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Hvala,hvala Lisbona...


Bil sem kar precej zaposlen s sabo ,z drugimi,...ampak sedaj sem spet tu...


Ta pa je zate:Phill Collins- Againts All Odds



Hvala! :vio:





Dear Lie


Get outta my mouth

Get outta my head

Get outta my mind

Stop puttin words in my head

Get outta my mouth

Youre nothing but trouble

Get outta my life

Get out of me

Out of me out of me

Out of me

Out of me lie

Lie lie lie lie

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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a tebi je kdo na rep stopil, al si po novem VolkuljaRezalka? :P





za lahko noc spet nekaj malo bolj umirjenega :)



Sometimes I wish

my face wouldn't use its freedom of expression

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Bijelo dugme-lipe cvatu


x:Dx :palec: :palec:


Padaju zvjezde... xsrcx

Čeprav nam je veliko vzeto, veliko še ostaja. In čeprav nimamo več tiste moči ki je nekoč premikala nebo in zemljo, smo kakršni smo, istih junaških src od časa in usode oslabljenih,
vendar z neomajno voljo boriti se, iskati, najti in ne popustiti.

Lord Alfred Tennyson - Ulysses

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speak the truth don't you dare lie to me

I've seen it all before you disagree

the way you always attack all the things that you say

the way your turn your back and then you walk away

shut your mouth and open up your eyes

you better take your time and try to realize

that no one's free from sin and when I look at you

I scream within WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

you raise yourself up to a higher degree and look down in disgust at our misery

you're no better than your enemy

but it's easy to hate what you just can't be

don't deny the fact that you're a mortal man

you can't escape from death when it's close at hand

don't sit upon a pedestal and raise your voice

if you're to deaf to listen to the peoples


truth tell me the truh the truth motherfucker

tell me the truth tell me the truth tell me the truth

the truth you sucker

you play us out and you take us all for fools

but I never understood who even made the rules

I'll make my stand against supermacy

cos hypocritical goverments threaten me

I know you ain't blind and I know you're aware

but your ego's to big for you to even care

the doors are wide open but your eyes are closed

you're unable to look any further than your nose

you open your mouth and all I hear is lies

you keep spreading your message that I despite

because the game you're playing is so easy to see

it's just another repeat of our history

you talk about peace it's a very strong word

it's always being said but it's never been heard

hi-tec weapons are here to reasure it

but I've never seen a time when they've done a shit for it


kick it to me now cos I just can't figure

take a small mistake and make a small one bigger

equality's a word have you ever even heard it

I guess not and you don't deserve it

turning your backs on the problems that surface

I get a feeling that you're doing it on purpose

your mide is SLIME so please resign

you can't control your own life don't try to tule mine


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Goddamn my man you see I can't understand

Why you wanna say Nigger to your brother man

Taking black pride then you call yourself a Nigger

Don't bring yourself down cos it just don't figure

Take a look at yourself and your history

You don't look like a goddamn Nigger to me

It's a negative world and the white man made it

Gave you a name to dominate and trade it

Making blood money of his very own race man

And all of this because the colour of your face man


Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger


Placed and educated in a neighbourhood of crime

Taught from the beginning that you weren't worth time

Liquorstore and gunstore next to one another

With only one purpose so you all kill each other

Leaving one less problem to worry about

That's the way they do it this is how it turns out

And justice for all with the American goverment

I wanna know where all the goddamn money went

We didn't see it and it didn't do no good

I guess you couldn't give a fuck about a black neighbourhood


Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

You're the real Niggers,

You're the real Niggers,

You're the real Niggers


There's always gonna be fanatical minorities

The ku klux klan and fucked up authorities

Conservative cunts and religious preachers

I don't care cos they ain't our teachers

Living a life they say is free from sin

Then they judge another person by the colour of their skin

I feel ashamed of myself I'm a white human being

Surrounded by suckers to afraid to be seeing

There ain't such a thing called superior race

And there ain't nothing special 'bout colour of your face

You've got a one way ticket to a dead end street

The pressure is on so feel the heat

Media pollution is a very bad solution

Hypocriticat hype is your only contribution

So leave us alone and give your brothers some space

Cos you're a lousy contribution to the human race

Nigger Nigger ...

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Ali se vam alkohol gnusi? Ste morda alegični na droge? Se vam zdijo Harmonike dolgočasne? Ste potrebni....dobrega HardCora?


Samo za vas ta vikend 2.5.08...IGNITE na Metelkovi!

...kupujemo stvari, ki jih ne potrebujemo, za denar, ki ga nimamo in vse to zato, da bi naredili vtis na ljudi, ki jih ne maramo...

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tender x:o)x



Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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