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Guest mačona

FF-darts of pleasure xbendx

You are the latest contender

You are the one to remember

You are the villain who sends a

Line of dark fantastic passion

I know that you will surrender

I know that you will surrender

And I want this fantastic passion

We'll have fantastic passion


You can feel my lips undress your eyes

Undress your eyes undress your eyes

Words of love and words so leisured

Words are poisoned darts of pleasure

Die, and so you die.


You are the latest adventurer

You're an emotion avenger

You are the devil that sells a

line of dark fantastic passion

I know that you will surrender

I know that you will surrender

And I want this fantastic passion

We'll have fantastic passion


You can feel my lips undress your eyes

Undress your eyes undress your eyes

Skin can feel my lips they tingle tense anticipation

This one is an easy one, feel the word and melt upon it

Words of love and words so leisured

Words are poisoned darts of pleasure

Die, and so you die.

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Billie Holiday --Girls Were Made To Take Care Of Boys x:Dx





Girls were made to take care of boys

To be kind and beatifull


Girls were made to take care of boys

Made to share their sorrows

Made to share their joys

Made to help and guide them

With ever a patient hand


Made to give affection

In the right direction

(always understand)


Now boys may think they take care of girls

Just because they pass on their fashions and their curls


But i've always found

It's just the other way around

(other way around)


If you need the girl

And declare you do

(tell her that you need her)

She'll be there

To take care of you

(she'll be there)

(now boys may think they take care of girls

Just because they're clever with their fashions and their curls)

But i've always found

It's just the other way around

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:sori: PLACEBO:Song to say goodbye



You are one of God’s mistakes

You crying, tragic waste of skin

I’m well aware of how it aches

And you still won’t let me in

Now I’m breaking down your door

To try and save your swollen face

Though I don’t like you anymore

You lying, trying waste of space


Before our innocence was lost

You were always one of those

Blessed with lucky sevens

And the voice that made me cry


My, oh my


You were mother nature’s son

Someone to whom I could relate

Your needle and your damage done

Remains a sordid twist of fate

Now I’m trying to wake you up

To pull you from the liquid sky

‘Cause if I don’t we’ll both end up

With just your song to say goodbye


My, oh my

A song to say goodbye

A song to say goodbye

A song to say -

Before our innocence was lost

You were always one of those

Blessed with lucky sevens

And the voice that made me cry


It’s a song to say goodbye

A guardian Angel

Who will guide what you do,

Her pure essence is love,

Sent to watch over you

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what the fuck is this world running to

you didn't leave a message

at least i coulda' learned your voice one last time

daily minefield, this could be my time by your...

would you hit me?

would you hit me?

all the bills go by, and initiatives are taken up by the middle

there ain't gonna be any middle any more

and the cross i'm bearing home

ain't indicative of my place

left the porch

left the porch

hear my name, take a good look

this could be the day

hold my hand, walk beside me

i just need to say...

hear my name, take a good look

this could be the day

hold my hand, lie beside me i just need to say

i could not take a-just one day

i know when i would not ever touch you...hold you...feel my arms...

never again...

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you guys ready...

alone...listless...breakfast table in an otherwise empty room

young of her own attention

mother reads aloud, child tries to understand it

tries to make her proud

the shades go down, it's in her head

painted room...can't deny there's something wrong...

don't call me daughter, not fit to

the picture kept will remind me

don't call me daughter, not fit to

the picture kept will remind me

don't call me...

she holds the hand that holds her down

she will...rise above...

don't call me daughter, not fit to

the picture kept will remind me

don't call me daughter, not fit to be

the picture kept will remind me

don't call me...

don't call me daughter, not fit to

the picture kept will remind me

don't call me daughter, not fit to be

the picture kept will remind me

don't call me...

the shades go down

the shades go down

the shades go, go, go...

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Guest sstane
like i love you ~ justin timberlake


Now everybody dance


x:px x:px x:px





Prijatlji! odrodile

so trte vince nam sladkó,

ki nam oživlja žile,

srce razjásni in oko,

ki utopi

vse skrbi,

v potrtih prsih up budi!

Komú narpred veselo

zdravljico, bratje! čmo zapét'!

Bog našo nam deželo,

Bog živi ves slovenski svet,

brate vse,

kar nas je

sinov sloveče matere!


V sovražnike 'z oblakov

rodú naj naš'ga treši gróm;

prost, ko je bil očakov,

naprej naj bo Slovencov dom;

naj zdrobé

njih roké

si spone, ki jih še težé!


Edinost, sreča, sprava

k nam naj nazaj se vrnejo;

otrók, kar ima Slava,

vsi naj si v róke sežejo,

de oblast

in z njo čast,

ko préd, spet naša boste last!


Bog žívi vas Slovenke,

prelepe, žlahtne rožice;

ni take je mladenke,

ko naše je krvi dekle;

naj sinóv

zarod nov

iz vas bo strah sovražnikov!


Mladenči, zdaj se pije

zdravljica vaša, vi naš up;

ljubezni domačije

noben naj vam ne usmŕti strup;

ker zdaj vas

kakor nas,

jo sŕčno bránit kliče čas!


Živé naj vsi naródi,

ki hrepené dočakat dan,

ko, koder sonce hodi,

prepir iz svéta bo pregnan,

ko rojak

prost bo vsak,

ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak!


Nazadnje še, prijatlji,

kozarce zase vzdignimo,

ki smo zato se zbratli,

ker dobro v srcu mislimo;

dókaj dni

naj živí

vsak, kar nas dobrih je ljudi!



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Earth Wind And Fire--Spirit xrosex


Many years has passed and a day

Still we walk, in the path

That leads, to the light

Shining down, on this great beyond

Thoughts ignite us, let love unite us

Then turn your face to the wind

And taste his love within


You'll find a friend - everlasting love

You can depend, everytime you smile

You bless a child

Our spirit perpetuates

Our spirit meditates love and faith


We must make our brother see

That the light is he

Shining on you and me

And the land he gave

Roads we must pave

Looking thru each others eyes

Humanity will rise

In love


And our spirit will

Be at one with thee.

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