Aeval 10. maj 2010 Prijavi Deli 10. maj 2010 No, ni pijača,je pa za pokonc se spravit.Pa ne delam reklame, samo crkovinam skušam pomagat AirmenBeans. Glede na to, da sem jaz totalno odporna na kofe, me je en tak bonbonček povsem pokonc spravil. (Pr unih ala energijskih pijačah imam pa filing, da se jih človek kar navadi... Samo včasih deluje, včasih ne. Bolje torej le takrat, ko je res sila ) Tole pa o teh kavnih cukrih z neta potegnila:AirmenBeans Coffee to suck with stimulating GuaranaThe legendary stamina of South American pilots has been a mytsery for decades. After flying missions lasting hours on end, they still operating at unbelievably peak performance. These "Airmen" took a little secret with them when they flew into action: drop candy made from a traditionial recipe of guarana, coffee, cacao and sugar cane, packing a powerful punch. THE OLD INDIAN TRICKAs long as centuries ago, the Indians knew how to use the mysterious, invigorating powers of guarana, the ground and roasted seeds of a Brazilian liana plant.It's not magic but a caffeine concentration almost four times that of coffee which increases alertness, energy and stamina. The special tannins in guarana act to release the caffeine gradually and gently whithin the body. Unlike the quick boost that coffee provides, the effects of guarana last for hours.We've taken the original recipe and refined it with modern science. We've retained the original, stimulating properties and refined the taste.We've turned to the modern sugar substitute maltitol in place of the unhelathy pure sugar of yore. Our filler is natural gummi arabicum, the resin of an African acacia tree. HISTORICAL SECRETSToday's mouth-watering AirmenBeans come as the finest coffee-guarana lozenges, a singular experience for palate, spirit and body. AIRMENBEANS COFFEE-GUARANA LOZENGES TASTE GREAT AND PROMOTE ALERTNESS, STAMINA AND PERFORMANCE IN A MOST DELECTABLE WAY.And just so you know.... guarana preparations have been a staple of traditional Indian folk medicine for centuries - not only to increase performance, but also as an aphrodisiac. ENJOY YOUR SENSES........ Citiraj ... Say what you meanAnd mean what you say ... Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Aeval 25. september 2010 Prijavi Deli 25. september 2010 odločitev je še vedno vaša Citiraj ... Say what you meanAnd mean what you say ... Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Beli lotos 26. september 2010 Prijavi Deli 26. september 2010 Jaz imam guarano v prahu in jo uporabljam vendar ne za vsaki dan ampak samo kadar imam naporen dan ali neprespano noč. Je pa fajn ne poživi na hitro, recimo ob neprespani noči se ti potem čez dan ne spi in zbranost je boljša. Vsekakor bolje, kot energetski napitki. Čeprav s temi stvarmi po mojem mnenju ni za pretiravat,telo potrebuje tudi dovolj spanca in počitka, poživila tudi naravna so bolj za občasne prenatrpane urnike ali za kake nepredvidljive situacije. Citiraj Vsak mora sam poiskati resnico. Sokrat Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
moytsa 4. oktober 2010 Prijavi Deli 4. oktober 2010 jaz tega spijem dosti, ampak samo zato, ker ima dober okus, učinka name pa nima posebnega...Bolj mi odgovarja dobra kava..... Citiraj MI SMO DEL UNIVERZUMA, UNIVERZUM JE DEL NAS, VSI SKUPAJ SMO ZDRUŢENI V CELOTO IN SMO DEL DRUG DRUGEGA, KAJTI SKUPAJ TVORIMO PERFEKCIJO, KI JE NEPONOVLJIVA, TOREJ SMO VSI IN VSE ENO!!!!NI RAZLIK MED LJUDMI, NIZKIH IN VISOKIH LJUDI, NI RAZLIKOVANJA IN JE SAMO ČISTA BIT. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Guest sstane 5. oktober 2010 Prijavi Deli 5. oktober 2010 HELLO Mam eno malo prošnjo za vas. Prosila bi vas če si uzamete minutko časa in rešite tole anketo. Bili bi mi v veliko pomoč. Anketa je v zvezi z pitjem kave hvala klik na link Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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