marin 12. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 ----- Original Message ----- From: "URGENT AND STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL." <>To: <>Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 10:04 AMSubject: LUCKY WINNER The Lottery DepartmentLotteria Primativa Dear Sir/Madam, This is to inform you that you have been selected fora cash prize ofEuro2,00,000.00 (Two Million, One Hundred ThousandEuro). This is in line with our promotional lottery for our products. We specialize in the sales of cd-roms thatenhance your business growth.The selection process was carried out through randomselection in ourcomputerized email selection system (ess) from adatabase of over250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continentsof the world.This Lottery is approved by the Italian lotterycommission(backed by legge 496/96) and alsoLicensed by the The International Association ofGaming Regulators(IAGR). This promotional lottery is the first of itskind and we intend tosensitize the public.To begin the processing of your prize you are tocontact your claimsagent through our accredited Prize Transfer agents asstated below: LOTTERIA PRIMITIVAVIALE MAESTRO CAMPIONESI,26MILANO20100 MITEL: +39 320 829 5836Please copy the following When you contact him, please provide him with yoursecret pin codex9pwyuz2005. You are also advised to provide him withthe under listedinformation as soon as possible:1. Name in full2. Address3. Nationality4. Age5. Occupation6. Phone/FaxIf you do not contact your claims agent within 7working days of thisnotification, your winnings would be revoked. Winnersare advised tokeep their winning details/information from the publicto avoid fraudulentclaim (IMPORTANT) pending the transfer/claim byWinner.Accept my hearty congratulations once again!RegardsMrs Catty MillerLottery Manager ....nato še številni maili, klici - včeraj se je pa tale Paul Robinson razjezil in mi poslal tale mail, da sem jih že čisto z mojimi vprašanji "obnorel" itd .. PREBERITE SI SAMI: Att. Mr. Marin we are not interested in your 25 buck, we are only doing our job,you not the only person who have collected their money,we are not interested in website,this is our paying bank name:BANK OF SCOTLAND , LONDON. If you are not interested in collecting your money please notify us so we can conceal your payment okay.if you want to make your payment for your processing claims you do so or notify us to stop you payment. Best Regards, Mr paul Robinson, Payment Director ČEZ KAKŠNO URO ŠE TOLE: Att:mr marin, please do what suit your mind and leave us alone, we are tired of your complains, you are not the only one who has won this lottery, so many people have collected their winning and you are still dancing around with different story and complain.if you don't pay the processing fees but stop communicating to us okay i have given you our payment name if like go and comfirm from them ,we do have anything to tell you again,if you don't pay for the processing fees please stop mail us okay.if you give us more problem we will happy to conceal your payment okay. Best Regards, Mr paul Robinson. 1 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
marin 12. april 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 Se opravičujem, pozabil sem omeniti, da "gospod" želi plačilo za papirnata dela v višini 1500 Eurov in to izključno preko Western Union! Hvala za vaše morebitne odgovore. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Aliana 12. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 Klicejo te? Od kje jim telefon?.. Ne vem, jaz bi ignorirala... Citiraj WHEN LIFE PUTS STONES IN YOUR WAY BUILD SOMETHING NICE OUT OF THEM loesje Spet nazaj - Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
krokodil 12. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 Uaaaaaaa, si pa res v dreku do vratu Bodi resen, taksnih sporocil dobis lahko tudi do nekaj deset ali sto na dan.Pobrises, pa je. P.S. No, ker si v svojem postu tukaj (cetrta vrstica od zgoraj navzdol) se napisal svoj bo zdaj nekdo lahko vzel 5min. casa in te "subscribe-al" na tonepodobne krame, od porn0 strani do.... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
aiwa 12. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 hočjo te za dnar omouzt... bohved kwa boš pol mogu še plačat pa ne vem kaj... na konc pa nč dubu... Citiraj spet se mi je na bolš poslabšal Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Aliana 12. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 ... pa pri mailu, ki sem ga prejela od tebe, se bom tudi drzala mojega zgornjega nasveta... Citiraj WHEN LIFE PUTS STONES IN YOUR WAY BUILD SOMETHING NICE OUT OF THEM loesje Spet nazaj - Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
cofi 12. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 Takih "groženj" sem dobil že kar nekaj od vsepovsod in različne vsote. Zadnja je bila kar za en milijon $. Vsi potem zahtevajo podatke, tvoj račun na banki, da "preverijo" če je vse res. Jaz sem vse take lepo pobrisal, res pa je, da me nihče še ni "gnjavil" po telefonu. saj res, kako so prišli do njega. Za e-mail pa ni problema, se včasih kaj tipkamo s prijateljico, ki živi v Ameriki, tako, da e-mail kroži po celem svetu, potem pa ravno tebe "izžrebajo", kao da je bila tvoja pošta izbrana za nagrado. Tako kot so ti že pred mano svetovali : IGNORIREJ jih, pa izbriši jih!!!!! Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
marin 12. april 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 12. april 2005 No tu je še en odg., ki sem ga dobil od enega kamerada iz Kanade: berite, tu ni več kaj za dodati. stated below: Re:Very Important > Hi marin > If you truely believe even only slightly that you are the recipient for this lottery after having to pay money to release funds to your name then I would suggest you look up NAIVE in the dictionary. maybe they have Marino as the definition. > You a a plum ripe for the picking! > Sorry to sound condescending but it never ceases to amaze me on how easily people can be sucked in to this sort of obvious scam! > Save your money buddy.> I have just saved you 1500 euro ! > When you receive an email like this consider the following> 1. Where did they get my email addr?> 2. Did I even enter a lottery?> 3. Why, if they are giving this huge amount of money away, would they need a fee of 1500 euro to release it? Wouldnt they deduct it from the initial winnings & send the balance if there was really some reason for that fee, eg transfer costs, postage etc. > It doesnt matter what payment method you use (western union, paypal, wire TT, etc) because once they have your money they dissappear. They take possession of your money then disappear , but sometimes they still play tag & try to get another fee from you also before disappearing.> > Have you heard about the nigerian scam?> Same philosophy. Just google 'Nigerian scam' & you should get thousands of hits.> > Good luck. Please dont give these scammers money. If you really have that sort of money to blow into the wind, send some my way. :-) Kinds Regards Mike/Canada > On: 04-11-2005 11:04 PM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS:> " x x x "- thank you very much for your help. My mean all time about that is the same, you know. This is a senseless "mafioso!" Alberto > Yours,> " team" Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Pika Pikica 13. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 13. april 2005 Ti jim lepo po domače nazaj pošlji . PIČKA VAM MATERINA, pa bo...bojo že je pa ja univerzalna, svetovna kletvica! Se opravičujem za vulgarizem.... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
mushi 13. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 13. april 2005 eh kak se bi ktermu dal na junk mail odgovarjat.. jst to vse brišem, pa tista verižna pisma,.. če pošlješ naprej eni osebi5-tim10-timblablabla..tak folk, ki to naprej pošilja, pa ljudi šteje, da bo ja držal, torej, če ne gre za FORO imam pa za primitivce. Citiraj Mushi Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
spelca 23. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 23. april 2005 Bolj ko ti tezijo, bolj je jasno, da je to samo trik, da izvabijo iz tebe denar. A si kdaj kupil kaksno srecko od tiste loterije? Kadar si v dvomih, priporocam snopes:You've won a large sum of money in a foreign lottery you don't remember entering. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Volk K.L. 24. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 24. april 2005 <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Se opravičujem, pozabil sem omeniti, da "gospod" želi plačilo za papirnata dela v višini 1500 Eurov in to izključno preko Western Union! Hvala za vaše morebitne odgovore.Najbrž niti ne vedo, da si iz Slovenije . Mala zemlja velikih mogučnosti. Citiraj Ja sam ka mali pao s lipe Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Volk K.L. 24. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 24. april 2005 <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Se opravičujem, pozabil sem omeniti, da "gospod" želi plačilo za papirnata dela v višini 1500 Eurov in to izključno preko Western Union! Hvala za vaše morebitne odgovore. Pa še nekaj, lahko jim pošlješ odgovor da si iz Interpola oddelek proti goljufijam, kjer zahtevaš njihove podatke . Treba se je mau zezat . Sem dobival emaile iz Nigerije s podobno vsebino. Pa sem se tolk narežu, da sem si reku kurc če se pa oni delajo norca, pol se bom pa še jaz iz njih , pa sem jim natvezil da je to email naslov FBI, zdaj ne vem ali so se ustrašili, ali so se pa narežali. V glavnem od takrat nema takvih mejlova . Citiraj Ja sam ka mali pao s lipe Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 24. april 2005 Prijavi Deli 24. april 2005 Haha, jaz takih mailov dobim dnevno povprecno recimo vec kot 10. Kljub temu, da jih direkt v delete folder roma zarad filtra vec kot 100 dnevno. Tega jasno ne berem. In se zarad tega tud ne vznemirjam. Bolj mi je slo na zivce, ko sem kdaj kaj nezazelenega dobila, recimo kaj ogabnega, pa sem se hotla odjavit na linku, kjer je bila kao odjava, pa je bil error. To pa pop*.Drugac pa - cim puscas svoj mail okol, lohk pricakujes tole. + eni so taki... bukseljni, da vedno sam fwd-ajo, vse kar dobijo, vsem, z vsemi moznimi maili; kar je totalno nespametno, ker pomeni, da potem vsi ti maili romajo povsod in nekateri tako pridobivajo (neprostovoljne) 'clane' svojih mailing list. Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Neaccenieno 8. marec 2013 Prijavi Deli 8. marec 2013 seo tools, I am a true scrapebox fanatic , and these backlink software do not change my mind! I would definetly acquire these backlink software if i have been you , price the money! recomended MUST HAVE2 Take pleasure in backlink software... i have got all the taller color varieties and also little styles during Water(enjoy the following color selection) or her bound with the green products...have to possess them...all of the bailey switches happen to be hott as well..backlink software are really decent..very easy to wear while yu won't find that braiding your own scrapebox..: ) can actually deliver him or her in your home..."If yu need to carry these products during the summer time this is actually the con..and also speed settings tip toes won't are wet with perspiration....provide them with shoe tights(storing hosiery).....Simply put i LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE Your seo tools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I merely have these types seo tools from your toasted bread tone there isn't anything have a passion for each of them. they are great for Wi ice! I have had seo link building in the last on the other hand certainly not any house approach. I was concerned about how one can consider the whole bunch. they seem to only end up getting busted and additional utilised. Is present by any means you ought to get individuals? Lots of seo tools consideration point out that it should be with regard to sheep skin. thank you very muchFreezing got my seo link building as soon as possible i used to be so joyful they've been which means that goodThey're superb backlink software. They've been therefore nice. I'm certainly which means that lucky which became these individuals.I like scrapebox! i'm only 13 years old and going on my fourth one particular! i acquired my very first a person when i was 10 years old and couldn't get enough! They comfertable and stilish, nevertheless also cashual, so it is possible to bring them pretty much any place you desire. They appear fantastic with eveything, or if you really feel like being dressy ! they meet anyones standards, ecspecialy mine! remarkably recomended! Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Neaccenieno 19. marec 2013 Prijavi Deli 19. marec 2013 seo tools, I have got About three pairs and i also which means that prefer an additional, We've light red concise memorable, black bailey button in the software, and grey bailey button in the software, and that i sooo would like aqua concise vintage, people b sort of on the expensive side but I can not become an adequate amount of him or her I just Love scrapebox....i prefer bring it at your home in the winter months. outside the house as well, and so manner not to mention soft.only that your seo link building underlying part is not solid.My friend loves these backlink software. my neice went on line that night or the next day and bought the exact same scrapebox. If your looking for a far more upscale backlink software, that is it.Loved seo link building in shape for me.bring it by means of typical clothes,espacially within exceptional winter season,although i want to buy grown to be actual water-proof,that can help scrapebox to draw alot more clientele. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
juhuhu 7. april 2013 Prijavi Deli 7. april 2013 marin ignoreri to. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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