astroMATRIX 2. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 2. november 2005 How was your natal horoscope taken away from you? True Skies versus the Horoscope for the Mob People born with Sun in Virgo are being told they are “Scorpio by birth”. After a lifetime of being treated as “Capricorn ascendant”, the woman discovers Pisces rising in her natal sky. Her true sky, not the “horoscope”. Get your True Natal Skies back with True Astrology. Astrologers all over the world don’t have the slightest idea of their own natal Sun position. Many of them will die thinking they were “Scorpio”, die in the Virgo way. Many of such astrologers were writers. You believed in them. But they actually hardly knew the position of their own natal Sun, Moon, ascendant and house placement. They were not entitled to know such things as known only to astronomers, and even to this day there are almost no astronomers at all in position of being properly informed about the zodiac, much as there is no astrologer able to determine the ascendant with accuracy. This is very bad for astrology and astronomy as well, but is very good for the devil and ruling dynasty. Your right to know your true natal ascendant as well as the real position of your natal planets has been taken away from you. They took your natal skies and gave you a substitute, a broken toy, the 12 signs. Take your natal horoscope from the hands of the devil. Get back your true natal skies, your mission, true joys and private life from “astrologers” who lied to you! Your birthright is to know who you are. This birthright includes the position of your natal planets and ascendant. A child is born with Hydra rising, Moon in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans, Venus in Orion, Juno in Scutum and Pluto in Serpens Cauda. Was your child born on Aug 4th 2004? Will it be born in August 2007 with Venus in Hydra? Will you put your trust once more in people who are bound to die without ever getting to know their own true Sun position at birth, the “astrologers”? The ruler of this planet is often known as the Lord of this World. This comparatively recently established inorganic tyrant deliberately avoids definition albeit exposed in such works as the Holy Bible, Buddhist holy books, Zen and Carlos Castaneda. While our interest is exposing the devil, we shall focus on the field of astrology. Astrology has always said to be of the devil. Let us inspect why. The devil lies by default. The deceiving dynasty keeps the mob ignorant by default. The man in the crowd is not entitled to know one’s true ascendant, position of the planets and thus fate. Fate is like the orbit of the planet. You are not entitled to know your natal horoscope. Unicorn may be setting in a prince’s horoscope. While this is true of the recent prince, the last unicorn may not be far as Monoceros could be your descendant, too. Torej z katerimi planetami smo rojeni in kateri astrološki program NASA ponuca ta hip. How come one is assigned "Scorpio sunsign" when his Sun is in Virgo? Why does your program "interpret Capricorn ascendant" with Pisces rising? How come a nation like the U.S.A. manages to hide its reptilian ascendant? All the people you know have their horoscopes calculated absolutely wrong and that has been going on for quite a long time since Egypt. Why do astronomers denounce astrology, Vedic, sidereal and tropical including? How is the ascendant calculated for this epoch? What is in the astronomic zodiac? This questions have been asked and answered. Why are you denied your natal skies, true destiny and private life? The five examples in this little publication know everything about misplaced skies, right and wrong ascendants and true Sun position. Citiraj True Zodiac True Ascendant Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Amis 2. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 2. november 2005 How was your natal horoscope taken away from you? True Skies versus the Horoscope for the Mob People born with Sun in Virgo are being told they are “Scorpio by birth”. After a lifetime of being treated as “Capricorn ascendant”, the woman discovers Pisces rising in her natal sky. Her true sky, not the “horoscope”. Get your True Natal Skies back with True Astrology. Astrologers all over the world don’t have the slightest idea of their own natal Sun position. Many of them will die thinking they were “Scorpio”, die in the Virgo way. Many of such astrologers were writers. You believed in them. But they actually hardly knew the position of their own natal Sun, Moon, ascendant and house placement. They were not entitled to know such things as known only to astronomers, and even to this day there are almost no astronomers at all in position of being properly informed about the zodiac, much as there is no astrologer able to determine the ascendant with accuracy. This is very bad for astrology and astronomy as well, but is very good for the devil and ruling dynasty. Your right to know your true natal ascendant as well as the real position of your natal planets has been taken away from you. They took your natal skies and gave you a substitute, a broken toy, the 12 signs. Take your natal horoscope from the hands of the devil. Get back your true natal skies, your mission, true joys and private life from “astrologers” who lied to you! Your birthright is to know who you are. This birthright includes the position of your natal planets and ascendant. A child is born with Hydra rising, Moon in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans, Venus in Orion, Juno in Scutum and Pluto in Serpens Cauda. Was your child born on Aug 4th 2004? Will it be born in August 2007 with Venus in Hydra? Will you put your trust once more in people who are bound to die without ever getting to know their own true Sun position at birth, the “astrologers”? The ruler of this planet is often known as the Lord of this World. This comparatively recently established inorganic tyrant deliberately avoids definition albeit exposed in such works as the Holy Bible, Buddhist holy books, Zen and Carlos Castaneda. While our interest is exposing the devil, we shall focus on the field of astrology. Astrology has always said to be of the devil. Let us inspect why. The devil lies by default. The deceiving dynasty keeps the mob ignorant by default. The man in the crowd is not entitled to know one’s true ascendant, position of the planets and thus fate. Fate is like the orbit of the planet. You are not entitled to know your natal horoscope. Unicorn may be setting in a prince’s horoscope. While this is true of the recent prince, the last unicorn may not be far as Monoceros could be your descendant, too. Torej z katerimi planetami smo rojeni in kateri astrološki program NASA ponuca ta hip. How come one is assigned "Scorpio sunsign" when his Sun is in Virgo? Why does your program "interpret Capricorn ascendant" with Pisces rising? How come a nation like the U.S.A. manages to hide its reptilian ascendant? All the people you know have their horoscopes calculated absolutely wrong and that has been going on for quite a long time since Egypt. Why do astronomers denounce astrology, Vedic, sidereal and tropical including? How is the ascendant calculated for this epoch? What is in the astronomic zodiac? This questions have been asked and answered. Why are you denied your natal skies, true destiny and private life? The five examples in this little publication know everything about misplaced skies, right and wrong ascendants and true Sun position. vse lepo in prav...ker sem po naravi radovedna in me take stvari rada vedla kako je s tem pri mi nič ne pomaga. ker: znam tega zračunat ...še če bi znala, ne vem kaj katera pozicija pomeni....niti kaj je z aspekti, pa tranziti in vsem podobnim... bi pa bilo zanimivo vedet.... Citiraj you see things; and you say WHY?but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
myrjam 5. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 5. november 2005 Ojla!A ni vsak horoskop samo približek odvisen od naše moči zaznavanja. Vse ostalo so samo bolj ali manj dobrodošli pripomočki? Samo preblisk ob čitanju teh strani. Citiraj "Vse materialno je le navaden odsev duhovnega"...človek ni le skupek celic, je tudi odraz svojih misli...Martin Kojc Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 7. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 7. november 2005 Pa je res! Kdo si ti punca? Sklepaš enostavno pa učinkovito, se mi zdi. Ah Amis enostavno vporabi SKYGLOBE.EXE Tisti kateri NE znajo RAčunat prav gotovo niste Vi... A ti nisem nardil horoskop tedaj? There has been quite a mess in the past 2000 years which accounts for wrong calculation of every horoscope on the planet and here's some order. The zodiac is astronomic. The ascendant is corrected for precession. In short, nothing remains the same. Except for you? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Bern 7. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 7. november 2005 Še vedno si najmočnejši prav v DEGRADACIJI in SRAMOTENJU astrologije, v drugem si pa ali neodrejen in zabluzen ali pa prešibak. Škoda. Ful energije gre za to. Je pa verjetno dobro, da vse to zmečeš ven, te vsaj raneslo ne bo ... Vrednosti (uporabne) pa v dveh letih še nisi pokazal. Za razliko od nekaterih ASTROLOGOV tukaj. Kar nekaj astrologov. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 7. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 7. november 2005 Je pa verjetno dobro, da vse to zmečeš ven, te vsaj raneslo ne bo ... Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Amis 7. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 7. november 2005 Pa je res! Kdo si ti punca? Sklepaš enostavno pa učinkovito, se mi zdi. Ah Amis enostavno vporabi SKYGLOBE.EXE Tisti kateri NE znajo RAčunat prav gotovo niste Vi... A ti nisem nardil horoskop tedaj? There has been quite a mess in the past 2000 years which accounts for wrong calculation of every horoscope on the planet and here's some order. The zodiac is astronomic. The ascendant is corrected for precession. In short, nothing remains the same. Except for you? si!...sam brez pozicij in tega....sam razlaga nekaterih reči....pol si pa s sklepanjem in razmišljanjem ne morem glih pomagat......zaznave, sej, mogoče so tako vse sam izhodišča za razmišljanje o sebi, samospoznavanje in te reči....kot itak vsaka stvar v lajfu..... Citiraj you see things; and you say WHY?but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
sedna 7. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 7. november 2005 Mislim, da gre za bistveno teoretiziranjem in zaznavanjem.Med teorijo in vpeljavo teorije v zivljenje.Lep primer je bila Bernova razlaga Astridinega vprasanja, ali bo imela otroke. Razlaga horoskopa se je koncala z napotkom naj bere knjige o psihologiji in to je bilo to, poleg nekaj namigov o odnosu z materjo, ki so lahko cisti kiks, ce clovek ni sposoben videnja karte.Najprej videti, potem pretresti navlako.Definitivno so mi Claudijeve razlage astrologije bolj vsec kot razlaga astrologov, ki se cutijo oblatene. Zakaj neki se cutite tako? Ste preverili vso teorijo na vas samih, ste uspeli predvideti kak dogodek z astrologijo, ste se uspeli z njeno pomocjo spremeniti? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Bern 7. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 7. november 2005 Imaš popolnoma prav, Sedna. In ker tule ne morem delati disertacij, si najboljše prišparam za čase, ko se doma pogovarjam z ljudmi, ki prihajajo z resnimi težavami. In še nikomur nisem porinil psihološke knjige v roke. In karta je pred njimi. In zelo pogosto zijajo, kaj vse se vidi. Je pa res, da če HOČEŠ, lahko tudi moja izvajanja vidiš tako kot jaz Claudiova. Nekateri drugi ne, ampak vsi imamo svojega malarja. In da moje poste HOČEŠ gledati tako, me sploh ne moti, čeprav tega nisi naredila prvič. Eni so z mojim načinom zadovoljni, drugi pa ne. In? Kam bi pa prišli, če bi vsi mislili enako? Ali pa na astrologijo vse gledali tako kot Ananta ... (Malo morda moti, ker si ali njegov odvetnik (saj se on ne spušča tako nizko, da bi odgovoril nam, ki mu kaj napišemo, pa naj je to zbadljivo ali pa resno) ali pa to tematiko izrabljaš za špikanje mene, ne da bi on pri tem karkoli imel. Ampak ni problema anede.) Če te pa kdaj zagrabi, da bi poskusila poiskati, ZAKAJ te nekaj močno zaj* v lajfu, pa ne moreš ven, pa lahko prideš k meni, pa bova pogledala, tako kot pri stotniji drugih. In boš zaradi umetnije vpogleda v simbole samo zijala. Tako kot stotnija drugih. Lahko pa tudi ne, seveda. Kakor želiš. Pozdravček! Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
sedna 7. november 2005 Prijavi Deli 7. november 2005 Nisem nikogarsnji advokat, mislim, da je vsak upravicen, da kometira po svoje. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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