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Genesis - Window :2src:

Flying invisibly high, watch me

All on a beautiful sky, I'll be

Clear and serene in the love I've discovered

Long search is over, the soul is uncovered

Resting on joy that abounds without ceasing

Bidding farewell to the fears now decreasing

Come see me take my hand

Come see me in my land

Possible—but highly unlikely.
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Antoninus a poznaš tale komad od Tubeway army - Are friends electric?

Meni tok seka, sam še Candles od Rea-e mi je sekal bolj no ja pa lani drop the pressure ajd..

Poznam, ampak ga mam v zbirki pod imenom samo od pevca...tisti, ki poje Cars. Dober komad :2src:

aja, že spomnu Gary Newman


Silencers - Painted moon


Hvala xsrcx Antoninus..Super si!!

Za to skupino pa prvič slišim..Cutting crew :eek:


Fajn, jo bom kr dolg potegnala. x:px x;)x

Welcome to the world of one-hit wonders


Concrete Blonde - Joey

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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x^x Elvis Presley-In the ghetto x;)x xDDx

xsrcx :palec:


xsrcx xDDx





Vzhodno od krivice in

zahodno od gorja,

tam je kraj resnice,

dom vsemogočnega.


Le nevidna vez

druži duše brez teles,

od tam prihaja Kora,

moja ptica z nebes.


Na pragu časa sem obstal,

zaslišal klic z višav.

Le kdo me je poklical,

le kaj bi rad mi dal?


Zagledal sem jo,

z vetrom je plesala prvi ples,

poklicala me je Kora,

moja ptica z nebes.


Kora, Kora,

sliši glas se angelov z neba.


In bog je zaznamoval,

na lice pikico ji dal,

da bodo vedeli ljudje,

da on pozna njeno ime.


Kora, Kora,

sliši glas se angelov z neba.


Od kod se še poznava,

sva srečala se kdaj?

V katerem brezčasju,

koliko življenj nazaj?


Gnezdila je v vejah

mogočnih dreves,

obiskala me je Kora,

moja ptica z nebes.


Kora, Kora,

sliši glas se angelov z neba.


In Bog jo je zaznamoval

na lice pikico ji dal,

da bodo vedeli ljudje,

da On pozna njeno ime.


Kora, Kora,

sliši glas se angelov z neba.


ta nova izvedba ... x;)x

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svaki put kad pomislim da gotovo je sve

okrenem se ti si kraj mene

i kada trosim puteve sto nigdje ne vode

otkrijes mi tajne prolaze


Cuvar mocvara i trava

budan cak i kada spavam

otkriva mi tajne prolaze...



svaki put kad pomislim da nemam vise gdje

okrenem se ti si kraj mene

i kada sanjam opasne i nemoguce sne

otkrijes mi tajne prolaze



(Cuvar mocvara i trava - Jinx x;)x xsingx xsrcx)

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Guest mačona
Chrtis Rea - Candles


kdo je pa tale Hrtis oz. Krtis Ria? prvič slišim zanj. :inocent: x:Dx x;)x


Police~Don´t stand so close to me

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Elton John - You Gotta Love Someone x:)x


You can win the fight, you can grab a piece of the sky

You can break the rules but before you try

You gotta love someone

You gotta love someone


You can stop the world, steal the face from the moon

You can beat the clock, but before high noon

You gotta love someone

You gotta love someone


You've got one life with a reason

You need two hearts on one side

When you stand alone and there's no one there

To share the way it feels inside and baby


You can cheat the devil and slice a piece of the sun

Burn up the highway but before you run

You gotta love someone

You gotta love someone


When you're gonna play with fire

You let someone share the heat

When you're on your own and there's no one there

To cool the flames beneath your feet and baby


You can win the fight, you can grab a piece of the sky

You can break the rules but before you try

You gotta love someone

You gotta love someone


You gotta love someone

You gotta love someone


xsrcx xsrcx xsrcx

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Daj mi odgovore

necu dole hocu gore!

Daj mi nesto drugo

besmislice slusam dugo!


Ili tuzni ili hepi

potpuno svejedno je

jer jednom kada krene

svima nam se isto pise

od svega ostatice rupe

i nista vise


daj mi nove stvari

ne diraj me dok se ljutim

daj mi neki drugi kraj

od kojeg slutim


ili tuzni ili hepi....potpuno svejedno je

jer jendom kada krene

svima nam se isto pise

od svega ostati ce rupe

i nista vise...


sve do kraja vremena!

nista drugo nije vazno

sve do kraja vremena!

drzi me snazno!


xsingx (Jinx - do kraja vremena)




v glavnem, cist shizim na Jinx. zimzelena scena.. univerzalna. klasika, takorekoc. muzka tko narejena, da v nulo vse pase, s texti skup, magija! xyesx xwizardx

tko da, to lohk skoz jovo na novo poslusam.

pol se za pol leta navelicam, pol pa spet 'odkrijem', pa spet shizim za nekaj cajta. xDDx

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Time of your life ...Green Day x:)x




"Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)"


Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

So make the best of this test, and don't ask why

It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time


It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.


So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind

Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time

Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial

For what it's worth it was worth all the while


It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.


It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.


It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.


xsrcx xsrcx

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