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x:Dx x:px


ALL RIGHT :onfire: :onfire: :onfire:

Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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She's got a pretty smile it covers up the poison that she hides

She walks around in circles in my head waiting for a chance to take me a

Chance to break me a chance to take me down now I see this burden you gave me is too much to

Carry too much to bury inside I guess you're the only one that nobody changes

I guess you're the only one left standing when everything else goes down

You're still the only one, you're still the only one

It's all shallow and all so appealing I'm up to my ankles and i'm drowning

Anyway in a sea of sarcastic faces familiar places where everything looks

Quite the same here it's all confusingly amusing bitter and tainted

The picture you painted to me I guess you're the only one that nobody changes I guess you're

The only one left standing when everything else goes down you're still the only one

Who will never change faces I guess you're the only one left standing

When everything else goes down just 'cause it's all in your head

Doesn't mean it has to be in mine don't believe what you said still can't get it out of my mind

I've tried to find myself in approval I've already been there already done that it got me nowhere

It brought me nothing but a good place to hide in no one to confide in now

I guess you're the only one that nobody changes I guess you're the only one who will never

Change faces I guess you're the only one


Lifehouse - Only One

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ENIGMA - Mea culpa


uf :palec: hard rain¨s gonna fall od dylana x:px že sto let nisn čula tega komada


xsingx .....oh where have you been, my blue-eyed son.....




Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

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Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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"ta" komad mi trenutn fuuul sede... just to... x;)x

kaksno vezo ima tle neki, kr ves da vem? :inocent: x:Xx

bom bom... crtala iz seznama vse kr mi "skoduje" (ko bom mela cas bom crtala pa se pokojne)...


mix teh 2 je tud :2src:


ßoDi ło K@r §i... DrUgih J€ ił@k z€ Pr€v€c !!!


life is a strange thing... just when you think you learned how to use it... it's gone...

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:palec: dober komad....




Ta je tud full dober:


Gušti in Polona-Vedno zame xsrcx



sexy besedilo......................

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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