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:inocent: Nude: RAZLOG


Ko mene več ne bo,

Ker daleč sam ne morem,

Me sploh še kdo prenaša?

Tako ne morem več...

Jaz sam in dolgo polje,

Ko luna me opazi,

Trava me zapelje,

Strah zbeži....

O, kdo si ti?

Kdo si ti, ki me objemaš zdaj?

Daj mi razlog, da ostanem tu...

Daj mi razlog, da vrnem se nazaj...

Daj mi razlog, da ljubim te...

En dober razlog vsaj...

Kje zdaj ti potuješ?

Ker daleč je obala...

Kam te tok odnaša?

Ne moreš več nazaj...

Pod nogami razpoka,

Se v jezero pogrezam,

Od tebe nič več nočem,

Nimam skrbi...

O, kdo si ti?

Kdo si ti, ki me objemaš zdaj?

Daj mi razlog, da ostanem tu...

Daj mi razlog, da vrnem se nazaj...

Daj mi razlog, da ljubim te...

En dober razlog vsaj... x:px x:Ix

How will we ever know

if we never try ...


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twisted sister- come on fell the noise

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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You only see what your eyes want to see

How can life be what you want it to be

You're frozen when your heart's not open

You're so consumed with how much you get

You waste your time with hate and regret

You're frozen when your heart's not open

If I could melt your heart

We'd never be apart

Give yourself to me

You are the key

Now there's no point in placing the blame

And you should know I'd suffer the same

If I lose you, my heart would be broken

Love is a bird, she needs to fly

Let all the hurt inside you die

You're frozen when your heart's not open

If I could melt your heart

We'd never be apart

Give yourself to me

You are the key

You only see what your eyes want to see

How can life be what you want it to be

You're frozen when your heart's not open

If I could melt your heart

We'd never be apart

Give yourself to me

You are the key

If I could melt your heart

We'd never be apart

Give yourself to me

You are the key

If I could melt your heart

Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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leteči potepuhi~ko ti vse narobe gre

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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Rain, feel it on my finger tips

Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow

Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain


When your lips are burning mine

And you take the time to tell me how you feel

When you listen to my words

And I know you've heard, I know it's real

Rain is what this thunder brings

For the first time I can hear my heart sing

Call me a fool but I know I'm not

I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top

Till I feel your



When you looked into my eyes

And you said goodbye could you see my tears

When I turned the other way

Did you hear me say

I'd wait for all the dark clouds bursting in a perfect sky

You promised me when you said goodbye

That you'd return when the storm was done

And now I'll wait for the light, I'll wait for the sun

Till I feel your




Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say, never go away


Waiting is the hardest thing

(It's strange I feel like I've known you before)

I tell myself that if I believe in you

(And I want to understand you)

In the dream of you

(More and more)

With all my heart and all my soul

(When I'm with you)

That by sheer force of will

(I feel like a magical child)

I will raise you from the ground

(Everything strange)

And without a sound you'll appear

(Everything wild)

And surrender to me, to love


Rain is what the thunder brings

For the first time I can hear my heart sing

Call me a fool but I know I'm not

I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top

Till I feel your


Rain, I feel it, it's coming

Your love's coming down like

Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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