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Alenka Godec & Perpetuum jazzile xsrcx

Mesto sanj


Pride dan ko sem nesrečna

Pride dan ko sem na tleh

Ko tišina zdi se večna

In podira se mi svet


Spet začutim energijo

Ki v meni skrita je

Vsi spomini oživijo

Takrat zaslišim glas, prijatelja ki z mano je -

V dobrem in v zlu


Nikdar nisi čisto sam

Vedno ti nekdo poda roko

Da odpelje te drugam

Tam vsak odkrije svoje mesto sanj


Kadar te boli praznina

Spomni se na lepše dni

In izgine bolečina

Ko vidiš znan obraz, prijatelja ki s taboj je -

V dobrem in v zlu


Nikdar nisi čisto

V sebi vedno nosiš upanje

To je most na drugo stran

Tam te čaka tvoje mesto sanj...




Fuck optimizem, fuck love :vragec: :vtz: vive l'ego xegox


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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I want you to know, that I'm happy for you

I wish nothing but the best for you both

An older version of me

Is she perverted like me

Would she go down on you in a theatre

Does she speak eloquently

And would she have your baby

I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother


Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able

To make it enough for you to be open wide, no

And every time you speak her name

Does she know how you told me you'd hold me

Until you died, till you died

But you're still alive


And I'm here to remind you

Of the mess you left when you went away

It's not fair to deny me

Of the cross I bear that you gave to me

You, you, you oughta know


You seem very well, things look peaceful

I'm not quite as well, I thought you should know

Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity

I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner

It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced

Are you thinking of me when you fuck her


Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able

To make it enough for you to be open wide, no

And every time you speak her name

Does she know how you told me you'd hold me

Until you died, til you died

But you're still alive


And I'm here to remind you

Of the mess you left when you went away

It's not fair to deny me

Of the cross I bear that you gave to me

You, you, you oughta know


Cause the joke that you laid on the bed that was me

And I'm not gonna fade

As soon as you close your eyes and you know it

And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back

I hope you feel it...well can you feel it


And I'm here to remind you

Of the mess you left when you went away

It's not fair to deny me

Of the cross I bear that you gave to me

You, you, you oughta know

Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.
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iron maiden-heaven can wait

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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GM xsrcx



Is that enough?

I think it's over

See, everything has changed

And all this hatred may just make me strong enough

To walk away


They may chase me to the ends of the earth

But I've got you babe

And they may strip me of the things that I've worked for

But I've had my say


So hear me now

I've enough of these chains

I know they're of my making

No one else to blame for where I stand today

I've no memory of truth

But suddenly the audience is so cruel

So God, hey God you know why I'm through




I guess it's tough, I guess I'm older

And everything must change

But all this cruelty and money instead of love

People, have we no shame?


They may chase me to the ends of the earth

But I've got you babe

And they may take away the things that I've worked for

But you'll pull me through


It's so clear to me now

I've enough of these chains

Life is there for the taking

What kind of fool would remain in this cheap gilded cage

I've no memory of truth

But suddenly the audience is so cruel

Oh God, I'm sorry


I think I'm through

I think I'm through

I think I'm, I know I'm...

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"My Mother Had A Brother"


My mother had a brother

They say that I was born on the day that he died

Someone to cling to, she said

When all the noises and the shame came calling


My mother had a brother

I thought I knew them all, I thought I knew

But she lied

I said, "Show me his face again, tell me again why he died"


She said he couldn't wait for the things that I've seen

She said he wasn't strong enough, he never dared to dream a life like mine


My mother had a brother

Over-sensitive and kind

Seems it all became too much for him..

It seems he took his own life

Mum, I can't imagine the joy and pain in equal measure

Tears in the dirt, and all over your newborn treasure


I guess he had to wait until my momma had me

I guess he couldn't wait another moment to be free

In endless sky.....


But mama will you tell him from your boy

The times they changed

I guess the world was getting warmer

And we got stronger

Mother will you tell him about my joy

I live each day for him

The sun came out, yeah, and I'm just breathing it in




My mother had a brother

Same desire, different time

Seems the empty spaces tortured him

Until he took his own life


I don't know why I waited so long for love

I just don't know what I was thinking of..

All that wasted time


But mama will you tell him from your boy

The times they changed

I guess the world was getting warmer

While we got stronger

Mother will you tell him about my joy

I live each day with him

Your son came out, yeah,

And I'm still breathing it in


And I swear now that freedom is here

I'm gonna taste it all for you boy

I'm bad to the bone, I'm just a little torn

I'm making so much love


So those of us who have nothing to fear

We've got to make damn sure that it was worth it

I'm bad to the bone, I'm just a little stoned

I'm making so much love


I was a prisoner, but he saved me

Broke into my dreams and said, "Who cares?"

I was a prisoner, so disgrace me

I'm glad to be home

And I don't believe they care.


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