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PJ - Rats


they don't eat, don't sleep

they don't feed, they don't seethe

bare their gums when they moan and squeak

lick the dirt off a larger one's feet

they don't push, don't crowd

congregate until they're much too loud

fuck to procreate till they are dead

drink the blood of their so called best friend

they don't scurry when something bigger comes their way

don't pack themselves together and run as one

don't shit where they're not supposed to

don't take what's not theirs, they don't compare

they don't scam, don't fight

don't oppress an equals given rights

starve the poor so they can be well fed

line their holes with the dead ones bread

they don't scurry when something bigger comes their way

don't pack themselves together and run as one

don't shit where they're not supposed to

don't take what's not theirs, they don't compare...

they don't scurry when something bigger comes their way

don't pack themselves together and run as one

don't shit where they're not supposed to

don't take what's not theirs, they don't compare...

rats...they don't compare

rats...they don't compare

ben, the two of us need look no more

ben, the two of us need look no more

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