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mmmmm x^x Končno se spet veselim ponedeljkov xDDx in zanalašč nočem gledat druge sezone naprej, da bom mela se s čim zamotit čez zimo.

A še kdo gleda?

Včeraj je bilo full dober, tale Ana je ena huda bejba ------> huda dobesedno :shuriken: Mater, da je glih ona ustrelila Shannon :eek:

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jest sm gledala prvo sezono, nisem spustila nobenga ponedeljka. x^x...skoz je kej dogajal, enostavni si moral gledat se naprej...druga sezona mi pa ni vec tolk kul, vse se prevec vlece in prepleta s preteklostjo....manjka tista prava akcija xokkx
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Jaz sem gledala 1. sezono in bila čisto navdušena.

Tako, da sem se obrnila na moje prijateljčke Torrente x:o)x in si z američani pogledala še 2. sezono.

Vedno slabša je. Glede na to, da so rekli, da jih bo 6. in da se bodo te bedarije vlekle še toliko sezon, dvomim, da jo bom sploh še gledala. 3. je zdaj v ZDA in me niti ne gane.

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
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Ja saj vem, jaz je niti ne snemam več. Mi je brezeveze, škoda cajta.

Imeli so dobro idejo, ampak ker tako vlečejo... :sori: Zadnji deli 2. so bili obupni. Ma pol druge...

Se Sawyer bo nehu igrat, ker se mu zdi brezveze...

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
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6 sezon mislijo tole vlečt :huh:

To je pa rem mal hudo. Men se II sezona kr gleda zaenkrat, če mi bo začela it na živce,bom pa verjetno res začela prehitevat, da bom vsaj kej mela od tega :D

Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have!
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Ja saj! 3 bi bile naprimer čisto dosti.

Po moje bodo začeli potem s kakšnimi romantičnimi bitkami ala beverly hills x:o)x Ne vem no.

Drugače me pa fuuuul zanima, kaj je fora tega LOSTA.

A ma kdo kako teorijo?

Jaz sem jih že ogromno slišala, butaste in malo manj butaste x;)x



Prison break sem gledala mičkeno, potem sem pa imela nesrečo in od takrat nič. Je pa moj čist zaljubljen v to nadaljevanko, tako da že mora biti kaj na tem x;)x

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
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Gledala Lost, obe sezoni, drugo kr predčasno, z američani, mam tud celo na dvd-jih. Prison break mam pa tud 1. sezono na dvd-jih, pa sm se enkrat spravla gledat, pa še vedno nism prvega dela pogledala. Lost mi je pa hud...tud po drugi sezoni. x:px
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Ma sej s tem je tko, kr gledaš... Recmo Stargate... je že 10 sezon, pa še Atlantisa 3... Pa sm vse gledal do zdej. Sem pa tja se najde kej novga, sicer je pa vse ŽE VIDENO. In verjetno folk gleda sam zato, da gleda - stvar navade.


Lost je pa tko. Ful hudo na zacetku. Sploh mi je vseč ko se uživiš v te osebe, v njihov položaj.. Kako so se spoprijemal z vsem skupej, probleme k so jih premagovali.. Nekej dobrih primerjav je tud blo not...


Kakšna bo pa 3. sezona pa tud mene zanima. Če se bo ta "vojna" nadaljevala bo brezveze.. Ker pa ni več stargate do marca, pa se zna zgodit, da bom gledal 3. sezono. To k je pa zdej po tv, sm pa glih dans posnel na DVDje :) (gledal pa takrat ko je blo v ZDA)


Včeraj je bilo full dober, tale Ana je ena huda bejba ------> huda dobesedno :shuriken: Mater, da je glih ona ustrelila Shannon :eek:

Sej njo bo pa Michael ustrelu... pol enkrat.. aja, nebi smel povedat.. :vragec:

"Če ni vetra, VESLAJ!" latinski

"Navada je navada. Ni je moč kar vreči čez okno. Valiti jo moramo po stopnicah, korak za korakom." M.Twain

"Kako pojesti slona? GRIŽLJAJ ZA GRIŽLJAJEM!!!" Colin Rose

Kaj je izvir stresa in strahu? Se zavedamo sposobnosti svojih lastnih možganov?

- Bodi to kar si; manj se boš oziral na mnenja drugih, bolje bo zate osebno.

Vse kar napišem je zgolj moje subjektivno mnenje in kot takega ga tudi vzemite. Prav tako ne ogrožam vašega obstoja, pač pa vam le podam pogled iz mojega zornega kota. Hvala za razumevanje..

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Pa še unedva bo razneslo...



Lost S3-01: 348.83 MB Seeds 7750 Leechers 2928

Kr velik, največ kar je sm vidu pr stargate okol 25000 x:Dx

"Če ni vetra, VESLAJ!" latinski

"Navada je navada. Ni je moč kar vreči čez okno. Valiti jo moramo po stopnicah, korak za korakom." M.Twain

"Kako pojesti slona? GRIŽLJAJ ZA GRIŽLJAJEM!!!" Colin Rose

Kaj je izvir stresa in strahu? Se zavedamo sposobnosti svojih lastnih možganov?

- Bodi to kar si; manj se boš oziral na mnenja drugih, bolje bo zate osebno.

Vse kar napišem je zgolj moje subjektivno mnenje in kot takega ga tudi vzemite. Prav tako ne ogrožam vašega obstoja, pač pa vam le podam pogled iz mojega zornega kota. Hvala za razumevanje..

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sori x:o)x x:o)x


od tretje sezone sm gledu samo 1. del.... drugi zdj pride vn...

Jack, Kate in Sawyer so ujetniki tistih pof**anih "The others", ki zdj delajo eksperimente z njimi... predvsem psihološke..več ti pa ne povem x:px da ti vsega ne pokvarim

aja ne pozabmo spet Jackove backflash-e, ki jih je polno :vragec:


Kul...đeki je kr fejst. x:px ej, kaj če b ti tole vse zdavnloudu, pol, k bo pa cela sezona fertik, pa men pošlješ po dvd-jih. :inocent: x:px x:Dx x;)x

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Sem se trudila 2x neki gledat pa sem po 10-ih minutah obupala. Čist mi je mim tale nadaljevanka. Mogoče če bi mi še kdo razložil v čem je fora, da se tam podijo po nekem gozdu, kva sploh dogaja, kaj se jim je pa zgodl, kdo jih lovi, anything??? xnckrivx


A charioteer fights alone; it moves from one place to the next, water to land and back again - conscious and unconscious, Earthly and spiritual. The Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds!

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Strmoglavl so na en otok in tm se dogajajo čudne in nepojasnjene stvari. In skoz dele spoznavaš zgodbe vseh udeležencev (zeloooooo zanimive zgodbe) in počas se razkrivajo pizdarije a otoku. pa mal se lupčkajo, kregajo, strelajo...fajn je, res. :vio:
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Tale Lost lahko primerjam z McDonaldsom... sem gledal zadnjič doku in se lepo vleče vzporednica. Kot hamburgerji... ko ga nimaš si tečen, ko ga dobiš si v rožicah, na koncu pa zboliš x:Dx x:px x:Dx


To so filmi za preganjanje dolgcajta... če res ni nič drugega za počet... če je njiva že "preštihana", "japke" obrane, nobene pametne knjige nikjer, človeka ne, polna luna in človek ne more spati... potem gleda Lost x:px


Skratka, lep ovitek brez vsebine :palec:

Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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Sej njo bo pa Michael ustrelu... pol enkrat.. aja, nebi smel povedat.. :vragec:




:wOOt: Nehite govort kwa bo naprej, a ste nori ? x:Dx Čist ste mi že preveč povedal, čeprou to sem že brala, da se v 3. sezoni bolj skoncentrirajo na ''the Others''

Včeri sem že mela miško na sprožilcu, da si naročim 2. sezono na DVDju - ena čudna sila me je zadržala, da je nisem xNNx


~°~ komaj čakam, da bo ponedeljek ~°~

Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have!
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Epizoda na sporedu v ponedeljek 16.10. xDDx

The Other 48 Days


We open on a gorgeous tropical island tableau, which feels like we're watching one of those beer commercials - until the tail section of Oceanic Flight 815 comes hurtling out of the sky and crashes into the water.That's when the chaos begins - flaming pieces of fuselage and injured passengers everywhere, just as in the very first episode.There are some familiar faces: Bernard, Libby and Cindy.We recognize Eko, carrying a young girl named Emma from the water as her brother looks on, terrified.And we recognize Ana Lucia, who administers mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a desperate effort to save Emma, who coughs up water and cries for her mother.Ana Lucia promises Emma that she will see her mom again real soon - a promise that loyal viewers know will not soon be fulfilled, because this is Lost and these people have crashed on the very same island where our regulars have been stranded for 48 days.


As we watch those 48 days unfold from the viewpoint of these tail section survivors, we learn that their existence has been very different from the one we've seen so far.


These people have been under attack and of the 23 that initially survived the crash, only four will make it.


The first attack happens at night, when they awake to a brutal struggle coming from the jungle near their camp.They run out to discover Eko holding a rock over the bodies of two strangers, his hands covered in blood.He falls silent at the murder, while Ana Lucia emerges as a leader.She examines the bodies to find they have no keys, wallets or shoes.These people were obviously here before them.And while they deal with the terrifying fact that they are not alone on the island, three other survivors go missing.


The survivors bury their dead, forage for food and water and fashion weapons as defense.But it does little to help them, because a second attack comes close on the heels of the first and this time, they take the children.Ana Lucia pursues the attackers and ends up killing one of them during a struggle.She searches the body and finds a list of names and descriptions of every person who has been taken thus far.


Ana Lucia concludes that someone amongst them is an enemy.Evidence points to Nathan - who seems to spend a lot of time away from the group and whom nobody remembers from the plane.Ana Lucia takes it upon herself to dig a hole and throws Nathan inside in an attempt to find out the truth.But when Goodwin lets him out, only to kill him seconds later, we realize that Nathan was not the culprit and that Ana Lucia is literally sleeping with the enemy.


The group continues to move and come across a bunker with the familiar Dharma logo and a radio inside.Ana Lucia and Goodwin hike to higher ground to try the radio.And while they're hiking, we realize that Ana Lucia is engaging in an interrogation of sorts.It becomes a game of cat and mouse until Ana Lucia pieces together the puzzle and makes the one statement that definitively exposes Goodwin as an Other - he wasn't wet when he came out of the jungle.He was never in the ocean.


And for the first time we get the point of view of an Other - they take out the strongest first - the "good people" - and then the children, who he claims are better off now.


Goodwin admits to killing Nathan because he knew that Ana Lucia would have eventually figured it out and set her sights on him.Ana Lucia lunges at Goodwin and a struggle ensues.Goodwin falls back onto Ana Lucia's spear, dead - which the observant few will recognize from Episode 205.She returns to the bunker and declares that they are safe now.Ana Lucia finally lets her guard down and has a well-deserved cry, while Eko breaks his forty days of silence.


And that's when our two worlds begin to collide as we catch up to present day: Boone's distress call comes over the radio, and Bernard responds with, "We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815"; Jin washes ashore, followed by Sawyer and Michael; Michael, Jin and Sawyer are thrown into the familiar hole; the Others take Cindy; and finally, the fateful encounter with Shannon in the jungle that ends in a deadly gunshot.


x:px x:px Cool bo tale del. :palec: :palec:

Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have!
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