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...kupujemo stvari, ki jih ne potrebujemo, za denar, ki ga nimamo in vse to zato, da bi naredili vtis na ljudi, ki jih ne maramo...

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Look, it's me

The one who can't be free

Much too young to focus

But too old to see

Sometimes I wish

my face wouldn't use its freedom of expression

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and now I'm flying like an angel through the sky x:px



Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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...malo podoživljam petkov divjaški koncert že starih a še vedno prokleto živih agnostikov...orto je pokal po šivih in čakal, da se podre...podrl se ni (bilo je pa blizu)



...kupujemo stvari, ki jih ne potrebujemo, za denar, ki ga nimamo in vse to zato, da bi naredili vtis na ljudi, ki jih ne maramo...

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boze mili..zdaj se pa res starega samo, da po kar nekaj letih spet gledam headbanger's ball, se oldije danes vrtijo...pravkar bilo:


Poison: Unskinny bop :wOOt:


aaaaaaaaaaaaa...pravkar vrtijo




i soooooo miss my hair


sh*t, no...hocem time machine... :cry:


Tesla: Stir it up

Sometimes I wish

my face wouldn't use its freedom of expression

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caked up and faked up,

she's obsessed with the outside.

nothing earned, too afraid to fail.

so she leads a hollow life void of insight

loving what you see, but you fear what you think

because of your mind and your body

there's a missing fucking link

that leaves you vulnerable, susceptible to pain

you're a garden of potential submerged in the rain


i said true beauty, cant be seen, with the eyes


ARMED, armed with a mind

i'm gonna strengthen my action with thought

make use of the gift i got

and walk fearless because i'm armed-with-a-mind

a weak offense when you step to this

mind over matter is power over fists

i walk fearless because i'm armed with-a-mind


i walk fearless with a mind far greater than just a fucking fist.


spineless and mindless. you flex your muscles and not your fucking head

a deep man with a strong point made without one thoughtful word said?

"huff and puff", the fierce fists will do the talking

cant speak for yourself so your "crew"'s with you walking

tell me whats worth fighting for...

and it better be something greater than an evening of the score


boy, your true strength sleeps behind your eyes!


its the absent minded fool who's afraid to think,

to extend an open hand,

to dare to earn a thing.

its the gift inside our heads not to take for granted..

because an unexamined life is a seed unplanted.

as the animals, they cant reason

but as humans we can.

so are you just a wild animal or a rational man?

our bodies bring us nowhere, might does NOT make right.

theres a gift inside your head

...kupujemo stvari, ki jih ne potrebujemo, za denar, ki ga nimamo in vse to zato, da bi naredili vtis na ljudi, ki jih ne maramo...

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