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Arcwelder--Why Did I Care?



Wish i weren't so sensitive - that i could blow it off

And wish you the best but that's just me and i just can't

Didn't even care at first but you reeled me in

And now i'm hanging here deboned and gutted



What was i doing? what was i thinking?

Where was i going? why did i care?

What was i doing ? what was i thinking?

What was i asking? why did i care?


Keep your distance so i can heal - don't you pick at my scab

I can't allow myself to feel but i'm weak and i want you

It's not my fault that you don't know what you want

I will laugh at this tomorrow if i can ever fall asleep




Some days are better than others - this must be one of those others

So i hide behind the fans - they make me feel ok

I will pull myself out of this - there is light at the end of the tunnel

As long as you don't blow it out with your sweet and sour breath

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