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Leptiri u mom stomaku

uvek me na tebe podsete

ja ih uspavam na foru

al te osete.



:palec: :palec: x:Xx



Sa druge strane jastuka


Ljubim te i pokrivam

Krilima plavog goluba

Sanjivu te ostavljam

U hodnicima sećanja


Sa druge strane

Sa druge strane jastuka


Jos želim da ti poklonim

Listove divljeg kestena

Jos jednom da te zaštitim

Dok te magla zaklanja


Sa druge strane

Sa druge strane jastuka


Šaljem ti tajne poruke

Dahom noćnih vetrova

A ne znam da li prolaze

Pored rajskih vrtova


Sa druge strane

Sa druge strane jastuka xsrcx


Bajaga x:Dx

Još te volim


Godine nižeš ko da su perle

od bižuterije do ćilibara

a tek poneka blistavi brilijant.


Možda u nekom drugom životu

prepoznaš mene ko ukus vina

pa uporedi otiske svoje

na mome srcu od plastelina.


Par stotina godina

ni jave ni sna

u beskraju većnosti

gde čekam te ja.


Još te volim.


Godine nižes ko da su perle

od bižuterije do ćilibara

a tek poneka blistavi brilijant.


Da li ponekad sama u mraku

osetiš setu gluvu, a jaku

i miris kose mokre od kiše

da li još uvek isto miriše.


Još te volim.

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iz mojega grla(dobesedno)-lalalala....:vragec:

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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You Can See It In A Clear Blue Sky

You Can See It In A Woman's Eyes

You Can Hear It In Your Babies Cries

You Can Hear It In Your Lover's Sighs

You Can Touch It In A Grain Of Sand

Yeah Hold It Right There

In The Palm Of Your Hand

Feel It Round You Everyday

And Hear What I've Got To Say


God Gave Me Everything I Want

Come On

I'll Give It All To You

God Gave Me Everything I Want

Come On

I'll Give It All To You


I Saw It In The Midnight Sun

And I Felt It In The Race I Won

And I Hear It In The Windy Storm

And I Feel It In The Icy Dawn

And I Smell It The Wine I Taste

And I See It In My Father's Face

And I Hear It In A Symphony

And I Feel It In The Love You Show For Me



God Gave Me Everything I Want

Oh Come On

I'll Give It All To You

God Gave Me Everything I Want


Come On

I'll Give It All To You

God Gave Me Everything I Want

I Can't Stop Can't Stop

I'm Still Looking Now

God Gave Me Everthing I Want

Oh Come On

I'll Give It All To You


Crazy You Said

It's All In Your Head


xsuperx xrosex

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iskre lete parampampampam tudududumtumtumpumpum tadamtatadam iskre lete

Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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Strelka dobr komad :palec:


Js mam pa The eagles, take it easy in še take it to the limit...

paaa Dire straits, sultans of swing, walk of life, v podpisu imam pa angel of mercy... :P malo preurejen..

:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Našel me je angel tisto noč,mi pokazal,da ljubiti popeljal do nevidnih cest,mi pokazal pot je do nebes...

Čutim ,da lahko mu dam..VSE...

Kot bi bil na svetu zame le,znal mi umiriti je srce.. xsingx xsingx xsingx

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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Guest mačona

There I was on a July morning looking for love.

With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun.

At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home.

With the storm and the night behind me and a road of my own.

With the day

came the resolution

I'll be looking for you.

I was looking for love in the strangest places.

There wasn't a stone that I left unturned.

I must have tried more than a thousand faces,

but not one was aware of the fire that burned

In my heart,

in my mind,

in my soul.

In my heart,

in my mind,

in my soul.

There I was on a July morning - I was looking for love.

With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun.

At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home.

With the storm and the night behind me and a road of my own.

With the day

came the resolution

I'll be looking for you.

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Guest mačona
Mačona Antoninus sedita 5

Sheboom takisto 5

Valkira -3


Emerson lake &Palmer - From the beginning

a ga zdaj malo posračkam, da dobim -10? x:Dx :inocent:


ma ne ne:

tole: Pat Metheny~Sueno com Mexico x:Ix :inocent:

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