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Everything I do, I do it for you..........Brian Adams


Za mojo skorpico x:Xx xsrcx




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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Chris Rea - candles

dbest :2src: :palec:


Lenny: Again

tudi fajn x8Dx :palec:


scorpions: are you the one? x8Dx xDDx

sem, sem, brez skrbi. x:Xx x:Dx



Police~Walking on the moon :vio: :palec:

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Se mi je zdel, haaa, ja, zdej sn se še štikla tud edin njegov k ga poznam. x:o)x


A pozna kdo kak Jazz band al pevko al neki podobnega........v imenu ima....Peru? :inocent: Neki še in Peru? :inocent:

Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim.

K. Čapek

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Tell Valkira, I love her......................Ricky Nelson






SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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Za Aljošo.... Zbogom in v sanjah nas obišči kaj xvrtcx


Long Road

Pearl Jam


I wished for so long...

I cannot stay

All the precious moments...

Cannot stay

It's not like wings have fallen...

I cannot say

Still something is missing...

I cannot say


Holding hands of daughters and sons

In their phase they're falling down

Down, down, down


I have wished for so long...

How i wish for you again


Will i walk the long road?

I cannot stay

There's no need to say goodbye


Oh, the friends and family...

All the memories going round

Round, round round...


I have wished for so long...

How i wished for you today


And the wind keeps rollin'

And the sky keeps turning grey

And the sun is set

The sun will rise another day


I have wished for so long...

How i wish for you today

It's better be dead and cool than alive and uncool
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In se ena v zahvalo, ker te je poslal... x;)x


Send me an Angel............Scorpions



xrosex xyiyax xsrcbumx x:Xx




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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Guest mačona
si.. x:px in kaj morem dej ukrenit glede tega? :inocent: veš sem bl štorast pr bejbah x;)x xDDx

moraš me zvlečt na plesišče. x:Dx :inocent:


Chris Rea - candles

kaj pa tebe daje? :inocent: včeraj je ta komad tudi bil na tvojem repertoarju ... saj te čist štekam, ker je res :2src:

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kaj pa tebe daje? :inocent: včeraj je ta komad tudi bil na tvojem repertoarju ... saj te čist štekam, ker je res :2src:

Ga mam na tem računalniku, tko da mi ni treba unga za mp3je pržigat + ful dobr komad je x^x


Concrete Blonde - Joey

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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za frenda.. RIP xvrtcx


Light Years


i've used hammers made out of wood

i have played games with pieces and rules

i undeciphered tricks at the bar

but now you're gone, i haven't figured out why

i've come up with riddles and jokes about war

i've figured out numbers and what they're for

i've understood feelings and i've understood words

but how could you be taken away?

and wherever you've gone

and wherever we might go

it don't seem just disappeared

your light's reflected now, reflected from afar

we were but stones, your light made us stars

with heavy breath, awakened regrets

back pages and days alone that could have been spent, together..

but we were miles apart

every inch between us becomes light years now

no time to be void or save up on life

you got to spend it all..

and wherever you've gone

and wherever we might go

it don't seem seemed to like it here

your light's reflected now, reflected from afar

we were but stones, your light made us stars

and wherever you've gone

and wherever we might go

it don't seem just disappeared

your light's reflected now, reflected from afar

we were but stones, your light made us stars

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Riblja Čorba - Ostaću slobodan


Ostaću sam, neću se vezati...

Važno je samo dobro se zezati... x:px :palec: x^x :onfire:

Čeprav nam je veliko vzeto, veliko še ostaja. In čeprav nimamo več tiste moči ki je nekoč premikala nebo in zemljo, smo kakršni smo, istih junaških src od časa in usode oslabljenih,
vendar z neomajno voljo boriti se, iskati, najti in ne popustiti.

Lord Alfred Tennyson - Ulysses

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