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Its the dark night of my soul

And temptations taking hold

But through the pain and the suffering

Through the heartache and trembling


I feel loved

I feel loved


As the darkness closes in

In my head I hear whispering

Questioning and beckoning

But Im not taken in


I feel loved

I feel loved


From the depths of my emptiness

Comes a feeling of inner bliss

I feel wanted, I feel desired

I can feel my soul on fire


I feel loved

I feel loved



Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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If youve been hiding from love

If youve been hiding from love

I can understand where youre coming from

I can understand where youre coming from


If youve suffered enough

If youve suffered enough

I can understand what youre thinking of

I can see the pain that youre frightened of


And Im only here

To bring you free love

Lets make it clear

That this is free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love


Ive been running like you

Ive been running like you

Now you understand why Im running scared

Now you understand why Im running scared


Ive been searching for truth

Ive been searching for truth

And I havent been getting anywhere

No I havent been getting anywhere


And Im only here

To bring you free love

Lets make it clear

That this is free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love


Youve got to take this moment

Then let it slip away

Let go of complicated feelings

Then theres no price to pay


Weve been running from love

Weve been running from love

And we dont know what were doing here

No we dont know what were doing here


Were only here

Sharing our free love

Lets make it clear

That this is free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love

Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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What am I to you

Tell me darling true

To me you are the sea

Vast as you can be

And deep the shade of blue


When you're feeling low

To whom else do you go

See I cry if you hurt

I'd give you my last shirt

Because I love you so


If my sky should fall

Would you even call

Opened up my heart

I never want to part

I'm giving you the ball


When I look in your eyes

I can feel the butterflies

I love you when you're blue

Tell me darlin' true

What am I to you


Yeah well if my sky should fall

Would you even call

Opened up my heart

Never wanna part

I'm giving you the ball


When I look in your eyes

I can feel the butterflies

Could you find a love in me

Could you carve me in a tree

Don't fill my heart with lies


I will you love when you're blue

Tell me darlin' true

What am I to you

What am I to you

What am I to you

Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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Karmen Stavec x:px Ostani tu z menoj


Dogaja mi --- pa kr neki sem zacopana, kak čudn feeling žblj x:Ix x:Xx :flowerface:


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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