free 3. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 3. julij 2005 kdo pa se ne razvija (vsaj deloma) preko hrbta drugih? pomoje skor vsi k kle zivimo!recimo tudi prek LNF se razvijamo deloma preko hrbta drugih kaj pa sluzba? tudi tam si dobil ucitelja, mentorja... kaj pa partner... trgovina, cel sistem deluje tako, da se ljudje razvijajo preko hrbta drugega; vprasanje je le, kdo vec casa, bolj in veckrat nastavlja hrbet; oziroma kaksna je izmenjava. ce se rodis kot otrok premozne plemiske druzine, ki ima vsega dovolj in prevec ter sluzicad, je spet lahko razlika, kot ce se rodis v ruskem predmestju med sirotami, mati pa je junky, oceta pa ne poznas, pa cetudi bi ga, bi ga brigalo. ..torej tukaj govormo nedefinirano. in vsekakor bo tisti, ko bo potreboval pil vec kot drugi, ali pa bo tisti, ki bo mel moznost in se ne zavedal kaj pocne, pil bolj kot drugi. ali se v takem slucaju kabala obrne v smeri socutja kot resitev?----------Tisti, ki se ne poskuša razvijati preko hrbta drugih.Ja, Julij, kar zaje**** je, ko te tuj "razvoj" spravi ob eksistenčne temelje. A očitno tvoja zgodba ne izuči preveč ljudi. Še vedno pri nas na veliko poslujejo in tudi zakonodaja je kriva, da lahko razne duhovitniške pijavke s prevarami sesajo sadove tujega dela. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Kabalist 4. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 4. julij 2005 kdo pa se ne razvija (vsaj deloma) preko hrbta drugih? pomoje skor vsi k kle zivimoAko po sebi sodiš druge. oz., raje drugače postavim. Definiraj, kaj je zate preko hrbta drugih? Citiraj BODI POZOREN IN PREPOZNAJ. kO PREPOZNAŠ, OČISTI SVOJE OKNO IN DOVOLI BOŽJI VOLJI, DA SIJE SKOZI TVOJO VOLJO. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
kekica 6. marec 2011 Prijavi Deli 6. marec 2011 Pozdravljeni, Zivim na Novi Zelandiji ze 9 let in vam lahko povem, da se tukaj o Wangovi sploh nic ne govori in nic ne slisi.Tako, da tukaj je popolnoma nepoznana. Sama to zelo dobro vem, ker se ukvajam s posebno vrsto zdravilstva in ni poznana med ostalimi toliko kot mes Slovenci.Ce potrebujete kasno pomoc ali kasne info, ce Vam lahko kako pomagam bom. Lep pozdrav v Slovenijo Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Bojante 6. marec 2011 Prijavi Deli 6. marec 2011 Kako zdravilstvo pa ti delaš , ? Hvala za odgovor . Lep pozdrav v Novo Zelandijo Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 6. marec 2011 Prijavi Deli 6. marec 2011 Pozdravljeni,Zivim na Novi Zelandiji ze 9 let in vam lahko povem, da se tukaj o Wangovi sploh nic ne govori in nic ne slisi.Tako, da tukaj je popolnoma nepoznana. Sama to zelo dobro vem, ker se ukvajam s posebno vrsto zdravilstva in ni poznana med ostalimi toliko kot med Slovenci.Ce potrebujete kasno pomoc ali kasne info, ce Vam lahko kako pomagam bom.Lep pozdrav v SlovenijoNovozelandska vlada je Phenomena Academy-ji, ki jo je vodila Wangova, jeseni leta 2004 vzela licenco, komuno so razpustili. Bussness [glej spodaj] pa bi še znal laufat pod "n" organizacijskimi oblikami [March 02, 2008]. Aiping Wang [Cults, Sects, and New Religious Movements] [Cult Education Forum] Slepi invalidi delali zastonj mesece za "vrhovno mojstrico" Aiping Wangovo Izkorištavanje sljepih maseraOd slijepaca se tražio da besplatno masiraju. ... Slovenijo je leta 1992 Aiping Wang po zapletih s tremi sladkornimi bolniki zapustila. Ti bolniki so namreč opustili tradicionalno zdravljenje, Wangova pa jim tudi ni mogla pomagati in so padli v tako imenovano sladkorno komo. Iz Hrvaške jo je v Ameriko pregnala smrt 37-letnega Željka Jandrečića, uslužbenca ministrstva za obrambo, ki se je zdravil zaradi obolenja ledvic, ob začetku obiskovanja Kitajkinih seans pa je opustil zdravila. Leta 1994 je v Phoenixu odprla center za pomoč obolelim za aidsom in okuženim z virusom HIV. Dve leti pozneje se je vrnila na Hrvaško, svojo dejavnost pa razširila še na Novo Zelandijo, kamor ji je sledilo veliko pristašev tudi iz Slovenije in Hrvaške. "... Two of her [Aiping Wang] students died of cancer, supposedly discouraged from seeking conventional treatment according to a recent 20/20 current affairs program on TV3. Aiping Wang and her students did appear to be a very flaky lot. One student, a university qualified engineer, thought he was going to learn how to fly, just like Superman. Aiping Wang claimed that she believed trained people could fly, and although she herself couldn't fly, she believed she could teach people. ..." Leta 1997 jo je višje sodišče v Sloveniji oprostilo obtožbe treh kaznivih dejanj posebno hude telesne poškodbe, leto pozneje pa je nevšečnostim navkljub lahko zbrala dovolj pristašev in je za tri tisočake na udeleženca pripravljala seanse v Ljubljani in Kranju. Pred leti se je vrnila na Hrvaško, kjer je poročena s poslovnežem A. F., živela naj bi v Bolu na Braču. "... Če ne moreš plačati, to pomeni, da ne delaš dovolj na sebi, da bi ti energija prinesla dovolj zaslužka. Če si v stiku z energijo, pa se ti ni treba bati pomanjkanja in lahko plačaš. Inštruktorica ne bi dovolila, da bi kdo zamujal s plačili ali pa celo ne plačal. Čeprav pravi, da ji ni nič do denarja, njena dejanja kažejo drugo sliko. Sem prav prestrašena zaradi izkušenj o ljudeh, ki so na NZ izgubili vse. ..." Aiping is documented saying she can teach people to fly, Aiping is documented saying that she thinks she can live forever, Aiping believes that energy can be sent down the phone line, Aiping thinks she can heal the world of disease, Aiping charges 30,000 Euros for one month in China, Aiping charges 1000 Euros for little parcels of *essence of food*,Aiping charges 5000 Euros for *private sessions*, You can become a master with Aiping, in a 6 week course [like Sarah McCrum], Bad Health is Your Fault, Bad Health is a result of bad energy, If you have bad health you are full of bad energy, The only person that can save you, if you can afford to lose you wallet and your sanity, is Aiping." "There is a list of some companies, organizations and activities owned or controlled by Aiping Wang. Please, help to update it. [index datira iz dne: March 02, 2008] New Zealand - Phenomena Academy (Academy of Potential Education), Takaro Lodge, 914 Takaro Road, Te Anau 9640 - Phenomena Ltd., 914 Takaro Road, Te Anau - Cybo Vision Ltd. 914 Takaro Road, Te Anau - Water New Zealand Ltd., 914 Takaro lodge, Te Anau - 103 Perfectly Ltd., 914 Takaro Lodge, Te Anau - Credit Info Ltd., 61b Passmore Crescent, Maori Hill, Dunedin Slovenia - Svetovno drustvo za izobrazevanje invalidov, Lojzeta Spacala 4, Ljubljana - Spirala, Mariborska 86, Celje USA - Hidden Potential, 2687 North Park Drive, Lafayette, Colorado 80026 - Missing Link coaching for teens and young adults, 4720 61st Ave Terrace West Bradenton, Florida 34210 - Phenomena Studio, 1717 N 77th Street Suite 6, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 - Long life center, Interfaith Church, 5544 E. Sheena Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254 - American Center for Advanced Qi Gong Research, 5544 E. Sheena Drive, Scottsdale, 85254 Arizona UK - Life' 4 Living, Sovereign Court, 3 Queen Victoria Terrace, London E1W 3HA - Energy Clinic (Phenomena Eden), 132 Commercial Street, London E1 6NG - World Education Foundation for the Disabled Ltd, 53 Cheshire Street, London E2 6EE - The Energy 'Bank' Ltd, Commercial Street, London E1 6NG - Satellite 603 Energy Research Ltd, 132 Commercial Street, London E1 6NG Switzerland - Fondation Mondiale pour l'Education des Personnes Handicapées en liquidation, Av. de la Rasuda 2, Lausanne - Energy Clinic SA, Av. Samson-Reymondin, 1009 Pully Germany - Energy Clinic at the Hotel Atlantic Kempinski Hamburg, An der Alster 72-79, 20099 Hamburg - Gwen Hoffmann Miric GmbH , An der Alster 72-79, 20099 Hamburg - Welt Bildungsverein für Behinderte e. V. Marschallstr. 6, Düsseldorf - Welt Bildungsverein für Behinderte e. V. An der Alster, Hamburg Italy - Fondazione Mondiale Per L'istruzione Delle Persone Disabili, Via Battistig 42, Udine, Italy China - Shanghai Phenomena Cultural Education Service Ltd - Nanchang Blinde Masagge Hospital Croatia - Energy Clinic, Hotel Westin, Krsnjavoga 1, Zagreb - Energy Clinic Spa & Wellness, Hotel Argentina, Supila 14, Dubrovnik - ECES, Masarykova 9, Zagreb - Fenix, Fanceljev prilaz 11, Zagreb - L.I.F.E. Maksimirska 67, Zagreb - Feng Shui Xuan Kong, Budakova 3, Zagreb Serbia - Svetska Edukativna Fondacija za Invalide, Pop Lukina 17, Beograd Bosnia and Hercegovina - Svjetska edukaciska fondacija za invalide, Himze Polovine 9, Sarajevo _________Aiping Wang [Cult & Sect] [, etc.]Pričevanja iz fenomenalizma in shen-qija 603 Phenomena academy Komuna v Novi Zelandiji Prehranski dodatki tiasnhi Ne glede na smrtne slučaje, je Aiping Wango-va ljudem dopuščala, da soprenehali z jemanjem zdravil, ki so jih predpisali zdravniki. ... Ljudje so imeli totalno sprane možgane. Na sodišču v Ljubljani, jo je pričarešila pred sankcijami, ko je le-ta padla v diabetično komo in so človekakomaj rešili. Na sodišču jo je priča razbremenila in rekla, da je samoiniciativnoprenehal z jemanjem zdravil. ... V Zagrebu je umrl uslužbenec hrvaškega ministrstva za obrambo,le-ta je opustil zdravniško zdravljenje, ne glede na to, da je bil hudledvični bolnik. ... Ljudje so že v Sloveniji izgubljali denar, premoženje.Na NZ so mnogi ostali brez vsega, v suženjskih življenskih pogojih ... Idioti, ki "nasedejo" oderuhom in šarlatanom se bodo našli vedno.Metode pranja/ izpranja možganov tem nesrečnim idiotom so pa vedno boljsofisticirane. ...: claireps [06. 30. 2007]"... I am really happy to have been given the opportunity to fulfil the role of ‘international cult recruitment officer’. My role is to help people all over the world understand that ‘brainwashing’ can actually be a very pleasant, relieving and spiritually rewarding experience. Not only this, but I can offer you a full years brainwashing at a fraction of the price you will get directly from any other major cult leader!!! I am currently preparing myself both mentally and physically for the end of the world, living in the New Zealand mountains, and I would like to encourage you all to join me as time is running out!!!" "There have been good articles on them in The Independent [uK] and The Guardian - who followed Warwick Powell, an HIV sufferer, who dedicated a year to them [maybe more], ended up with credits cards maxed out [35,000 sterling - that's 70,000 dollars US] -and still, his T cells stubbornly remained at exactly the same level as when he started. Aiping and Sarah's reaction = of course, he wasn't trying hard enough, or he didn't believe enough ... he just needed to give it more time. ..." 1 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 6. marec 2011 Prijavi Deli 6. marec 2011 silverteen [02. 09. 2008]The companies and associations I have found that are linked to them:Energy Clinic/ Energy Bank, Takaro Lodge [New Zealand] - Cult HQ, Life's 4 Living charity London, Rejuvenation centres in: London, Hamburg, Zagreb or Te Anau, Peace Club - UK, World Education Foundation for the Disabled. silverteen [02. 09. 2008]"... They are dangerous. I've seen Aiping Wang, Sascha [Alexandar Fulepp], Sarah McCrum [or whatever she's called now Dujmovic?], Sascha's son, Claire Sutton, Joel Sutton, Sonja, Lele Sun, etc. They are all brainwashed and desperately trying to do her bidding - which largely means raising more money for her [Aiping Wang]. They want to roll out *Eden Phenomena* clinics, to spread the *energy*. Eden Phenomena is the new front for what was The Energy Bank [then the Energy Clinic] and the Takai Lodge. They've had lots of names over the years Phenomena Academy, Eden Phenomena, 903 Phenomena etc. They are now charging 30,000 Euros a month for *training*, with small *energy parcels* [special food?!?] for 1,000 Euros a time. Further sessions with Aiping Wang? A mere 5000 Euros. If you're not in Europe and your wondering how much that is, take it from me.That's a lot. I don't want to offend anyone, from any faith, but I do want to warn people to run a mile from this crazy brain washing cult. ..." xenon [09. 12. 2004]"@ .........., let me give you some tips. Few years ago the New Zealand Herald published some stories of Takaro Lodge and Aiping Wang. Five articles can be found on the paper’s web pages free of charge. NZ TV3 aired on September 5th 2004 documentary Grandmaster. Sarah McCrum made complaints to NZ Broadcasting Standards Authority. You can read the final decision on BSA web pages. The documentary Grandmaster fully disclosed how Aiping Wang operated. It was shocking. Try to get a copy from TV3. After broadcasting, the NZ Qualifications Authority canceled the education accreditation of Aiping’s Phenomena Academy. Afterwards students of Phenomena lost their visas. One of them threatened with a bomb because of it. The report is still on TV NZ pages. Aiping created many fairy tales about her life in China till 1989. For instance, she told some people that she had a Xiamen university degree in English, French and Japanese. [You believe it must be a joke when you hear her speaking English in the NZ documentary]. Others say she has a degree in economics. And she also claims she has a degree in both western and traditional Chinese medicine. All together six university diplomas??? She told some people that she in her childhood had suffered from health and psychical [!] problems. That was why she started to train qi gong. Furthermore, some people heard her father was a high - ranking military officer and others were told he was an important banker. And yes, she also claimed she was Beijing Opera star. The claim was checked with the Opera but nobody confirmed it. The fact is that she comes from the city of Nanchang. She and members of her family run a sort of traditional medicine business there. They call it Blind Massage Hospital because sightless people provide massage for the patients. Nanchang is a center of traditional medicine but as I was told the city was of bad repute due to many cheats. Also, the history of qi gong is full of cheats. Aiping and her Chinese family own a chain of stores in some other Chinese cities, including Shanghai. Their family business was seen in Hong Kong as well. Aiping caused scandals in NZ, UK and in some East European countries, most in Croatia. The pattern is the same everywhere. She opens a business, charges big money for controversial service but when stories come to media she moves to another country. She returns and revives the business few years later when things calm dawn. It is strange how fast her scandals are forgotten. And there are even bodies on her way. I would like to know if Warwick Powell from one of above articles is still alive. The most evil business Aiping produced was Life’s 4 Living. She and her people say they can help terminally ill and disabled children. Target of their propaganda are parents of such children. Unfortunately I have no good idea what to do there. I can only repeat you Silverteen: Run a mile from those folks." Nadaljevanje: Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 7. marec 2011 Prijavi Deli 7. marec 2011 "The NZ Qualifications Authority [NZQA] has withdrawn accreditation for alternative health courses run at Takaro Lodge near Te Anau [Aiping Wang cult & sect].Takaro Lodge is still owned by Aiping Wang and her husband Aleksandar Fulepp. The Phenomena Academy, as it is known, is run by Aiping Wang. Two of her students died of cancer, supposedly discouraged from seeking conventional treatment according to a recent 20/20 current affairs program on TV3 [New Zeland TV]. One student, a university qualified engineer, thought he was going to learn how to fly, just like Superman. Aiping Wang claimed that she believed trained people could fly, and although she herself couldn't fly, she believed she could teach people. They seem to have this New Age belief in 'body energy fields'. They love to sprinkle their conversations with scientific terms, especially those from quantum mechanics. However they seldom understand the science behind them, often using contradictory terms in the same breath. They can never explain what energy really is and can never produce reports that support their beliefs, even though they all claim to know they exist, somewhere. Likewise, they vigorously deny that any scientific research has shown their claims to be bogus. ... Last fall one of them threatened with the bomb in Tauranga and was later deported:!Sorry but we are currently experiencing difficulties.If you still encounter problems, then please contact In March [2005] twelve of them were deported because their visas expired: It was also unusual that local mayor Mrs. Frana Cardno gave a strong support to the group. One can hear two explanations. Some say that group made a large donation to the local hospital while others point out to Mr. Fulepp, Croatian. Mrs. Cardno is supposed to have a Croatian background as well. Anyway, I am not surprised that Wang and her people went to live in Arizona. In 1994 and 1995 Wang and Fulepp lived in Phoenix, AZ. Fulepp [Aiping Wang husband] claimed that in eighties he had spent some years with Mormons but there were rumors that he was deported as an illegal worker." _________ Slovenian, ... [28 Feb, 2008] "Here's a translation, of a Slovenian site ... Before it gets taken down. Excuse the English grammar and spelling, but I think you can get the gist: World society for education of disabled people was established on 1.9.2005 in Slovenia. President of that society is Sonja Bistrovich. All the people involved are closely connected with the healer Aiping Wang. "The touch heals"The society started on the March 2006 with collecting the funds for the action "The touch heals" who supposed to educate 15 blind and weak seeing persons to become masters, like fast course. The society sent over 10,000 adverts by post for donation in amount of 117 EURO [28000 SIT - at that time the Slovenian currency] so that they can have enough money to educate those people to become masters. The education should have start on 3. 3. 2006 in Ljubljana and continue in hospital for blind people in Nanchang, China. Printing of the 10,000 adverts in Slovenia was sponsored by the printing company Emona who donated the paper and they payed for all postal costs. The biggest sponsors were Halcom d.o.o. and financial society NLB Leasing d.d. [that is the biggest bank in Slovenia. NLB = New Ljubljana Bank]. Action "The touch heals" is financial fraud. The course never started and all the collected donations were sent to Aiping Wang. Similar actions were also done before in 2005 in England, Italy and Croatia. At the beginning of December the Society opened the masseur clinic in Ljubljana in the elite location in street Gregorchicheva 9. [Ferant gardens - very elite place and very known in Ljubljana]. World Education Foundation for the Disabled Slovenian society declares itself in the memo for collection donations on the nonprofitable Swiss [switzerland] foundation World Education Foundation for the Disabled. The foundation doesn't have any employed persons, they only have post number and address. The foundation plans to get the licence from the Swiss organization ZEWO which is the organization that makes the list of all reliable (financial strong!) foundations for collecting donations. But the ZEWO organization don't know anything about the application from WEFD for the licence. Despite everything even now the money is still collected for so called humanitarian purpose. Energy Clinic AG. The "students" [blind people] supposed to have secured jobs after finishing the course in the energetic-massage clinics of the company Energy Clinic AG from Switzerland. General director of the company is Lele Sun [she is the daughter of Aiping Wang]. The company is the property of Aiping Wang and her family. At the moment she controls the energy-massage clinics in London, Hamburg, Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik. In 2006 their attention was to open the massage centre in Ljubljana. Massage saloons of the Energy Clinic AG in the property of Aiping Wang and her family will have free labour and the money will be invested in China. All of that will be accomplished with the action "The touch heals" through the foundation World Education Foundation for the Disabled. The "students" of Aiping Wang are forced to work for her without being paid. Insread of receiving money her students receive "the energy which heals". On the internet in the forum/chat there are many testimonials about tragic outcomes of Aiping's Chinese students [destroyed families, bankrupts, houses lost. ...]. Since 29.10.2005 there have been heavy critique about the so called "humanitarian actions" of that society in Croatia, with the major newspapers [in this case one of the strongest newspapers in Croatia the Morning news] leading the way, criticising how the blind masseurs who have to work for free. I have also heard from people who have lost members of their family. Perhaps they will share their stories with the world. Another name to watch out for is Paul Bernal who was at one time [certainly in 2002] the accountant for Aiping's cult. There are many stories of people being separated from their family, from their loved ones [told they're not suited], going bankrupt [spending money on Aiping's "energy"] and giving up their jobs. Search terms: Aiping Wang, Lele Sun, Phenomena Academy, Peace Club, Takara Lodge, Blind, Energy, Shen Qi, Cult, Eden Phenomena, Life's 4 Living, World Foundation for the Education of the Disabled, Energy Clinic, Energy Bank." 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