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blind guardian~mr. sandman

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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enter sandman-metallica:P

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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Siddharta - napoj




C#m E F# G#m

A si opazu ta čas kako nam beži,

C#m E F# G#m

ko nad ure na glas jezimo se vsi

C#m E F# G#m C#m E F# G#m

Se tega za-ve-dam, pa le ne-mo gle-dam.

C#m E F# G#m

Steklene oči, nemirno telo,

C#m E F# G#m

a noben ne skrbi, da bolje bi blo.

C#m E F# G#m C#m E F# G#m

Zdej je to naš mo-ment, ko zamr-zne pro-blem

E C#m D#

Delajmo se kot da noben nič ne ve.



REFREN 1: (00:49 - 01:05)


C#m E F# G#m --\

Le namen biti vrag nej bo danes naš znak, \__ 2x

C#m E F# G#m /

naj vedo kdo je to, ko se dvigal bo prah ---/



C#m E F# G#m |-->na koncu refrena!!!



VERSE 2: (01:08 - 01:42)


C#m E

In na stran bomo dal vse kar nas teži

C#m E

če nas rabi kdo, žal nej mal potrpi

Sej tako ne gre več, sami sebi smo odveč

C#m E F# G#m

Kaj nam bo koledar, se nam ne mudi

C#m E F# G#m

in pozabi na dnar, le glava boli

C#m E F# G#m C#m E F# G#m

Zdej je to naš mo-ment, ko zamr-zne pro-blem

E C#m D#

Delajmo se kot da noben nič ne ve.



REFREN 2: (01:42 - 01:56)


C#m E F# G#m --\

Le namen biti vrag nej bo danes naš znak, \__ 2x

C#m E F# G#m /

naj vedo kdo je to, ko se dvigal bo prah ---/


C#m E F# G#m



BRIDGE: (01:57 - 02:44)


E F# E F#

Ni potrebno biti lep, ne do vratu zapet

E F# G#m

vse kar rabiš je divje veselje in ples

E F#

Tu nobeden ne grozi (miru je na tone)

E F#

vseeno nam je kaj sledi (pustimo zapore)

E F# D#

imamo vse kar potrebno je, zato bo divje divje

Če ma kdo denarja odveč vzamem.
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Jinx: toliko suza

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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iron maiden-wrathchild

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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