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pa še en v slovenščini...


"Pri stvareh, ki jih imamo za prave, se ne smemo zatekati k prevaram."


Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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...nemam kuću...nemam brod...nemam milione....nemam avion... ljudi, nema što nemam!!!!!!


iz enga mejla

Čutim, da čutiš, da čutim, kar čutiš
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Always listen to your doubts.

Not just because they might teach

you of your fears, but because,

sometimes, they might teach you

of your wisdom.


Lovin' it all,

The Universe


Deeper than most will get, huh?



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...nemam kuću...nemam brod...nemam milione....nemam avion... ljudi, nema što nemam!!!!!!


iz enga mejla



x:Dx :palec:

i kad budem umro...

bit će sprovod mali.

dvije il tri kurve... i konobar stari x:Dx x:Dx x:Dx


iz ene belokranjske žurerske pesmi :2src:

sploh nimam besed... miiiissslllmmmmmm....
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"Zgodovinarji, ki bodo v prihodnosti sodili o naši dobi, bodo rekli: kako čudno je bilo to obdobje, ko levo ni bilo levo, ko desno ni bilo desno in ko center ni bil v sredini."

(Andre Malraux)

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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velikega petka je bilo treba za veliko nedeljo... (ne wem kdo je prwi klele toplo wodo pogruntu... jes sem to slišu od težaka cankarja)


če bi biu usak dan pondelk, neb blo nkol torka. janko x^x

sploh nimam besed... miiiissslllmmmmmm....
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The top 10 things dead people want to tell living people, are:


1. They're not dead.

2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.

3. There's no such thing as a devil or hell.

... 4. They were ready to go when they went.

5. You're not ready.

6. They finally understand what they were missing.

7. Nothing can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.

8. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.

9. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving, here, as they were there.

10. Life really is all about love, but not just loving those who love you...


In their own words,

The Universe


They also wanted you to know that they really do show up as orbs in some of your photos but so does water. Quite a talkative bunch.

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If you only gave yourself credit for all the things you do that you do not give yourself credit for, you'd be astonished to learn how much you really do accomplish in a single day. Every single day.


That's okay though, because I'm still "counting" all of it.


The Universe



Some of the angels here think you're pure magician. The rest know it.






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Eifersucht in eine Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schafft.





Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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While it's often fashionable to dwell upon what might have been, what's usually overlooked is that really and truly, it couldn't have.


Because, invariably, any romanticized versions of how things "might have been," are based upon fictionalized versions of the past.



The Universe



You see most of the time when people think the present could have been different than it is, it's because they think the past was different than it was. Happily, the future can still be anything, when you surrender to the details (and who has to do what).



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  • 2 weeks later...

While it's often fashionable to dwell upon what might have been, what's usually overlooked is that really and truly, it couldn't have.


Because, invariably, any romanticized versions of how things "might have been," are based upon fictionalized versions of the past.



The Universe



You see most of the time when people think the present could have been different than it is, it's because they think the past was different than it was. Happily, the future can still be anything, when you surrender to the details (and who has to do what).




Pa dobr, kaj se vam ne da prebrat tega kuota?? mislm

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Pa dobr, kaj se vam ne da prebrat tega kuota?? mislm



čist teb podobn :palec:

je razlika med prebrat, prevest, razumet, doumet, živet...


ena anekdota pravi, da se je jezus nedavno inkarniral... in ni počel nič drugega, kot užival...

in nekdo, ki je vedel, kdo on je... mu je reku:

pa kuko moreš bit tok brezbrižen... tok kot veš, znaš, zmoreš... namest da bi ljudem pomagu, jih učil, spodbujal, ozaveščal,... ... se pa samo zajebawaš...

in jezus mu je reku:

sej sem bil kle 2000 let nazaj... in sem reku ljudem, da nej bodo srečni... pa če nočejo... jim pa res ne morem pomagat x:o)x

sploh nimam besed... miiiissslllmmmmmm....
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čist teb podobn

je razlika med prebrat, prevest, razumet, doumet, živet...


ena anekdota pravi, da se je jezus nedavno inkarniral... in ni počel nič drugega, kot užival...

in nekdo, ki je vedel, kdo on je... mu je reku:

pa kuko moreš bit tok brezbrižen... tok kot veš, znaš, zmoreš... namest da bi ljudem pomagu, jih učil, spodbujal, ozaveščal,... ... se pa samo zajebawaš...

in jezus mu je reku:

sej sem bil kle 2000 let nazaj... in sem reku ljudem, da nej bodo srečni... pa če nočejo... jim pa res ne morem pomagat


hahahhah, res smešno, janko, hahahaha...LOL

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zdej, k sem te u smeh sprawu, sm pa čist srečn in mi je pa že čist useen, če me kr stisne


ma ne govori tak.. ne sme ti bit tok useen.. :) (al pa greva se skup stisnt??)

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ma ne govori tak.. ne sme ti bit tok useen.. :) (al pa greva se skup stisnt??)



zanč mi nis hotla majc speglat... x:Dx




Kaj te zdaj muči? Če ni plusov še ne pomeni, da ga nihče ni prebral.

Mene se ni toliko dotaknil, da bi rekla wow in nisem ocenila objave.


sej kar se te pa worenk dotakne, kot posledica wowanja... pa dobiš flajštr čez uč al kuko? xcivx

sploh nimam besed... miiiissslllmmmmmm....
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Kaj te zdaj muči? Če ni plusov še ne pomeni, da ga nihče ni prebral.

Mene se ni toliko dotaknil, da bi rekla wow in nisem ocenila objave.


Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

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