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Nikjer nisem zasledila prov teme, kjer bi se razpravljalo samo o tem, vem pa da se da o tem velik napisat, zato sem se odločla da jo odprem x:)x .


sama imam vrinjeni znamenji v 11 (ribi) in 5(devica) hiši. Sonce je v znamenju rib, se prav je tud sonce "vrinjeno"? x:Ix Kako se to odraža? (nekje sem zasledila, da vrinjena znamenja ne prinesejo nč dobrga)

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Aja??Jaz mam vrinjenega vodnarja v 3. hisi, pa leva v 9. Ce pa to prnasa slabe stvari, pol sm ga pa naj... glede na to, da mam vladarja vodnarja glih na asc.

Drugace sta pa oba lunina vozla ravno v teh dveh znamenjih(juzni v vodnarju, severni v levu). Poleg tega je v vodnarju se tocka fortune.Spet kaka karmicna zadeva???

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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  Samson23 pravi:
<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Aja??Jaz mam vrinjenega vodnarja v 3. hisi, pa leva v 9. Ce pa to prnasa slabe stvari, pol sm ga pa naj... glede na to, da mam vladarja vodnarja glih na asc.

Drugace sta pa oba lunina vozla ravno v teh dveh znamenjih(juzni v vodnarju, severni v levu). Poleg tega je v vodnarju se tocka fortune.Spet kaka karmicna zadeva???



sam glede tistga, da prnaša slabe stvari... sej po moje se da vse k seb v prid obrnt, sam je pa res da je najprej treba pogruntat, kake slabe stvari nej bi to prnašal, da jih lohka pol obračaš xrolleyesx ... he upiva da bo kdo kej pokomentiru tole x:px

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The Leo - Aquarius Interception








Through the house ruled by Leo you begin to see a part of yourself in everything you do. You stamp out your identity through these house matters. . .leave your mark on everything you touch as well as on everything in this house that touches you. You prove to yourself that your life has value through these house matters. You find you have a definite role to play here. And, you want to play center-stage here. These house matters help you to develop self-confidence and to be creative in your own self-expression.




You see yourself through your creations here and through the reactions of others to how you have expressed yourself. You awaken to potentials or problems within yourself you did not before recognize. You outwardly express pride in what you do in these house matters. You need to be recognized in what you have done in these house matters. But, without the polarity offered by Aquarius, you can become entrapped in your ego going overboard in expressing that ego.




Aquarius is concerned with group needs. It represents the group reaction to your Leo ego-expression. It gives you the chance to play a meaningful part in filling group or social goals, but draws on the affairs of the Leo house to serve groups. Aquarius is the rebel. You need to break free in these house matters from the conditioned attitudes of society. You need to express your own individuality in these house matters. You also need to rebel against personal social injustices in these house matters. Leo and these house affairs give you a reason or purpose for doing so.


Se pravi, da sem prisel


Without the Leo house influence, you become a rebel without a cause.










In the house with the Leo interception it is hard to find the kind of experiences that make you feel successful. Others often do not recognize your need for attention and recognition in the matters of this house. You go unappreciated since others do not show you the gratitude for your generosity in these matters.




Cancer occupies the cusp of this house. You naturally approach these house matters in a sensitive and maturing way. But, others do not see that in these house matters you are proud, powerful, strong willed and creative (Leo.) Thus they don't respond to your need for open self-expression (Leo) in these areas. You want center stage here but are denied it.




You will react in one of two ways:

a) You will either demand attention by showing excessive behavior, or

B) You will inhibit your Leo creativity in order not to upset the applecart.




You may have to break away from your environments conditioning (Cancer)in order to express your Leo sense of purpose in those house matters. You may at, first, project your ego without concern for others, of find more obscure areas of expression. You may have difficulty finding a place which will accept your creativity or encourage you to develop it. You may rebel against society's lack of receptivity of this creativity or you may question the value of your talents and could suppress them.




On the other side of the chart Aquarius is intercepted in the house ruled by Capricorn. Aquarius shows where you need to break away from rigid social patterns and express your individuality. Yet, if you try to break away in these house matters you can encounter a crisis because you will not find the channels which help you to develop your individuality or encourage you to be unique in these house matters. With Capricorn on the cusp you want recognition and respect in the matters of this house. Yet under the surface you are a rebel, investigator, and inventor of new ideas in this area of life. This means you must defy some existing social structures.




Others see you as conventional in these matters (Capricorn.) Do you dare risk your social reputation? Must you break away from your social environment to be a unique individual? It is complex . . .your need to be a part of the social structure in order to achieve (Capricorn) yet want to rebel against it to be unique (Aquarius.)




You need to be a part of the social structure yet feel free from it.




You need to rebel without risking your reputation.




Early life did not encourage your inventive abilities, so you later want to break away from these surroundings, at least psychologically, to find out who you really are through more obscure or unconventional channels.


Tole je pa zanimivo, pa ce to povezem se z uranom na asc. in tocko fortune v vodnarju in obema vozloma v obeh znakih, ki sta poleg vsega se zeeelo aspektirana.Kaj naj bi pol vse tole pomenilo?


Se pravi, da sem prisel na ta svet z namenom, da nekaj novega ustvarim oz. se naucim/naucim druge (glede na uran v egzakt. konjuknicij z asc. ki je se trikotniku z merkurjem, poleg tega je tudi tocka fortune v vodnarju in lokacija obeh vozlov(ki sta v aspektih s skoraj vsemi planeti), vendar pa mi okolje zavira razvoj teh talentov, te izvirnosti (vrinjeni znamenji vodnar) in vere v to izvitnost( in lev in v njih oba vozla, ki sta v egzaktnem kvadratu z asc./desc. osjo) in me sili v gonjo za statusom-vrh.3 v kozorogu in saturn v 10. Ali razmisljam v pravo smer??Kaksna resitev??Zamenjati okolje??Kako priti v pravi stik s pravim samim sabo?

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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The VIRGO - PISCES Interception








Just as Virgo rules the physiological digestive processes it also deals with MENTAL digestion. It allows you to discriminate between valuable information and superficial nonsense, to separate, digest, and then eliminate waste material while organizing and retaining what is meaningful to your life.




In the house with Virgo on the cusp you analyze, discriminate, and eliminate non-essentials. You learn to use knowledge at a practical and productive way. You learn to objectively criticize, ask questions, and continually adjust and perfect your life in this area. In Virgo you are looking for the BEST way to use your potentials in order to better define your life purpose.




Pisces, however, is your polarity. It is not concerned with details but looks at the overall significance of an experience or idea. It is concerned with universal ideals rather than concrete data.


Virgo is analysis and perfection.


Pisces is acceptance and faith.




The Pisces - Virgo polarity allows you to continually perfect your life as well as accept your imperfections.




In the house with the Virgo intercept you over-criticize, over-analyze, and over-classify to the point you lose the overall significance of the experiences of those house matters. You take things apart and can't put them back together in these house matters. Rather than perfecting, you are destroying the meaning of the experiences you gain in these house matters.




In the house where Pisces is intercepted you have the abstract vision of the whole but lack the practicality or technicality needed to build something real from your dream in the matters of this house.


Leo occupies the cusp of the house where Virgo is intercepted. So others see you as confident, reliable, proud, generous and fixed in these house matters. Inside, however, you question, criticize your performance and try to perfect what you do. Yet you lack a clear vision (Pisces) of what you could really do, and you lack the Piscean faith to make the adjustments you know are needed . . . and you lack the faith to accept what happens along the way not seeing where it is leading you in these house matters.


People may not understand the questions you ask in these house matters so you have to look within for the answers. You will either become excessively critical in these matters . . . even demanding . . . OR you will be afraid to outwardly criticize the things you know need changing. You take things apart in these house matters (mentally) and can't get them back together.


Pisces is the other interception. In this house you lack the balance of Virgo living too much in a world of dreams with no real substance. Your faith in the unknown may be misplaced as you lack discrimination . . . you give too much of time, service, money, etc., in these house matters. You may accept personal inadequacies here without trying to perfect them. You can become obsessed with unrealistic fears escaping or neglecting the responsibilities in this area of life. Or, you hang on to things of little value.


Aquarius is on the cusp of the house where Pisces is intercepted. Others see you as having unique ideas concerning these house matters. They think you are progressive and humanitarian in these house matters. Yet, you may lack the required discrimination and practicality to fulfill your humanitarian dreams.


An especially important lesson of this interception is that there is a point in every person's life where you must stop giving and let others take responsibility for their own lives. You must also learn to develop the faith to move ahead into the unknown with little assistance from the outside world. Others will not understand what you aspire to in these house matters. You have trouble defining your goals here in this area of life, so others find it hard to encourage you since they really don't know what you aspire to.

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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  • 1 month later...
Zdaj sem pa na neki drugi spletni strani bral, da naj bi vladarji vrinjenih znamenj mocneje delovali kot ostali planeti v chartu, ker nimajo svojega "kraljestva" in se morajo zato vseskozi boriti... me pa res zanima kako ostali gledate na ta znamenja in vladajoce planete??

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Ma ne... zadnje case sam surfam... bi blo fajn ce bi kaxn link sem prlimu, ja... sam sem toooook enih novih podatkov o svojem chartu odkril, da sem cist no3... bom probu najti s5 tist sajt pa prpopam...ce najdem!!

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Ja...Kk pa veš, kaj je vrinjeno kje? :8):

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Ja, jz mam kej na 28 stopinj al pa na vrhu. A to je pol vrinjeno xnckrivx

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Tkole...moj mi plis razložte, kaj je vrinjeno

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Ti nimas noic vrinjenega!!Hvala bogu... uravnotezena oseba...vsaj s tega gledisca! x:Dx


Haha... jupter konj. luna na asc.??Hudo!!!

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Pokazi, da vidimo, ce je res tooook zahtevna!

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Ti Pikica mors met pa skor iste aspekte kt jest glede na to da si sam 7 dni starejsa... no sam bajtice pa lunca se mejckn zamenajo... me pa prav zanima kako to pr teb pade... ob keri uri si ti rojena???

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Evo ti, pumpkin'!!


Sam po temle sodec... jebela, ti si pa po luni krava!! :eek:

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Ja, vem, da sm krava po luni....


JA to mi nč ne pomaga...jst mam tud chart...rabm pa eksplenejšn....dejmo, it! x;)x


Bi bla zlo vesela in počaščena, če b mi kej bl določenga povedu, ne pa sam to, da sm krava! xrolleyesx x:Dx

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Ussssss... jah kaj sej to da s' krava vse pove... cel zivlejne te bodo molzli... na koncu bodo pa iz tebe zupo nardili!


Ehhh... jaz nism nadarjen za interpretacije... naj to rajsi proba kdo, ki je dobr v tem...

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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