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Darren Hayes :wub: So beautiful


Whether I'm right or wrong

There's no phrase that hits

Like an ocean needs the sand

Or a dirty old shoe that fits

And if all the world was perfect

I would only ever want to see your scars

You know they can have their universe

We'll be in the dirt designing stars


And darlin' you know

You make me feel so beautiful

Nowhere else in the world I wanna be

You make me feel so beautiful


Whether I'm up or down

There's no crowd to please

I'm like a faith without a clause

to believe in it

And if all the world was smiling

I would only ever want to see your frown

You know they can sail away in sunsets

We'll be right here stranded on the ground

Just happy to be found


You make me feel so beautiful

Nowhere else in the world I wanna be

You make me feel so beautiful


I have lost my illusions

I have drowned in your words

I have left my confusion to a cynical world

I am throwing myself at things I don't understand

Discover enlightenment holding your hand


You are...

So beautiful


Yeah darlin' you know

That you make me feel so beautiful!

Nowhere else in the world I wanna be

Yeah you make me feel so beautiful!


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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''he might just be poison

but I took him to my roof top

I said are you afraid of heights,

He said no I am not

I said hey boy don't you lie to me, tell me everything you feel

we danced around in circles,

He said I think we found something real''


Nicole Richie - Dandelion :2src:

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Puuuustiiiiiiii, naj te nosi vodaaaaaa x:px


Dan D x;)x

Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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''he might just be poison

but I took him to my roof top

I said are you afraid of heights,

He said no I am not

I said hey boy don't you lie to me, tell me everything you feel

we danced around in circles,

He said I think we found something real''


Nicole Richie - Dandelion :2src:

Odličen okus Melody, sem si pobrala iz firbca komad iz eMule in bla tko prijetno presenečena da si ga zdaj že 4. rolam x:Ix ravno neki takega sem rabila te dni :palec:


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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Christina Aguilera :C: Hurt

I know you're not proud of me, I'm not proud of myself either, so please forgive me, I wasn't myself and I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do...



Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face

You told me how proud you were, but I walked away

If only I knew what I know today


I would hold you in my arms

I would take the pain away

Thank you for all you've done

Forgive all your mistakes

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To hear your voice again

Sometimes I wanna call you

But I know you won't be there


Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you


Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit

Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss

And it's so hard to say goodbye

When it comes to this


Would you tell me I was wrong?

Would you help me understand?

Are you looking down upon me?

Are you proud of who I am?


There's nothing I wouldn't do

To have just one more chance

To look into your eyes

And see you looking back


Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself


If I had just one more day

I would tell you how much that I've missed you

Since you've been away

Ooh, it's dangerous

It's so out of line

To try and turn back time


I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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koko se že linki nalagajo da lahko pol odpreš spletno stran??? tko kot je naprimer pri eni objavi (ki je nad mojo). Mal sem nerodna v teh rečeh.
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Puuuustiiiiiiii, naj te nosi vodaaaaaa x:px


Dan D x;)x


ja, to je ta, zraven pa še pesem Kingstonov, ki je primerna vremenu...



Ko bo padal dež boš osamljena jutra najina bodo pozabljena

Ko bo padal dež boš osamljena jutra najina bodo pozabljena



Zadnje žarke sonca lovim igram se s tvojimi lasmi

ustavi to sliko vsaj za hip praviš da je kot v pravljici



A ko bo padal dež boš osamljena jutra najina bodo pozabljena

Ko bo padal dež boš osamljena jutra najina bodo pozabljena



Veter zabrisal bo sledi v pesku poletne noči

slane poljube spral bo čas obljube - ki vzameš jih in daš.



Bila je tako sladka & sexy vsak bi z njo nabiral med

zadnji dan je padlo nekaj solz a jaz sem hotel biti hladen kakor led

Biti hladen kakor led v tej vročini je težko še posebej če leži ob tebi mlado telo

zato zapri svoje poletno čtivo obriši solze - greva na pivo !!!



A ko bo padal dež boš osamljena jutra najina bodo pozabljena

Ko bo padal dež boš osamljena jutra najina bodo pozabljena

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!!!
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