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Honestly what will become of me

don't like reality

It's way too clear to me

But really life is dandy

We are what we don't see

Missed everything daydreaming



Flames to dust

Lovers to friends

Why do all good things come to an end

Flames to dust

Lovers to friends

Why do all good things come to an end

come to an end come to an

Why do all good things come to end?

come to an end come to an

Why do all good things come to an end?


Traveling I only stop at exits

Wondering if I'll stay

Young and restless

Living this way I stress less

I want to pull away when the dream dies

The pain sets in and I don't cry

I only feel gravity and I wonder why


Flames to dust

Lovers to friends

Why do all good things come to an end

Flames to dust

Lovers to friends

Why do all good things come to an end

come to an end come to an

Why do all good things come to end?

come to an end come to an

Why do all good things come to an end?


Well the dogs were whistling a new tune

Barking at the new moon

Hoping it would come soon so that they could

Dogs were whistling a new tune

Barking at the new moon

Hoping it would come soon so that they could

Die die die die die


Flames to dust

Lovers to friends

Why do all good things come to an end

Flames to dust

Lovers to friends

Why do all good things come to an end

come to an end come to an

Why do all good things come to end?

come to an end come to an

Why do all good things come to an end?


Well the dogs were barking at a new moon

Whistling a new tune

Hoping it would come soon

And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day 'til the feeling went away

And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and

the rain forgot how to bring salvation

the dogs were barking at the new moon

Whistling a new tune

Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.

Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.
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Totalno bad, že cel dan si prepevam...


Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer

had a very shiny nose

and if you ever saw it

you would even say it glows.


All of the other reindeer

used to laugh and call him names

they never let poor Rudolph

join in any reindeer games.


Then one foggy Christmas eve

Santa came to say:

"Rudolph with your nose so bright

won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"


Then how the reindeer loved him

as they shouted out with glee (yippee)

"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer

you'll go down in history."


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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Cyndi Lauper & Sarah McLachlan - Time after time x:Ix

Kadar si nečesa res želiš, stremi vse stvarstvo k temu, da bi se ti sanje uresničile. Coelho


Če ljubezen nosiš v sebi, potem jo vedno tudi srečaš. Gustave Chevallier

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..iz dna srca voščim,

da bi na glavo se zrušla jim streha,

da bi jetra posušila se jim

pa ker je glih božič

naj bo vesel božič prav vsim... :palec:



Iztok Mlakar xloveyx


Sandhan - Piano of Love



:2src: :palec: jst jo mam tui

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