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kolk smo usklajeni...........Give Me Some Truth...........


I'm sick and tired of hearing things

From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth


I've had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth


No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of hope

Money for dope

Money for rope


No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of soap

Money for dope

Money for rope


I'm sick to death of seeing things

From tight-lipped, condescending, mama's little chauvinists

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth now


I've had enough of watching scenes

Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth


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Najbolj aktivni v tej temi

Guns n' Roses <<< Yesterday

Yesterday, There was so many things

I was never told

Now that I'm startin' to learn

I feel I'm growing old


'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me

Old pictures that I'll always see

Some things could be better

In my book of memories

Prayers in my pocket

And no hand in destiny

I'll keep on movin' along

With no time to plant my feet


'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me

Old pictures that I'll always see

Some things could be better

If we'd all just let them be


Yesterday's got nothin' for me

Yesterday's got nothin' for me

Got nothin' for me


Yesterday, There was so many things

I was never shown

Suddenly this time I found

I'm on the streets and I'm all alone


Yesterday's got nothin' for me

Old pictures that I'll always see

I ain't got time to reminisce old novelties



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Imagine.......John Lennon


O-O Samo zate, storzek x;)x x:Xx




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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  Mick pravi:
Oho, si me spomnu kaj bi blo treba nabavt...... :palec: Morm pogledat, če je na netu.

Ta album sem kar kupil, ker je predober, da bi ga zgolj z neta pobral.


Zdaj pa se vrti še en čudovit album iz leta 1969:


Genesis - From Genesis to Revelation

Possible—but highly unlikely.
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Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Oh, Women Oh, Women don't treat me so mean your the meanest ole' women that I've ever seen

Well I guess if you say so, I'll have to pack my things and go (That's right)

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...


Now baby listen, baby don't cha treat this way cause' I'll be back on my feet some day,

(Don't care if you do cause its understood you aint got not money you just aint no good)

Well I guess if you say so, I'll have to pack my things and go (That's right)

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

and don't cha come back no more, and don't come back no more, and don't more, and don't cha come back no more.




There is

One Mind,

One Truth,

One Source in the Universe,

and I AM ONE with ALL there is."

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  Mick pravi:
Aha. Se na cd-jki v prodaji dobi? Kul, crimsonov že leta nisn nč poslušal, si mi dal idejo, no, se bom zanesu na tvoj okus pa ga zlo verjetn kupim.... x:)x :palec:

Court sem dobil v Big Bangu, pa še remasteriziran je. Poglej tam, če boš kaj našel. Vendar je sedaj z Big Bangom zelo švoh, ker nimajo več uvoza, torej gre vse samo preko distributerjev, pa še to je problem, ker samo en človek odloča, kaj se bo prodajalo in kaj ne (tako sem slišal iz zanesljivih virov). xrolleyesx Drugače imaš v Ljubljani v Židovski 3 privatno malo trgovinico Rockerijo, kjer ima možakar lastnik marsikaj, še posebej veliko progresive. Kar nima, mu lahko naročiš, in tip nabavi.




Steve Hackett - Shadow of the Hierophant :8):

Possible—but highly unlikely.
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Guest mačona

Marco Ferradini~Teorema :sori:


Prendi una donna, dille che l'ami

scrivile canzoni d'amore

mandale rose, poesie

dalle anche spremute di cuore;

falla sempre sentire importante,

dalle il meglio, del meglio che hai

cerca di essere un tenero amante,

si sempre presente,

risolvile i guai.


E sta sicuro che ti lascerà

chi è troppo amato amore non dà,

e sta sicuro che ti lascerà

chi meno ama è il più forte si sa.


Prendi una donna, trattala male,

lascia che ti aspetti per ore,

non farti vivo e quando la chiami

fallo come fosse un favore

fa sentire che è poco importante,

dose bene amore e crudeltà,

cerca di essere un tenero amante

ma fuor dal letto nessuna pietà.


E allora si vedrai che t'amerà

chi è meno amato più amore ti dà,

e allora si vedrai che t'amerà

chi meno ama è il più forte si sa.


No caro amico,

non sono d'accordo,

parli da uomo ferito

pezzo di pane… lei se n'è andata

e tu non hai resistito…

Non esistono leggi in amore,

basta essere quello che sei,

lascia aperta la porta del cuore

vedrai che una donna è già in cerca di te.


Senza l'amore un uomo che cos'è

su questo sarai d'accordo con me,

senza l'amore un uomo che cos'è

e questa è l'unica legge che c'è.

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  klarus pravi:
Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Oh, Women Oh, Women don't treat me so mean your the meanest ole' women that I've ever seen

Well I guess if you say so, I'll have to pack my things and go (That's right)

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...


Now baby listen, baby don't cha treat this way cause' I'll be back on my feet some day,

(Don't care if you do cause its understood you aint got not money you just aint no good)

Well I guess if you say so, I'll have to pack my things and go (That's right)

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more no more no more no more,

Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more...

and don't cha come back no more, and don't come back no more, and don't more, and don't cha come back no more.



To so men moje prijateljske zlobe pel k sn šel na vlak na pot v vojsko.... :o|o: x:Dx



  Alan_New pravi:
Court sem dobil v Big Bangu, pa še remasteriziran je. Poglej tam, če boš kaj našel. Vendar je sedaj z Big Bangom zelo švoh, ker nimajo več uvoza, torej gre vse samo preko distributerjev, pa še to je problem, ker samo en človek odloča, kaj se bo prodajalo in kaj ne (tako sem slišal iz zanesljivih virov). xrolleyesx Drugače imaš v Ljubljani v Židovski 3 privatno malo trgovinico Rockerijo, kjer ima možakar lastnik marsikaj, še posebej veliko progresive. Kar nima, mu lahko naročiš, in tip nabavi.

Steve Hackett - Shadow of the Hierophant :8):


Aha, kul, thx, pogledam v Big Bang, sicer pa ob priliki v Rockeriji......po imenu sodeč bi se tam znalo mnogo fajnega najt. x:px :palec:

Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim.

K. Čapek

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