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Hello image

Sing me a line from your favourite song

Twist and turn

But you're trapped in the light

All the directions were wrong


You'll fall in love with somebody else



Help yourself

But tell me the words

Before you fade away

You reveal all the secrets

To remember the end

And escape someday


You'll fall in love with somebody else

Again tonight


Take a step

You move in time

But it's always back ...

The reasons are clear

Your face is drawn

And ready for the next attack

Behind every bitch there is a guy that made her that way.



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Pussycat dolls :flowerface: I don't need a man


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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jao ta je dobra, od Alanis Morisette


:palec: Mam ene tri njene CDje. Dve zanimivosti v zvezi z njo:


- Mam enga prjatla, ki že vrsto let živi v Amsterdamu, kjer se ukvarja z organizacijo koncertov (osebno pozna npr. J. Cockerja in podobne junce). Večkrat mi je v zajebanciji rekel, da je on "odkril" Alanis. Pa ne da jo je kaj promoviral, al kaj takšnega - pred leti, ko je bila še totalno anonimna, jo je slišal v Amsterdamu in takoj po koncertu telefoniral v Slo. bratu, da bo Alanis postala mega zvezdnica.


Ful obrajtam Johna Mayalla. Ko je imel pred leti koncert v Ljubljani, je v intervjuju za sobotno prilogo Dela izjavil - "Ma, moja muska je dolgcajt. Komaj čakam, da izide nov album Alanis Morisette"



x;)x angel of the morning - collin blunstone :palec:


Kva pa je to za en junc?




Spooky tooth - Better by you, better than me (mal lesen začetek sicer, ampak kot celota mi je tok všeč, d' 'm znoru zd'le en dan)





Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob!

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Kva pa je to za en junc?

Spooky tooth - Better by you, better than me (mal lesen začetek sicer, ampak kot celota mi je tok všeč, d' 'm znoru zd'le en dan)



bejba je x;)x


watergate blues - big joe williams :palec:




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The Band: Long black vail


Spet zanimivost - komad je iz prvega albuma The Band: Music from Big pink in zaradi te plošče so razpadli The Cream. Ko jo je namreč slišal kitarist Creamov Eric Clapton, jo je prinesel na vaje in rekel:"Tole je prava stvar, tisto, kar delamo mi, pa totalno sranje." In Cream so odšli iz obtoka z albumom Goodbye.




Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob!

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Nekje v kotu izbe so se pod nekaj decimetri prahu, najbrž že od vselitve skrivale plošče Simon ahd Garfunkel, tako da se zdaj vrtijo Bridge over troubled water, The sound of silence, I am a rock in El Condor Pasa.
Če ma kdo denarja odveč vzamem.
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Portishead: All mine

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa

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Pink - You and your hand


I'm not here for your entertainment

You don't really wanna mess with me tonight

Just stop and take a second

I was fine before you walked into my life

Cause you know it's over

Before it began

Keep your drink, just gimme the money

It's just you and your hand tonight



:wOOt: :onfire:


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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Paris Hilton - Nothing in this world :wOOt: x:o)x


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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