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GREEN DAY- "Wake Me Up When September Ends"


Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends


like my fathers come to pass

seven years has gone so fast

wake me up when september ends


here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are


as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when september ends


summer has come and passed

the innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends


ring out the bells again

like we did when spring began

wake me up when september ends


here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are


as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when september ends


Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends


like my father's come to pass

twenty years has gone so fast

wake me up when september ends

wake me up when september ends

wake me up when september ends

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!!!
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katie melua: nine million bicycles


že ves popoldan tole poslušam.

hvala, nols! x:)x

js pa dej cel CD, no v bistvu kar oba od katie poslušam. katie rules xDDx

idin si morem še mal poštimat pa po netu pobrskat, da bom vedu kako je kakšnemu naslov..

hvala AUDENTE x:Xx

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Guest mačona

zdaj me že počasi psihirajo Doorsi, ne vem, kaj si naj zarolam, neki mal bol u izi.


ajde, 80-ta. xDDx


Samantha Fox-Touch me x:px x:px x:px :vragec:

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Samo edini...........Siddharta


Zate repkica x:Ix




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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Tina Turner: We Don't Need Another Hero


Out of the ruins Out from the wreckage


Can't make the same mistake this time


We are the children The last generation


We are the ones they left behind


And I wonder when we are ever gonna change


Living under the fear, till nothing else remains


We don't need another hero


We don't need to know the way home


All we want is life beyond Thunderdome


Looking for something We can rely on


There's gotta be something better out there


Love and compassion Their day is coming


All else are castles built in the air


And I wonder when we are ever gonna change


Living under the fear till nothing else remains


All the children say We don't need another hero


We don't need to know the way home


All we want is life beyond Thunderdome


So what do we do with our lifes We leave only a mark


Will our story shine like a light


Or end in the dark Give it all or nothing


We don't need another hero


We don't need to know the way home


All we want is life beyond Thunderdome




js pa dej cel CD, no v bistvu kar oba od katie poslušam. katie rules xDDx

idin si morem še mal poštimat pa po netu pobrskat, da bom vedu kako je kakšnemu naslov..

hvala AUDENTE x:Xx



z veseljem..............uživaj x:Xx

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Vivo per ley..........Laura Pausini & Andrea Bochelli


Posveceno 3 repkicam x;)x xsrcx x:Xx




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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Nataša - Poslednja igra leptira


Sve je tu, a gde je Nataša, muči me to ....

Kdor išče cilj, bo ostal prazen, ko ga bo našel.

Kdor najde pot, bo cilj vedno nosil v sebi.

Nejc Zaplotnik

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