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Tale Lost lahko primerjam z McDonaldsom... sem gledal zadnjič doku in se lepo vleče vzporednica. Kot hamburgerji... ko ga nimaš si tečen, ko ga dobiš si v rožicah, na koncu pa zboliš x:Dx x:px x:Dx


To so filmi za preganjanje dolgcajta... če res ni nič drugega za počet... če je njiva že "preštihana", "japke" obrane, nobene pametne knjige nikjer, človeka ne, polna luna in človek ne more spati... potem gleda Lost x:px


Skratka, lep ovitek brez vsebine :palec:


:palec: tebe full rada berem nimbus... x;)x


Jz sem tud gledala un dokumentarec Super size me..Zanimivo,ni kj..Sicer me pa ni preveč ganlo, ker jz sploh ne jem hitre hrane ,no mogoče enkrat na 3 mesece 1 hamburger...Pa McDonalds sovražim...





Jz sem prvo sezono gledala,zdj te druge pa ne več..Dolgočasno je postalo vse skupi..Ne dogaja se več tolk,ponavljajo se,predolgo se vse skupi vleče ,...

Pa zakaj ta debeli faconar Hugo al kaj je nič ne shujša??Mislim,halo,to je samotni otok,pa ja nimajo ravno hrane v izobilju ali pač???

In zakaj so vse bejbe tolk uštimane in vedno imajo sveže oprane lase in full so skockane glede na pogoje na otoku,pa tipi tud vedno obriti..Doben ni zaraščen ali kaj podobnega...


Dolgcajt vglavnem... :xx!:

Nikoli ne verjemi tistega, kar ti govorijo oči.Kažejo ti samo omejitev.

Richard Bach

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xg:Dx Hugo ja , lohk bi ga vsaj mičken pobral. Pa veliko kovčkov so našli, še posebej Sun ima kar lepo garderobo sabo xrolleyesx , pa Kate ma vsaj ene 5 parov jeansa :palec: Lock je bolj revček, pa Sayid :sori: kar se cunj tiče. Čeprav je Sayid vedno oblečen v vsaj semi-army look, torej ima tudi zalogo :inocent:
Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have!
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Men so šli takoj na začetku flashbacki tud na živce, zdej me pa zanimajo, ker lohk full stvari zveš iz njih ......... kako so vsi nekako povezani med sabo! xscratchx xyesx
Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have!
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:eek: xrolleyesx x:Dx :vragec:

J***bo vas... :vragec:

Ste me zdražil s temi izgobljenimi... :vragec: x:Dx

Gledal 2 sezono na DVD(od Pikice... xDDx xsrcx )

Samo to je že... xrolleyesx ...dva al tri mesece nazaj... x:Dx

Bom še enkrat, da mal osvežim spomin... x:Dx

Pa na muli iščem 1 sezono al pa vsaj začetek.

Da vidim kako se je sploh začel vse skupej... x:Dx

Čeprav nam je veliko vzeto, veliko še ostaja. In čeprav nimamo več tiste moči ki je nekoč premikala nebo in zemljo, smo kakršni smo, istih junaških src od časa in usode oslabljenih,
vendar z neomajno voljo boriti se, iskati, najti in ne popustiti.

Lord Alfred Tennyson - Ulysses

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:palec: tebe full rada berem nimbus... x;)x


uh, sem vesel xredx

Potovati! Izgubljati dežele! Biti nenehno drug, biti v duši brez korenin, živeti samo za zrenje!

Ne pripadati niti sebi! Iti naproti, slediti odsotnosti tega, da bi imeli cilj, in tesnobe, da bi morali nanj priti.

Tako potovati, je potovanje. A na njem sem, ne da bi mi bilo treba več kakor sanje o prehajanju. Ostanek sta zemlja in nebo.

Fernando Pessoa

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Jaz sem pa pogledala obe sezone v šusu, po službi kot obsedena za računalnik in zjat Lost. Juhu.. tko je blo.. zdej sem pa pogledala 2 dela tretje sezone in sta brevezna oz. tok že vlečejo za nos, da se ne da več gledat.. sam še zapletajo. Brezveze. Razočarana!
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Pogledal prva dva dela 3. sezone. Zdej so pa lih narobu;al bodo naredil en ful dober zasuk, al pa zasral vse skup. No ja, tretjega bom še pogledu :inocent:

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just like there are well-dressed fools.

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Če koga od ljubiteljev LOSTA zanima sodelovanje pri novem spletnem portalu te serije (slo fan portal) naj se mi javi preko zasebnega sporočila. Dobrodošli so vsi - tako tisti, ki serijo spremljajo na POP TV kot tisti, ki jo spremljajo preko interneta. Potrebujemo vse!


Zainteresiranci mi torej pišite preko zasebnega sporočila.



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Moram updejtat mojo temo :P


Epizoda na sporedu v ponedeljek 23.10. xDDx



While Ana Lucia is trying to process what she sees in front of her, Sayid is slipping further and further towards insanity.For him, even on this island, Shannon represented hope.Hope for a chance to feel whole again -- and maybe even to be happy.So as she dies in his arms we can understand his desire to punish the one who took her from him.And as he draws his own weapon and moves to it's all Mr.Eko can do to subdue him before Ana Lucia can knock him out.Armed with Sayid's gun now and with her adrenaline running at full speed, Ana Lucia makes it very clear that she is in charge.


In FLASHBACK we learn Ana Lucia has experience with a gun&from both sides earned during the course of her work as an officer in the LAPD.Turns out, she was born to be a cop and wearing the shield is a family business.We shed some light on the world that shaped Ana Lucia into person she is now.Like most lessons, she learned about the dark side of human nature the hard way.And it's a lesson that nearly cost Ana Lucia her life.

Back on the island, Ana is being besieged on all sides: Sayid is awake now and demands to be freed from his binds, his mind consumed with thoughts of revenge.Michael and Jin argue furiously to take Sawyer back to their camp before they have another death to explain.Knowing he is closer than he has ever been, Bernard is desperate to reunite with Rose.But the time for discussion is over and Ana takes the hard line.The only question is how long the fragile threads of her control will last.


The first to defy her is the last one we would suspect.Eko picks up Sawyer's unconscious body and goes to leave, telling Ana this is something he has to do.Not for Sawyer's sake, but his own.Perhaps buoyed by Eko's move, Bernard makes an impassioned plea to push on.He and Libby have been talking -- they want to know why they're waiting.They want to know the plan.Ana has had enough.She's kept them alive for 48 days and now they want to leave her?Okay then&fine.


Ana Lucia tells Michael to go back to his camp and bring her back some supplies: food and clothing, more ammunition and a bag to put it all in.

She'll be fine -- she's better on her own anyway.And when Jin leads everyone else on the last leg towards an emotional reunion, we are left with just her and Sayid.Very calmly, Sayid asks her if she is going to kill him and admits if he were in her place that's precisely what he would do.But what she ends up doing is even more extreme.


She lets him go.


And when she drops the gun at Sayid's feet, stopping just short of asking him to exact his vengeance and kill her, it is the undeniable truth of Sayid's response that does all the damage&


What good would it be to kill her, if they are both already dead? :onfire:

Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have!
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