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Seal - crazy


..Miracles will happen as we speak

But we're never gonna survive unless

We get a little crazy..


..In a sky full of people only some want to fly

Isn't that crazy

In a world full of people only some want to fly

Isn't that crazy..

honor and respect
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malo izvenserijsko pa vendar:


Prisleyevo 'Are You Lonesome Tonight' oz.njegovo celotno zlato ploščo poslušam

kadar le morem.Pravo razpoloženje mora biti za poslušanje tega CD-ja.



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1/2 Full



climbing on the mountains, floating out on the sea

far from lights of a city, the elements they speak to me

whispering that life, existed long before greed

and balancing the world on its knee

don't see some men as 1/2 empty, see them 1/2 full of shit

thinking that we're all but slaves

there ain't gonna be

no middle anymore, it's been said before

the haves be having more, yet still bored

won't someone save?

won't someone save the world?




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