Kabalist 8. januar 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. januar 2006 Hja, malce težka bo. Bardon je razvil precej samosvoj sistem zahodnega okultizma. Imam njegovo knjigo v obdelavi. Citiraj BODI POZOREN IN PREPOZNAJ. kO PREPOZNAŠ, OČISTI SVOJE OKNO IN DOVOLI BOŽJI VOLJI, DA SIJE SKOZI TVOJO VOLJO. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Samson23 11. januar 2006 Prijavi Deli 11. januar 2006 ..kdo je pa zbrisal mojo iniciacijo v to temo???? Citiraj You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.Frank Zappa Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Kabalist 11. januar 2006 Avtor Prijavi Deli 11. januar 2006 tega ti vsaj jaz ne znam povedati, Ko sem odprl, sem našel zgolj naslov brez besedila. Pa sem dal komentar, da stvar oživim. priporoča, da še enkrat napišeš. Citiraj BODI POZOREN IN PREPOZNAJ. kO PREPOZNAŠ, OČISTI SVOJE OKNO IN DOVOLI BOŽJI VOLJI, DA SIJE SKOZI TVOJO VOLJO. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Weezard 20. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli 20. marec 2006 Pred kratkim sem odkril njegovo knjigo IIH ter slišal veliko pozitivnih mnenj o njegovem načinu poučevanja. Študiram... Citiraj --==[ x X x ]==-- Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 26. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli 26. marec 2006 Bardonova Iniciacija v hermetizem je ena od knjig, iz katerih sem se največ naučil. Mam pa še dve njegovi knjigi (Ključevi za pravu kabalu in Praksa magijske evokacije), ki pa jih nisem niti prebral, saj so enostavno "drugačne". Kabale itak ne šmirglam, s priklici raznoraznih inteligenc se mi pa tud ne ljubi zajebavat. lalala Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 6. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 6. december 2007 Te dni se dogovarjam za odkup copyrighta za Bardonovo prvo knjigo Iniciacija v hermetizem. Ker je prevod že narejen (le še za lektorirati), jo bom izdal nekje marca 2008. la Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 6. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 6. december 2007 Franz Bardon me asocira na unga Burdona od Animalsov, pa žiher se je kaka kreatura iz Alan Forda ponašala s podobnim imenom ala Krebeck, Gruber, Bardon, Bergam Bergam, Kartoffeln in Burt Stamberg Bardonov Frenk je tok dobr avtor, da mi nau nikol jasn, kako da se praktično noben pisec ne sklicuje nanj al pa d bi ga kj citiru, al pa kj tazga. Drgač je bil pa kljukec - kadil je 60 čikov na dan, pol en let ni nič kadil, da bi mal treniral voljo, po preteku leta pa spet 60 komadov na dan. Ampak unmu tipu iz Alan Forda, k je bil tak mlakonja, da se nikakor ni znal ubit, probal pa je tud z intenzivnim kajenjem, ni segel niti do kolen. lalala Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 6. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 6. december 2007 prvic slisim zanj tudi ti ga nisi se nic omenjal, nos... ceprav to, da se jaz ne spomnim, se nic ne pomeni...imam pa na sreco vsaj osnove alana forda. knjiga, juhej! Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Indy 10. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 10. december 2007 pa žiher se je kaka kreatura iz Alan Forda ponašala s podobnim imenom ala Krebeck, Gruber, Bardon, Bergam Bergam, Kartoffeln in Burt Stamberg aha pozabil Stampel, Krupp in Kreuzer Oh ja....legenda med legendam.... Najbolj mij v spominu ostal un citat ko gre za pogovor med žensko in Bob Rockom, pa prav ženska njemu : Šta je ti prljavi štakore sa nosom kao gora,šta se praviš mladiča, barem ti je 40 godina(pa zmer so ga mel posod za klinca, tle kej pa hotu iskoristit mu pa ni ratal).... x:Dx Enostavno ne morš bolj napisat v nobenmu drugmu jeziku kokr je srbo-hrvatski Legenda med legendam Bergam bergam hehe še na sefu gor je pisal k gaj Sir Oliver spizdu z jahte.... No nazaj na temo Franz Bardon.Who Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Kabalist 11. december 2007 Avtor Prijavi Deli 11. december 2007 Bardonov Frenk je tok dobr avtor, da mi nau nikol jasn, kako da se praktično noben pisec ne sklicuje nanj al pa d bi ga kj citiru, al pa kj tazgaBardon je dal v javnost kar veliko tega. Nihče ga ne citira, ker daje predvsem čisto tehnične napotke z malo modrostmi. On je pač praktik in ne filozof, kot je mnogo zahodnih avtorjev. Ko imaš njegove knjige, moraš delati. pri tem delu lahko dosežeš zavidljive rezultate, če ti njegov sistem ustreza. Poznam kar nekaj ljudi, ki jim lepo uspeva. Bardon pač ne želi ustvarjati neke nove filozofije, temveč zgolj okultno prakso. V tem je odličen. Citiraj BODI POZOREN IN PREPOZNAJ. kO PREPOZNAŠ, OČISTI SVOJE OKNO IN DOVOLI BOŽJI VOLJI, DA SIJE SKOZI TVOJO VOLJO. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Indy 12. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 12. december 2007 Sm si dovolu en copy past narest in Wikipedije.Zanimiv možakar.Celo zaprt, ker ni hotu sodelovat pri nacističnih okultnih zadevah. December 1, 1909 – July 10, 1958). Born in Opava in Czech Republic. Bardon was both a stage magician and student and teacher of Hermetics. During World War II Bardon was at one point held in a concentration camp for refusing to participate in Nazi Mysticism. Bardon was rescued by Russian soldiers who raided the camp. Bardon continued his work in the fields of Hermetics until 1958 when he was arrested and imprisoned in Brno Czechoslovakia. Bardon died in 1958 after consuming bacon which caused his death of pancreatitis.[1] [2] He is best known for his three volumes on Hermetic magic. These volumes are Initiation Into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Quabbalah. Additionally there was a fourth work attributed to him by the title of Frabato the Magician, supposed to be a disguised autobiography. Though the book lists its author as Bardon, it was actually written by his secretary, Otti Votavova. While some elements of the story are factual, the majority of the book was written as an Occult Novel with much embellishment on the part of Votavova.[3] Bardon's works are most notable for their simplicity, their relatively small theoretical sections, and heavy emphasis on practice with many exercises. Many consider him to have written the best training programs of any magician of the 20th century. They were written with the intention of allowing students who wished to practice magic the means to do so if they could not study under a teacher (which Bardon recommended if possible).Contents[hide] * 1 Metaphysics * 2 Initiation Program * 3 Evocation * 4 Kabbalah * 5 Criticisms of Bardon's Work * 6 References * 7 See also * 8 External links [edit] Metaphysics Bardon's metaphysical system commences with Initiation Into Hermetics and is expanded on in the subsequent volumes. The highest reality is the akasha, which is associated with both God and the platonic "world of ideas", and which gives rise to (and binds/balances) the four elements of earth, fire, air, and water. These four elements make up the sum of all forces and processes in each of the three worlds. Bardon also posited "electric" and "magnetic" forces, which are used more as terms for the universal active and passive forces, respectively. These are expressed in the positive and negative aspects of the four elements. Air and earth are both considered pseudo-elements as they arise only out of the interaction of fire and water (this view is probably a variation of the cosmology of the Sepher Yetzirah). The three worlds or "planes" are as follows: the mental plane is the highest reality, save for the undivided akasha, and is the true and eternal ego. Where the akasha is in a sense the world of ideas, it is the mental plane that sets these ideas in motion. The astral plane is the next one down and contains the archetypes of the physical world and to some extent the vital energy behind it; the physical world is the lowest of the planes and requires little explanation. Each of these worlds forms a matrix for the world below it. Since humans also have three bodies corresponding to their presence in each of the three worlds, severing the link between any two of these bodies will cause the dissolution of the lower forms (or death). Such things as astral projection are still possible as they only involve loosening the hold between the bodies. Humans are considered to be special because they alone are "tetrapolar", or inherently containing all four elements. This concept is the basis of much of Bardon's training, which requires developing deficiencies and coming to a proper tetrapolar balance -- only then could the initiate progress spiritually. Bardon repeatedly emphasizes that the initiate can only develop an understanding of himself and his universe within the scope of their awareness and spiritual maturity. Thus the more balanced, more evolved student has access to a more comprehensive reality and more magical power. BOOKS Initiation into Hermetics Initiation into Hermetics provides step by step instruction in the form of practical exercises. These exercises lead to the development of body, soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student, in as far as he can change his existence for the better. The Practice of Magical Evocation The Practice of Magical Evocation is Franz Bardon's second volume of The Holy Mysteries. In magical terms, the book is a practical guide to the proper evocation of and communication with spiritual, magical and divine entities. It is perhaps the only truly significant modern study of direct contact with the universal teachers -- the other major works in the field are products of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation periods. But beyond that, there is a fascinating glimpse into a complete magical universe. Bardon outlines a totally new and original hierarchy of magic, from the spirits of the four elements to those of the various planets, and even to each degree of the zodiac. Included with the names and descriptions of the various entities are a collection of previously unknown magical sigils, as well as a true account of ancient astrology. The Key to the True Kabbalah In The Key to the True Kabbalah, Franz Bardon demonstrates that mysticism of letters and numbers -- the true Kabbalah -- is a universal teaching of great antiquity and depth. Throughout the ages, adepts of every time and place have achieved the highest levels of magical attainment through the understanding of sound, color, number and vibration as embodied in the Kabbalah. This book, the third in Bardon's remarkable texts of Hermetic magic, is nothing less than a practical guide to such attainment. The Golden Book of Wisdom This is but a fragment of a manuscript Franz Bardon was working on but never completed. This book was supposed to have concerned the fourth leaf or trump card of the Tarot (the Emperor). To our great loss, there remains no complete transcript of the work, but was does remain, is very intriguing. Frabato the Magician Though cast in the form of a novel, Frabato the Magician is in fact the spiritual autobiography of Franz Bardon, one of the 20th century's greatest Hermetic adepts. Frabato was the author's stage name during his career as a performing magician, and it is Frabato who occupies center stage in the novel as well. Set in Dresden, Germany, in the early 1930s, the story chronicles Frabato's magical battles with the members of a powerful and dangerous black lodge, his escape from Germany during the final desperate days of the Weimar Republic, and the beginning of the spiritual mission which was to culminate in Franz Bardon's classic books on Hermetic magic. More than an occult novel, Frabato the Magician is itself a work of magic which illuminates Bardon's other books as well as providing a revealing look into the dark occult forces which lay behind the rise of the Third Reich. [edit] Initiation Program Bardon's training system is comprehensive. 'Initiation into Hermetics' is divided into ten practical steps. The program further subdivides each step into three areas -- Mental, Astral, and Physical -- with the intent of developing all areas of the self simultaneously and in a balanced way. This is to ensure that the student maintain a balance of the three bodies, which accelerates progress in the long run and minimizes injury to oneself in the process of growth. Mental exercises begin with simple observation of the mental contents and progress from there, with each subsequent exercise building on the previous. The Astral exercises focus on systematically cataloguing the positive and negative aspects of the self and, later, transforming and purifying the negative aspects into positive. The Physical exercises stress physical health and development as well as the integration and use of the physical body and physical environment into magical techniques such as rituals. [edit] Evocation Bardon's second work, dealing with the evocation of spirits, outlined first the symbolic meaning of the traditional ritual tools and temple designs, then goes on to describe a method of evoking spirits. In essence, the magician creates an environment hospitable to the entity in the temple or other medium of contact. They then enter a trance, projecting their consciousness into the sphere of the entity in question, and call it back. Bardon emphasized two points about doing this sort of thing: first, that one must complete the necessary prerequisites of the training program or no success was possible; secondly, that the magician must call the spirit back under their "divine authority", not as a peer, otherwise they are liable to be manipulated by the entity. [edit] Kabbalah Some believe that Franz Bardon's third work doesn't seem to have its ideas as well developed as his first two. However they overlook that the first two works, that cover the first two tarots, is a pre-requisite to understanding and making use of the third work. Bardon himself says that it is "quite up to the reader to study my books merely theoretically. In doing so, he will acquire a knowledge which he would not ba able get from any philosophical book. But knowledge is not yet wisdom. Knowledge depends on the development of the intellectual features of the spirit; wisdom, on the other side, necessitates the equable development of all four aspects of the spirit. Therefore knowledge is mere philosophy, which by itself alone can make a man neither a magician nor a Quabbalist. A learned man will be able to say a lot about magic, Quaballah, etc., but he will never be able to understand the powers and faculties rightly. With these few words I have explained to the reader the difference between the philosopher and the sage" [The Key to The True Kaballah, Franz Bardon, copyright 1975, pages 12-13] The idea is that the True Kabbalah is not a mantic art, as some perceptions of it (primarily relating to gematria) suggest, but a method of empowering the letters of the alphabet to create magickal effects through their combination. Bardon links this to the Tantra of the east, but the basis of this comparison is not quite clear. Like his second book on evocation, the student must finish at least the first 8 steps of IIH to get any valid results or have equivalent training in a different system and avoid damage to the psyche which "...can cause a splitting of the personality, schizophrenia, with all its serious consequences." [bardon, 1975, Page 55]. Bardon expands on this real possibility with the following advice "...someone who wants to apply the methods on the use of genuine qaballah at once, out of mere curiosity or inconsiderateness, exposes himself to various dangers. For in practice he would get into contact with various powers which he would not be able to control and thus he would be in danger of ruining his health. Therefore, anyone not sufficiently prepared for this step is herewith warned in time."[The Key to The True Kaballah, Franz Bardon, copyright 1975, page 62] This damage to the psyche "...clearly shows how inexusable it is if writings of Oriental origin are interpreted incorrectly and translated literally in an intellectual language" as Bardon has "...put the greatest secret into the quabbalist's hands, as in the practical application of the fourfold key, the key of realization by the word. Thousands of years this secret has been guarded." [bardon, 1975, page 55 and page 112] [edit] Criticisms of Bardon's Work First, Bardon makes claims that the information he presents can be found in no other books, and that he is presenting the first full self-training program. A look at the time at which Bardon lived suggests that this is a somewhat baseless claim as Aleister Crowley published Liber ABA in 1913, about forty years before Bardon's books, and it contained comparable, if not greater, amounts of information and practical material, though perhaps more cryptic in form. This discrepancy can, however, be attributed to the different languages in which they wrote and the lack of available translations of certain material in Bardon's area. From another point of view, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn system of Magic is claimed to be different (in goal, fundaments and practice) from pure Hermetics Initiation by several students of Franz Bardon's work. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Kabalist 14. december 2007 Avtor Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 Bardonove knjige se dajo dobiti v Hrvaščini. Upam, da jih še imajo v kakšni zagrebški knjigarni. Citiraj BODI POZOREN IN PREPOZNAJ. kO PREPOZNAŠ, OČISTI SVOJE OKNO IN DOVOLI BOŽJI VOLJI, DA SIJE SKOZI TVOJO VOLJO. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 Bardonove knjige se dajo dobiti v Hrvaščini. Upam, da jih še imajo v kakšni zagrebški knjigarni. V srbščini in v hrvaških knjigarnah jih verjetno ni prav dosti. Sicer je pa za "normalne bralce" primerna itak le prva knjiga in morda četrta (ezoterični roman). Drugo in tretjo sicer imam, ampak sta tako odbiti, da si nimam z njimi kaj pomagati. V prvi pa dejansko prav vse, o čemer govori, zelo razumljivo razloži. Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Samson23 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 V srbščini in v hrvaških knjigarnah jih verjetno ni prav dosti. Sicer je pa za "normalne bralce" primerna itak le prva knjiga in morda četrta (ezoterični roman). Drugo in tretjo sicer imam, ampak sta tako odbiti, da si nimam z njimi kaj pomagati. V prvi pa dejansko prav vse, o čemer govori, zelo razumljivo razloži.men se zdi druga tut kar uporabna za interpretacijo astroloskih stopinj... Citiraj You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.Frank Zappa Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Kabalist 14. december 2007 Avtor Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 Nekatera Bardonova dela so dokaz, da je o opisih izkušenj misitčnih doživetij težko govoriti v človeku razumljivem jeziku. Citiraj BODI POZOREN IN PREPOZNAJ. kO PREPOZNAŠ, OČISTI SVOJE OKNO IN DOVOLI BOŽJI VOLJI, DA SIJE SKOZI TVOJO VOLJO. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 men se zdi druga tut kar uporabna za interpretacijo astroloskih stopinj... Po pravici povedano, že slabih 10 let je nisem vzel v roke in sploh se več ne spomnim, o čem govori. Kupil sem jo, ker sem pričakoval knjigo v stilu Iniciacje v hermetizem, a sem potem hitro povesil surlo, ko sem videl, da temu ni tako. Trenutno je niti nimam doma, saj sem jo posodil enmu tipu, ki na sociologiji dela doktorat iz magije. Obstaja pa še ena knjiga, za katero je, kolikor mi je znano, material zbral Bardonov sin. Šlo naj bi za vprašanja (ne vem čigava) in Bardonove odgovore nanje. Tudi ta je v srbščini. Sem jo skušal naročiti (skupaj s kupom drugih knjig), pa so mi iz založbe sporočili, naj jim pošljem keš, oni bodo pa potem meni knjige. Pri tem ti ne dajo nobenea predračuna. Zaenkrat se še nisem odločil, ali jim ga bom poslal "kar tako", ali pa bom izbral varianto, da mi knjige pač prinese kdo, ki bo šel po opravkih v Srbijo. lalala Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 drugic pa prej povej, jaz sem ravno danes nazaj ... pa se zase je nisem kupila, ker sem jo pozabila.so me pa fascinirali v Bg s temi knjigarnami....odprtimi pozno v noc, se na dan nedelje in polnimi...vsega! Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 drugic pa prej povej, jaz sem ravno danes nazaj ... pa se zase je nisem kupila, ker sem jo pozabila.so me pa fascinirali v Bg s temi knjigarnami....odprtimi pozno v noc, se na dan nedelje in polnimi...vsega! Razumem. Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 no, samo, da je jasno! Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 no, samo, da je jasno! Zaupal ti bom še eno drobno skrivnost. Lajf v veliki meri temelji na komunikaciji. Kako naj ti knihce naročim, če pa ne vem, da greš (oz. hodiš) v Srbijo.lalala Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 14. december 2007 Prijavi Deli 14. december 2007 Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ROGI 25. februar 2008 Prijavi Deli 25. februar 2008 V teh knjigah je bolj ali manj silno poproščena in verjetno preveč ohlapna intepretacija. Najbrž mora vsakdo sam interpretirati svoje sanje, saj poplava ne pomeni za vsakogar isto. Pomniti, zapisovati in interpretirati sanje je začetna stopnja. Zatem sledi nadzor sanj, zavest o sanjanju. Zadnje pa je, da se zbudiš in si buden v sanjah. Ampak pri tem je treba biti zelo previden. Ej, kabalist, Zanima me kaj vec stvari iz tvojega zornega kota, v zvezi astralne projekcije. Kako je kaj z izkusnjami, priporocila (razen kar ze vemo :delo delo delo)? Mail : astralvpraksi@yahoo.com. Zanima me tudi Okultizem kot sistem znanja in ne kot moč. V okultnih zadevah nisem bil nikoli globoko, poznam pa "tiste" ki so zelo IN. LP Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 18. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 18. marec 2008 Knjiga Iniciacija v hermetizem je fertik. Dons sicer nimam cajta, ampak jutri grem v tiskarno ponjo in jo začnem razvažat po štacunah. MPC v štacunah bo 24,55 EUR, za vprašat pa je Nosoroga, če obstaja varianta, da se jo dobi kaj ceneje. lalala Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tinka 18. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 18. marec 2008 (Nosorog, a je kje varianta, da se jo dobi kaj ceneje?) pa čestitke Citiraj Variety is the spice of life.Kdo lahko spremeni svet? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
nosorog 18. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli 18. marec 2008 (Nosorog, a je kje varianta, da se jo dobi kaj ceneje?) pa čestitke Je. Se bova slišala. Grem jih jutri iskat, pa ti eventuelno kakšno usput iz avta vržem. V knjigi so med drugim recimo tudi finte z zavestnim kreacijami elementalov, o katerih sem ta vikend nakladal v šoli. la Citiraj http://tadej-pretner.com Možni posledični izgredi so edini razlog, da poimensko ne navedem forumovca, ki ima železen zob! Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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