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  mačona pravi:
hej Ante. x8Dx eno zate:


Spandau ballet~Gold :palec: bi res sedlo, sam jo mam doma pa si je ne morem zdele zarolat


Simple minds - someone somewhere in summertime

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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Bela snežinka


Ko sem te vprašal: Me ljubiš

si mi zmajala z glavo,

rekla mi nisi besede,

čakal zaman sem to.



Sivi oblaki na nebu,

jasno nebo so zastrli,

bela snežinka , ki pada,

glej, prvi sneg.


Sneg je,

glej zunaj sneg je ,

morda se spomniš

še enkrat na me :blink: xzobkox

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Guest mačona
  Antoninus pravi: bi res sedlo, sam jo mam doma pa si je ne morem zdele zarolat


Simple minds - someone somewhere in summertime

a kaj trpiš pri tako polžjem netu? :inocent: x:Dx


Billy Idol~Dancing with myself x8Dx x:px

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Guest mačona

a zdaj smo prišli pa do solzavih Italijanov? x:Dx


no pa dejmo eno res kruto:

Giani Togni~Attimi (tale mi je res kruta, je raje sploh ne poslušam :sori: )


lepša mi je ta: Chissa se mi ritroverai

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Guest mačona
e, prijatelj, to ti pa nisem najbolj pripravljena verjeti ... :inocent: da tvoj želodček kljub vsemu pojedenemu ne bi mogel sprejeti še te božanske sladice. x:Dx x:Ix
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Gore dole


Nemoj nikad biti dole

mada neki i to vole

Nemoj nikad biti dole

Jer sve dole noge bole


Gore dole, dole gore

Sve je gore dole


Nemoj nikad biti gore

Za to uvek ima fore

Nemoj nikad biti gore

Jer svi gore i pregore


Nemoj nikad biti dole

mada neki i to vole

Nemoj nikad biti dole

Jer sve dole noge bole


Gore dole, dole gore

Sve je gore dole


Idemo malo dole

Idemo malo gore


Nemoj nikad biti dole

mada neki i to vole

Nemoj nikad biti dole

Jer sve dole noge bole


Gore dole, dole gore

Sve je gore dole


Nemoj biti u sredini

Jer ćes biti u manjini

Nemoj biti u sredini

Ili prvi bar otkini


Gore dole, dole gore

Sve je gore dole


Idemo malo dole

Idemo malo gore

Idemo malo gore xsrcx

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Camouflage - Love is a shield



  valkira pravi:
Ante, hvala ti za tale komadič... zdej je moj :inocent: xsrcx

A si ga kr posvojila. Sej je res :2src: x:px


Human league - human



  mačona pravi:
a kaj trpiš pri tako polžjem netu? :inocent: x:Dx


Billy Idol~Dancing with myself x8Dx x:px

Nič več, sem že doma---še zmeri Human league

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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So tired of broken hearts and losing at this game

Before I start this dance

I take a chance in telling you

I want more than just romance

You are my destiny, I can't let go baby can't you see

Cupid please take your aim at me



Cherish the thought

Of always having you here by my side (oh baby I)

Cherish the joy

You keep bringing it into my life (I'm always singing it)

Cherish your strength

You got the power to make me feel good (and baby I)

Perish the thought

Of ever leaving, I never would


I was never satisfied with casual encounters

I can't hide my need for two hearts that bleed with burning love

That's the way it's got to be

Romeo and Juliet, they never felt this way I bet

So don't underestimate my point of view



Who? You! Can't get away I won't let you

Who? You! I could never forget to

Cherish is the word I use to remind me of your love


Romeo and Juliet, they never felt this way I bet

So don't underestimate my point of view


Who? You! Can't get away I won't let you

Who? You! I could never forget to

Cherish is the word I use to remind me of your love



Give me faith give me joy, my boy

I will always cherish you

Behind every bitch there is a guy that made her that way.



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