera Yantra [by The Grace Of Dattatreya Siva (Shiva) Baba (fake Guru)]: End financial worries chanting Om Brzee Namaha[by The Grace Of Dattatreya Siva (Shiva) Baba (fake Guru)] "End you financial worries by chanting this mantra Om Brzee Namaha[Om Brezi Namaha] 108 times or listen to the chanting." __________________ Comments "Lakshmi Mantra to improve & fix the finances." "Om Brzee Namaha [Om Brezi Namaha] mantra is chanted when you have some financial problems. Brzee [brezi] is one of the names MahaLakshmi [shreem]. All these mantras originate from Hindu Religion in Sanskrit. If you put faith into it, you will be rewarded. This is what I believe. But please do not claim to be a owner of a Multistory Building in Toronto Downtown and say mantra did not work for me. Anything to your limit [standard of life] will defenetly work for you, is what my faith says." "How many Minutes for 108. Why is it not 108 or 54 repeats." "Are these 108 repetitions?" "Is this 108 times?" "How many times the mantra repeated in this video?" "Every since i started chanting Om Brzee Namaha [Om Brezi Namaha] iv'e ben getting money from everywhere i guess this really works because i'm not stopping i can't wiat for the big bucks 2 roll in." ... All comments:http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=oExqzsi05yY _________Om Brzee Namaha [Om Brezi Namaha] is the Mantra for 'Money Flow'! happy-firewalker.blogspot.comhttp://happy-firewalker.blogspot.com/2010/02/day-nine-abundance-experience.html _________Bija Mantras Bija Mantras [handicraft.indiamart.com]http://handicraft.indiamart.com/products/religiousproducts/mantras.html Bija Akshara [bija Mantras][dhyanfoundation.com]http://www.dhyanfoundation.com/bija_akshara.php rudraksha-ratna.comhttp://www.rudraksha-ratna.com/bija_mantra.php astrojyoti.comhttp://www.astrojyoti.com/bijamantras.htm Mantrashttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantra 1 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 1. september 2011 Avtor Prijavi Deli 1. september 2011 ok lahko tudi iniciramo Citiraj http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 1. september 2011 Prijavi Deli 1. september 2011 pa saj to si lahko sam zmisliš svojo...mora bit v tujem jeziku, da dela? Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Malina75 21. marec 2017 Prijavi Deli 21. marec 2017 Franchement vous êtes formidable d'avoir fait un site pareil voyance gratuite par emailFranchement vous êtes formidable d'avoir fait un site pareil voyance gratuite par email Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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