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Deep blue something: breakfast at tiffany

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Sherly Crow - good is good


Good is good and bad is bad

But you don't know which one you had

She put your books out on the sidewalk

Now they're blowin round

But they don't help you when you're down

Love's on your list of things to do

To bring your good luck back to you

If you think that everything's unfair

Would you care if you're the last one standing there

And every time you hear the rolling thunder

You turn and run before the lightening strikes

And does it ever make you stop and wonder

If all your good times have passed you by

I dont hold no mystery

But I can show you how to turn the key

Cause all I know is where I started

I was so downhearted

And that's not where you want to be

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder

You turn and run before the lightening strikes

If you could find a rock to crawl right under

and let your good times pass you by

When the day is done and the world is sleeping

And the moon is on its way to shine

All your friends are gone

You've got a soul worth keeping

You feel you don't belong but you don't know why

And everytime you hear the rolling thunder

You turn and run before the lightening strikes

And does it ever make you stop and wonder

If all your good times have passed you by

Everytime you hear the rolling thunder

And you turn and run before the lightening strikes

Does it ever make you stop and wonder


And the moon is on its way to shine

All your friends are gone

You've got a soul worth keeping

You feel you don't belong but you don't know why

honor and respect
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Moby - raining again

Never know but nothing less

Couldn't see that I have guessed

Couldn't see, couldn't stay away


I never even stopped to dream and

That Id see anything and

The world is coming out so cold


Oh, and it's raining again

Loud on your car like, bullets on tin

Oh, and its raining again

Open the door and pulling me in


Nothing here but nothing less

Cold heart is stuck in this

Couldn't say the kindest words we knew


Everything I tried to say but

no one listens anyway

I had to give up everything that I knew


Oh, and it's raining again

Loud on your car like, bullets on tin

Oh, and its raining again

Open the door and pulling me in


Oh, and it's raining

Raining again

Oh, and it's raining

Raining again


Nothing here but nothing less

Everything we both regret

Couldn't say the kindest words we knew

Cause it was winter time and

We wanted some more time and

We watched the girls try something knew


We didn't even stopped to see that

That It was breaking me and

the world is coming out so cold

What you want you couldn't get, you

Couldn't wait for something less, you

had to give up everything you knew


Oh, and it's raining again

Loud on your car like, bullets on tin

Oh, and its raining again

Open the door and pulling me in


Sadness like water raining down

Raining down, raining down, raining down


Oh, and it's raining

Raining again

Oh, and it's raining

Raining again

honor and respect
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Prijateljičina Prijateljica - Še je čas...


Eros Ramazzotti - Amarte Es Total

Popravljeno -> El Nino
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Enigma - Principles of Lust


The principles of lust... Are easy to understand

Do what you feel... Feel until the end

The principles of lust... Are burnt in your mind

Do what you want... Do it until you find Love...

honor and respect
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