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Scorpio :palec:


Jst pa počas zaključujem kr z Laro pa Norcem x:Dx, je bilo kar poskončnih pol ure, dve minute hardcore vložka za skakat :hepko: :hepko: , pol pa mešanica Naio Ssaionov in Lunaparka s kakšnim dodatkom Pixies recimo x;)x

Izvukao je na kraju svog izlaganja.
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Mal se ponavljam, ampak ta komad mi zmer dvigne razpoloženje x:px

Siouxsie and the banshees - Trophy xsuperx

Ja tebe sm pa kr pogrešal v tej temi, ker daješ dobre ideje za poslušat. tega komada sicer nimam sam kaj drugega od njih bi pa prav sedlo. x^x

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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x:px fajn pol ure je blo pol tole :palec: Lara pa Naio Ssaion, Lunapark ... fajn xDDx jst še zmer na radiu ... kao neki nalogo delam x:Dx sej kakšen komad vmes je pa kul ... pomoje bom kmal še mal na Maidne prešaltala :inocent: Fear of the dark na primer x:px

How will we ever know

if we never try ...


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x:px fajn pol ure je blo pol tole :palec: Lara pa Naio Ssaion, Lunapark ... fajn xDDx jst še zmer na radiu ... kao neki nalogo delam x:Dx sej kakšen komad vmes je pa kul ... pomoje bom kmal še mal na Maidne prešaltala :inocent: Fear of the dark na primer x:px

Tud to bi sedlo


Simple minds - Home

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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Tud tale komad sem prav danes poslušal


Sam simple minds so res carji. Na koncertu so tako vzdušje nardil x:px Bi šel takoj še enkrat


Simple minds - She's a river

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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D'best, pa tko kul je tut Betty Miranda, pa Ken Laszlo, pa Den Harrow(Elvis Presley Italo disca)

Pa Valerie Dore, pa Savage, Gazebo tut sodi nekak v tole kategorijo, pa Righeira, Baltimora,Albert One, Radiorama ma jih je kukr češ muh enodnevnic pa še več


Rose - magic carillon :2src:

Enkrat mi moraš en seznam poslat, ker tiste današnje na Youtube so ble d'best

Od teh pa ne poznam samo Alberta Ona pa savage.


Depeche mode - Precious

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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Love hurts................Nazareth




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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Bryan Adams-All For Love



Click here to send Bryan Adams polyphonic ringtone to your cell phone.

When it's love you give

(I'll be a man of good faith.)

Then in love you live.

(I'll make a stand. I won't break.)

I'll be the rock you can build on,

Be there when you're old,

To have and to hold.


When there's love inside

(I swear I'll always be strong.)

Then there's a reason why.

(I'll prove to you we belong.)

I'll be the wal that protects you

From the wind and the rain,

From the hurt and pain.


Let's make it all for one and all for love.

Let the one you hold be the one you want,

The one you need,

'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.

When there's someone that should know

Then just let your feelings show

And make it all for one and all for love.


When it's love you make

(I'll be the fire in your night.)

Then it's love you take.

(I will defend, I will fight.)

I'll be there when you need me.

When honor's at stake,

This vow I will make:


That it's all for one and all for love.

Let the one be the one you want,

The one you need,

'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.

When there's someone that should know

Then just let your feelings show

And make it all for one and all for love.


Don't lay our love to rest

'Cause we could stand up to you test.

We got everything and more than we had planned,

More than the rivers that run the land.

We've got it all in our hands.


Now it's all for one and all for love.

(It's all for love.)

Let the one you hold be the one you want,

The one you need,

'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.

(It's one for all.)

When there's someone that should know

Then just let your feelings show.

When there's someone that you want,

When there's someone that you need

Let's make it all, all for one and all for love.





Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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Nice :palec:




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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The Cars - Drive


Who's gonna tell you when,

It's too late,

Who's gonna tell you things,

Aren't so great.


You cant go on, thinkin',

Nothings' wrong, but bye,

Who's gonna drive you home,



Who's gonna pick you up,

When You fall?

Who's gonna hang it up,

When you call?


Who's gonna pay attention,

To your dreams?

And who's gonna plug their ears,

When you scream?


You can't go on, thinkin'

Nothings wrong, but bye,

(who's gonna drive you)

(who's gonna drive you)

Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?

(who's gonna drive you home)


Who's gonna hold you down,

When you shake?

Who's gonna come around,

When you break?


You can't go on, thinkin',

Nothin's wrong, but bye,

(Who's gonna drive you)

(who's gonna drive you)

Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?

(who's gonna drive you home)


Oh, you know you can't go on, thinkin',

Nothin's wrong,

(Who's gonna drive you)

(Who's gonna drive you home)

Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?



Že od jutra, ko sem jo slisala na radiu, mi gre po glavi... Hm, v bistvu je res skladno s počutjem, bi komot lahko bila komu danes namenjena.


Življenje je to, kar se zgodi, medtem ko načrtuješ druge stvari.
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Guest mačona

America~You can do magic


I never believed in things that I couldn't see

I said if I can't feel it then how can it be

No, no magic could happen to me

And then I saw you


I couldn't believe it, you took my heart

I couldn't retrieve it, said to myself

What's it all about

Now I know there can be no doubt


You can do magic

You can have anything that you desire

Magic, and you know

You're the one who can put out the fire


You know darn well

When you cast your spell you will get your way

When you hypnotize with your eyes

A heart of stone can turn to clay

Doo, doo, doo ...


And when the rain is beatin' upon the window pane

And when the night it gets so cold, when I can't sleep

Again you come to me

I hold you tight, the rain disappears

Who would believe it

With a word you dry my tears


You can do magic

You can have anything that you desire

Magic, and you know

You're the one who can put out the fire


You know darn well

When you cast your spell you will get your way

When you hypnotize with your eyes

A heart of stone can turn to clay

Doo, doo, doo ...


And If I wanted to

I could never be free

I never believed it was true

But now it's so clear to me


You can do magic

You can have anything that you desire

Magic, and you know

You're the one who can put out the fire


You know darn well

When you cast your spell you will get your way

When you hypnotize with your eyes

A heart of stone can turn to clay

Doo, doo, doo ...


You're the one who can put out the fire

You're the one who can put out the fire

You're the one who can put out the fire ...

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Ja tebe sm pa kr pogrešal v tej temi, ker daješ dobre ideje za poslušat. tega komada sicer nimam sam kaj drugega od njih bi pa prav sedlo. x^x


hvala :palec:, se moram sam večkrat spomnit x;)x, sicer pa tut jst zarad tebe že kej downloadal x:px, Shadowse recimo :palec:,

prve štiri plate Siouxsie sem pa kr naštudiral x^x, so me ful potegnile, no drugo plato sicer ne priporočam, je ful težka za poslušat x:o)x, tako da se jo izogibam x;)x


Pa dejmo še Siouxsie - Arabian knights x:px, ta je bolj znan x;)x



x:px fajn pol ure je blo pol tole :palec: Lara pa Naio Ssaion, Lunapark ... fajn xDDx jst še zmer na radiu ... kao neki nalogo delam x:Dx sej kakšen komad vmes je pa kul ... pomoje bom kmal še mal na Maidne prešaltala :inocent: Fear of the dark na primer x:px


x:px dbest je blo, od tega da sem se slabo počutil, kr mal mi je blo slabo, sem se spravil v čist fajn razpoloženje x:px, sam škoda, ker je treba pol hitr spat x:o)x, pa zjutraj vsat, kr je bil ta prav filing za zabluzit x;)x


Pa dejmo še Naio Ssaion - The mirror xsuperx

Izvukao je na kraju svog izlaganja.
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Music :Rudolf Schenker, Michael Schenker

Lyrics:Klaus Meine


I take your hand and you take my hand

Let's try to learn to fly

Here what I say, here what I say

Dream and close your eyes

Too much hate, too much hate

So many things are wrong

So many ways, so many ways

Flying through the sky forever into another time


Yesterday, so far away

Many miles together were looking for the way

And day by day, so far away

All the world should do the same


So we go together

Will you show me the way

Time is gone, it is gone

Far away, far away


And today, I see a way

Follow me we love you

Just listen, what I say

Forget your name and yesterday

Hold out your hand, I'll do the same


Now we're going to another land

Will you show me the way

Time is gone, it is gone

Far away, far away

Behind every bitch there is a guy that made her that way.



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Te necesito..................OV7


Valkira x:Xx xsrcx




SI HA de ser condición de mi dicha el olvido

de ti, quiero estar triste siempre (como he vivido).

Prefiero la existencia más árida y doliente

al innoble consuelo de olvidar a mi ausente.



Por lo demás, ¡qué tengo sin ti de cosa propia,

que me halague o sonría en esta clara inopia,

ni qué luz en mis noches me quedará si pierdo

también la lamparita cordial de tu recuerdo!


2 de octubre de 1912

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