free 25. junij 2005 Prijavi Deli 25. junij 2005 Add My Voice Sign The ONE Decleration Donate - wear and buy white band E-mail a Frend ----------- ISSUES >>> AIDSMore than 38 million people around the world are infected by HIV/AIDS, 25 million in Africa alone. Left untreated, AIDS leads to an early death for people in their most productive years who are needed to raise crops and families, teach school and care for the sick. For more information about global AIDS click here. More> >>> EXTREME POVERTYExtreme poverty means living on less than $1 a day, unimaginable to us as Americans. ONE in five people around the world survives on this amount, with few opportunities to earn more. For more information about extreme poverty click here. More> >>> AIDInternational assistance saves lives, directly helping and empowering individuals to help themselves. Increasing international assistance by an amount equal to just ONE percent of the U.S. budget will: * Prevent 10 million children from becoming AIDS orphans * Help get 104 million children into grade school * Provide water to almost 900 million people around the globe. * Save almost 6.5 million children under 5 from preventable deaths * Build a better, safer world for all. More> >>> EDUCATIONParents in Malawi know just as well as parents in Missouri that education is crucial to their children's future. But around the world, 104 million children do not go to grade school, because their parents cannot afford fees, books or uniforms for all their children. For more information about getting children into school click here. More> >>> WATERONE person in seven has no access to clean water for drinking, cooking or washing. In addition to spreading disease, this has multiple negative effects -- girls growing up in villages without water are far less likely to attend school because they're too busy spending hours walking to and from the nearest water source. For more information about clean water click here. More> >>> CORRUPTIONWhile corruption is harmful to all governments, losing resources to corrupt leaders is particularly devastating in poor countries where every dollar lost results in one less child in school or one less well dug to provide clean water. Approaches like America's Millennium Challenge which direct assistance to honest governments are the most effective, as is channeling assistance through private (and faith-based) relief and development agencies. For more information about fighting corruption in the poorest countries click here. More> >>> FOODAround the world, ONE person in seven goes to bed hungry each night. We need to address hunger not just by giving food, but helping farmers in poor countries grow better crops and helping countries build farm-to-market roads so farmers can supply distant cities. For more information about hunger click here. More> >>> ORPHANS18 million children have already lost one or both parents to AIDS, 12 million of them are in Africa alone. Unless more is done, there will be 25 million of these children around the world by 2010. We have the opportunity to help. >>> TRADEAs much as people in poor countries appreciate development assistance, no one wants to rely on a handout -- they want to trade their way out of poverty -- but international rules make it difficult. A fair trade system would give people in poor countries the chance to earn their way out of poverty by participating in the world economy. For more information about trade rules click here. More> >>> DEBT CANCELLATIONEvery year Sub-Saharan Africa, the poorest region of the world, spends $14.5 billion dollars repaying debts to the world's richest countries and international institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Though we've made efforts to relieve them of these unpayable debts, many poor countries still spend more each year on debt than on health care or education. For more information about debt cancellation click here. More> Wear the Band! Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 25. junij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 25. junij 2005 Dear Friend, Are Americans ready for a campaign in which they don't have to pick a side? TONIGHT, Pat Robertson and George Clooney tell America on ABC's "Nightline": there is only ONE side in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty. They'll ask viewers to join in signing a letter to President Bush to support an unprecedented debt, aid and trade deal for the world's poorest people at the upcoming G8 summit on July 6. Will you join them and sign the ONE letter to President Bush today? It's a weekend of ONE on the airwaves: Sunday, Bono of U2 goes on NBC's "Meet the Press" to discuss the potential for a real breakthrough in the fight against poverty at the G8. And Bob Geldof appears on CBS's "Sunday Morning" to talk about the Live 8 concerts and what they can do to help President Bush reach an historic agreement to help those most in need around the world. As ONE, ending global AIDS and extreme poverty is a fight we can win: ONE million Americans are wearing the white band. Over 215,000 Americans have already signed the ONE letter, and next week, the President is expected to make a speech outlining his plans for the G8. Ask President Bush today to take the biggest step forward that he possibly can to make poverty history: Please ask 3 friends and family members sign the ONE letter to President Bush. Be sure to catch George Clooney and Pat Robertson tonight at 11:35pm/10:35pm Central on ABC's "Nightline". No matter who you vote for, whether you go to a church or mosque, or if you live in Hollywood or the Heartland, millions of us agree that as ONE we can reach across divides of politics, religion and music and do something extraordinary, together. Thanks, The ONE Team P.S. NEWS FLASH: You've already seen Nelson Mandela on ONE.ORG talking about what the G8 can do - and because of your overwhelming response, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now making it possible for MILLIONS of people in the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and the UK to also hear his call to action - more news to come! ** As is always the case, please note breaking news may preempt these news programs. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 25. junij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 25. junij 2005 miljonski koncert “LIVE 8”: MILLIONS OF LIVES AT STAKE AS FREE CONCERTS IN PHILADELPHIA AND AROUND THE WORLD PRESSURE PRESIDENT BUSH AND OTHER WORLD LEADERS AT THE HISTORIC “G8” AFRICA SUMMITMay 31 2005MILLIONS TO ATTEND CONCERTS JULY 2; BILLION MORE ON AOLMUSIC.COM, TV: STARS, CITIZENS TO DEMAND US AND RICH NATIONS END EXTREME POVERTY Tuesday, May 31, 2005, Philadelphia -- Dave Matthews joined Bob Geldof from London to announce that today’s biggest names in music will be joining in a free, simultaneous concert series July 2 to allow citizens of the most powerful nations to call on President Bush and leaders of the other seven wealthiest countries to make poverty history at the historic G8 Summit July 6.The concerts will be seen by more than a billion people over the Internet through AOL and on television, millions will come to all the shows, and hundreds of thousands of people will go to the G8 summit to reinforce the concert’s message: 8 men can save millions of lives. povezava in vir: Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 30. junij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 30. junij 2005 Dear Friend: In only three days, Live 8will rock the world with ten concerts from Philadelphia to London to Johannesburg.Millions will gather in person and on the web, sending President Bush and other world leaders to the G8 on a wave of support for doing more to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. The next 24 hours are going to be critical. Tomorrow, President Bush is expected to announce America's plan for the G8 summit in Scotland next week. Today, we're telling you three ways you can take action NOW and make your voice heard. First, sign on to the ONE letter to President Bush,and show him you support making poverty history at the G8. Second, ask three friends and familyto sign on with you. Third, you can host a Live 8 watch partyat your home and invite friends to join you in experiencing these amazing worldwide concerts.Live 8 will be watching as eight world leaders will be presented with a workable plan to double aid, drop the debt and make trade laws fair - and an historic opportunity to end poverty and save millions of lives. You can download a kit to help you host your Live 8 party, and also visitONE.ORG for a guide to how you can take action and influence the G8 from your own community.Whether you ask others to sign the ONE Declaration, write a letter to your local newspaper or email friends to tell them about ONE, there's so much you can do to add your voice. Over 280,000 Americans have signed the letter to President Bush and close to one million Americans have joined the ONE network.We can breakone million by Live 8 if you join together with us as ONE and take action today. Thanks, The ONE Team Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
matjazz 30. junij 2005 Prijavi Deli 30. junij 2005 Saj bi podpisal samo ne poznam Zip/Postal Code za Slovenijo Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 30. junij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 30. junij 2005 Pa sej dela!!! ne stekam kaj misls postno steveilko?? ta je pac tvoja recimo ljubljana ma 1000, maribor am 2000, Nova gorica ma 5000, celje 3000, etc... hehe Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 30. junij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 30. junij 2005 DOLGA POT DO PRAVICE - Podporna prireditev >Live 8< v Sloveniji Ob srečanju voditeljev držav skupine G8, ki bo v Edinburgu, na Škotskem, od 6. do 9. julija 2005, se bodo po celem svetu odvijale prireditve, katerih cilj je doseči odpis dolga najrevnejšim državam sveta. Tudi v Sloveniji bo 2. julija 2005, med 10. in 13. uro, na Prešernovem Trgu v Ljubljani, potekala prireditev v duhu koncertov Live 8. Preko kulturno-glasbenega programa želimo opozoriti slovensko javnost na probleme revščine, ki je glavni vzrok lakote in nasilja v svetu. Zaradi revščine vsak dan umre 30.000 otrok.Revščina in tekma za obvladovanje in nadzor nad majhnimi, pogosto tudi nezadostnimi naravnimi viri preživetja, sta največkrat vzrok za nastanek konfliktov, ki imajo za posledico množično razselitev prebivalstva, tako znotraj države, kot tudipreko njenih meja, v obliki vala beguncev. In sedaj v letu 2005, ko imamo vire, znanje in možnosti, da končamo to sramotno situacijo, je potrebno ukrepati. Potrebno je odpisati dolg državam tretjega sveta, povečati in izboljšati razvojno pomoč, ki jo razvite države namenjajo državam v razvoju in zagotoviti enake možnosti nastopanja v svetovni trgovini za vse udeležence. Tudi v Sloveniji se bomo pridružili milijonom ljudi po celem svetu, ki bodo z nošenjem belega traku, izkazali svojo podporo omenjenim ciljem. V ta namen smo že združili moči Stik603, UNICEF Slovenije, Amnesty International Slovenije, Društvo Afriški center, Sekcija za tropsko medicino, Joseph akotorahalahy - pomoč za Madagaskar, Humanity's Team Slovenije,, MirovniškaFundacija Beli golob, UNHCR, Slovenska filantropija, Slovenski ekološki forum, Misijonsko središče Slovenije in Umanotera, pridružujejo pa se nam še nove organizacije. Na prireditvi bomo podporo spremembram izrazili s kulturno-glasbenim programom, stojnicami, letaki, plakati.Nastopili bodo: Joseph Rakotorahalahy s prijatelji,Kesukozi, Wake up, Organgutan, Adi Smolar, trkaj in drugi. Več informacij:http://www.live8live.comhttp://www.bobgeldof.infohttp://www.whiteband.org Slovenija se je že leta 2000 skupaj z ostalimi članicami Združenih Narodov zavezala k izpolnitvi Milenijskih ciljev, med katerimi je tudi zaveza razvitih držav, da bodo najkasneje do leta 2015 za razvojno pomoč državam v razvoju namenile vsaj 0.7%BDP. Pridružite se nam tudi vi in s svojo podporo prispevajte k zagotovitvi pravičnejšega sveta. vir: Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 1. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 1. julij 2005 Dear Friend: Can we stop a child in Africa from dying every 30 seconds - from something as small as a mosquito bite? Can we help send millions of children to school for as little as $16 each - less than the cost of a CD? Can Americans speak in ONE voice - and make poverty history? We can: Add your name to the ONE letter to President Bush, asking him to take the best opportunity we've ever had to help the world's poorest people help themselves. In only two days, President Bush is expected to announce his plan - America's plan - for the G8 Summit. Will it be bold and historic, or small and cautious? YOU can help decide. From helping children in Africa get the hope of an education to stopping the spread of malaria and AIDS, we finally have the tools, resources and ability to fight poverty - and it's only a matter of will. The will of eight men in a room. The will of a generous nation. The will of a compassionate people. What will the President say in 2 days, what will America do on July 6th at the G8? Will you do your part today: Please ask three friends to sign onto the ONE letter to President Bush, and send him to the G8 on a wave of support for doing more to fight AIDS and extreme poverty. It's an exciting time and historic opportunity. Join the over 250,000 Americans who have added their name to the ONE letter - and watch the G8 summit unfold knowing that you added your voice. Thanks, The ONE Team P.S. Be sure to watch the ONE.ORG web site for the new ONE blog, with up-to-date news and information about the Live 8 concerts, G8 summit and the ONE delegation of Americans who'll be traveling to Scotland to take part in history. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 1. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 1. julij 2005 Dear Friend: Yesterday, something significant happened. In the long walk to justice for the world's poorest people, President Bush made an important speech and committed to doing more to fight malaria, put kids in school and overcome extreme poverty in Africa. You, as ONE, called for this action. And President Bush heard you, one million voices strong. We can do even more together: Ask your friends, family and colleagues to join ONE.ORG. You called for the U.S. to do more to beat malaria, and yesterday, President Bush asked the world to join in an increase of funding that could cut in half malaria deaths on the African continent. You called for the hope and future afforded by education, and President Bush said that "we must work for the education of every African child," announcing steps toward this goal with teacher trainings and girls scholarships. In 24 hours, the world will start converging on ten cities for the historic Live 8 concerts. As billions take part in Live 8 around the world this weekend, we'll raise our voices as ONE to encourage our leaders to accelerate and implement these bold commitments at the G8 - and do even more to make poverty history. Ask three friends to join ONE today! Let's get LOUDER at LIVE 8 and raise the world's voice as ONE. Thanks,The ONE Team P.S. Don't forget to check out Blog ONE for all the most up to date news on Live 8 and the G8. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Ajda- 2. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 2. julij 2005 Točno to temo sem hotela... A gledate kej live 8 ? Podpisala sem tudi one declaration. Ni mi čisto jasno tole z belimi trakovi, kako in kdaj je to mišljeno jih nosit? Hmm ja vsake 3 sekunde umre en otrok zaradi revščine... je treba spremenit to... res so mi všeč taki dogodki kot je live 8... če bi se več o tem govorilo in več podobnih stvari dogajalo... V glavnem, podprite tole one kampanjo! Citiraj Live and let live! Life is beautiful!!!! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 2. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. julij 2005 Kul hvala!NAJVECJI TV PRENOS V ZGODOVINI CLOVESTVA!HVALA BOGU! NO, KONCERT NI MILJONSKI, TEMVEC MILJARDNI, KER GA GLEDA MENDA VEC KOT 3 MILJARDE LJUDI UPAM, DA PA BO TO TUT VRESNICI POMAGAL TUT LACNIM!! upam, da uzivate v prenosu koncertov... Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Galadriel 2. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 2. julij 2005 Kampanijo proti revščini sva podprla oba s fantom, čeprav to ni bil glavni razlog, zakaj sva gledala Live8. Le - to so bili Pink Floyd, ki so prvič po letu 1979 igrali v popolni zasedbi. In če so oni lahko stopili skupaj ter vsaj za en večer pozabili na svoja nesoglasja, potem lahko le - to storimo(jo) tudi vsi ostali. Srčno upam, da bodo tudi voditelji vseh držav, ne le G8, lahko vsaj za en dan pozabili na svoja nesoglasja ter stopili skupaj in nekaj ukrenili, da bo svet boljši za vse njegove prebivalce - tako ljudi kot živali in rastline. Po drugi strani pa je na vsakemu posamezniku, da s svojimi dejanji pripomore k izboljšanju svetovnih razmer saj je globalna apatija tista, ki je privedla do nastale situacije. In le tako se bo slišal vsak posameznikov glas. Če pa bodo vsi glasovi dovolj močni, se bodo zganili tudi tisti, katerim smo zaupali, da nas vodijo. Upam tudi, da bo tako premagan pohlep, ki nas počasi a vztrajno vodi v prepad. Citiraj Hočem posteljnino s termitkom iz risanke Lili Put Put!!! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
matjazz 3. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 3. julij 2005 Sem včeri mal gledal live 8. Mi je blo zlo dobr. Samo potem sem zaspal in nisem videl, kdo je bil čist na koncu. Drugač je pa kar mini čudež, da se je odvrtel takšen koncert. Samo je en naš "pametni novinar" reku, da to ne bo preveč vplival na svetovne voditelje. Pač eni so brez optimizma. V glavnem. Po mojem mnenju, je imel ta koncert kr nekaj vpliva. Pa tud na svetu je bilo vsaj za nekaj ur boljša pozitivna energija. Tud to je nekaj oz. velik. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 3. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. julij 2005 Da! hvala k sta dala vajine komentarje! sam sm se prjavu na netu in dal svojo sliko, ki bo med vsemi drugimi ...: www.live8live.comWe don't want your money, we want your face!upload it online or send by MMS to 0044 7774 777 444 and and we will make sure your face is part of the huge G8 gallery along Princes street in the heart of Edinburgh. nism bil doma, pa nism mogu celga koncerta gledat... ..upam, da pozitivne spremembe bodo!! NAMEN:"Glasbeniki bodo tako družno pozvali politike, naj odpišejo dolg državam tretjega sveta, podvojijo fond za pomoč in na novo napišejo zakon o trgovini, da bodo države v razvoju lahko varovale svoja gospodarstva."vir: 24ur.comBob Geldof: "This is not Live Aid 2. These concerts are the start point for The Long Walk To Justice, the one way we can all make our voices heard in unison. This is without doubt a moment in history where ordinary people can grasp the chance to achieve something truly monumental and demand from the 8 world leaders at G8 an end to poverty. The G8 leaders have it within their power to alter history. They will only have the will to do so if tens of thousands of people show them that enough is enough. By doubling aid, fully cancelling debt, and delivering trade justice for Africa, the G8 could change the future for millions of men, women and children."vir: Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
enja 4. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 4. julij 2005 Spremljala sem koncerte in poslala svoj glas v podporo projektu, kljub temu, da na ves "cirkus" gledam skeptično.Močno dvomim, da bo odpis dolgov afriškim državam, bistveno pripomogel k izboljšanju razmer.Lačnega ne nahraniš tako, da mu daš ribo ampak, da ga naučiš loviti ribe( mislim, da je to afriški pregovor).Veliko, veliko znanja in izobrazbe na vseh področjih: agronomija, ekonomija, medicina.....Zahod še vedno izkorišča naravna bogasta Afrike( in jasno ustvarja velike dobičke) kaj imajo domačini od tega?...nič ja, sem in tja se jim pompozno pošlje paket hrane ali zdravil . Vprašanje ki ga je postavil študent iz Toga: "Kaj mislite, kdo bo dobil več: kmet v Togu ali B.Geldof?" Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 4. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. julij 2005 ja, pac mnenja so razlicna.- moje pa je tako: ce bi bli vsi pesimisti, bi ze zdavnaj vsi tudi pomrli.- ko si lacen bos razmisljal le to kako bos dal v usta kos kruha- nekatere zadeve je treba peljati dolgorocno, dandanes pa bi vsi radi bili junaki in svetniki cez noc, dolgorocno pa premalo migamo- zadevo lahko gledamo tudi kot energetsko podporo - dognano je da molitev lahko zdravi (ne vedo kako, toda zdravi in ozdravljuje bolne, ipd...), ce si predstavljas 3 milijarde ljudi, ki nekja pocnejo s konkretnim razlogom, je zame to ze morda premik v zavesti clovestva. verjamem, da ce bi 3 milijarde ljudi usmerilo energijo recimo, da z mislijo dvignejo stolpnico, bi jo tudi dvignili. pa verjetno se dosti vec.- tisti kmet bo verjetno res dobil zelo malo, toda ce ne bi bilo geldofa tudi tistega ne bi dobil, hkrati pa se vec tisoc ali vec tisoc drugih ne.- nezdrav skepticizem vodi v ignoriranje in ignoriranje v nesocutje in nesocutje vodi iz enosti v dvojnost. pac moje mnenje sedaj "As we are liberated form our own fear, our presence automaticaly liberate others." - Nelson Mandela vir: www.consciousone.comr(azlicni filmcki, treba reloudat... ) Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
enja 4. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 4. julij 2005 <{POST_SNAPBACK}>ja, pac mnenja so razlicna.- moje pa je tako: ce bi bli vsi pesimisti, bi ze zdavnaj vsi tudi pomrli.- ko si lacen bos razmisljal le to kako bos dal v usta kos kruha- nekatere zadeve je treba peljati dolgorocno, dandanes pa bi vsi radi bili junaki in svetniki cez noc, dolgorocno pa premalo migamo- zadevo lahko gledamo tudi kot energetsko podporo - dognano je da molitev lahko zdravi (ne vedo kako, toda zdravi in ozdravljuje bolne, ipd...), ce si predstavljas 3 milijarde ljudi, ki nekja pocnejo s konkretnim razlogom, je zame to ze morda premik v zavesti clovestva. verjamem, da ce bi 3 milijarde ljudi usmerilo energijo recimo, da z mislijo dvignejo stolpnico, bi jo tudi dvignili. pa verjetno se dosti vec.- tisti kmet bo verjetno res dobil zelo malo, toda ce ne bi bilo geldofa tudi tistega ne bi dobil, hkrati pa se vec tisoc ali vec tisoc drugih ne.- nezdrav skepticizem vodi v ignoriranje in ignoriranje v nesocutje in nesocutje vodi iz enosti v dvojnost. pac moje mnenje sedaj "As we are liberated form our own fear, our presence automaticaly liberate others." - Nelson Mandela vir: www.consciousone.comr(azlicni filmcki, treba reloudat... )-nisem pesimist, le opozarjam, da bi se problema morali lotiti tudi drugače..-drži, ko si lačen, boš dal košček kruha v poskrbel, da ti ob naslednji lakoti ne bo potrebno zopet prositi za kruh, ampak si ga boš znam pridelati(kupiti) SAM-in kaj je izobraževanje drugega, kot dolgoročna naložba v ljudi?To, kar ti označuješ kot nezdrav skepticizem, bi sama označila kot realen skepticizem.Saj sem tudi sama ena od treh milijard ljudi , ki upa, da se bodo razmere v Afriki vsaj malo izboljšale. Poznam samo dve osebi ki res KONKRETNO nekaj naredita: ena plačuje šolanje deklici v aziji in druga že vrsto let dela v skupini agronomov, ki afriške kmete uči in nauči, kako pridelati in prodati hrano.... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 4. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. julij 2005 kul, sej pravm, da ma vsak svoje mnenje! tudi glede vrste skepticizma.kar pa je verjetno pomebno v prvi vrsti, da ostanemo optimisti, ker tudi onadva, ki delata se bolj konkretno sta bila najprej optimista, sicer tega sploh ne bi sla poceti. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
enja 4. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 4. julij 2005 onadva onidve ...slučajno sta obe ženskega spola Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 4. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 4. julij 2005 he he, nova matematika = onadva = ona-dva = onidve Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 7. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 7. julij 2005 Dear Friend: Only hours from now, President Bush touches down in Scotland for the G8 Africa summit. Tomorrow, a delegation travels to this meeting with millions of letters from around the world, asking the G8 leaders to take up a new fight against global AIDS and poverty. Will they carry your signature and voice? We only have 24 hours left: Sign the ONE letter to President Bush and join 390,000 Americans in asking for an historic debt, aid and trade deal for the world's poorest people. At Live 8 this past Saturday, more than 1 million people from Hollywood to Hip-Hop to the Heartland called in one voice for an end to extreme poverty and global AIDS. In living rooms from Des Moines to Johannesburg, 2 billion people tuned into the concerts on TV and asked for real change in Africa. Live 8 was not just about one Saturday. It was one day in a long walk to justice. Don't let this opportunity pass without taking a minute to change the lives of a generation - through something as easy as sending an email. We made a noise the world has never heard on Saturday, will President Bush and other leaders hear us? Ask at least 3 friends and family to sign the ONE letter to President Bush today. In the next few days, eight men will huddle around a table to decide the fate of millions of lives in a new and historic solution for those who need it most. Sign the ONE letter today. Thank you, The ONE Team P.S. Look at the ONE.ORG blog for the most up to date news on ONE at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 12. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 12. julij 2005 Dear Friend: This is a big thank you to all 1.5 million of you who joined together as ONE to do something extraordinary. From the 500,000 letters you sent to President Bush to Live 8 in Philadelphia to the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, you called on eight men to do more to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty, and they heard your call. In Scotland this past Friday, overcoming the shadow of a tragic day in London, President Bush joined G8 leaders in an unprecedented deal to cancel debts and double aid to Africa. For African nations fighting poverty and corruption, this means a $25 billion increase in aid and wiping out 100% of their debts. With this funding, Africa can halve deaths from malaria, put millions of children into school, and 10 million people across the world will have access to lifesaving AIDS drugs. Behind each of these numbers is one person, one life that will be changed forever. For the first time ever, everyday Americans like you joined together to take a seat at the negotiating table, asking the world's most powerful leaders to do more to help the world's poorest people. Because you signed the ONE Declaration, wore the white band and forwarded emails to friends about ONE, you made a huge step toward making poverty history. We've come so far and still have far to go. Keep the momentum going, email 3 friends about ONE today. This agreement is a real victory for Africa - but promises made of words will only become promises for a generation if we keep watching, asking and acting. Much more needs to be done in Washington DC to turn these commitments into lifesaving programs, and the world must take new steps to make trade fair. More meetings will take place this year in New York and Hong Kong where a comprehensive debt-aid-trade deal can be reached and end global AIDS and extreme poverty in our time. We can be that great generation. As ONE, let's keep up the positive pressure and make 2005 the year we joined together to make history. Thank you, The ONE Team P.S. You can learn more about the details of the G8 deal by checking out the ONE.ORG G8 page. ---------povezave lahko najdete na vrhu strani in med objavami! Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 18. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 18. julij 2005 Dear Friend: At the Live 8 concert in Philadelphia and G8 summit in Scotland, you called on eight powerful men to do more to help the world's poorest people, and they heard your call. Today, in Washington, are you ready call on 100 U.S. Senators to do the same? Two U.S. Senators have reached across political divides to ask the Senate to add $100 million to keep critical AIDS, TB and malaria programs running around the world. This amendment, proposed by Senators Rick Santorum, a Republican from Pennsylvania, and Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, would bring total U.S. funding for an important program call ed the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to $600 million - a one third share of what's needed to keep existing programs on the ground running. The fund might have a long name, but what it does is simple: it saves lives. Without our help, the Global Fund may have to cut programs that have already begun to have a real impact, delivering prevention, care and treatment to millions of people around the world. Remember, AIDS kills 8,500 people every day, TB kills 5,000 and malaria kills over 3,000 in Africa alone - every day. Together, we can help fight back against these killer diseases. Please call the two Senators from your state TODAY, let them know where you're calling from and ask them to support the Santorum-Durbin Amendment for global AIDS funding. To make sure your voice is heard, ONE has set up a toll-free number that will connect you directly to your Senators' offices in Washington, DC. After talking to one Senate office, be sure to call the number again to connect to your OTHER Senator. Call 1-800-786-2ONE (1-800-786-2663) to be connected directly to your Senators. We've seen the difference we can make when we act as ONE - and we've only just begun. Thank you! The ONE Team P.S. You can learn more about how to talk to your Senators and the important work of the Global Fund. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 22. julij 2005 Avtor Prijavi Deli 22. julij 2005 Dear Friend: We have great news! For 48 hours, you jammed phone lines on Capitol Hill to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. And on Tuesday, because of the calls of over 23,000 Americans like you, the U.S. Senate voted $100 million more for life-saving efforts needed to fight three killer diseases. Because of your help, we've moved one step closer to ensuring the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria [ ' ] will continue life-saving efforts that deliver prevention, care and treatment to millions around the world. With passage of the Santorum-Durbin amendment, the Senate agreed that the U.S. should contribute a total of $600 million to the Global Fund next year. In the coming weeks, we'll need the House of Representatives to also agree. We've made some real progress together. Thank you for helping! What does the Global Fund do with our crucial support? In Nigeria, tens of millions of doses of a new, highly effective malaria medication will be distributed. Can you believe that only 10,000 doses of this medication were available across all of Africa two years ago? In Mozambique, more than 55,000 people will receive life-saving AIDS treatment. These efforts help keep people alive long enough to grow up healthy, raise children and crops and build businesses and communities. And back here at home, we can know that we're doing more to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. America's contributions challenge other countries to do their share, as U.S. law requires that each dollar from the U.S. must be matched by two dollars from other nations. Even more, the Global Fund uses a system of checks and balances to fight corruption and ensure that funding really reaches those most in need-so that these efforts can have the power to transform the hopes of a generation. Thank you for your help. Together as ONE, we are changing the world. Thanks,The ONE Team P.S. Keep checking out the ONE blog [ ' ] to get the latest news and learn more about fighting global AIDS and extreme poverty. Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
buća 24. julij 2005 Prijavi Deli 24. julij 2005 (popravljeno) makePOVERTYhistory Popravljeno 24. julij 2005 -> buća Citiraj jebiga Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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