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Guano Apes: pretty in scarlet


we slept a while

to turn it off

and get it out of our minds

i slept a while

to get it all

it seems alright

to find a place without a single lie

where is the night

we ran into


nothing is good

i can’t explain

falling down and caught up the rain

i turn myself into changes


it’s o.k.

it doesn’t count

found my place

a deeper sound

let me dive alone

ßoDi ło K@r §i... DrUgih J€ ił@k z€ Pr€v€c !!!


life is a strange thing... just when you think you learned how to use it... it's gone...

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Izpod svete gore Čarovnic....Slivnice.....


Artist: Ramones Lyrics

Song: Pet Cemetery Lyrics



Under the arc of a weather stain boards,

Ancient goblins, and warlords,

Come out of the ground, not making a sound,

The smell of death is all around,

And the night when the cold wind blows, No one cares, nobody knows.


I don't want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery,

I don't want to live my life again.

I don't want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery,

I don't want to live my life again.


Follow Victor to the sacred place,

This ain't a dream, I can't escape,

Molars and fangs, the clicking of bones,

Spirits moaning among the tombstones,

And the night, when the moon is bright,

Someone cries, something ain't right.



The moon is full, the air is still,

All of a sudden I feel a chill,

Victor is grinning, flesh rotting away,

Skeletons dance, I curse this day,

And the night when the wolves cry out,

Listen close and you can hear me shout.


I don't want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery,

I don't want to live my life again.

I don't want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery,

I don't want to live my life again, oh no, oh no

I don't want to live my life again, oh no, oh oh,

I don't want to live my life again, oh no no no

I don't want to live my life again, oh oh


xsuperx xsuperx xsuperx xsuperx xsuperx xsuperx xsuperx xsuperx

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V nekem gozdu ob tabornem ognju,

tiho pesem vojaki pojo,

ob trpljenju slovenskega ljudstva,

ki bori, se za svojo svobodo... xsingx


po mojem se mi mal frca... :inocent:




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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Oueen-Friends will be friends xsrcbumx xsrcbumx



Its not easy love but youve got friends you can trust

Friends will be friends

When youre in need of love they give you care and attention

Friends will be friends

When youre through with life and all hope is lost

Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the


xsrcbumx xrainbowx

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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Vzameš me v roke,

kakor drobno punčko,

ki še nič ne ve,

kar ni iz najinega sveta.


Vzameš me v roke,

rahlo me poljubiš,

in potem miže

poslušaš mi utrip srca.


Vzameš me v roke,

dahneš, da sem lepa,

veš da to je vse,

kar sem kdaj želela.


Vzameš me v roke,

gledam ti v oči,

v njih le sreča ti cveti.


La, la, la, ..

la la la...

ki še nič ne ve,

kar ni iz najinega sveta.

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meni danes samo stare slovenske "pašejo":


Prišel je kakor veter,

v sanjavi svet želja,

odkrila sem ljubezen,

ki v pesmih je samo.


V obleki beli srečna,

zaplavala v nov svet,

a ljubil ni le mene,

življenje teče in nič ne reče,

samo nasmeh je bolj grenak.


Prišel je prav potihem,

z obetom sončnih dni,

preveč bila sem sama,

in padla mu v objem.


Vsak drugi dan je k meni,

zahajal skrivoma,

saj bil je že od druge,

življenje teče in nič ne reče,

samo nasmeh je bolj grenak.


Prišel je nepovabljen,

z njim vrnil se je smeh,

ostal je kar pri meni,

in še se ljubiva.


Morda je končno pravi,

a ne verjamem več,

nekoč bom znova sama,

življenje teče in nič ne reče,

samo nasmeh je bolj grenak.


Nekoč bom znova sama,

življenje teče in nič ne reče,

samo nasmeh je bolj grenak.

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