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paula cole - Wherever You are Lyrics



Time has come, what's done is done

It's time to move on

To another place, another space,

maybe circling some other sun

Don't ask why, don't ask how

I still can't explain

To say goodbye, goodbye for now till I see you again


In the sunlight that's where I'll be

In the moon night close your eyes, you will see me

In the sunrise in the twilight

I'll be the morning and the evening star

I will be there with you wherever you are


Life is strange, such joy and pain

The betrayal and the kiss

It maybe meant to be, maybe destiny

Leads us down a path like this

Child is born, true love is sworn

All the in-between

Well you walk on, walk on until the path is gone

Learning love is the only everything


So it's goodnight, things go wrong

but it's alright

We're all just passin' through here

At the speed of light





Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care. Blaise Pascal

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Heavy Metal is Our Religion - Metal slovenia :2src: :vragec:

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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Mladen Burnac & Angie-Jabuke i vino :2src:




xsingx Dobro veče dragi,

Uvek si rado vidjen gost.

Jabuke i vino čekaju,

I res prepečen tost.

U bašti mesec sija žut,

I laste več odlaze na jug,

A mi se vrtimo u krug.

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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Guest mačona

Tea in Sahara-Police xsrcx


My sisters and I

Have this wish before we die.

And it may sound strange

As if our minds are deranged.

Please don't ask us why

Beneath the sheltering sky

We have this strange obsession

You have the means in your possession.


We want our tea in the Sahara with you.

We want our tea in the Sahara with you.


The young man agreed

He would satisfy their need

So they danced for his pleasure

With a joy you could not measure.

They would wait for him here

The same place every year.

Beneath the sheltering sky

Across the desert he would fly.


Tea in the Sahara with you.

Tea in the Sahara with you.


The sky turned to black-

Would he ever come back?

They would climb a high dune

They would pray to the moon.

But he'd never return,

So the sisters would burn

As their eyes searched the land

With their cups full of sand.


Tea in the Sahara with you.

Tea in the Sahara with you..........

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Morda potrebuje človek čas enega življenja samo zato, da pridobi vrline, ki izničijo njegove napake iz prejšnjega življenja... Vrline, ki jih pridobimo in ki se počasi razvijajo v nas, so nevidne vezi, ki vežejo med seboj posamezne eksistence-eksistence, ki se jih spominja samo duh, saj materija nima spomina za duhovne stvari.



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Guest mačona

Včeraj sem od vratarja dobila nek CD s čudnim crazy funky jazzom. Pa nisem mogla dolgo poslušat, čeprav sem drugače nora na jazz. To je blo tu mač. Saj začetki komadov so dobri, pol pa začne kar neki cvilt in kot fliper una igrica, pa kkkkkkkrrrrrrr neki. x:Dx



Gianni Togni~Chissa se mi ritroverai


Hej, Aeval, po dolgem cajtu. xDDx

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